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Our aim is to test if the leverage and the debt maturity of Chilean firms quoted in the stock market are related with their growth opportunities, their ownership structure and the environment in which they operate. We perform an empirical... more
The properties of the firm are crucial starting points for developing theories on economy and management. The aim of this study is to propose a general theory of the social organization of production, mapping the essential conditions for... more
Although the small business sector as a whole is achieving phenomenal growth, an important concern in the field has been identifying the problems, challenges, and success characteristics associated with the prudent growth of individual... more
In this paper, the strategic financing choices of small businesses are examined through the lens of the business life cycle. The growth of small and medium-sized firms, i.e., those most vulnerable to information and incentive problems, is... more
Discretionary slack, along with entrepreneurial orientation (EO), are vital to the growth and long- term survival of small firms. This research combines a Penrosian view of growth with structural contingency theory to develop and test a... more
In recent years, management scholars and practitioners have been advocating a more prominent role for business in economic and social development at the “Base of the Pyramid” (BoP) where more than a billion people subsist on less than two... more
This study investigated how debt management impacts the performance of small scale enterprises in the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana. In total, 120 small scale enterprises were interviewed. The study showed that most small scale businesses... more
ABSTRACT. Since 1980, the United Kingdom has experi- enced a dramatic growth in firms and employment in information-intensive business services, such as management consultancy and market research. This article reports the results of the... more
abstract  This paper argues for the important role of customers as a source of competitive advantage and firm growth, an issue which has been largely neglected in the resource-based view of the firm. It conceptualizes Penrose's (1959)... more
Overtime, the policy to enhance financial inclusion at the national and household or individual levels has coincided with the increasing need for non-farm enterprises in addition to mainstream farming due to climate change and as an... more
Encouragés par les responsables politiques et économiques à développer davantage leurs activités, les dirigeants français des entreprises familiales de petite taille en semblent comme empêchés. De multiples obstacles exogènes sont... more
In this paper, the strategic financing choices of small businesses are examined through the lens of the business life cycle. The growth of small and medium-sized firms, ie, those most vulnerable to information and incentive problems, is... more
The advent of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has brought about a remarkable change in executing majority of human and business activities which includes media firms. The growth of these firms depends to a large extent... more
This paper presents the research results on the impact of real effective exchange rate (REER) on Indian firm performance. The analysis is based on a multivariate regression model, for the time period from 1 Dec 2011 to 1 Dec 2012 for the... more
The overall topic of the thesis is small and medium-sized enterprises and firm dynamics. Mozambique has experienced sustained high GDP growth rates but limited structural transformation and poverty is still widespread. The Mozambican... more
This paper presents the research results on the impact of real effective exchange rate (REER) on Indian firm performance. The analysis is based on a multivariate regression model, for the time period from 1 Dec 2011 to 1 Dec 2012 for the... more