Ballotpedia:Our methodology on media editorial endorsements in support of or opposition to ballot measures

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This page describes Ballotpedia's approach to covering media editorial endorsements in support of or opposition to ballot measures.

Guiding principles

Ballotpedia aggregates endorsements in support of or opposition to ballot measures from media editorial boards. Many editorial boards of newspapers and media outlets release endorsements of candidates and ballot measures. An editorial endorsement is not the same thing as an opinion column, letter to the editor, or any other article that does not specifically provide the outlet's position. An editorial board is usually composed of multiple writers and administrators and represents the publication, including the publication’s official opinion.

Ballotpedia adds media editorials to each ballot measure article as well as aggregating them in an annual hub page.

Specific policies

Identifying media editorial endorsements

Ballotpedia accepts submissions of media editorial endorsements to and will feature submitted media editorials if they meet the criteria above.

Ballotpedia also conducts sweeps of media outlets for editorial endorsements in the top five or 10 media outlets by publication, depending on the state, for each ballot measure certified for the ballot.

Selecting excerpts

For identified media editorial endorsements, Ballotpedia adds a selected excerpt of the editorial that, according to the editorial judgment of Ballotpedia staff, best represents the key points of the argument being made by and the conclusion of the article. Ballotpedia also indicates the name of the media outlet and the position of the outlet on the ballot measure.

See also