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Negotiation, an important facet of business, is an iterative and complex process. Depending on the nature of business and the type of transaction, negotiation criteria, duration and complexity vary widely. An intelligent software agent... more
The Job selection process in today's global economy can be a daunting task for prospective employees no matter their experience level. It involves a detailed search of newspapers, job websites, human agents, etc, to identify an employment... more
Knowledge management (KM) represents a topic of considerable current interest. However, the majority of extant KM research treats knowledge as a static object that can be acquired, stored and retrieved through information technology. Two... more
This paper describes the application of an organic programming language Gaea in programming complex and flexible multi-agent systems. We consider a soccer game as an example. Using organic programming, we can program soccer players in an... more
this paper we introduce ourinteractive movie system by focusing on how weachieved an integration of narrative-based and spontaneousinteractions. Also, there is the important question:what is the objective of creating interactive... more
This paper explores the role of gaze in coordinating turn-taking in mixed-initiative conversation and specifically how gaze indicators might be usefully modeled in computational dialogue systems. We analyzed about 20 minutes of videotape... more
Abstract. Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks are a serious problem in the present-day Internet. We consider the design of a scalable agent-based system for collecting information about the structure and dynamics of DDoS attacks.... more
Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) model is well suited for describing agent’s mental state. The BDI of an agent represents its motivational stance and are the main determinant of agent’s actions. Therefore, explicit understanding of the... more
This paper describes efforts directed at the simulation and control of autonomous vehicles and pedestrians for use in driving simulators scenarios. It describes the use of artificial intelligence interactive systems, and the concepts of... more
In the health system inefficiency leads to poor use of scarce expensive resources. Lengthy patient treatment waiting time can result from inefficiency in scheduling. The use of state-of-the art multi-agent and distributed computing... more
This paper introduces AntNet, a new routing algorithm for telecommunication networks. AntNet is an adaptive, distributed, mobile-agents-based algorithm which was inspired by recent work on the ant colony metaphor. We apply AntNet in a... more
In this paper, we propose a novel, secure, and intelligent IoT approach based on agent, we have implemented in the health care domain, where we developed an intelligent patient monitoring system for monitoring the patients heart rate... more
This is a book chapter from R. W. Gehl & M. Bakardjieva (Eds.). (2017). Socialbots: Digital Media and the Automation of Sociality. Routledge. This essay examines the power differentials between humans and vocal social agents, such as... more
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are a fast-emerging area of interest in the domain of large-scale communication networks. However, design of novel WSN applications requires first developing models and performing extensive simulation.... more
Decision making both on individual and organizational level is always accompanied by the search of other's opinion on the same. With tremendous establishment of opinion rich resources like, reviews, forum discussions, blogs, micro-blogs,... more
Institutions of higher learning such as universities have been positively influenced by the internet which has facilitated learning and teaching. Likewise, this same internet can also support student lecturer appointments, but currently... more
"Este trabajo de investigación se origina a partir de un proyecto realizado en la institución relacionado con un agente conversacional corpóreo, ya que actualmente el uso de los Agentes Conversacionales Animados ha ido creciendo. Estos... more