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Sarfraz Khan
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Quaid-i-Azam University 45320, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • +923005309614
Domestic violence is one of the leading issues across the world in the current era. Number of families are suffering because of these issues and the magnitude is on the rise. It can affect not only the partners but at the same time the... more
Domestic violence is one of the leading issues across the world in the current era. Number of families are suffering because of these issues and the magnitude is on the rise. It can affect not only the partners but at the same time the next generation can also suffer a multilayer. It can exist without any distinction in geographic region whether rural or urban. The situation of every region in terms of domestic violence is not so distinct from the other. The current research study aimed at recognizing types of violence and to trace its impact on the lives of married women residing in Islamabad, who were subjected to violence. A sample of 120 married women was purposively interviewed. Most of the respondents faced physical abuse from their husbands. Result of hypothesis testing indicates that significant relationship prevails among domestic violence and its effects on the lives of married women.
A novel coronavirus (Covid-19) spread across Pakistan and exerted its effects directly or indirectly on everyone including children at early ages. Thus, Covid-19 lockdown enforced parents to engage their children especially at Agah... more
A novel coronavirus (Covid-19) spread across Pakistan and exerted its effects directly or indirectly on everyone including children at early ages. Thus, Covid-19 lockdown enforced parents to engage their children especially at Agah Walidain-Informed Parents (AW-IP) Program under Rupani Foundation (RF) Pakistan and at Early Childhood Development (ECD) level with technological gadgets at home. To explain the phenomena, parental perceptions on their children's use of technology in terms of its positive and negative effects, during Covid-19 pandemic lockdown period, were explored. Employing cluster sampling technique, a total of 150 private ECD school teachers as parents of the children, less than 9 years of age, were selected from Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) as a sample of the study. A self-structured questionnaire, developed on five-point Likert Scale, was self-administered to collect the required data. The data were analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Both Descriptive (percentages and frequencies) and Inferential (independent t-test) statistics were applied. The findings of the study revealed that 93% of parents believe that technological gadgets have positive effects on children. 92% of parents responded that during covid-19 technology was used at the extreme level. Whereas 88% of parents believe that excessive use of technological gadgets can be harmful to children. The study recommends that parents need to educate and supervise their children's activities and limit their access to technological gadgets to reduce its negative effects.
The curriculum is the most grounded device to transmit and transform the way of life, values, and convictions of the society to the students. At the point the children enter the school, the pictures of the male and female depicted in... more
The curriculum is the most grounded device to transmit and transform the way of life, values, and convictions of the society to the students. At the point the children enter the school, the pictures of the male and female depicted in books, solidify their ideas about gender bias and such gender stereotypes shape the mental framework of the students and leave an everlasting effect on the social outlook of the students. Children develop a certain sense of perception and personality while reading such books. The text, words, and pictures in the books leave a permanent blueprint in their mind and they organize their behavior along the patriarchal line, represented in the books. In the textbooks, male-dominant ideology has been used to construct reality in such a way that serves the interest of men in a society. There is a latent and manifest nexus of power and language which favors the patriarchal values. Gender ideologies apparent in the books are also embedded in children's pictures, mass media, and even clothing. There are also more males characters and heroes than females characters and heroes in the textbooks of Urdu and English. All prominent leaders of the Pakistan movement are males and only one female leader, Fatimah Jinnah, has representation in the books but that too in her capacity as sister of the founder of Pakistan Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
The present study aimed to develop model of perceived threats to religious minorities and their intentions to migrate from Pakistan. We selected 275 respondents randomly from District Multan. Structure equation model revealed that social,... more
The present study aimed to develop model of perceived threats to religious minorities and their intentions to migrate from Pakistan. We selected 275 respondents randomly from District Multan. Structure equation model revealed that social, cultural and religious threats were associated with intentions of migration among minorities. Social threat, consisted of life insecurity, hostility of majority and social exclusion, is stronger predictor of intentions to migrate from Pakistan (p<.001). Additionally, it was suggested that government officials should encourage cross-religious participation to produce culturally pluralistic communities in Pakistan. The law enforcement agencies should control extrajudicial murders of minorities and promote national collectiveness regardless of religious diversity.
The current paper highlights the traditional food delicacies available in various parts of Balochistan province in Pakistan. An emphasis is given to the traditional food production and consumption with an especial focus on the role of... more
The current paper highlights the traditional food delicacies available in various parts of Balochistan province in Pakistan. An emphasis is given to the traditional food production and consumption with an especial focus on the role of culture and the festivities in the food preparation and consumption. The current research was conducted by using ethnographic research techniques such as; (a) key informant interviews (KIIs), (b) participant observation method (POM), and (c) in-depth interviews (IDIs) to get a comprehensive understanding about the food preparation and eating patterns in the sampled region. The ethnographic data reveals that most of the food is in practice since ages and the Baloch people process and consume in the same way as it had been done by their forefathers. The Baloch people feel it pride in cooking traditional delicacies for their guests and on special occasions. The food is prepared with full zeal and zest and consumed with sheer joy.
The current study examines the impact of technological gadgets on the children's socialization in the context of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. A closed-ended self-structured questionnaire for data collection was designed and applied in the... more
The current study examines the impact of technological gadgets on the children's socialization in the context of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. A closed-ended self-structured questionnaire for data collection was designed and applied in the field. The data were analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Both Descriptive (percentages and frequencies) and Inferential (Correlation) statistics were applied. The finding of the study showed that children were more engaged with the usage of technological gadgets. A majority of the children has knowledge regarding technological gadgets and use for more than four hours on daily basis. On the other hand, parents were aware of both the positive and negative impacts of technological gadgets on their children's socialization. Interestingly, parents found a positive relationship between excessive use of technological gadgets and virtual socialization of children. Furthermore, usage of technology has limited children's activities inside the house, less active in community engagements and sometimes showing aggressive behavior on keeping them away from the technological gadgets. The study recommends that parents need to educate and supervise their children's activities and limit their access to technological gadgets in order to focus on physical socialization of their children so as to reduce negative effects of technological gadgets.
Objective: To investigate the impact of road safety practices (RSP) by the drivers and its relation to the general public health and safety. Methodology: This survey comprised of 475 drivers from the three cities i.e. Gilgit, Skardu, and... more
Objective: To investigate the impact of road safety practices (RSP) by the drivers and its relation to the general public health and safety.
Methodology: This survey comprised of 475 drivers from the three cities i.e. Gilgit, Skardu, and Chilas with the help of quota sampling technique. Illiterate drivers were interviewed face-to-face while the educated drivers were handed over questionnaires for self-filling. Both descriptive and
inferential statistics were used as data analysis to see the frequencies and the association between selected variables through SPSS version 21.
Results: Majority of drivers had no proper driving knowledge; they observed negative attitudes toward traffic rules and regulation. Such attitudes of the drivers are a greater threat to the public health and safety. The inferential statistics also showed a positive correlation between selected variables such as RSP and road traffic accidents (RTAs) in GB.
Conclusion: RTAs are not only threat to the drivers but also affect the general public safety and health. The government of GB should impose strict restrictions on the drivers to control this menace for the sake of general public health and safety.
The purpose of the study was to explore the perceptions of elementary teachers of social studies about teaching global issues using a gender perspective lens. Employing random sampling technique, a total of 110 public elementary school... more
The purpose of the study was to explore the perceptions of elementary teachers of social studies about teaching global issues using a gender perspective lens. Employing random sampling technique, a total of 110 public elementary school social studies teachers (60 males and 50 females) were selected from Gilgit as a sample of the study. Aself-tailored questionnaire,developed on five-point Likert scale, was self-administered for data collection purpose. Both descriptive (Mean, SD, frequency, and percentage) and inferential (independent sample t-test) statistical techniques were employed using SPSS. The results revealed that teachers prioritize education and literacy, terrorism, war, conflict, health, poverty, and human rights issues as the most important global issues. Majority of the teachers agreed that global issues have multiple effects. The teachers also had contradictory perceptions about global issues as theyperceived that global issues would be resolved in the future and wouldget worse in future. The researchers recommend introducing more issues-based education at elementary level.
Purpose-In rural communities across Pakistan an increased proclivity can be observed towards Sufi shrines visitation and ritual performance. People normally pay visits and give donations at shrines in a bid to... more
Purpose-In  rural  communities  across  Pakistan  an  increased  proclivity  can  be  observed towards  Sufi  shrines  visitation  and  ritual  performance.  People  normally  pay  visits  and give  donations  at  shrines  in  a  bid  to  accommodate  their  spiritual  needs.  The  migrants (transnational  devotees)  having  strong  connections  to  the  home  communities  were inclined  towards  the  Sufi  shrines  in  the  same  way  as  their  relatives  back  homes. Design/methodology/approach-The  current  research  was  conducted  in  district  Gujrat which is famous forboth the international migration and veneration of Sufi shrines. For this research, ethnographic fieldwork was conducted by using a) in-depth interviews, b) case  studies,  and  c)  focus  group  discussions  from  the  community  members  having knowledge  about  migration  and  shrines.  The  selection  of  the  respondents  was  made through  the  use  of  purposive  sampling  with  a  specific  criterion  as  only  international migrants, their left behind families‘ de facto heads and the custodians of the Sufi shrines were taken as respondents. The rationale behind their selection was very simple as they can  better  explain  the  bond  between  migrants,  custodians  and  shrines  even  after  the relocation from the origin to destination.Findings-The findings showed that a strong affection can be seen among migrants, their families  and  the  shrines.  They  were  paying  visits  to  the  shrines,  performing  rituals  and giving donations for the functioning of shrines. Originality/Value-This  paper  has  focused  on  one  of  the  issues  which  normally  had been missed  by  mainstream  migrant  researchers.  So,  keeping  in  view  the  dearth  of existing  knowledge  base  on  this  issue,  the  current  paper  aim  to  add  on  to  the  body  of knowledge related to therole ofspiritual guidance in the process of migrants.
In its 50th edition of key indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2019, the Asian Development Bank reports that Pakistan with $21 billion remittance ranks 5th in the top 10 remittance sending countries of the world. The inflow of remittances... more
In its 50th edition of key indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2019, the Asian Development Bank reports that Pakistan with $21 billion remittance ranks 5th in the top 10 remittance sending countries of the world. The inflow of remittances helps the families of migrants and community in the broader context to improve their conditions and lives at many levels; (a) family’s wellbeing and (b) community relationship and development. The migrants normally send remittances for families in the first instance to accommodate their daily essential needs and additionally to spend paying back loans, make savings and finally make safe investments in order to receive continuous income in future. But in many cases these remittances remained focused and consumed in non-productive activities, a pattern that has been observed in case of many developing countries around the globe. This is probably due to the fact the families suddenly find themselves in a situation where they have liberty to move from poverty stricken conditions to a more benevolent change. In the case of community development, the remittances of the migrant workers are allocated in the shape of funding to a number of planned activities such as health, education, roads, sanitation, water supply etc. This research was conducted in Karrianwala village in Gujrat district of Pakistan with an aim to investigate the impact of foreign remittances on the community development that comprises of small or large enterprises for the overall wellbeing of the people. In this particular village the foreign remittances were evidently effective in improving the community situation, especially in installation of water supply, pavement of streets and sanitation during 1990s. Although, these projects were planned out and started out by a development committee comprising of conscientious and responsible members chosen by consensus from all major biradary [Urdu: Community] groups, financial support of Gujrati diaspora living across the world provided the much needed impetus for development. The researchers conducted an ethnographic fieldwork to collect data by using In-Depth Interviews (IDIs) technique from a set of respondents including: (a) members of the village development committee, and (b) the heads and elders of left behind families having at least one active migrant member who contributed financially to these developmental activities. In addition, two Key Informants (KIs) were also taken on board to get their detailed perspectives on the issues at hand and additionally they also validated the information collected through IDIs. The results showed a positive correlation between the inflow of foreign remittances and community development.
The current research was conducted in Dara Adam Khel, Pakistan to explore the structure and procedure of the informal social justice system- commonly known as Jirga. The war on terror made it imperious for tribal Pakhtuns to bring back... more
The current research was conducted in Dara Adam Khel, Pakistan to explore the structure and procedure of the informal social justice system- commonly known as Jirga. The war on terror made it imperious for tribal Pakhtuns to bring back their chaotic lives on the right track to achieve economic prosperity and peace in the region. Pakhtuns residing in Pakistan have been suffering from this tempestuous situation since decades. Terrorism has brought the social structure to standstill. Due to the war on terror, the Jirga system has experienced a serious setback. The Jirga system has served the Pakhtun society as a complete code of conduct in maintaining peace and harmony. The data was collected through Focus Group Discussions, Key Informant Interviews and In-Depth Interviews. Majority of the respondents were aged between 45 to 70 years and they were selected through purposive sampling technique.
Every year, approximately one million children become victims of abuse by peers, teachers, parents and Ustad (master or the head mechanic). The Ustad sodomize these children at workshops, where they come to gain skills, and earn for their... more
Every year, approximately one million children become victims of abuse by peers, teachers, parents and Ustad (master or the head mechanic). The Ustad sodomize these children at workshops, where they come to gain skills, and earn for their families’ livelihood. The purpose of this study was to analyze the nature and intensity of child abuse in automobile workshops in Islamabad, and to know the self-perception of these victimized children about such actions of their masters. The social learning theory, which is the most applicable theory to study child abuse, explains that the abuse is learned through actions and observations. The masters learned the abusive behavior from their masters, and thus the vicious cycle goes on from one generation to another in the same pattern. The researchers have used the qualitative research approach, and the data were collected from ten (10) automobile workshops in Barakahu, Islamabad, through semi-structured in-depth interviews (IDIs) with the children and their masters. The findings of the research showed that children with ages ranging  from 14 to 17 years, work as trainees for more than 11 hours a day, at different automobile workshops in Islamabad, where they fall victim to physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. They faced abuse frequently, but they were unable to complain anywhere, as they deemed it the right of their masters to abuse them. Only a small portion of the respondents accepted the fact that, they have faced sexual abuse in addition to physical and emotional abuse. There is no such formal way through which physical and sexual abuse can be prevented. The majority of the respondents stated that as long as they are under the tutelage of the masters, they can tolerate the abuse, because masters teach them with skills and know-how. Once, they become masters themselves, they  get rid of this ill-treatment. The master and some children accomplice in the abuse have a positive impact on children’s learning process, and the parents of these children also encouraged the masters to punish their offsprings during trainings, so they can become perfectly skilled and knowledgeable by the end the target period.
The marriage festivities in Gilgit-Baltistan are culturist as well as kaleidoscopic in nature, envisaging multi ethnic groups residing at short distances but practicing common ethos. The rituals are harnessing the indigenous culture and... more
The marriage festivities in Gilgit-Baltistan are culturist as well as kaleidoscopic in nature, envisaging multi ethnic groups residing at short distances but practicing common ethos. The rituals are harnessing the indigenous culture and flourishing a peaceful and harmonized society. The present study aims to articulate the most mesmerizing and jubilant aspects of this enigmatic culture which entails a memo of unification in the society i.e. marriage ceremonies and the use of ornaments. To understand the prevalence of such marriage related rituals a historical method alongside ethnographic exploration was done. A mix method approach including a) key informants, b) focus group discussions (FGDs), and c) in-depth interviews was used for data collection. The selection of the respondents was mainly based on purposive sampling method. The target area for current research was District Astore in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan where the prevalence of discrete social segregation and ethnic divisions was perpetuating. Entailing a denser historical significance Astore remained the communication corridor between Gilgit and Jammu Kashmir region in the past and side by side having international standing due to its natural splendors which attract the tourists from all over the world. This article focuses on the entire account into a precise historical background, understanding of the geography, language, and major ethnic groups, the marriage rituals and the unique ornaments of marriage practices in Astore valley.
The purpose of our study was to determine the potential socioeconomic and demographic risk factors of diarrhea among children under five years. We analyzed data of Pakistan demographic and Health Survey 2012-13, total numbers of... more
The purpose of our study was to determine the potential socioeconomic and demographic risk factors of diarrhea among children under five years. We analyzed data of Pakistan demographic and Health Survey 2012-13, total numbers of respondents were 13558 whereas only those females were selected who have children under five years of age that reduced the sample to 7461 while 7049 were reported their children had experienced of diarrhea in last two weeks. The socioeconomic and demographic risk factors associated to respondents were compared among groups using logistic model and odd ratio. It was explored that respondents belonged to less hygienic household facilities (traditional source of cooking, traditional toilet facility and shared toilet facility) have reported diarrhea exposure among their children under the age of five years. It was found that children whose parents were using impure source of drinking water (OR=0.85, 95% CI, 0.70-1.03), traditional toilet facility (OR=0.79, 95% CI, 0.70-0.90), traditional cooking oil (OR= 0.80,95% CI, 0.71-0.89), have low or zero education (OR=1.40, 95% CI = 1.17-1.68), have less exposure to media (OR=0.80, 95% CI = 0.71-0.89), have toilet sharing attitude (OR=0.71, 95% CI = 0.60-0.85), living in urban areas (OR=0.84, 95% CI = 0.75-0.93), particularly in Baluchistan (OR = 0.50, 95% CI = 0.38-0.66) and Gilgit Baltistan (OR = 0.74, 95% CI = 0.56-0.98) are prone to the diarrhea exposure. A great deal of combined program including diarrhea awareness and availability of modern facilities are suggested to ensure in Pakistan particularly in Baluchistan and Gilgit Baltistan.
The post-Soviet war situation in Afghanistan pushed a large number of natives out of country mainly to the two neighboring countries, a) Pakistan and b) Iran. It is estimated that more than three million (both documented and undocumented)... more
The post-Soviet war situation in Afghanistan pushed a large number of natives out of country mainly to the two neighboring countries, a) Pakistan and b) Iran. It is estimated that more than three million (both documented and undocumented) Afghan refugees still inhabit in the different regions of Pakistan but most of them are concentrated in the borderlands adjacent to the Pakistan-Afghan border. The district Quetta houses a reasonable number of Afghan refugees since their arrival during 1980s. Afghan refugees are stigmatized as key actors in different kinds of crimes in the district Quetta. For the current research study 150 respondents were approached and responses were enumerated with the help of a well-structured interview schedule. For the selection of the respondents a purposive sampling method was used. The respondents were asked about the possible involvement of Afghan refugees in different crimes. In people's perceptions some of the Afghan refugees were actively participating in the following types of crimes in the city: a) terrorism, b) kidnapping, robbing and looting, c) killings, and d) drugs trafficking. They further highlighted that there is a positive association between the lower economic conditions of Afghan refugees and their involvement in the crimes. Rational choice theory was used in this research.
Europe has experienced a high level of legal or illegal migration in recent years. Among those arrived in Europe without authorization and those who already lived three, the number reach into the millions, though together they make up a... more
Europe has experienced a high level of legal or illegal migration in recent years. Among those arrived in Europe without authorization and those who already lived three, the number reach into the millions, though together they make up a small share of Europe's total population. Regular or irregular migration is a global phenomenon, with movements both within nations and internationally across borders. The current article aims at exploring the prevalence of irregular migration from Pakistan to Europe and the main actors behind this hideous disorder. The main focus has been paid to the upper Punjab, especially the two adjacent districts of Mandi Bahauddin and Gujrat, which remained the epicenters of the irregular migration to Europe since many decades. The presence of migrant handlers, (commonly known as agents) their fraudulent practices, and their illicit connections with the transnational network made it convenient to lay a web to trap the young population aspiring to find employments in unknown destinations.
Current research was conducted in the village Toru in District Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The main objective of this research was to understand Pakhtun society through matal (proverbs) with special emphasis on Tarboorwali... more
Current research was conducted in the village Toru in District Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The main objective of this research was to understand Pakhtun society through matal (proverbs) with special emphasis on Tarboorwali (agnatic rivalry) and cousin marriages. Tarboorwali (agnatic rivalry) and cousin marriages are indispensable part of Pakhtun culture. People express their distinct cultural identity and ideal Pakhtun behaviour through the expression of proverbs on various occasions. So, with the help of proverbs one can easily understand the worldview and perceptions of the people about Pakhtun customs, traditions, social institution, the ideology, and belief system. The matals were used as a daily activity and were interpreted in the socio-cultural context to understand the way of thinking and behaving. One can easily understand the feelings, aspirations, and customs and traditions of the Pakhtuns and how all these become meaningful in social discourse. One can understand the significance of social institutions such as Tarboorwali (agnatic rivalry) and cousin marriages by interpreting matals through discourse analysis.
This research paper focuses on the research findings regarding health belief systems, faith healing and modern biomedical healthcare systems prevailing in the Village Zandra, District Ziarat in the province of Balochistan. An effort has... more
This research paper focuses on the research findings regarding health belief systems, faith healing and modern biomedical healthcare systems prevailing in the Village Zandra, District Ziarat in the province of Balochistan. An effort has been made to find out the health care systems working in the village which included both beliefs and perceptions related to health and illness and also the activities which natives have adopted or developed to maintain and restore their health. Initially the natives were using traditional and spiritual healing systems but now as their economic condition and literacy rate is increasing they are more inclined towards the modern methods of treatment. During the last 3 decades many changes have been witnessed. Awareness through media and shift from subsistence to market economy has increased the use of allopathic medicines due to which the natives have started opting for secondary sources of income. Besides, researcher&#39;s endeavor to explore the shift...
The process of out-migration has significantly been associated with the welfare of the households at origin across the world. The process of migration is mainly initiated from Pakistan with a prime objective to elevate the social position... more
The process of out-migration has significantly been associated with the welfare of the households at origin across the world. The process of migration is mainly initiated from Pakistan with a prime objective to elevate the social position as there are only a few opportunities left for the people to work and earn for livings. The overall size of international migrants from Sindh province is a handful (approximately .9 million) and the majority of these migrants moved to the Gulf region but some also moved to the rest of the world particularly in Europe and the US. The impact of migration can be seen on many aspects of households of migrants but for the current research, it is focused only on female children's education in the case of Khairpur (Mir's) district in the province of Sindh, Pakistan. The selection of the respondents was made by using purposive sampling technique. The data was collected from 120 households of migrants who at least had one member living abroad and sending remittances regularly. The focus of the current research was on two major aspects; (a) out-migration and inflow of remittances and (b) educational outcomes of the female children studying at primary school level. It is perceived that migration of father and subsequently the inflow of remittances can make a huge difference for the educational outcomes of female children. In some cases, the inflow of remittances leads toward the improvement in the educational performance of the female children.
This study aims to examine the complex functioning of Syrian conflict with respect to involvement of various actors like state as well as non-state actors on national, regional and international levels. It analyzes and identifies the... more
This study aims to examine the complex functioning of Syrian
conflict with respect to involvement of various actors like state as
well as non-state actors on national, regional and international
levels. It analyzes and identifies the actors, their role and
strategies and future prospects regarding the Syrian Crisis. The
qualitative approach following the document analysis has been
used to get profound and diverse information about the issue and
all the actors and factors involved in the Syrian conflict. The actors
involved in the conflict are found to be in three blocks; Pro-Assad,
Anti-Assad and Non-aligned. The role of Islamic State has is
distinct by fighting with all actors involved including the Pro-
Assad regime and Anti-Assad forces. Israel in early phase
expressed neutrality but became part of the conflict to counter the
increasing Iranian influence and IS factor. The study predicts that
the complex functioning of the Syrian conflict with respect to
various state and non-state actors on all levels from regional to
international levels will go on for next few years.
The present research study was conducted in two public sector universities in Islamabad, Pakistan to explore the relationship between women's education and empowerment. In this research we have looked at the five major dimensions of the... more
The present research study was conducted in two public sector universities in Islamabad, Pakistan to explore the relationship between women's education and empowerment. In this research we have looked at the five major dimensions of the women's empowerment in conjunction with education i.e. (1) freedom of movement, (2) economic activism, familial and social affairs (3) freedom from domination and support by the family, (4) decision-making in daily life, and (5) political participation and community engagement. The data was collected from 30 female respondents (15 university teachers and 15 recently passed-out university graduates). The selection of the respondents was made through purposive sampling but with a special inclusion criterion. Based on the research findings, we can suggest that higher levels of education could positively be associated with the higher levels of women's empowerment.
Ageism is known as discrimination and stereotyping against aged person. Transgender person is considered as neither male or female or a combination of both male and female. Transgender population being marginalized community in Pakistan... more
Ageism is known as discrimination and stereotyping against aged person. Transgender person is considered as neither male or female or a combination of both male and female. Transgender population being marginalized community in Pakistan have to face multiple problems (i.e. economic, psychological and health) with the increase in age. In this vein, the current study was conducted to explore the socioeconomic and health conditions of aged transgender in the Rawalpindi district of Punjab province. Specifically, this study aimed to assess the extent of this population' access to basic human rights such as health, food, shelter, cloth and sanitation. Least research has been done in Pakistan in this regard. Therefore, Case studies method was used for data collection. A sample of 9 aged transgender with age above 50 years was selected through snowball sampling technique. The result indicates that usually aged transgenders were living extreme alarming situation. Finding indicates that most of the older transgender profession was beggary and 55.6% (n=5) of the transgender fall into the category of low income. Most of the transgender health status was unpleasant due to lack of devotion. Likewise, 89.9 % (n=8) transgender lived in rented house and paid double fair because people stigmatized them questionable profession like dancing and sex work. The study has also shown that all aged transgender have imbalance diet, poor condition of seasonal clothes and sanitation system because they lived in the side areas of the city due to gender non-conforming. The study suggests further work on aged transgender people and mainstreaming them in the sociological, anthropological and human rights context.
Pakistan is facing a new wave of sectarian divide thus literally making it difficult for minority religious groups such as Shi'as to practice their religious rituals with freedom and liberty. During the last decade, the sectarian killings... more
Pakistan is facing a new wave of sectarian divide thus literally making it difficult for minority religious groups such as Shi'as to practice their religious rituals with freedom and liberty. During the last decade, the sectarian killings have increased to a substantial level much to the worry of the government and general public. The present study explores the impact of the widening sectarian cleavage due to the Shi'a rituals during and after the sacred month of Muharram in Pakistan. Shi'a religious practices are being challenged and their rites held down by the extremist groups who are bent upon hurl unforgiving criticism, random killings, a plethora of hate speeches, and religious demonstrations throughout Pakistan. Such practices have made it more exacting for the Shi'as to commemorate their religious rituals during Muharram throughout Pakistan. The large cities like Quetta, Hyderabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, and Jhang have faced multifaceted sectarian clashes which made Shi'as vulnerable in the performance of rituals.
The current study analyzed socio-economic and cultural determinants of maternal and neonatal mortality in Pakistan. This research was conducted at PIMS, Islamabad, Pakistan. In the first phase of research, we used a survey method to... more
The current study analyzed socio-economic and cultural determinants of maternal and neonatal mortality in Pakistan. This research was conducted at PIMS, Islamabad, Pakistan. In the first phase of research, we used a survey method to collect data from 56 respondents (36 female doctors and 20 female nurses) and their perceptions were enumerated about the socioeconomic and cultural determinants of maternal mortality. In the second phase of the research, 200 mothers (who had a baby under 1-year) currently admitted at PIMS were sampled for in-depth interviews and they were asked about the multiple determinants of neonatal mortality. In both phases, we employed a purposive sampling technique with a special inclusion criterion. The study highlighted multiple reasons influencing mortality of mothers and neonates such as lack of awareness, lack of transportation facilities, illiteracy, poverty, lack of antenatal care services and deliveries handled by unskilled birth attendants at homes.
Family income and parenting are important factors while considering child educational performance. The current study is based on literary as well as field information, which explores the role of family income and poor parenting in child... more
Family income and parenting are important factors while considering child educational performance. The current study is based on literary as well as field information, which explores the role of family income and poor parenting in child educational performance. In order to explore the relationship between family income and child educational performance, the relevant literature has been reviewed where the empirical data was collected from 240 school teachers selected from a population of 2311 through random sampling technique. The data has been collected through structured interview schedule, which is further analyzed statistically in the form of tables while correlation test has been used to determine the relationship between low family income, poor parenting and child educational performance. The analysis indicates that children living in families with low income and poor parenting have poor educational performance.
Research Interests:
The role of religion and kinship is very dynamic in the case of District Jhang (Pakistan) where most of the custodians of religious shrines are actively involved in the national and provincial level politics deriving their political power... more
The role of religion and kinship is very dynamic in the case of District Jhang (Pakistan) where most of the custodians of religious shrines are actively involved in the national and provincial level politics deriving their political power from the religion and kinship. These shrines and kinship provide them both political and religious powers to exert in everyday life in rural areas of the district. These spaces are also used for resolving religious, kinship and political disputes of various communities who are both devotees and voters of these custodians of the shrines. The influence of these custodians is very much reflected in the decisions that they make, thus enrolling voters as devotees. Usually voters are not devotees of the custodians of the sufi shrines. Therefore this paper has looked at the role of religion and kinship in influencing political behavior of the voters of the district. In most of the cases these custodians win the elections because both religion and kinship play a pivotal role in the elections. The custodians not only rely on the power of religion which they derive from their shrines but also from kinship which always come forward in the electoral process.
Research Interests:
The present research was conducted in the village Toru in District Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The main objective of the research was to understand and analyze patriarchal structure and sexist ideology in Pakhtun society through... more
The present research was conducted in the village Toru in District Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The main objective of the research was to understand and analyze patriarchal structure and sexist ideology in Pakhtun society through Pashto proverbs. The second major objective of the study was to understand the role of Pashto proverbs in the construction of social reality. Through the selected proverbs one can understand the worldview of the males toward the status of females in male dominated Pakhtun society. The study also reveals that how a proverb becomes meaningful in a particular context and how it is used as a powerful tool by the men to construct endocentric social reality. How the prevailing sexist stereotypes and common sense helps in the construction of so called universal reality through the proverbs. In this paper we have challenged matals (proverbs) as a regime of truth and by
deconstructing and critically analyzing such derogatory and sexist proverbs we can highlight the hidden discrepancies in so called wise sayings and established facts and reality. The basic purpose of this study is to critically analysis the male chauvinism in Pakhtun culture through the deconstruction of sexist proverbs.
Research Interests:
Present study aimed at understanding the possible impacts of international migration and the use of foreign remittances on the spiritual healing practices, i.e., a) dam (breath), b) taking of amulets (taweez), c) making of vows (mannat),... more
Present study aimed at understanding the possible impacts of international migration and the use of foreign remittances on the spiritual healing practices, i.e., a) dam (breath), b) taking of amulets (taweez), c) making of vows (mannat), and d) visitation to the shrines in addition to the modern ways of treatments in the rural settings of District Gujrat and particularly in the village Karrianwala. The district is well-known for the higher proportion of international migrants (with 3,13,303 emigrants)3 on one side and on the other side practices of popular culture of Islam (visitation to shrines) is also at its best. Majority of the masses regularly visit shrines within and outside the district to perform number of rituals in a bid to get rid of the socio-economic, psychological and health issues. This study was conducted in the village Karrianwala in Tehsil (sub-district) of Gujrat. The respondents were mainly depending on foreign remittances for livelihoods. These foreign remittances have altered the lives of inhabitants at many levels. Their access to the luxuries of life was mainly influenced by these remittances. It was observed, during the fieldwork, that majority of the migrant households were inclined towards the spiritual healing practices at the time of illness of the family members in addition to the modern treatments like allopathy.
Research Interests:
Drugs and illicit substances have resulted in obliterating effects over the social structure throughout the globe. This study is an attempt to illuminate the socioeconomic and psychological impacts of substance abuse on the abusers. The... more
Drugs and illicit substances have resulted in obliterating effects over the social structure throughout the globe. This study is an attempt to illuminate the socioeconomic and psychological impacts of substance abuse on the abusers. The study has been approached through literary, secondary and theoretical information that are further analyzed and applied in the area under study. In addition, the problem of substance abuse in this study is accessed through discourse analysis (elaborations of social learning theories), content analysis (in-depth study of the illicit substances i.e. alcohol, heroine, barbiturates) and framed under the theories of social process, learning and labeling. The study reflects and declares substance abuse, its production and selling as criminal conducts that are worth retribution and punishment.
Research Interests:
In the present study, ‘women’s autonomy’ refers to their decision-making power regarding personal issues; and ‘maternal health care utilization’ to prenatal care, care taken by mothers at the time of delivery of child, and postnatal care.... more
In the present study, ‘women’s autonomy’ refers to their decision-making power regarding personal issues; and ‘maternal health care utilization’ to prenatal care, care taken by mothers at the time of delivery of child, and postnatal care. The study aimed at exploring the relationship between women’s autonomy and maternal health care utilization. It was conducted in rural areas of Gujrat District in Pakistan’s population-wise largest province of Punjab, and its target population was 104 married women. First, the impact of women’s education on health care utilization was examined. Next, the association between women’s education, family system and autonomy was examined. Finally, the association between women’s autonomy and maternal health care utilization was examined. The study findings show that women’s education and nuclear family are positively linked with their autonomy. Similarly, women’s education and autonomy are positively linked with health care utilization among them.
Present study was conducted in Tehsil Kharian, District Gujrat Pakistan. It has been observed that majority of the immigrants from Kharian town visit Norway. This emigration route was firstly explored by a few emigrants and later after... more
Present study was conducted in Tehsil Kharian, District Gujrat Pakistan. It has been observed that majority of the immigrants from Kharian town visit Norway. This emigration route was firstly explored by a few emigrants and later after settling there they invited other close relatives for family reunification. Generally this immigration grew dense with increased emigration rate from Kharian Tehsil. At present, over 30,000 Pakistani immigrants are living there with a significant number that reside in Oslo city and its suburbs. This study on the one hand aims at understanding the emergence and evolution of migration issue in the context of Pakistan while on the other hand it tries to highlight the global immigration links between Pakistan and Norway with reference to Kharian. Moreover, this study also investigated the major sources of motivation, main reasons, and aspirations of emigrants from Kharian to Norway. 50 respondents were selected through purposive sampling technique with in...
The present study aimed at understanding the practices of Shi‘a Muharram rituals in a Punjabi village. Shi‘a Muharram rituals have a greater significance on the lives of villagers in Jhang. Present paper is divided into three major... more
The present study aimed at understanding the practices of Shi‘a Muharram rituals in a Punjabi village. Shi‘a Muharram rituals have a greater significance on the lives of villagers in Jhang. Present paper is divided into three major sections. First section addresses the historical background of the village and main ethnic groups while second section highlights the convergence of inhabitants from Sunni Islam to Shi‘a Islam. The last section focuses on the emergence, evolution and performance of Muharram rituals. The month of Muharram is awaited by Shi‘a devotees to commemorate it with full devotion and reverence. In the locale, Muharram rituals were considered as moral obligation; since most of the villagers, men and women devotedly mourn to demonstrate their affections and commitments towards Imam Hussain, his family, and fellow companions who sacrificed their life for the sake of Islam at Karbala.
Research Interests:
The impact of international migration is  quite evident in most of developing countries as number of migrants from this world is increasing day-by-day. One of the major streams of researchers has stated that remittances relax the... more
The impact of international migration is 
evident in most of developing countries as number of migrants
from this world is increasing day-by-day. One of the major
streams of researchers has stated that remittances relax the
poverty burden of migrant families and they started spending
more on education of their children. Remittances help to
increase school enrolment, attendance and academic
performance. In contrast to this some other researchers have
identified the negative impact of escalated income through
remittances on students’ educational activities. In Gujrat, the
income of the migrant households is obviously increased
because of international migration. Migrant households are
regularly receiving remittances to accommodate daily expenses,
spending on luxuries, on business and on the construction of
big houses. The latter is of great importance. Present research
was based on ethnographic fieldwork and reveals that
remittances have a good impact on both male and female
children’s education but only at primary school level. It has
been positively associated to the school enrollment, attendance,
and academics performance at this level. However, when we
look into the trends of all three variables of the children’s
education (i.e. enrollment, attendance, and academic
performance) beyond primary level, the trend of female
students remained impressive while the male students’
enrollment, attendance, and academic achievements
deescalated comparatively.
Research Interests:
The major aim of present study was to analyze the impact of women’s education on maternal health care utilization in rural areas of District Gujrat, Pakistan. A survey was conducted in Union Council Kunjah of Tehsil Gujrat. A sample of... more
The major aim of present study was to analyze the impact of women’s education on maternal health care utilization in rural areas of District Gujrat, Pakistan. A survey
was conducted in Union Council Kunjah of Tehsil Gujrat. A sample of 139 female respondents (delivered a baby having the age group of 6 weeks to 8 months) was
drawn with the help of simple random sampling technique. Interview schedule was developed to collect relevant information from the respondents. Statistical test Tau-b and Gamma was used to test the hypothesis. A great significance was seen after the data analysis and interpretation between women’s education and maternal health care utilization among females in the selected rural union council of Gujrat District.
Research Interests:
This research paper is based on the review of literature on the issues concerning impact of globalization on gender and family. It includes both national and international published articles. The main purpose behind this research is to... more
This research paper is based on the review of literature on the issues concerning impact of globalization on gender and family. It includes both national and international published articles. The main purpose behind this research is to identify the role of the globalization in shifting the traditional setup of the male dominating societies towards their female on one side and on the other side it looks into the transformation process in family institution. As it has been stated by the different scholars that this age of Simultaneity made it possible for the women to participate in the all types of the works which were previously assigned to the men and did raised the opportunities for women to take education and participate in job market (e.g., Elias, 2010). They are now equally participation in the education acquiring activities, participating in the job spheres, having their say in the household decision making process, taking care of their own health and their dependents too. So, it can be said that the globalization has widened the scope of the women and made them active in participating the all works and also affected the family structures.
Research Interests:
Present study was conducted in a small community Nahar Kot, District Barkhan, Balochistan (Pakistan). The study aims at understanding the role of the early warning system in the disaster management at community level. Indigenous knowledge... more
Present study was conducted in a small community Nahar Kot, District Barkhan, Balochistan (Pakistan). The study aims at understanding the role of the early warning system in the disaster management at community level. Indigenous knowledge has a pivotal role in managing the disasters in the absence of the scientific knowledge and vice-versa. This study sheds light on the role of early warning systems i.e. weather predictions based on the typology of the winds and predictions based on the behavior of the animals. The analysis shows that these masses of the tribal community of the Barkhan have an enriched indigenous knowledge purely based on their experiences. They also believe in the elders because of the vast experiences regarding local environment and they also timely get help from their elders to predict weather and mitigate with it.
Research Interests:

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The role of religion and kinship is very dynamic in the case of District Jhang (Pakistan) where most of the custodians of religious shrines are actively involved in the national and provincial level politics deriving their political power... more
The role of religion and kinship is very dynamic in the case of District Jhang (Pakistan) where most of the custodians of religious shrines are actively involved in the national and provincial level politics deriving their political power from the religion and kinship. These shrines and kinship provide them both political and religious powers to exert in everyday life in rural areas of the district. These spaces are also used for resolving religious, kinship and political disputes of various communities who are both devotees and voters of these custodians of the shrines. The influence of these custodians is very much reflected in the decisions that they make, thus enrolling voters as devotees. Usually voters are not devotees of the custodians of the sufi shrines. Therefore this paper has looked at the role of religion and kinship in influencing political behavior of the voters of the district. In most of the cases these custodians win the elections because both religion and kinship play a pivotal role in the elections. The custodians not only rely on the power of religion which they derive from their shrines but also from kinship which always come
forward in the electoral process.
Research Interests: