Public Policy editorial approach

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Ballotpedia's editorial approach documents
Federal government
State government
Local government
Public Policy
Fact check
Editorial independence

The Public Policy project aims to illuminate major policy issues being discussed and implemented throughout the United States. Public policy can be complicated and controversial and has too often been the province of policy think tanks, academics and experts. Our coverage is neutral, nonpartisan and comprehensive, written in clear language for the non-specialist. We focus on the trade-offs involved when policy makers decide what works best and how to allocate resources to achieve a policy goal.

Our mission is to help readers discover and learn useful information, so they can participate in public policy discussions and vote for candidates and initiatives aligned with their values and interests. Policy decisions matter because they affect citizens' lives in many ways, especially economically, legally and socially. We strive to present information in an engaging, compelling way that motivates readers to share our articles with others so that more people become informed.

Our editorial approach includes the following:

  • Give background including stakeholders and their stakes (organizations, elected officials, government agencies, etc.).
  • Explain how policies are made and by whom, including major turning points (i.e. court cases, major legislation, candidate platforms, media coverage).
  • Present the facts in a neutral, nonpartisan and well-documented manner.
  • Use multiple, reputable sources, with clear references.
  • Present state information in context and compared to neighboring states.
  • Present opposing points of view on the issues.
  • Avoid jargon and the language of experts.
  • Present information in many different ways, including images, charts, links, maps, etc.

Coverage areas

Below is a list of the main areas we cover and some sample articles. For a list of all public policy articles on Ballotpedia see the Index of Contents: Public policy.


Civil liberties







Contact information

For questions about our editorial approach or coverage areas, please contact the editor.

Public policy state overviews

Click your state for an overview of policy information in your state. policy in STATE

See also