Number of schools by school type in the United States

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In the 2013-2014 academic year, there were 98,271 operating public elementary and secondary schools in the United States.[1]

  • According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 89,183 of the nation's public schools were considered regular schools. This represented nearly 91 percent of all operating public schools in the nation.
  • Roughly 5.8 percent of the nation's public schools, or 5,698 schools, were classified as alternative schools. There were 2,010 special education schools, representing 2.05 percent of all public schools. Vocational schools accounted for the remaining 1.40 percent of public schools.
  • California was home to 10,276 operating public schools in the 2013-2014 school year, more than any other state. Delaware, meanwhile, was home to 219 operating public schools, fewer than any other state.
  • Below are tables presenting the number of schools by school type in each state. Also listed are the numbers of schools in each state that are classified as charter, magnet, and Title I schools, which are public schools that have been specially targeted to correct achievement gaps. These data are organized by school year.[1][2]


    The table below details the number of public schools by type in each of the states in the 2013-2014 school year. Schools are broken down by four general types: regular, special education, vocational, and alternative. In addition, tallies for charter, magnet, and Title I schools are also provided.

    Number of operating public elementary and secondary schools, by school type (2013-2014)
    State Total Regular Special education Vocational Alternative Charter Magnet Title I
    Alabama 1,637 1,402 44 72 119 N/A 42 901
    Alaska 507 440 3 3 61 27 18 371
    Arizona 2,252 1,943 21 227 61 600 19 1,656
    Arkansas 1,112 1,073 4 26 9 52 33 1,011
    California 10,276 8,811 151 76 1,238 1,125 546 7,092
    Colorado 1,832 1,728 6 6 92 200 27 657
    Connecticut 1,152 1,042 44 16 50 18 95 573
    Delaware 219 187 19 6 7 21 3 182
    District of Columbia 225 207 5 2 11 109 7 182
    Florida 4,295 3,660 186 51 398 623 495 3,083
    Georgia 2,379 2,246 60 1 72 94 N/A 1,608
    Hawaii 288 286 1 0 1 33 N/A 191
    Idaho 706 633 13 9 51 49 19 565
    Illinois 4,204 3,923 137 0 144 65 105 3,240
    Indiana 1,928 1,865 27 27 9 76 33 1,513
    Iowa 1,382 1,349 7 0 26 3 N/A 879
    Kansas 1,346 1,333 10 1 2 11 33 1,150
    Kentucky 1,565 1,286 5 122 152 N/A 39 1,079
    Louisiana 1,412 1,277 30 8 97 118 78 1,123
    Maine 619 589 3 27 0 5 1 528
    Maryland 1,442 1,324 38 26 54 53 91 795
    Massachusetts 1,865 1,782 22 39 22 81 N/A 1,060
    Michigan 3,538 3,039 183 6 310 370 463 2,337
    Minnesota 2,414 1,645 279 11 479 186 78 884
    Mississippi 1,066 910 4 90 62 0 25 898
    Missouri 2,410 2,179 63 64 104 59 29 1,853
    Montana 824 818 2 0 4 N/A N/A 723
    Nebraska 1,102 1,024 26 0 52 N/A N/A 478
    Nevada 653 604 13 1 35 41 38 328
    New Hampshire 482 482 0 0 0 23 N/A 414
    New Jersey 2,508 2,370 58 57 23 87 N/A 1,657
    New Mexico 880 831 8 1 40 95 2 774
    New York 4,801 4,618 128 25 30 233 103 4,651
    North Carolina 2,588 2,473 26 7 82 128 107 2,155
    North Dakota 512 467 33 12 0 N/A N/A 164
    Ohio 3,656 3,533 50 69 4 390 N/A 2,899
    Oklahoma 1,789 1,781 4 0 4 25 N/A 1,641
    Oregon 1,246 1,206 1 0 39 124 N/A 567
    Pennsylvania 3,068 2,968 5 85 10 181 66 2,303
    Rhode Island 304 286 1 12 5 23 N/A N/A
    South Carolina 1,243 1,172 9 42 20 60 108 1,052
    South Dakota 699 656 9 3 31 N/A N/A 606
    Tennessee 1,855 1,797 16 19 23 72 133 1,511
    Texas 8,748 7,750 21 0 977 658 251 7,066
    Utah 1,006 907 69 4 26 95 22 305
    Vermont 316 300 0 15 1 N/A 2 229
    Virginia 2,166 1,868 53 58 187 6 137 731
    Washington 2,381 1,940 96 20 325 N/A N/A 1,572
    West Virginia 758 695 3 30 30 N/A N/A 333
    Wisconsin 2,249 2,139 11 4 95 242 6 1,535
    Wyoming 366 339 3 0 24 4 N/A 167
    United States totals 98,271 89,183 2,010 1,380 5,698 6,465 3,254 69,372
    Source: National Center for Education Statistics, "Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey, 2013-2014 Version 1a," accessed June 1, 2016


    The table below details the number of schools by type in each of the states in the 2012-2013 school year. Schools are broken down by four general types: regular, special education, vocational, and alternative. In addition, tallies for charter, magnet, and Title I schools are also provided.


    The table below details the number of schools by type in each of the states in the 2011-2012 school year. Schools are broken down by four general types: regular, special education, vocational, and alternative. In addition, tallies for charter, magnet, and Title I schools are also provided.

    See also

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