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Anatoly Karlin Andrew Anglin Andrew Joyce Audacious Epigone Boyd D. Cathey C.J. Hopkins E. Michael Jones Eric Margolis Eric Striker Fred Reed Gilad Atzmon Godfree Roberts Gregory Hood Guillaume Durocher Ilana Mercer Israel Shamir James Kirkpatrick James Thompson Jared Taylor John Derbyshire Jonathan Cook Jung-Freud Karlin Community Kevin Barrett Kevin MacDonald Lance Welton Larry Romanoff Laurent Guyénot Linh Dinh Michael Hudson Mike Whitney Pat Buchanan Patrick Cockburn Paul Craig Roberts Paul Kersey Pepe Escobar Peter Frost Philip Giraldi Razib Khan Ron Paul Ron Unz Steve Sailer The Saker Tobias Langdon Trevor Lynch A. Graham A. J. 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Black Ariel Dorfman Arlie Russell Hochschild Arno Develay Arnold Isaacs Artem Zagorodnov Astra Taylor AudaciousEpigone Augustin Goland Austen Layard Ava Muhammad Aviva Chomsky Ayman Fadel Barbara Ehrenreich Barbara Garson Barbara Myers Barry Kissin Barry Lando Barton Cockey Beau Albrecht Belle Chesler Ben Fountain Ben Freeman Ben Sullivan Benjamin Villaroel Bernard M. Smith Beverly Gologorsky Bill Black Bill Moyers Blake Archer Williams Bob Dreyfuss Bonnie Faulkner Book Brad Griffin Bradley Moore Brenton Sanderson Brett Redmayne-Titley Brett Wilkins Brian Dew Brian McGlinchey Brian R. Wright Brittany Smith C.D. Corax Cara Marianna Carl Boggs Carl Horowitz Carolyn Yeager Cat McGuire Catherine Crump César Keller Chalmers Johnson Chanda Chisala Charles Bausman Charles Goodhart Charles Wood Charlie O'Neill Charlottesville Survivor Chase Madar Chauke Stephan Filho Chris Hedges Chris Roberts Chris Woltermann Christian Appy Christopher DeGroot Christopher Donovan Christopher Ketcham Chuck Spinney Civus Non Nequissimus Coleen Rowley Colin Liddell Cooper Sterling Craig Murray Cynthia Chung D.F. Mulder Dahr Jamail Dakota Witness Dan E. Phillips Dan Sanchez Daniel Barge Daniel McAdams Daniel Vinyard Danny Sjursen Dave Chambers Dave Kranzler Dave Lindorff David Barsamian David Boyajian David Bromwich David Chibo David Chu David Gordon David Haggith David Irving David L. McNaron David Lorimer David Martin David North David Stockman David Vine David Walsh David William Pear David Yorkshire Dean Baker Declan Hayes Dennis Dale Dennis Saffran Diana Johnstone Dilip Hiro Dirk Bezemer Donald Thoresen Alan Sabrosky Dr. Ejaz Akram Dr. Ridgely Abdul Mu’min Muhammad Dries Van Langenhove Eamonn Fingleton Ed Warner Edmund Connelly Eduardo Galeano Edward Curtin Edward Dutton Egbert Dijkstra Egor Kholmogorov Ekaterina Blinova Ellen Brown Ellen Packer Ellison Lodge Emil Kirkegaard Emma Goldman Enzo Porter Eric Draitser Eric Peters Eric Rasmusen Eric Zuesse Erik Edstrom Erika Eichelberger Erin L. Thompson Eugene Gant Eugene Girin Eugene Kusmiak Eve Mykytyn F. Roger Devlin Fadi Abu Shammalah Fantine Gardinier Federale Fenster Finian Cunningham The First Millennium Revisionist Fordham T. 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Amnestic Arcane Asher Bb Bbartlog Ben G Birch Barlow Canton ChairmanK Chrisg Coffee Mug Darth Quixote David David B David Boxenhorn DavidB Diana Dkane DMI Dobeln Duende Dylan Ericlien Fly Gcochran Godless Grady Herrick Jake & Kara Jason Collins Jason Malloy Jason s Jeet Jemima Joel John Emerson John Quiggin JP Kele Kjmtchl Mark Martin Matoko Kusanagi Matt Matt McIntosh Michael Vassar Miko Ml Ole P-ter Piccolino Rosko Schizmatic Scorpius Suman TangoMan The Theresa Thorfinn Thrasymachus Wintz Gonzalo Lira Graham Seibert Greg Grandin Greg Johnson Greg Klein Gregg Stanley Gregoire Chamayou Gregory Conte Gregory Wilpert Guest Admin Gunnar Alfredsson Gustavo Arellano Hank Johnson Hannah Appel Hans-Hermann Hoppe Hans Vogel Harri Honkanen Heiner Rindermann Henry Cockburn Hewitt E. Moore Hina Shamsi Howard Zinn Howe Abbot-Hiss Hubert Collins Hugh McInnish Hugh Moriarty Hugo Dionísio Hunter DeRensis Hunter Wallace Huntley Haverstock Ian Fantom Igor Shafarevich Ira Chernus Ivan Kesić J. Alfred Powell J.B. Clark J.D. Gore Jacek Szela Jack Antonio Jack Dalton Jack Kerwick Jack Krak Jack Rasmus Jack Ravenwood Jack Sen Jake Bowyer James Bovard James Carroll James Carson Harrington James Chang James Dunphy James Durso James Edwards James Fulford James Gillespie James Hanna James J. O'Meara James K. Galbraith James Karlsson James Lawrence James Petras Jane Lazarre Jane Weir Janice Kortkamp Jared S. Baumeister Jason C. Ditz Jason Cannon Jason Kessler Jay Stanley JayMan Jean Bricmont Jean Marois Jean Ranc Jef Costello Jeff J. Brown Jeffrey Blankfort Jeffrey D. Sachs Jeffrey St. Clair Jen Marlowe Jeremiah Goulka Jeremy Cooper Jesse Mossman JHR Writers Jim Daniel Jim Fetzer Jim Goad Jim Kavanagh Jim Smith JoAnn Wypijewski Joe Dackman Joe Lauria Joel S. Hirschhorn Johannes Wahlstrom John W. Dower John Feffer John Fund John Harrison Sims John Helmer John Hill John Huss John J. Mearsheimer John Jackson John Kiriakou John Morgan John Patterson John Leonard John Pilger John Q. Publius John Rand John Reid John Ryan John Scales Avery John Siman John Stauber John T. Kelly John Taylor John Titus John Tremain John V. Walsh John Wear John Williams Jon Else Jon Entine Jonathan Alan King Jonathan Anomaly Jonathan Revusky Jonathan Rooper Jonathan Sawyer Jonathan Schell Jordan Steiner Joseph Kay Joseph Kishore Joseph Sobran Josephus Tiberius Jeshurun Tsarfat Juan Cole Judith Coburn Julian Bradford Julian Macfarlane K.J. Noh Kacey Gunther Karel Van Wolferen Karen Greenberg Karl Haemers Karl Nemmersdorf Karl Thorburn Kees Van Der Pijl Keith Woods Kelley Vlahos Kenn Gividen Kenneth Vinther Kerry Bolton Kersasp D. Shekhdar Kevin Michael Grace Kevin Rothrock Kevin Sullivan Kevin Zeese Kshama Sawant Larry Johnson Laura Gottesdiener Laura Poitras Lawrence Erickson Lawrence G. Proulx Leo Hohmann Leonard R. Jaffee Liam Cosgrove Lidia Misnik Lilith Powell Linda Preston Lipton Matthews Liv Heide Logical Meme Lorraine Barlett Louis Farrakhan Lydia Brimelow M.G. Miles Mac Deford Maciej Pieczyński Maidhc O Cathail Malcolm Unwell Marco De Wit Marcus Alethia Marcus Apostate Marcus Cicero Marcus Devonshire Margaret Flowers Margot Metroland Marian Evans Mark Allen Mark Bratchikov-Pogrebisskiy Mark Crispin Miller Mark Danner Mark Engler Mark Gullick Mark H. Gaffney Mark Lu Mark Perry Mark Weber Marshall Yeats Martin Jay Martin K. O'Toole Martin Webster Martin Witkerk Mary Phagan-Kean Matt Cockerill Matt Parrott Mattea Kramer Matthew Caldwell Matthew Ehret Matthew Harwood Matthew Richer Matthew Stevenson Max Blumenthal Max Denken Max Jones Max North Max Parry Max West Maya Schenwar Merlin Miller Metallicman Michael A. Roberts Michael Averko Michael Gould-Wartofsky Michael Hoffman Michael Quinn Michael Schwartz Michael T. Klare Michelle Malkin Miko Peled Mnar Muhawesh Moon Landing Skeptic Morgan Jones Morris V. De Camp Mr. Anti-Humbug Murray Polner N. Joseph Potts Nan Levinson Naomi Oreskes Nate Terani Nathan Cofnas Nathan Doyle Ned Stark Neil Kumar Nelson Rosit Nicholas R. Jeelvy Nicholas Stix Nick Griffin Nick Kollerstrom Nick Turse Nicolás Palacios Navarro Nils Van Der Vegte Noam Chomsky NOI Research Group Nomi Prins Norman Finkelstein Norman Solomon OldMicrobiologist Oliver Boyd-Barrett Oliver Williams P.J. Collins Pádraic O'Bannon Patrice Greanville Patrick Armstrong Patrick Cleburne Patrick Cloutier Patrick Lawrence Patrick Martin Patrick McDermott Patrick Whittle Paul Bennett Paul Cochrane Paul De Rooij Paul Edwards Paul Engler Paul Gottfried Paul Larudee Paul Mitchell Paul Nachman Paul Nehlen Paul Souvestre Paul Tripp Pedro De Alvarado Peter Baggins Ph.D. Peter Bradley Peter Brimelow Peter Gemma Peter Lee Peter Van Buren Philip Kraske Philip Weiss Pierre M. 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emerging majority
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    Victoria Nuland's retirement is an admission that Washington's premier foreign policy project has failed. No government official is more identified with the Ukraine fiasco than Nuland. She was on the ground micro-managing activities during the 2014 coup, and has overseen the State Department's sordid involvement since the war began. Her career-path is inextricably linked to...
  • @anonymous
    Pelosi is better looking at 84 than Nuland is at 63.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    So you prefer Italian bitches to Jewish ones? Not hard to understand. Italian women cannot hold a candle to the kvetching and demands of the Jewish cuntessas.

  • @Priss Factor
    This guy leads an organization created to defend a rapist-murderer, but he's talking about atrocities.


    Replies: @emerging majority

    He certainly evinces all the appearance of a genuine Greenblather. Those green leaves seem a bit weather-worn to judge from his visage…it’s a cresfallen look, like the mass of leaves in late October, all smudged with other droppings in the rain and wind.

    Poor sod is yet another iteration of one of those guys aching for the return of those “girls”…presumably in Biden territory…twelve or younger.

  • @Pastit
    She is responsible for the deaths of over 800,000 Ukrainian and Russian young men. She successfully killed off those White men as directed to by her Zionist overlords such as Soros. She is an evil bitch whose death will be celebrated as she descends into hell where she belongs.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    Correct about the nefarious role of the bitch. You need to do some deeper research into Little Georgie of our $orrow$. He is merely a minion for the Rottenchild Crime Clan and thus possesses no primary agency.

    The Rottenchilds themselves must answer to the Sanhedrin (accused by Jesus as “The Synagog of Satan”). That Rabbinical Council originated in Babylon and their identities remain highly secretive. They ARE the ultimate shotcallers amongst “faithful” Judaics. The Talmudist Agenda is their baby. It is closely cosseted within their grasping arms.

  • This week in the UK, George Galloway was elected to parliament with a landslide victory in a by-election in Rochdale. On its face, these results are quite remarkable: Galloway finished with almost double the amount of votes of his closest rival, an independent who received little media attention, and both soundly defeated the Labour and...
  • @RobinG
    @emerging majority

    What a load of crap. You sure these aren't your Freudian weenie issues?

    Replies: @emerging majority

    With a name such as Robin, you could be either female or male. If you happen to be the latter and
    “born in the You-ess-aye”, chances are considerable that you have a dog in the fight if your parents had been sufficiently irresponsible as to permit those medical “engineers” to wound your weenie.

    My penile status is that of original equipment. Thus, being an intact male, my only “issues” happen to be the mass of unfortunates who cannot achieve for themselves and a female intimate the ultimate levels of mutual pleasure. Adding to that deficiency, there are the usual problems in the aging process, such as the “leatherization” of the glans and various “can’t get it up without drugs” issues.

    Ultimately we must consider two females, both well known: After making her first million in a blockbuster movie, Marilyn Monroe famously remarked: “I’ll never hafta suck another (cock) again”. Were she a bit more informed she would have substituted “dick” for cock. Infamously in Hollywood, the power positions there are in the hands of those with the multigenerational need for good healing hed…that’s their only area of sensitivity.

    Next we turn to the rabbi’s daughter who “serviced” Wee Willy Clinton and spit it out on her blue dress. Jewish women could write books about the #1 requirement in Jewish marriages…the neurological sensitivity is limited to the glans, rather than the sensurround capacity of the intact male.

    • Replies: @amor fati
    @emerging majority

    Jewish women could write books about the #1 requirement in Jewish marriages…the neurological sensitivity is limited to the glans, rather than the sensurround capacity of the intact male.
    I suspect the glans is a pretty big deal for males "intact" or not. However, you might be on to something that I do not entirely understand -- and ought to. Please expand on this subject of how the clipped human male is neurologically "limited". Or is that preoccupied? And how does circumcision affect sexual behavior in colored races? This might be important. Thx.
    , @RobinG
    @emerging majority

    As if to prove the point, lol. So preoccupied with cut & uncut weenies...perhaps you are a Jewish woman?

  • @RupertTiger
    @emerging majority

    That is a superb comment, e_m. Thanks !

    I was going to propose that Scientology (a sophisticated lie detection system which shouldn't so casually be poo-pooed) really might be that 'form of psychoanalysis ...' you mention, although it does admittedly have some sort of Freudianism at its foundation; I don't really know how Freud can easily be avoided. Even your own ideas here are based to some extent on Freud.

    But I am more interested in what would be the use of this 'analysis'; a means to unequivocally determine guilt and responsibility with respect to possible punitive/preventative action as you say?

    Given the relative cheapness of life in this world, and the magnitude of (((their))) crime, would we really just want to reformulate (((them))) ? I mean what exactly do you think would be (((their))) function afterwards ?

    Replies: @VampireOverlord, @emerging majority

    Now we arrive at the issue as to whether Freud’s theories…some of them containing levels of possible validity, were actually original with him. Having not read any significant material from the great American psychological thinker, William James, who predated Freud in his writings; I’d simply suggest that those with the time to explore might read his works to ascertain whether any of Freud’s propositions were at least in part based upon the work of James.

    Though my own psychological speculations have absolutely no basis in clinical observations; it needs to be stated that Freud’s stuff AWAKENED me to begin analyzing the psyche and its mass manifestations…which then advances into the field of sociology as well. Again, psychological theorization is NOT limited to professionals in that spectrum of thought.

    Self proclaimed and academically trained specialists and “experts” in any and all of the “soft” sciences have absofukkinlutely no monopoly in the combined field of mass psychoanalysis. Theoretical thinkers are not limited by sheepskins and that ilk. The likes of Socrates and Plato did not possess degrees dangling behind their surnames.

    There are numerous individuals of Jewish heritage and upbringing who have broken through the cycle of advanced tribalism. The responsibility of reformulation would be their responsibility. My only role in all of this is to call the question and get people thinking along those lines. Ultimately, as Jesus the Great Spiritual Teacher remarked: “The Father is within”. Each and every human is an emanation of Creator.

    • Thanks: RupertTiger
  • Last week I published an article noting that although technology industrialist Elon Musk probably ranks as the most powerful and influential individual in the Western world, he recently humbled himself, deeply apologizing for some of his casual criticism of Jewish activities and pledging to mend his ways. Traveling to Israel, he met with that country's...
  • @The Old Philosopher

    Hey, dull blade, did you notice see the Rep. gov candidate in NC has declared the holocaust to be bull shit.

    Rachel Maddow is freaking out.

    The tribe is running ads trying to affirm the holotoast is real.

    Good luck.

    It's about time.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    “It’s about time” to call that bitch “Rachel Madcow”.

    • Agree: The Old Philosopher
  • Victoria Nuland's retirement is an admission that Washington's premier foreign policy project has failed. No government official is more identified with the Ukraine fiasco than Nuland. She was on the ground micro-managing activities during the 2014 coup, and has overseen the State Department's sordid involvement since the war began. Her career-path is inextricably linked to...
  • Nobody, including those with elements of administrative power, cares to be closely connected with a proven loser…even if she happens to be the spouse of Robert Kagan, who personifies Khazarian Royalty, as he is most probably a direct descendant of the original Kagan who converted the Khazarian peoples to Talmudist Judaism.

    Secondly, we must consider her physical image and also consider that picture in our minds as a corpulent cunt verging on obesity. Along with doddering Biden, Giggling Kamala’s Foote, ambulatory weenie, Blinken, Winken and Stinken, along with House Nigga, Lloyd Austen heading up the Department of Defense; screechy Karine splainen away the $enile One’s gaffes, plus Megadyke tranny Levin personifying the U.$. AirFARCE…the U$$A is currently the most High Larry Us Clownshow on planet earth.

    With a gravitas and dignity at precisely zero; the symbological essence of the governing administrative body is only matched by Tremblechin McClellan heading up Senatorial Republicans and his senatorial colleague, Twinkletoes Lindsilly Graham of South Carolina as imagistic representatives of the governing bodies of our ruptured republic.

    Try imagining a nude photograph…or better yet cartooniverse painting of that entire sorry lot. Salvador Dali could never depict such a sorry selection on this side of Heironymous Bosch.

    Devolution of the American image from Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson representative of the Revolution and the early Republic, through Abe Lincoln and Robert E. Lee during the Civil War Era; perhaps concluding with the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor…to this current parade of pro$ticians and half-wits…has made the once proud Republic into a laughing-stock for the majority of the world’s people.

    Center of all this smoldering dung-heap is not titled the Di$trict of Corruption for nothin.

    • Replies: @ThreeCranes
    @emerging majority

    The reason they exclude White men from consideration for jobs etc. is because Whites make them look so bad in comparison. To retain their overweening sense of superiority they have to wall out a whole raft of competitors. This is rather pathetic, actually, this need to self-reinforce their delusional fantasies by creating a make-believe world.

    , @anonymous
    @emerging majority

    Telling it like it is

    , @Beyond the pale and fedup
    @emerging majority

    What you say about the clown circus show is 110% correct, its frustrating trying to explain their level of incompetence and clownery to normal people who cannot comprehend such people running our country.

    The average sheep barely notices the antics of the clowns and the consequences.

  • One part of Israel's military operation in Gaza that's been largely ignored by the mainstream media is the extremely sophisticated psychological war that's being waged on the Palestinian people. If we look carefully at some of the more unusual elements in Israel's strategy, we see the outline of plan that is clearly aimed at inflicting...
  • @Face_The_Truth

    [][]So, the name, was not a ‘fiction of early Christians’. It was in fact known centuries before. Herodotus wrote of a “district of Syria, called Palaistinê” between Phoenicia and Egypt in the 5th century BC and the region was known as such ever since, never as ‘Israel’. The ‘Kingdom of Israel’ disappeared in 720 BC. ‘Israel’ is a fiction created by the Zionist Jews.[][]
    You White greedy Christian bloodsucker fail to mention that, there was NO Muslim on earth or in that region in 5th century B.C.

    There wouldn't have been any "Islam" on earth if the Roman Empire was NOT systematically destroyed by newly invented Christianism.

    Medieval Christians deliberately promoted Islamic barbarism in order to destroy the Pagans and the Pagan societies and culture of the Arabian Peninsula, which is also true in 19th century Indian subcontinent where British Christian imperialists promoted Muslims in order to destroy "Hindus" and "Hindu" culture!

    I can write a lot on my above sentence; but, don't waste my time.

    There is NO such thing to be named “Palestine” today in Middle East.

    The modern-day geographical territory named “Palestine” was the invention of British Christian imperialists of colonial time!

    The modern-day geographical territory named “Palestine” was actually and historically owned or controlled by:

    “Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs, nomadic-pastoral Canaanites, Israelites and Judeans, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persian Achaemenids, Pagan Greeks, Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom, Pagan Romans, Pagan Parthians, Pagan Sasanians, Christian Byzantines, Arab Muslim Rashidun, Muslim Umayyad, Muslim Abbasid and Muslim Fatimid Caliphates, Christian Crusaders, Muslim Ayyubids, Muslim Mamluks, Pagan Mongols, Muslim Ottomans and, ultimately, British Christian imperialists during colonial time.”

    As anyone can see from the above quotation, Jews were in that geographical territory long before the advent of Islam.

    The word “Jew” comes from the name of the inhabitants of ancient Judea.

    Pagan Roman province "Syria Palaestina", Byzantine Christian "Palaestina Prima", and Islamic provincial district of "Jund Filastin” were names attributed to the ancient Jewish homeland.

    Today’s “Palestine” is nothing but fictitious re-writing of recorded history.

    People who call themselves “Palestinians” are actually Egyptians and Jordanians and, therefore, they should re-settle themselves in Egypt and Jordan and in other Arab countries!

    American govt. should stop all annual funding for Muslims living in so-called “West Bank” and Gaza.

    American and European Christian tax-payers should stop funding of Muslims all over the world, in my humble opinion.

    Replies: @Face_The_Truth, @Seraphim, @mulga mumblebrain, @emerging majority

    Farce the Truth appears to be yet another apologist for the Talmudists. No credibility whatsoever.

  • This week in the UK, George Galloway was elected to parliament with a landslide victory in a by-election in Rochdale. On its face, these results are quite remarkable: Galloway finished with almost double the amount of votes of his closest rival, an independent who received little media attention, and both soundly defeated the Labour and...
  • @muh muh
    @Commentator Mike

    I get it, but surely you can see how, at the present hour, it's in the interest of Zionists to divert our attention to the 'sexually savage' Muslim stereotype in order to justify Israel's ongoing onslaught of Palestinians.

    That's a card they keep playing every hand: allegations of rape on Oct. 7, not a single one of which has been independently corroborated.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    Due to the realities of a monstrously patriarchal cultural matrix and also to imposition of the Bris at the age of eight days; the “Chosen” are highly sexualized at the same time as having been impositionally devolved into erotic castrati.

    Subconscious fear for their wounded weenies drive them into sexual dysplasias of every imaginable type.

    Is it possible to develop a relatively healthy form of pornography for all those who cannot discover a means to achieve “satisfaction” despite being not particularly attractive in the “meat-market”? Such a development would not be under full control and influence of the “Chosen”, with their highly formulaic presentations? Such an outcome is not inconceivable, but highly improbable withimn the current state of affairs.

    Obsessed with an exclusivist tribalized identity along with a hyper-sexualization due to their loss of full male empowerment, which WAS their birthright; Judaics will often resort to heavy levels of projection of their own fantasies and obsessions into those they presume to be “others”…and even as enemies to be destroyed or enslaved.

    With the Babylonian programming of their Rabbinical cult; hyperventilating into “Rabbinical Law” by means of the multigenerational development of their Talmudical “superiority” complex; Judaic culture as a whole…exclusive of awakeners who do not longer subscribe to the shtick…has devolved into becoming an enemy of 99 percent of the human race.

    Were there a form of psychoanalysis which is not derived from fraudulent Freudianism; it would be possible to establish a case for a verdict of guilty for the “Chosen” as culturally diseased. However, such an analysis is essentially impossible with the contemporary empowerment of Judaics in the fields of sociology and psychology.

    The first stage of reformulation must assume the form of awareness. It is not impossible that Jewish rebels may be instrumental in conceptionalizing stage two…they do, after all, possess levels of profound insight into the troubled ones.

    • Replies: @RupertTiger
    @emerging majority

    That is a superb comment, e_m. Thanks !

    I was going to propose that Scientology (a sophisticated lie detection system which shouldn't so casually be poo-pooed) really might be that 'form of psychoanalysis ...' you mention, although it does admittedly have some sort of Freudianism at its foundation; I don't really know how Freud can easily be avoided. Even your own ideas here are based to some extent on Freud.

    But I am more interested in what would be the use of this 'analysis'; a means to unequivocally determine guilt and responsibility with respect to possible punitive/preventative action as you say?

    Given the relative cheapness of life in this world, and the magnitude of (((their))) crime, would we really just want to reformulate (((them))) ? I mean what exactly do you think would be (((their))) function afterwards ?

    Replies: @VampireOverlord, @emerging majority

    , @RobinG
    @emerging majority

    What a load of crap. You sure these aren't your Freudian weenie issues?

    Replies: @emerging majority

  • @muh muh
    @Dave Bowman

    As the very perceptive and clear-minded commenter Alden

    She began this thread with an intemperate rant against Woods, one rife with innuendo and bin Laden-style logic. Were I to say that all Americans bear responsibility for the sins of Israel, she would rightly condemn that statement as a sweeping generalization, yet, when judging Muslims, she demonstrates no such sense of equity.

    In Anglin's latest front page thread, she once again resumed her obsessive-compulsive focus on Muslims, blaming Muslim dominant countries for not taking Israel's bait and launching their own campaign against it, seemingly oblivious to the fact that this would provide justification for a far more devastating counter-offensive against any country daring to initiate it, including severe economic sanctions against already poor economies.

    In this thread, she's made a number of factual errors, including an outrageous allegation that shari'ah law permits the rape of non-Muslim women and girls. She claims there have been no street demonstrations against Israel in Turkey while, to date, there have been scores of such demonstrations.

    For all her claims that the Jew is an 'enemy', her characterization of Muslims as rapists, precisely at a time when Israel is waging a concerted propaganda war using the very same trope and advancing unsubstantiated allegations in order to divert our attention from its genocide, makes her a highly useful idiot for Israel.

    Woods merely pointed to the cleverness of Galloway's strategy, which is a far cry from considering him a 'savior.' As I read it, Galloway is portrayed as more of a catalyst.

    Sorry, Dave, but you're way off here.

    Replies: @Anonymous 1, @emerging majority

    All this about Alden strikes me as the result of being raised as a “red-diaper baby”. The worst aspects of embedded Marxism and its various proto-Soviet iterations, often, when inculcated at a very young age; tend to activate and energize sociopathic tendencies. Swallowing vast profusions of propaganda promotes a warpage in the persona which takes on variable forms of striking out by means which are not always wholesome for self or for society.

    This ruptured republic is rife with numerous forms of objectively clinical insanity. However, as most behavioralist psychobabblers tend to enter that “professional” field due to personal “adjustments” to such forms of cultural norms; there is very little “acceptable” assistance which would be valid and worthwhile.

    Perhaps the best strategy would be to ignore. However, here on U.R., a plethora of psychological dysplasia tendencies are often displayed right here in this very public forum. Thus it is most tempting to counter those propensities towards devolving into cultural warpage.

    Objective observers, who constitute a minuscule minority on this site; must frequently scratch their heads and move along without commenting or doing so in amusement at the bemusement.

    • Replies: @muh muh
    @emerging majority

    Objective observers, who constitute a minuscule minority on this site; must frequently scratch their heads and move along without commenting or doing so in amusement at the bemusement.
    Intriguing analysis.

  • @Anonymous 1
    @muh muh

    There is some info here.

    Basically it came around to prevent "Extremision"and targeted "muslims" only but now covers a range of other issues.

    I am sure that many that post on UNZ would be referred to Prevent for re-education.

    There are a few articles below worth reading in my opinion to get an idea of Prevent.


    The Government is forcing teachers, doctors, social workers and others to monitor and report people they consider vulnerable to extremism, embedding discrimination in public services. Thousands have been swept up by it, including entirely innocent children. It must end.

    The Prevent Strategy is the Government’s flagship counter-extremism policy. It aims to identify people at risk of committing terrorist acts and intervene.

    To achieve this aim, the ‘Prevent duty’ obliges public bodies – including schools, nurseries, universities, social services and healthcare providers – to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”.

    This means that teachers, doctors, social workers and others are required to monitor and report people they suspect are vulnerable to extremism. They must also avoid exposing people to extremist views.

    The definition of extremism under Prevent is so wide that thousands of people are being swept up by it – including children engaging in innocuous conduct, people protesting climate change, and a nurse who began wearing a hijab.

    In fact, more than nine out of ten Prevent referrals in 2017/18 didn’t require any de-radicalisation action.

    The policy simply embeds discrimination in public services, eroding carefully cultivated relationships which rely on trust, and fosters a culture of self-censorship. And studies have shown that Muslim students are changing their behavior for fear of being stigmatised, labelled as extremists or subjected to discrimination.

    Prevent is fundamentally misconceived, and the Government hasn’t published any evidence that holding extreme views is a reliable predictor of future participation in violence.

    But despite these serious concerns, it’s spreading, and police are training the private sector and are encouraging people to report on others.

    The Prevent duty must be scrapped.

    The current Prevent Review is a chance to give this damaging strategy the robust independent scrutiny it desperately needs – but the Government has hamstrung it before it’s even started, as it’s not broad enough to conduct the thorough examination required


    UK police monitored thousands through Prevent-linked mental health hubs
    Children as young as six are being referred for assessment by psychiatrists embedded in counter-terrorism units, report finds.



    The Government Prevent White Paper.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    Here in the ruptured republic, the entire “Prevent” strategy would be considered as promoting snitching.

    It appears to have been swallowed whole from Markus Wolff’s Stasi…where something like one of every five subjects of the DDR regime were rewarded for snitching on anyone they chose to be subject to “official” trouble.

    The entire concept is both deeply and broadly anti-communitarian. It is a top-down strategy, calculated to enforce Caesar’s old precept of “Divide and Conquer/ Divide and Rule”. When applied to various public servants and bureaucraps; it has full capacity to formulate them into the servants of a totalitarian regime, targeting most dissidents and many who are clueless victims of a terrorist system.

    Progenitors and perpetrators of preventification are beyond the pale of human and humane relationships. They are traitors to humanity.

    • Agree: Anonymous 1
  • @Commentator Mike
    @muh muh

    Well, well, I think that's debatable.


    So in Pakistan a local authority orders a woman to be punished by gang rape for a crime someone else (her brother) committed and then another authority condemns those who carried out the order of the authority to death for gang rape. What is fair and just about this entire system and why bother even trying to think it through?

    Replies: @muh muh, @RadicalCenter

    Where application of shari’ah law is concerned, Pakistan is a hot mess, certainly not indicative of any normative Islamic jurisprudence.

    But, as usual, no evidence has been presented for Alden’s outlandishly false claim.

    Dehumanizing Muslims is a key goal of Zionists. Makes justifying the west’s role in killing over 4 million of them to date all the easier.

    Diverting our attention from Israel’s genocide is precisely what Zionists want. They might as well cut Alden a check.

    • Replies: @Anonymous 1
    @muh muh

    "Dehumanizing Muslims is a key goal of Zionists. Makes justifying the west’s role in killing over 4 million of them to date all the easier.

    Diverting our attention from Israel’s genocide is precisely what Zionists want.

    When the Prevent Strategy came into use in the UK it was only used to go after Muslims so most excepted it as being a good thing not thinking ahead that it would be used against all who disagree with government tyranny.

    Now pro Palestinian supporters, anti lockdown, freedom of bodily autonomy etc are targeted by Prevent.

    We were warned years ago by some that this happen.

    Replies: @muh muh

    , @Commentator Mike
    @muh muh

    There are those who are opposed to both the Jewish control of their countries and the invasion of the Muslims.

    Replies: @muh muh

  • @Supply and Demand
    @Fluffy Pancake

    You’re a vassal of the Gay American Empire. You loved Trump because he’s a whitey faggot like all of you.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    Stupidity on Demand: “Gay American Empire”. Woo, woo. Juvenile mental and psychological assumptions about cultural and social reality tend to emphasize the fatuous and only appeal to those with the deliberately dumbed down victims of this elitist controlled culture. That elitism is multigenerational and thus has minuscule reverberation with samesex identity.

    Also, the reactive racism, though a sign of victimization as its one marker of validity; is as Eldridge Cleaver pointed out: “If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem”.

    • Replies: @Supply and Demand
    @emerging majority

    Touched a nerve, didn’t I, whitey?

  • @Bill Wolfe
    I disagree with the author - the rise and consolidation of identity politics is not a good thing.

    It is becoming the engine of not only deep polarization, but in the US is providing the energy behind a rising cultural and political fascism.

    The most effective appeals to both the legitimately alienated white working class people and minority groups (immigrants, race, sexual orientation, etc) is class solidarity, universal ethical and material values, and attacks on economic elites that have betrayed people (Wall street, bankers, corporate officials, military industrial complex, etc).

    These legitimate material (and economic) concerns are being hijacked by the right. Check out this book and interview of the author political economist Les Leopold by Bob Scheer:

    Galloway calls himself a socialist and he often presents an old school working class labour politics on his show MOATS. But I saw none of that in his campaign materials, which really tells you all you need to know about the implications of pursuit of an identity politics approach on real left issues.

    Professor Nancy Fraser has coined the term "Progressive Neoliberalism" to explain how identity politic displaces real left politics and allows the Democrats to mask neoliberal pro-corporate and pro-war policies behind "progressive" cultural and identity politics.

    Really disappointed to learn of Galloways's campaign messages and political approach - I had hoped he could bridge the ID politics with real leftist politics. I was wrong.

    Replies: @emerging majority, @24th Alabama

    If what you mean by “real left” is dogmatic Marxism, fuggidaboudit. Granted that Marx hit on some things well thought out and deftly stated. That said, such saws as “dictatorship of the proletariat” along with “Vanguard of the Proletariat” are both divisive and in a twisted manner, elitist.

    Main issue, however, is the materialistic ethos…if we can call that an ethos. Materialistic rationalism is a desiccated and vacuous relic of the mid 19th century, while deeply celebrated by the likes of college professors and suchlike common-senseless creatures. Dialectical materialism is a dated conceptualization which rests upon a perverse application of Hegelian dialectics.

    Materialism as an underlying philosophy is a reaction to churchaholic determinism…an antithesis, according to Hegelian philosophy. However, within its lineal conceptualization of time and history there is no way it can develop into a workable synthesis.

    Though raised on Marxist principles and such an advocate during his relatively formative years, Galloway has matured over time and appears to have graduated from those puerile nostrums into an experienced perspective on reality as it is…and could be.

  • @Proteus Procrustes
    @emerging majority

    "Hell and Heaven for that matter are human constructions."

    So, you are stating unequivocally that the story of Muslims getting not one or two but seventy-two pussies each in Heaven is a made up shite by the camel driver along with his overnight flight to Jerusalem on a donkey... you're more of a man than one takes you for.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    Please let us know what you’ve been drinking, so the rest of us can stay far, far away from that. Is it true that Absinthe makes the head go wander?

    • Replies: @24th Alabama
    @emerging majority

    The Twisted Shot Pussycat will cause more than your head to wander.

    , @Proteus Procrustes
    @emerging majority

    It's you, who ought to stay away from decent folks and their forums, with whatever you're chewing or is chewing you. If you have fantasies of giving it to others then practice it to take it up yourself buster!

  • One part of Israel's military operation in Gaza that's been largely ignored by the mainstream media is the extremely sophisticated psychological war that's being waged on the Palestinian people. If we look carefully at some of the more unusual elements in Israel's strategy, we see the outline of plan that is clearly aimed at inflicting...
  • @meamjojo

    Love it better!

    IDF says it killed 'around 20 terrorists' in overnight fighting
    Tue, March 5, 2024

    Replies: @emerging majority, @Anonymous 1

    The IOF probably killed a group of old ladies mourning for their grandchildren, murdered by the Talmudists and called them terrorists in order to keep the $htetlites happy in belief that they are winning.

    Talmudists are so deceiving that they even constantly deceive each other…like the butchered babies and raped babes…over half their bullshit is for home consumption and for more conscripts to get dragged into the meatgrinder.

    Wounded weenies as Kosher salami.

    • Thanks: AlexanderEngGB
    • Replies: @Anonymous 1
    @emerging majority

    Spot on analysis 👍🏼👍🏼

  • @emerging majority

    Good points about those mobile devices...most particularly in war-zones and amongst those who seek to rebel against the control-matrix created and enforced by the Evil Ones and their hirelings and stooges.

    Technologically, on a personal basis, I'm pretty dim. However, I've heard and read about Faraday Cages and similar means of dimming or masking one's presence at given locations. Perhaps a simple (maybe somewhat simplistic defense) would be to wrap one's personal "device" within layers of aluminum foil.

    Someone more technologically hip than myself could critique this suggestion as to how to foil the ears of the prostituted individuals who work for those intel agencies and military mindfuckers.

    If those illegal border crossers want to actually do some good for the general public, perhaps they should smuggle in some man-pads which could be useful in eliminating surveillance drones. Maybe the upshot would be for those drones to be used across the border areas to keep out those disruptive invaders.

    The security state, which was the primary objective of the Talmudist saboteurs and their Yankee elite allies when they pulled off the 911 Inside Job...is to eliminate the resistance of We The People. Those schemes by the ruling elite are a worldwide factor and must be resisted by all decent human beings who wish for nothing less than a decent world to re-emerge from its current state of "velvet-glove" serfdom and out and out slavery by means of the law n' order racket.

    Ultimately, the current fringe on top are nothing less than highly organized gangsters who follow the orders of the bank$ters. The terminally corrupted ride high in the saddle. Their impending doom is an awakening public.

    Replies: @Tay-tay

    Faraday cages need 2 layers. Non-conductor and conductor. Say place phone in paper sandwich bag, then in foil coffee pouch, fold top. RF can not turn corners but can go through holes. Always test by calling phone.

    • Thanks: emerging majority
  • This week in the UK, George Galloway was elected to parliament with a landslide victory in a by-election in Rochdale. On its face, these results are quite remarkable: Galloway finished with almost double the amount of votes of his closest rival, an independent who received little media attention, and both soundly defeated the Labour and...
  • @Proteus Procrustes

    Dirty Jews and Hindus? The foulest of all races are Arabs and the biggest religious fraudsters of all are the converted Muslims. George Galloway is a closeted Islamist and he is going burn in hell for it. May the Christ Jesus have mercy upon his wretched soul.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    Protesting Crusty One: Do I detect the rank odor of a “Christian” Zionist in your tirade…or are you a real Talmudist wearing sheep’s clothing? Your “Hell” crap is nothing more than what was made up to create fear in a European populace who fell under the talons of “Holy Mother Church”.

    Hell and Heaven for that matter are human constructions. No there, there. Pity that you have yet to enter the late 19th Century, to say nothing of the spiritual awakening which is sweeping the more sentient elements in the Western world today.

    All the old bullshit created by Constantine’s hijacking of the Great Spiritual Teacher, Jesus; is collapsing amongst the younger generations, who simply do not prefer to continue believing in the bullshit of organized religion. They seek truth.

    For anyone who seeks the truth of Jesus, step #1 is to totally obliterate the Old Testicles as having any genuine validity. With that accomplished, the genuine spiritual messages of Jesus can be resurrected.

    • Replies: @Proteus Procrustes
    @emerging majority

    "Hell and Heaven for that matter are human constructions."

    So, you are stating unequivocally that the story of Muslims getting not one or two but seventy-two pussies each in Heaven is a made up shite by the camel driver along with his overnight flight to Jerusalem on a donkey... you're more of a man than one takes you for.

    Replies: @emerging majority

  • @Crass
    George Galloway is clearly a Political Pied Piper and a Trojan Horse.

    During a 2003 speech at Oxford Union, George Galloway confirmed that the Anti-Apartheid movement In South Africa was led entirely By Jews.

    I am one of the few people on the Left in Britain who traveled the length and breadth of Apartheid South Africa — as an underground agent of the African National Congress led by Nelson Mandela

    “..throughout the entirely of my time underground in South Africa under Apartheid, every house I slept in, every dinner I ate, every car I drove in was provided by Jewish activists of the African National Congress.

    The greatest people on the earth were Jews. The leaders of the socialist, communist, trade union, Liberal Enlightenment, throughout the 17th, 18th, 19th centuries were great Jews. Marx himself was a Jew.”

    On George Galloway’sThe Mother of All Talk Shows’ (MOATS), broadcast on the 13th April 2020, George Galloway, at around the one hour and thirty five minutes into his talk show, gave his full support to mRNA Vaccinations and his complete backing of Bill Gates!

    George Galloway has also bragged about convincing Saddam Hussein to give up his Chemical and Biological weapons, thus opening up Iraq for the illegal invasion by British and American troops that followed and he stated on another one of his MOATS radio shows, that ‘Saddam was a bigger fool for listening to him’.

    George Galloway is a despicable man and a deceptive Trotskyite!

    Hell Awaits Galloway!

    Replies: @Wokechoke, @PJ London, @RupertTiger, @inspector general

    Either he’s a double agent or in the 1980s he was a naive young man. One does not arrive at opposition to Jews by never coming into contact with them. Galloway is obviously a counter Semite these days no matter what he did back in the 1980s or said on the eve of the invasion of Iraq. The USUK invasion was a watershed event for the Jewish Question anyway. It left a lot of people wondering how and why the invasion happened. Anyone with a brain had to conclude it was Israel’s security being secured by the American golem.

    Can you think of anyone else who could do anything practical in Parliament? Make a list by all means and get them to run for office.

    • Thanks: emerging majority
    • Replies: @Crass

    Can you think of anyone else who could do anything practical in Parliament?

    What exactly is George Galloway going to do “practical in Parliament?”

    George Galloway is certainly not going to do anything practical in Parliament, as the sole elected member of the communist Workers Party.

    No, all we are going to get is a pantomime with this clown, and maybe he will mimic licking imaginary milk while pretending to be a cat, like the gobshite did while on Celebrity Big Brother!

    Replies: @Alden, @Alden

  • It seems like the main reason is that after decades of betrayal – especially on immigration – their voters have finally just stopped caring for the “at least they’re not as bad as the left” excuse.

    In Western or Westernized countries, voters always fall into the same trap: “vote for whoever seems to be the ‘lesser of two evils’”, and in the end they get, whichever party is elected, a government that acts against the interests of the people.

    • Agree: emerging majority
  • @Crass
    @emerging majority

    Though a rhetorician, Galloway does appear to demonstrate some genuine idealism, a most rare commodity amongst the usual offerings of political animals. Thus the big winner in Rochdale is a well argued form of populism which makes the so-called elite and their tools exceedingly nervous.

    George Galloway is a Political opportunist who simply tells the British Muslims, what they want to hear.

    Galloway, was simply rolled out by his handlers as a hired gun, to be a Political pressure valve in the Rochdale by-election, to quell the anger of British Muslims, Vis-à-vis the Israeli Ethnic cleansing and Genocide of the Palestinians, in the Gaza Concentration camp.

    Replies: @emerging majority, @Joekacfromadanac

    A rather crass response from an occasional plunger into the U.R. cavalcade. Any examples to buttress your opinions?

  • One part of Israel's military operation in Gaza that's been largely ignored by the mainstream media is the extremely sophisticated psychological war that's being waged on the Palestinian people. If we look carefully at some of the more unusual elements in Israel's strategy, we see the outline of plan that is clearly aimed at inflicting...
  • @Shadi
    Israel’s e-warfare: using smartphones to kill the Lebanese resistance.

    Recently, there has been a flurry of reports detailing Israel's capabilities in surveillance and tracking of mobile devices in connection to Tel Aviv’s military aggression against southern Lebanon.

    These covert operations, which often involve targeted assassinations by drones or warplanes, were executed by exploiting the presence of mobile phones – both smartphones and regular devices – among Lebanese resistance fighters while engaged in cross-border operations in support of the Palestinian resistance the day after Al-Aqsa Flood was launched.

    Israeli intelligence uses the data from these devices, including GPS-enabled smartwatches, to pinpoint the locations of targets and to track fighters’ movements.

    Additionally, there have been reports about Israel exploiting the devices owned by friends and families of resistance fighters, who may not be fully aware of the risks posed by their technology usage. This lack of awareness opens up avenues for Israeli intelligence to gather information through electronic means, such as smart TVs connected to the internet or other electronic devices that transmit data.

    This vulnerability was recognized by Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah, who in a speech on 13 February urged his partisans in the south to “throw” away smartphones, which he described as “spy device[s].”

    The software is surreptitiously introduced on people’s mobile phones. Once Pegasus is on the device, the client is able to turn it into a powerful surveillance tool by gaining complete access to its camera, calls, media, microphone, email, text messages, and other functions, enabling surveillance of the person targeted and their contacts.


    The Jewish mafia members ASSASSINATE you using your cell phone. Expose the scum of humanity all over the world. These criminals should be wiped off the map.
    ASSASSINATE Biden's dog, Netanyahu, and members of IDF. Death to Jewish mafia Tribe members.
    99% of Jews in the occupied land support the genocide in Gaza, so the Jews in America and the western countries. Boycott anything Jewish.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    Good points about those mobile devices…most particularly in war-zones and amongst those who seek to rebel against the control-matrix created and enforced by the Evil Ones and their hirelings and stooges.

    Technologically, on a personal basis, I’m pretty dim. However, I’ve heard and read about Faraday Cages and similar means of dimming or masking one’s presence at given locations. Perhaps a simple (maybe somewhat simplistic defense) would be to wrap one’s personal “device” within layers of aluminum foil.

    Someone more technologically hip than myself could critique this suggestion as to how to foil the ears of the prostituted individuals who work for those intel agencies and military mindfuckers.

    If those illegal border crossers want to actually do some good for the general public, perhaps they should smuggle in some man-pads which could be useful in eliminating surveillance drones. Maybe the upshot would be for those drones to be used across the border areas to keep out those disruptive invaders.

    The security state, which was the primary objective of the Talmudist saboteurs and their Yankee elite allies when they pulled off the 911 Inside Job…is to eliminate the resistance of We The People. Those schemes by the ruling elite are a worldwide factor and must be resisted by all decent human beings who wish for nothing less than a decent world to re-emerge from its current state of “velvet-glove” serfdom and out and out slavery by means of the law n’ order racket.

    Ultimately, the current fringe on top are nothing less than highly organized gangsters who follow the orders of the bank$ters. The terminally corrupted ride high in the saddle. Their impending doom is an awakening public.

    • Agree: werpor
    • Replies: @Tay-tay
    @emerging majority

    Faraday cages need 2 layers. Non-conductor and conductor. Say place phone in paper sandwich bag, then in foil coffee pouch, fold top. RF can not turn corners but can go through holes. Always test by calling phone.

  • @Sarita
    They cant stay normal, you know what I'm saying? It's either stealing organs, bribing, blackmailing, making tic toc videos making fun of people, and .....OR


    Replies: @mulga mumblebrain, @emerging majority, @Teev

    Photo depicts a wall of weeping wounded weenies.

    • Agree: Sarita
  • This week in the UK, George Galloway was elected to parliament with a landslide victory in a by-election in Rochdale. On its face, these results are quite remarkable: Galloway finished with almost double the amount of votes of his closest rival, an independent who received little media attention, and both soundly defeated the Labour and...
  • @Alden
    The enemy ( Muslims) of my enemy ( Jews) is not my friend.

    The euphemism grooming gangs what a useful idiot woke faggot commie Jew liberal term for vicious gang rapes of women and girls with the preferred victims being age 11 to 15. Rochdale has an extremely high of rape especially girls age 11 to 15. Its as bad as infamousRotherham . Like many N England towns rape is de facto legalized. Including the most vicious gang rapes. Muslims can’t even be prosecuted for rape of children 11 and 12 year olds

    It’s not the White native British men, not White European immigrant men nor East Asian immigrant men nor Indian Hindus who’ve turned N England into one of the rape capitals of Europe. It’s Muslims from fresh off the boat to 4th generation Aided abetted enabled and encouraged by police child protective services woke faggot commie and every liberal Muslim city and county government agency.

    What a useful idiot the author is. The article is just a useful idiot woke faggot clip and paste from the last 70 years of non White invasion of Britian. From the Jamaican thugs terrorizing the Nottingham and other neighborhoods of London in 1950 to de facto legalization of rape of 12 year old girls as long as the rapists are Muslim men by 1980. . Native White English men and boys are equally victimized by Muslims. Not rape but murder and vicious beatings and stabbings.

    Useful idiot author did what middle and high school kids. Just clipped and pasted what’s been written about non White immigrants for 70 years.

    The enemy ( Muslims) of my enemy ( Jews) is not my friend.

    Face it. The Jews rule America. And the Jews rule most nations in W Europe including the UK the Jewish Muslim alliance against European Christian civilization is 1,400 years old.

    All the Muslim demonstrations in Europe won’t make a bit of difference to the outcome of the Israeli extermination of Palestinians. And then on to Lebanon Iraq Syria and Egypt.

    Replies: @emerging majority, @Crass, @RupertTiger, @Anonymous 1, @John Trout, @Fluesterwitz

    For certain rape is a serious social ill and needs to be dealt with in a stern manner, particularly when it consists of assaults on still somewhat innocent girls by men who have barely emerged from some of the more knuckle-dragging elements which Muslim nations are delighted to see move elsewhere.

    That said, Alden and her homophobia is a distasteful bitch and should consider the fact that the real enemies of humanity are those beastly Talmudist superiority freaks with immense levels of ill-gotten gains who buy and blackmail malleable prostiticians in Western nations.

    Key to the strategy of the Evil Ones is Caesar’s old dictum of Divide and Conquer/Divide and Rule. Alden is culturally divisive…which might just possibly be genuine on her part…but maybe not. When indigestible alien cultural elements are introduced in huge numbers to Western nations, there axiomatically is dissension and division. That’s exactly what the ruling Bass-Turds want.

    Best advice for all conscious individuals is to keep your eyes on the goal…the removal of the Talmudist money mongers from the now blood-spattered seats of no longer so secret power who seek to destroy our nations and establish their Talmudist world order. Any deviation from that compelling necessity for human survival is at best counter-productive.

    At worst it is a matter of giving aid and comfort to the enemies of humanity.

  • @Greta Handel

    Which one was more thoroughly thrashed, the Sky News reporter who didn’t abandon his disastrous iPhone script or the US Senator who didn’t even understand how badly things were going up there behind his big desk? Mr. Galloway listens, thinks, and rejoins as well as anyone I’ve ever seen.

    the a-holes that subpoenaed him, never expected him to show up!
    How refreshing it would be to see an American speaking to journalists, politicians, and other puppets like this. But here in Exceptionalia, the Establishment apparently is more effective in preventing these encounters.

    Replies: @RobinG, @emerging majority, @Anonymousrgc, @Notsofast, @Steve Naidamast

    Minnesota politics. Little Normie Coleman was a stain on the escutcheon of the rural and working class residents of Minnesota. He appealed to the Normies and their Normas…mostly sub-urbanites with barely more common sense than a cluster of grasshoppers.

    The other faces of the North Star state were the late (assassinated by airplane) reformed Jewish (in stark contrast to Normie) and highly populist Senator Paul Wellstone, who was not a Democrat FORMER Labor party regular, rather an idealistic champion of the general populace…along with the amazing Jesse Ventura, the former professional wrestler who campaigned wearing a feather boa versus the two stuffed suits representing the Tweedle-dee-dee and Tweedle-dee-dumber establishment stooges.

    In many respects, Galloway is a reiteration of his American counterpart, Minnesota’s populist governor of recent memory, Jesse Ventura, who was the U.S. version of call it like it is candidacy. Since leaving office, Ventura has created some very revealing podcasts exposing much of the evil which currently smothers American politics. Donald Trump is but a pale variation of that genuine man of and for We The People…however, as compared with the run of the Democrat mill, he does exhibit occasional levels of sensibility.

    Upshot of all of these developments is that in large measure the governments belonging to the ruling elite have over-reached in situations like Ukraine, Gaza and border security. Immigrants are okay to me if they bring highly honed skills to our blends. However, as for the “poor and huddled masses”; they can strive to take down their own national oppressors, rather than bring more dissension and disturbances to America’s body politick.

    • Agree: Notsofast
  • Although identity politics is a rising phenomenon in Britain and throughout the Western world; the primary issue which Galloway developed was the genocide in Gaza and the complicity of the establishment parties, under near total Talmudist/financier control.

    At this point in time the primary issue is not the identity thang rather it is the oppression of the many by the financier elite and their various minions, stooges and hangers-on. The ones who makeup the system as it stands are happily going along with increased levels of oppression and “security” for the people with far too much money and power over others.

    Though a rhetorician, Galloway does appear to demonstrate some genuine idealism, a most rare commodity amongst the usual offerings of political animals. Thus the big winner in Rochdale is a well argued form of populism which makes the so-called elite and their tools exceedingly nervous.

    • Replies: @Crass
    @emerging majority

    Though a rhetorician, Galloway does appear to demonstrate some genuine idealism, a most rare commodity amongst the usual offerings of political animals. Thus the big winner in Rochdale is a well argued form of populism which makes the so-called elite and their tools exceedingly nervous.

    George Galloway is a Political opportunist who simply tells the British Muslims, what they want to hear.

    Galloway, was simply rolled out by his handlers as a hired gun, to be a Political pressure valve in the Rochdale by-election, to quell the anger of British Muslims, Vis-à-vis the Israeli Ethnic cleansing and Genocide of the Palestinians, in the Gaza Concentration camp.

    Replies: @emerging majority, @Joekacfromadanac

    , @JWalters
    @emerging majority

    I think you nailed it. In the big picture the hidden hand of the Jewish Mafia is losing its grip. As the puppet-master of both Conservatives and Labour, it lied to various constituencies as needed.

    But now its evil face is being starkly revealed in Gaza. And its totalitarian hand is showing in Britain with its censorship and suppression of all Britons with a simple sense of Justice.

    Brits need to learn about the Jewish Mafia's delusion of ruling the world from Jerusalem, and how they took over Britain as a stepping stone.
    War Profiteers and Israel's Bank

    George Orwell predicted the subjugation of Britain by an organized totalitarianism, with its blankets of lies, its economic looting, and its wasteful wars. Now it's time for Brits to take their country back from the Jewish Mafia and their Rishi Skunk bobble-heads.

  • One part of Israel's military operation in Gaza that's been largely ignored by the mainstream media is the extremely sophisticated psychological war that's being waged on the Palestinian people. If we look carefully at some of the more unusual elements in Israel's strategy, we see the outline of plan that is clearly aimed at inflicting...
  • @Anon
    Re: All this horseshit about antisemitism

    Israel was created so jews could go somewhere other than US/Europe if they felt discriminated or persecuted…

    Well, if they are scared of antisemitism, why the FUCK are they not moving to israel.

    Go! Why are you still in UK? Go to Israel. No antisemitism there! Why are you still here? Have you left yet?

    Replies: @John Trout

    It is ironic that those crying “antisemitism” are busy massacring Semites in Gaza.

    • Thanks: emerging majority
  • @meamjojo
    @Jim H

    "What is wrong with this picture? Only a Jew-dominated US government would aid both sides in a conflict, as is their long-established custom."
    One of the few things I can agree with you on. The Palestinians should be left to suffer UNTIL they stand-up and get rid of Hamas. They will never be free nor accepted in polite company until they do this.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    And YOU speak for “polite company”? The Chutzpah! Quite typical, though.

  • @Rev. Spooner
    @emerging majority

    Please read it carefully. Anon himself says at the end of his post that he's changed German for Hamas. You are missing the whole point of of his post.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    So I read anon’s screed for the third time. If he’s attempting to be subtle, he’s succeeding in being obtuse.

  • On Saturday, western news agencies reported that closed-door negotiations took place in Paris that were aimed at reaching an agreement on a ceasefire in Gaza. According to Reuters the talks represented "the most serious push for weeks to halt the fighting in the battered Palestinian enclave and see Israeli and foreign hostages released." Regrettably, the...
  • @A123

    Christendom (primarily U.S. and Europe) will not accept violent Muslim former Gazans.
    2. Weak Biden says we have “no choice” but to take them
    Thanks for pointing out that Not-The-President Biden, like you, is also an anti-Semitic Islamophile. You also correctly point out that he is weak.

    What makes you think anyone would go along with your policy if the Veggie-In-Chief attempted to sell out America?

    Given that it is an election year, one would expect his own party to crush your unhinged plan.

    Palestine is a Muslim land.
    That is a lie.

    The non-Palestinian religion of Islam was forced on Palestine ~600 AD by Muhammad the Settler Prophet and his followers. Muslim colonists are squatting on Christian & Jewish land that doesn’t belong to them. That’s a fact.

    I really don’t get it. [Jews] hold Christianity with disdain
    That is another lie.

    Judeo-Christians share a common religion books heritage via the Old Testament. In any sufficiently large group you can find a few crazies. However, the bulk of relations between Jew and Christians is quite solid. Look at the number of Orthodox Jews, 75%+, in America voting MAGA.

    Only Muslims and Islamophiles, such as yourself, hold Christianity with disdain. I do not get your submission to the blood soaked excesses of Muhammad the Settler.

    Why do you carry water for Hamas terrorists who are killing children by using them as human shields?

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @anarchyst, @emerging majority, @John Johnson

    You and JJ deserve each other. Go at it.

  • @John Johnson
    @emerging majority

    So you again completely avoided the question of abortion after calling me a liar. Why do you bothering responding to my points when half the time you just toss out "youz a Jew" when faced with unwanted facts?

    True or False:

    Most Russian children were aborted during Putin's first 10 years.

    True or False:

    Putin could have ended government subsidies of abortion or enacted new restrictions on his own just as he overruled the constitution without Duma approval.

    Take a lesson from Anglin on Putin. You won't see Anglin trying to explain Putin's Jewish connections or trying to do PR work for his abortion empire. Anglin is wiser than you and knows that Putin is evil. He isn't going to bother posting about their abortion culture or their HIV rate or their prison rape epidemic. It's like trying to do damage control for the devil. You'll just keep embarrassing yourself.

    Your personalized hatred for the man that nearly 80% of the Russian people regard as being their “Good Tsar”

    If Putin is so popular then why not let the people vote? Why kill the opposition? You're trying to defend a coward that history will remember as a mass murderer. Stalin also had his defenders and history judges them as losers.

    I'm not a Jew and I respect our Greek/Roman heritage of reason. You however are a coward that only pretends to value reason. You accuse me of lying and when I provide sources to back my statements you yell out "well u a Jew or something" and then run off. Maybe find a new hobby other than trying to defend totalitarian states just because you hate the West. It's actually possible to oppose the status quo and not sign up to provide voluntary PR work for a mass murdering dwarf.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    When you assail the enemy of the enemies of humanity, you are working for the Evil Ones who are genociding the Palestinians. Sorry you missed out on that abortion.

  • @Looger
    @emerging majority

    but you insist that micro-nukes were not used in Beirut.
    I insisted nothing. You're fucking lying.

    And you refuse to admit that the probability of micro-nukes on the Towers was close to overwhelming?

    All I know for sure is the official story is bullshit

    The only CERTAINTY there is:

    Whenever a "soulless minion of orthodoxy" shows up and calls you names because you don't buy some exact version of very ambiguous events, then I know for sure they're fucking retarded or a willing dupe spewing FED talking points such as happened 20 years ago to regarding 9/11.

    Same talking points for 20 years, there's some originality!

    Im glad you have ALL the answers there fucktard.

    Good for you. I bet mommy is so proud that she makes sure that hockey helmet you wear all day, is up to date and not expired, as well as cleaning off all that dried porridge and diarrhea.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    Were you abused as a child or is your constant anger simply innate? Perhaps you are merely a flipside iteration of Poopon.

  • The majority of Palestinians in Rafah live in an area that is roughly the size of Heathrow Airport. The city is cramped and unsanitary. It is surrounded on three sides by Israeli ground forces and on the fourth side by the 20 ft high Egyptian border wall. For all practical purposes, Rafah is a prison,...
  • @Poupon Marx
    @emerging majority

    A very good, descriptive essay on the continuing failure of the WEST, you Scan da Navel yun without exception. Like most Westerners, who live in a trench, you don't see much over the top of the chasm.

    All you describe is circumcised (I know you love that word) and apart from The West. I know you have not been paying attention to what I have been elucidating and propounding for a very long time.
    Russia, Euroasia is excepted, outside the toilet called the West, in all respects.

    I cannot say more on this subject, as I do not like to repeat myself or proselytize to a dull, defensive audience or recipient. Stay on the Interstate EM. Don't take any exists or traverse unmarked roads. Be a good, low self worth, collective, Borg-like descendant of Vikings. (Oh, wait, they were from another planet. Stayed awhile and then booked back to Planet Nirvana out of disgust for the stock in residence.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    So who slipped a cockleburs into your undies…or is it that time of the month? Verbal abuse is frequently your stock in trade. Spiritual vacuity is your current state of consciousness.

    Though your intellect may possibly be medium-high; it does lack balance. That is the lesson of the Tao. Respect induces reverberation. That quality is not your forte’.

    Perhaps your current state of mind is resultant from a psychic invasion within your first 24 outta the oven. Too bad about that wounded psyche.

    Oh well…perhaps your next round of the cycle will be more enhancing. Blame it on your parents if you must, but please do bear in mind that we chose our course even before emergence from the birth-chamber. Guess you got what you asked for.

    Next go round try psilocybin rather than the bottle. It may be of avail.

  • One part of Israel's military operation in Gaza that's been largely ignored by the mainstream media is the extremely sophisticated psychological war that's being waged on the Palestinian people. If we look carefully at some of the more unusual elements in Israel's strategy, we see the outline of plan that is clearly aimed at inflicting...
  • The Jewish Mafia’s courtiers in the halls of government and media are struggling to pretend that Israel is not the dregs of vicious evil on the planet.

    So far, within their fancy bubble they are managing to prop each other up.

    But the glaring, overwhelming, obvious facts are straining the bubble. At some unexpected moment it will burst, and all these expensively dressed and coiffed bobble-heads will find themselves suddenly looking into the camera while drenched from head to toe in buckets of wet, cesspool shit.

    Such a shocking occurrence may trigger a rebellion to utterly and absolutely destroy the Jewish Mafia once and for all. All pretense that these are civilized people can be dropped. They have conclusively proven they are the dregs of the vilest evil.

    Every Holocaust Museum should be converted into a museum of Jewish Mafia depravity. The lies of the Holocaust should be front and center. The evil, Satanic doctrine of the Talmud should be highlighted, and required study for every high school student.

    The specific, vile crimes of the Jewish Mafia should be emphasized. The vile assassination of president John F. Kennedy, a man who was trying to put the world on a path to peace, is a classic case of the demonic crimes of the Jewish Mafia. And the assassination of his brother Robert, in order to seal the JFK murder, was equally despicable.

    A separate room would be devoted to the diabolically subversive 9/11 attack. A video would loop endlessly showing Netanyahu famously saying the attack was “good for Israel”. Future generations of Americans must learn thoroughly the diabolically evil nature of the Jewish Mafia. There must be no going back.

    The ill-gotten financial fortunes of the Jewish Mafia must be entirely confiscated, and used to make restitution to the victims of their wars, swindles, economic catastrophes. They must be banned from the financial sector forever. No more chances will be taken.

    They will be banned from all positions in government. No more chances will be taken.

    They will be banned from all ownership positions in major media companies. Further, the current level of media consolidation will be destroyed, since media consolidation is a tool of censorship and tyranny.

    This media ban will not affect individual, independent media outlets such as The Unz Review, The Greyzone, and Mondoweiss. It’s easy to determine that such outlets are not part of a media octopus, and that they make good-faith efforts to report the truth.

    We are in a situation where the Jewish Mafia is inflicting the most vile, evil atrocities on the people of Gaza. Their diabolical courtiers in the halls of politics and the media are all cowering in silence. This situation is so obvious that all the world sees it. It is a situation which must be decisively destroyed and never allowed to occur again.

    • Replies: @mulga mumblebrain

    What the Zionazis are doing is 'Western Values' in action. Although markedly frenzied and sadistic, and based on the most depraved lies, it is not that different from US atrocities in the Philippines, Korea, Indochina, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya or Syria, the butchery of US proxies around the world, the gigantic killings of the English, particularly in India, and those of other European colonialists and imperialists etc, etc. The Zionazis are just typical Europeans, plus a dash of narcissistic self-delusion and a gift for corrupting others.

    Replies: @cousin lucky, @Lurker, @JWalters, @bjondo

    , @Anonymous

    Who resorts to a life of crime? I would argue the most psychologically damaged, otherwise vast fortunes could be more intelligently employed by creating an exceedingly well-functioning planet, all inhabitants reaching their greatest potential, humanity bursting with innovation after innovation, fueling the well-being of people and planet. Instead, economic muscle is low-balled into destruction, violence and stunted intellectualism, all due to the psychological damage of religious cult indoctrinations that have overstayed their welcome in this still promising world.

  • @A123
    The headline is not quite correct it should read:

    Israel's Psych-War Is Relentless, Truthful, and SUCCESSFUL

    the population is now convinced that “nowhere is safe”.
    Human Shields being used by Hamas are not safe. This headline is an accurate because kidnappers and murderers are hiding behind civilians. The wise move for the population is -- Releasing the hostages and turning over the terrorists. It is fundamentally a Muslim versus Muslim dispute.

    These are the invisible wounds that will never heal and will thrust an entire population into a world of chronic anxiety, depression and despair.
    Islam alone is responsible for their suffering.

    One of the great reliefs for PTSD is new surroundings. Qatar and Iran are both rich and far away from the trauma. The Pillar of Charity should cause these rich nations to open their doors for Muslim colonists squatting on Jewish land in Gaza.

    There are solutions. However, they all require Jihadists to give up on their dream of stealing Christian & Jewish land. Until that happens, Muslims will inflict pain, suffering, and death on their coreligionist human shields.

    The fighting could stop tomorrow. The Hamas terrorists could easily choose to release all hostages and lay down arms.

    PEACE 😇

    Replies: @Dadda, @emerging majority, @norm, @mulga mumblebrain, @anon

    Talmudist fanatics always…inevitably…accuse their perceived enemies of doing exactly what they do themselves.

    A123 is doing his usual $ayanim/Ha$barfa duty. How else could the poor suckka make a dishonest living?

    Case in point: As the IOF cowards in uniform frequently use Palestinian civilians as human shields, it doesn’t take more than ten year old levels of imagination to claim that those the Yidistanis love to murder and massacre are the guilty ones. Even the Jewish psychoanalyst, Sigmund Fraud, would have said that A123 is psychologically “projecting”.

    That observation is as easy as one-two-three…with an “A” for attendance in Shul.

    • Agree: HdC
  • @Anon
    There are anti-Semites here who claim that October 7 didn't really happen or that it was a false flag or that the Israelis intentionally let it happen so that they'd have an excuse to annex Gaza and kill civilians. These accusations are gross, stupid and libelous.

    They're hardly surprising though, considering that anti-Semites (who swarm around this website) do tend to be gross, stupid liars.

    What criticism do anti-Semites ever have to offer of Hamas and their clearly genocidal ideology and actions? What do they have to say about the twelve hundred Israeli civilians, women and children, who were raped and murdered?

    As a sample of the depraved genocidal literature that is found in Gaza, pumped into their schools and distributed to their fighters, here's a piece of popular Hamas propaganda used to pep up their troops:

    The Jews are not human beings. Henceforth the word Jew means to us the most terrible curse. From now on the word Jew will trigger your rifle. We shall not speak any more. We shall not get excited. We shall kill. If you have not killed at least one Jew a day, you have wasted that day ... If you cannot kill the Jew with a bullet, kill him with your hands. If there is calm in your part of the battle, if you are waiting for the fighting, kill a Jew before combat. If you leave a Jew alive, the Jew will kill a Muslim and rape an Arab woman. If you kill one Jew, kill another - there is nothing more amusing for us than a heap of Jewish corpses. Do not count days; do not count miles. Count only the number of Jews you have killed. Kill the Jew - this is your old mother's prayer. Kill the Jew - this is what your children beseech you to do. Kill the Jew - this is the cry of your Palestinian earth. Do not waver. Do not let up. Kill.


    This is a sample of writing that was found in leaflets carried by deceased Hamas fighters and this particular gem was written by the wildly popular Hamas propagandist Ibrahim El Aga.

    See what they say? See the kind of sick and depraved genocidal brainwashing that motivates them? They dehumanize Jews and describe them as being less than human. Clearly they're the genocidal ones. Yet anti-Semites will still deny this and claim that the reverse is true. They'll claim that it's Israelis who are perpetrating genocide. In truth, Israel goes to great lengths to spare Palestinian lives.

    You anti-Semites should be ashamed to defen ... Oh wait, sorry. There was an error. That wasn't written by "Ibrahim El Aga." That was actually written by the popular Jewish Soviet propagandist Ilya Ehrenburg during WWII in his piece "Kill!" ("Убей!"). I accidentally replaced each instance of "Jew" with "German" and "Russian" with "Jew" in the above. My bad. Nevermind.

    On closer examination, obviously there's nothing genocidal about what Ehrenburg wrote. Nor is there anything of a nature that could be described as justifying or encouraging war crimes against Germans. It was just a piece of regular old "excite the troops" type of propaganda. In any event, you sow the wind you reap the whirlwind, right? The Germans got what they deserved.

    See: https://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?t=4243

    Replies: @beavertales, @Rebel Roy, @Hulkamania, @Just another serf, @emerging majority, @Passing by, @ABC123, @my two cents, @the only christianity is marcion's, @Dr. Rock

    Long live Germany and Adolf Hitler,you dirty fucking Jew.

    • Agree: HdC
    • Thanks: Zane, Lurker, John Trout
    • Troll: emerging majority
    • Replies: @ld
    @Rebel Roy

    Everyone I know is seeing Israel and the Jews as if for the first time.

    From a year ago when I was screaming at a brick wall... "WEF is the Jews."
    Much of family unfollowed me on facebook. They were shocked that I had fallen to conspircy theories.

    Now everyone I know... knows.
    That can't be good for the narrative

    Replies: @cousin lucky

  • @Anon
    There are anti-Semites here who claim that October 7 didn't really happen or that it was a false flag or that the Israelis intentionally let it happen so that they'd have an excuse to annex Gaza and kill civilians. These accusations are gross, stupid and libelous.

    They're hardly surprising though, considering that anti-Semites (who swarm around this website) do tend to be gross, stupid liars.

    What criticism do anti-Semites ever have to offer of Hamas and their clearly genocidal ideology and actions? What do they have to say about the twelve hundred Israeli civilians, women and children, who were raped and murdered?

    As a sample of the depraved genocidal literature that is found in Gaza, pumped into their schools and distributed to their fighters, here's a piece of popular Hamas propaganda used to pep up their troops:

    The Jews are not human beings. Henceforth the word Jew means to us the most terrible curse. From now on the word Jew will trigger your rifle. We shall not speak any more. We shall not get excited. We shall kill. If you have not killed at least one Jew a day, you have wasted that day ... If you cannot kill the Jew with a bullet, kill him with your hands. If there is calm in your part of the battle, if you are waiting for the fighting, kill a Jew before combat. If you leave a Jew alive, the Jew will kill a Muslim and rape an Arab woman. If you kill one Jew, kill another - there is nothing more amusing for us than a heap of Jewish corpses. Do not count days; do not count miles. Count only the number of Jews you have killed. Kill the Jew - this is your old mother's prayer. Kill the Jew - this is what your children beseech you to do. Kill the Jew - this is the cry of your Palestinian earth. Do not waver. Do not let up. Kill.


    This is a sample of writing that was found in leaflets carried by deceased Hamas fighters and this particular gem was written by the wildly popular Hamas propagandist Ibrahim El Aga.

    See what they say? See the kind of sick and depraved genocidal brainwashing that motivates them? They dehumanize Jews and describe them as being less than human. Clearly they're the genocidal ones. Yet anti-Semites will still deny this and claim that the reverse is true. They'll claim that it's Israelis who are perpetrating genocide. In truth, Israel goes to great lengths to spare Palestinian lives.

    You anti-Semites should be ashamed to defen ... Oh wait, sorry. There was an error. That wasn't written by "Ibrahim El Aga." That was actually written by the popular Jewish Soviet propagandist Ilya Ehrenburg during WWII in his piece "Kill!" ("Убей!"). I accidentally replaced each instance of "Jew" with "German" and "Russian" with "Jew" in the above. My bad. Nevermind.

    On closer examination, obviously there's nothing genocidal about what Ehrenburg wrote. Nor is there anything of a nature that could be described as justifying or encouraging war crimes against Germans. It was just a piece of regular old "excite the troops" type of propaganda. In any event, you sow the wind you reap the whirlwind, right? The Germans got what they deserved.

    See: https://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?t=4243

    Replies: @beavertales, @Rebel Roy, @Hulkamania, @Just another serf, @emerging majority, @Passing by, @ABC123, @my two cents, @the only christianity is marcion's, @Dr. Rock

    Absolutely despicable. The alleged freedom fighter pamphlet is simply another black-propaganda concoction by Unit 8200 of the Zionist regime. The fascinating irony is that hatred for ALL non-Jews, not just their Palestinian victims, is assiduously taught in I$raeli primary schools.

    The “pamphlet” is almostly word for word the same programming visited upon Israeli 4th graders…only the identities have been reversed to protect the guilty.

    • Agree: John Trout
    • Replies: @Passing by
    @emerging majority

    They're out of imagination so they recycle old canards.

    , @Rev. Spooner
    @emerging majority

    Please read it carefully. Anon himself says at the end of his post that he's changed German for Hamas. You are missing the whole point of of his post.

    Replies: @emerging majority

  • Whitney’s essay is both assiduously researched and well stated. The trauma deliberately imposed upon the youngest generation of Gaza Palestinians is clearly deliberate, and as the essayist points out ,most probably calculated by behavioral psychiatrists and psychologists.

    But wait.

    What if the Israeli scheme does result in a huge proportion of Palestinians migrating to safer lands, comparatively few of them in Arab or even Muslim states. Imagine the Jewish populations in Germany, France, England, Canada, Australia, Argentina, Brooklyn and other American cities. If any or all those lands take in Palestinian families; would those Jews feel safe…or would they constantly be looking over their shoulders?

    Driving children half insane or even demented can result in outcomes outside of wallowing in their own demolished psyches and emotional states. What if they thirst then as they thirst now under deprivation of simple clean drinking water? What if that thirst is for vengeance against people they consider consciously or subconsciously as responsible for their misery?

    Get the point?

    The first law of physics is that for every action there is an equal but opposite reaction. Meanwhile, the reverbatory law of Metaphysics is a direct reflection of that law of material physics. Evil acts engender evil reactions.

    The Talmudist evil is the single greatest satanic manifestation on planet Earth.

    • Replies: @El_Kabong
    @emerging majority

    "If any or all those lands take in Palestinian families; would those Jews feel safe…or would they constantly be looking over their shoulders?"

    All a part of Netanyahu's strategy. He did it with Charlie Hebdo, attacking their own embassy in London in 1994, and other terror attacks in Europe either done by radical Islamists or by Mossad and blamed on radical Islamists. All with the goal of terrifying Jews into fleeing to Israel. Terrorism, you see, all works to the benefit of the Zionists lead by Netanyahu. They control the narratives and have had lots of help from the bought and paid for traitorous US politicians and media whores.

  • On Saturday, western news agencies reported that closed-door negotiations took place in Paris that were aimed at reaching an agreement on a ceasefire in Gaza. According to Reuters the talks represented "the most serious push for weeks to halt the fighting in the battered Palestinian enclave and see Israeli and foreign hostages released." Regrettably, the...
  • @John Johnson
    @emerging majority

    Dissembling and out and out lying are your stock in trade. On numerous occasions the president of the Russian Federation has called for population increase and NOT for abortion.

    Yes and he has been most adamant about changing their abortion culture after his 2.5 week "special operation" didn't go as planned. Meaning he suddenly cared about their negative population growth after needing conscripts.

    You really should tread carefully about projecting your tradcon frozen wonderland fantasies and *hoping* some forum poster is just making up stuff to unfairly malign the poor little mass murderer.

    This was Russia under Putin in 2008:


    Most of their children were aborted.

    Name calling and hoping that Muh Trancon Fantasy Putin didn't actually subsidize abortion is a bad path to take. Probably should stop at this point. Almost as bad as the fantasy that he plans on sticking it to the Jews once he is done selling them oil and diamonds for 20 years.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    The entities currently scrambling all over the place for conscripts are the shattered Israeli army and the crumbling Kiev JudeoBanderites. Russia’s military has had during the SMO, needed to turn down hopeful enlistees, as their system was unable to take them in at that time.

    Once again J.J. sets off the Bullshit meter.

    Whoever in this ruptured republic subsidized abortion sure missed a golden opportunity to better the human race on the part of your parents.

    Your personalized hatred for the man that nearly 80% of the Russian people regard as being their “Good Tsar” tells me that you are more probably descended from some 1945 Ukie D.P.’s than an actual Zionist tool. Your attitudes are fundamentally fanatical.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
    @emerging majority

    So you again completely avoided the question of abortion after calling me a liar. Why do you bothering responding to my points when half the time you just toss out "youz a Jew" when faced with unwanted facts?

    True or False:

    Most Russian children were aborted during Putin's first 10 years.

    True or False:

    Putin could have ended government subsidies of abortion or enacted new restrictions on his own just as he overruled the constitution without Duma approval.

    Take a lesson from Anglin on Putin. You won't see Anglin trying to explain Putin's Jewish connections or trying to do PR work for his abortion empire. Anglin is wiser than you and knows that Putin is evil. He isn't going to bother posting about their abortion culture or their HIV rate or their prison rape epidemic. It's like trying to do damage control for the devil. You'll just keep embarrassing yourself.

    Your personalized hatred for the man that nearly 80% of the Russian people regard as being their “Good Tsar”

    If Putin is so popular then why not let the people vote? Why kill the opposition? You're trying to defend a coward that history will remember as a mass murderer. Stalin also had his defenders and history judges them as losers.

    I'm not a Jew and I respect our Greek/Roman heritage of reason. You however are a coward that only pretends to value reason. You accuse me of lying and when I provide sources to back my statements you yell out "well u a Jew or something" and then run off. Maybe find a new hobby other than trying to defend totalitarian states just because you hate the West. It's actually possible to oppose the status quo and not sign up to provide voluntary PR work for a mass murdering dwarf.

    Replies: @emerging majority

  • @Looger
    @emerging majority

    What the fuck does a Heinlein story about “rods from god” have to do with that explosion in Beirut which succeeded in killing numerous Lebanese?
    Because both involve stories of nukes that may not be nukes. I don't fall either way but to be so CERTAIN of something is a huge fucking red flag to me.

    As for evidence, it can cut both ways. What evidence do you have that that massive explosion was an accident. Cui Bono? Who profits from that monstrous blast?


    I don't know man. I just don't care that much. I just don't think Israeli intelligence is up all night thinking of ways to fuck up Lebanon when the Lebanese themselves are hard at work on that very task. How did the Israelis benefit exactly from a port explosion in Beirut? Besides jacking up the price of heroin of course? The Israelis generally just roll into Lebanon at will and blow up what they want for fucking target practice. YAWN

    A grain storage facility does make for an excellent cover story. Do you even pretend to believe that micro-nukes do not exist?
    Ok I'm calling it. You're fucking retarded. Or you're here just to push garbage info. I don't fucking care which.

    You're accusing me of saying micro-nukes DON'T EXIST because I'm not automatically convinced they were used at a particular time and place just because YOU SAY? Calling Doctor Wood, Doctor (space beam) Judy Wood....

    Next thing you will preach the “narrative” that the 911 Inside Job was pulled off by 19 Arabs with box-cutters who could not even fly a twin-engine prop job…much less than a monster jetliner.
    Sure man whatever. I spent years as an activist, holding screenings and promoting events, I was on cable access tv in BC, I re-arranged my life to be the only active guy in the literal economic hub of activity (not Hongcouver) in the actual center of the province. I know I helped many people to look into things such as Jew fingerprints all over 9/11 through movies such as "Core of Corruption" and "Zero" and the works of Richard Andrew Grove and Jack Blood, whose work I had sitting on bookstore counters with stacks of dvds / CDs etc.

    But because one fucktard on a NEWS WEBSITE 15+ years after all that accuses me of something, well all that past just disappears immediately.

    By the way I sincerely hope you think I'm lying. Nothing would make my day brighter than the knowledge that you are THAT FUCKING STUPID.

    That's all in the past when I had hope for the west. And maybe for a small amount of time after 9/11 there WAS real hope for a turnaround. At the very least I know we helped get terms into the lexicon like "false flag" and "Building Seven" that may be preventing the tactic's use against us in the short-term at least. And some surprises such as "dancing Israelis" sticking as a meme is a giant fucking bonus. But now I realize that we must go through something here, the fall of countries, the power structures are rotten and full of t(h)ermites.

    If you actually went and did some serious research, it would soon dawn on you that Mo$$ad agents were the perps on 9-11-01.
    Yeah no fucking shit. You are THUTCH A GENIUS!!11!11!

    That you assail my statement indicates that you are anything but an objective observer…likely either a Talmudist or an agent for one of the U$$A’s seventeen agencies which were created to spy on WE THE PEOPLE.
    WOW with deductive logic like that, you've... made a fucking mockery out of deductive logic. Which is tough to do to such a made-for-tv consumer brand of fucktard thinking, the false imagining that you have control and a bead on ALL FACTORS OF Everything. It's THO THOFIFTICATED

    I have to listen to your bullshit and pick false sides from the stew of brown fluid flying out of your mouth? Yeah no thanks. "That you assail my statement" give it a fucking rest. This is ten year old playground thinking. I'm not beholden to your thinking, and accusing me of shit that I KNOW FOR SURE IS FALSE isn't going to change any minds there bucko. It's just going to make ME suspect YOU of either working for one of your "agencies" or worse, being a willing dupe out here to spread disinfo and accuse anyone who doesn't BOW DOWN IMMEDIATELY of being a FED.

    Jee, haven't seen THAT shit before. Actually it's been close to 20 years since I first saw YOUR PROGRAM EXACTLY being dumped on 9/11 message boards.


    "Believe in '______________' and push this info or you're a fed"

    Insert into blank:
    1) no-planes
    2) space beams
    3) micro nukes

    After that I stopped paying attention.

    I'm sorry what were you saying???

    You are hereby accused of supporting evil agendas. How do you plead?
    I disregard your entire program. It is the ravings of a fucking lunatic, or someone here just to make people argue in circles. Whatever.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    “…shit that know is false”. Is that referent to the explosion in Beirut or some other factor? You sure can fire off in a tirade over an incident where the only possible benefit accrued to the Zionist entity. In other words, why wouldn’t they?

    In your essay you simply blamed the disaster as a “self-goal” on the basis of alleged Lebanese incompetence. Maybe or maybe not. Objectively we do not know.

    What I do know is that Lebanon has long been within the sights of those working for the Oded Yanon Plan of a Talmudist state from the Nile to the Euphrates. The remnants of the Palestinian people who are still living in their native land are Phase One of the Talmudist Agenda for total and absolute world domination and control. Lebanon, protected by Hezbollah is Phase Two.

    Your rant is even a bit out of line for U.R. Had you esimply gone so far as to mention that there are people who have not unreasonable positions that I$rael was the primary beneficiary of the outrage; even though you happened to disagree with that sentiment; I never would have responded to your highly selective assessment.

    From all indications, the 911 Inside Job was mastered by the Mossad, with the close cooperation of traitors within the U.$$A regime, most specifically Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld…and then well-positioned dual-citizens. The buildings were owned by a Zionist. The maintenance firm had close ties to the Bu$h Crime Clan. The cleanup of the forever burning mess was granted by a dual citizen to a Talmudist owned firm. The recovered steel beams were removed from the site so that no analysis of the possibility of nuclear evidence would ever occur. Sure, thermite or thermate was employed on structural beams on the middle-upper floors. The primary explosion occurred in the deepest sub-basement, immediately upon bedrock and shot up the central elevator system.

    And you refuse to admit that the probability of micro-nukes on the Towers was close to overwhelming? Ad hominem ranting will not overcome known facts in NYC…but you insist that micro-nukes were not used in Beirut. That struck me as suspicious. Maybe you were just being careless regarding the POSSIBILITY that Beirut was not an accident.

    When some poster so much as possibly provides cover for Israeli atrocities, you better take care that you do not trespass in that direction. Talmudist schemes for world domination are not taken lightly by truth seekers. So if you would kindly admit that your original posting was merely overlooking all potential possibilities of the Beirut explosion, such an admission would clear the air.

    • Replies: @Iris
    @emerging majority

    In your essay you simply blamed the disaster as a “self-goal” on the basis of alleged Lebanese incompetence. Maybe or maybe not. Objectively we do not know.
    The likelihood that it was a criminal, controlled explosion seems overwhelming.

    Apart from low intensity fireworks at the beginning of the disaster, the destruction was caused by one single explosion, producing a consistent shockwave, i.e. a blast with a single time origin, and a single geographical origin.

    Such pattern is not consistent with the explosion of the 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate dispatched into approximately 5,500 kegs scattered throughout a warehouse. The likelihood for 5,500 separate kegs exploding in unison, almost all at exactly the same time, is nil.

    As for the use of nuclear weapons, Gordon Duff, the editor of Veterans Today, has been claiming for years that the (((USA))) has developed undetectable, because fusion-based, weapons which yield can be dialled down at will.

    In the French Physics community, it is known that Duff's claim is entirely plausible, thanks to a discovery accidentally made in 2003 by the Sandia Los Alamos laboratories, while working on a new plasma liner. It is also known that this discovery was later developed under control of Israel. A quasi-pure fusion weapon would be undetectable in the aftermath of the explosion.

    , @Looger
    @emerging majority

    you better take care that you do not trespass
    Go threaten someone else, child. This is a discussion for adults.

    Ooh I'm soooo scared.

    "Truth seekers" in lockstep.

    Holy FED talking points Batman

    So if you would kindly admit that your original posting was merely overlooking all potential possibilities of the Beirut explosion
    Ill kindly admit that anyone demanding orthodoxy smells like a FED or a retard.
    , @Looger
    @emerging majority

    but you insist that micro-nukes were not used in Beirut.
    I insisted nothing. You're fucking lying.

    And you refuse to admit that the probability of micro-nukes on the Towers was close to overwhelming?

    All I know for sure is the official story is bullshit

    The only CERTAINTY there is:

    Whenever a "soulless minion of orthodoxy" shows up and calls you names because you don't buy some exact version of very ambiguous events, then I know for sure they're fucking retarded or a willing dupe spewing FED talking points such as happened 20 years ago to regarding 9/11.

    Same talking points for 20 years, there's some originality!

    Im glad you have ALL the answers there fucktard.

    Good for you. I bet mommy is so proud that she makes sure that hockey helmet you wear all day, is up to date and not expired, as well as cleaning off all that dried porridge and diarrhea.

    Replies: @emerging majority

  • Under cover of fear for MPs’ safety, Labour leader Keir Starmer has helped the ruling Tories paint as villains anyone opposed to Israel’s slaughter of children For the best part of a decade now, the British establishment has been weaponising antisemitism against critics of Israel, claiming as its biggest scalp the former Labour leader Jeremy...
  • @Dave Bowman
    @Tom Welsh

    Clearly an ideal choice to represent and lead the British people
    Indeed. And that is simply because, at no point has he actually been expressly "chosen" - and certainly not elected - by anyone, other than a handful of desperate Tory party apparatchiks who apparently believed that, after three long and barely-believable years of catastrophic government political misjudgment, disastrous situational mis-management, deceit, Party rule-breaking and mountains upon mountains of bare-faced lies, the British people would then simply accept a naive, useless, know-nothing interloper as the unelected "next best" after the one who WAS actually nationally-elected and then knifed in the back - Boris Johnson. Apart from his many other very obvious failings, it's painfully obvious that Rishi Sunak cares as much about the people of Gaza as he cares about mass immigration.

    But of course, a perfect irony in our brave new political world of the new Bolsheviks is that the primary knifing of Boris Johnson was carried out by none other than the same worthless, do-nothing, Goldman Sachs globalist yes-man now inhabiting No. 10 Downing Street without the luxury of having been elected. That is to say, the very same "dishy" Rishi Sunak who, after leading the Tories to their worst-of-all-time election wipeout later this year to be followed by a period of at least ten and probably fifteen years in the political wilderness, will then himself be immediately and unceremoniously knifed in the back and thrown overboard by his own party of modern-day political pirates, racketeers and traitors.

    But then, as every good Hindu knows, Karma's a bitch.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    Though I would agree that Sunak is nothing more than a Zionist stooge; we must be aware that Boris Johnson may well be an even more egregious reptile.

    The wild-haired one, was the water-boy for the Rottenchild Crime Clan, who are the covert rulers of the Sceptred Isle and have been since 1815; when he made it clear to Zelensky and his Zio-Banderite cohorts that they best better not sign that peace treaty with Russia when the R.U. military was sitting just outside of Kiev. The coup regime in Kiev promptly left the peace conference in Turkey and the war immediately zoomed into overdrive.

    Terms of the treaty, to which the Ukies were ready to sign, were highly favorable to Ukraine. Russia was offering a deal that no sane, sober entity could possibly resist.

    Most media, including such ones as tend to be either relatively objective or even pro-Russian, tend to insist that Johnson’s orders were cut by the CIA. In a sense that was a logical conclusion. However, to those of us who closely follow geopolitical reality; the AGENCY itself only has agency within the U$$A. They are not a power unto themselves.

    After all, the Feral Reserve Bank is wholly OWNED by seven private banks, at least six European and owned by Talmudists. Their power ever since the signing off by Woodrow Wilson…the ruptured republic’s first blackmailed president…in December of 1913…has accelerated since that fateful date.

    It is the current iteration of the Moneychangers in the Temple who cut the orders. The CIA is their baby. Within a year of the creation of that agency, the Talmudist $tate was established by orders emanating from the U$$A, under the thoroughly bribed Harryass Truman.

    OWNERSHIP is real. I$real is not real. It is a creation by the Sanhedrin and their bank$ter tentacles working their funny money racket.

  • @ld
    10 companies to boycott that are helping Jews genocide Palestinians

    Barklays Bank
    Air B&B
    AXA Insurance
    All Israeli supermarket produce

    here is a video telling how these companies are activly involved in helping Israel in their mass slaughter

    Replies: @emerging majority

    Add Sabra hummus to that list. Months ago I happened to buy a container of that stuff. Once the October 7th rejoinder occurred; it was my decision to not only refuse to eat the damned stuff, but to return the now outdated crap to the supermarket from which I purchased the item. My demand will be to speak with the manager, as the only hummus available in that large market is the import from the Zionist Entity.

    Decent human beings must axiomatically BOYCOTT all goods and services which are directly connected with the Genocidal entity.

  • @Anonymous 1

    "that’s why we decided to forego our 7 hour victory strategy."

    The Squatters forego their 7 hour Victory Strategy, that ce from the delusional belief that they are the best army in the world, due to them getting slaughtered on a daily basis. Your "Isreali Intelligence" more made up lies and deception is ongoing.

    Give it a rest please...

    ‘Fighting in Khan Yunis, which Memejojo has claimed numerous times has been conquered, is Difficult’ – Three Israeli Soldiers Killed, 14 Wounded

    At least three Israeli soldiers have been killed and 14 injured when explosive devices were detonated inside a building in the Gaza Strip city of Khan Yunis, the Israeli army announced on Saturday.

    “Three soldiers were killed and 14 others were injured, including 5 in serious condition from the 450th Battalion of the army, due to the explosion of explosive devices in a building in the city of Khan Yunis in southern Gaza,” the army said in a statement.

    Israeli army spokesman Daniel Hagari said “the army will investigate the explosions,” and that “the fighting in Khan Yunis is difficult.”

    According to Israeli official numbers, this brings the death toll among Israeli soldiers and officers to 585 since October 7 and 245 since the start of the ground operation in Gaza on October 27.

    The Palestinian Resistance, however, says that the number is much higher, considering the heavy losses they inflicted on advancing Israeli troops.

    As ceasefire negotiations continue, Palestinian Resistance groups have intensified their attacks against advancing Israeli troops in several areas, including northern Gaza.

    The fighting on the southern front, however, remains the most intense, with all major Palestinian Resistance groups reporting many operations targeting Israeli tanks, military bulldozers, and gatherings of soldiers.


    Replies: @emerging majority

    Those “official Israeli numbers” of the casualties that the Zionist forces have suffered in their genocidal campaign in Gaza are pure and utter BULLSHIT.

    If one does a bit of research via such sites as “The Electronic Intifada”; it is possible to discern that the casualties suffered by the invaders is utterly CATASTROPHIC. Numbers of armored vehicle, most particularly their highly-touted Merkava tanks, have soared to over a thousand.

    The Yidistanis are so drained of armor that they now are scraping their warehouses bare to employ the ancient M113 armored personnel carriers…donated decades ago by Uncle $hmuel. APC’s are used to bus soldiers to the scenes of conflict. Those M113 carriers are so thinly armored that they constitute death-traps to the squads of soldiers who ride in them. On the aforementioned site, I viewed a Palestinian fighter take aim at the backside of one of those mobile deathtraps. A monster explosion immediately fried the entire crew.

    Knocked out Merkava tanks are said to be nearing a THOUSAND. Many of the bulldozers provide by Caterpillar outta Peeorrhiea, Ill-Noise, have been demolished as well. Those dozers have been indiscriminately used to crush the tents which the recently homeless Palestinians have been obliged to live in.

    “Southfront”, a military affairs site is suspiciously repeating Israeli casualty claims, while not even mentioning reports from the freedom fighters in Gaza and south Lebanon. They are always asking for donations. Perhaps they would not be begging all the time if they were to present objective analyses of the Zionist killed, wounded and left with shattered PTSD psyches.

  • On Saturday, western news agencies reported that closed-door negotiations took place in Paris that were aimed at reaching an agreement on a ceasefire in Gaza. According to Reuters the talks represented "the most serious push for weeks to halt the fighting in the battered Palestinian enclave and see Israeli and foreign hostages released." Regrettably, the...
  • @mulga mumblebrain
    @Arthur MacBride

    I attended a little soiree' with 'Left' UK Labour members, in 2018, in Brighton, and, in the midst of the Judeofascist terror campaign to destroy Corbyn and UK Labour, and their own internal party conflicts with Blairite and Sabbat Goy stooges of Israel, they were all aghast at my observation that Jews tend to act like this ie they MUST be in control in any group, no matter how small their representation.
    While sane Jews, in great numbers, in Labour, supported Corbyn, knowing him to be the least 'antisemitic' person in a Parliament stuffed with Tory Jew-haters (but still, mandatorily, members of 'Conservative Friends of Israel') they are NOT the Jews who count-the shekels.
    The concept that Jewish elites were a pernicious Fifth Column dedicated to Israel and Jewish elite power before ALL else, set them all a-flutter. I was plainly an Antipodean 'antisemite', or, who knows, a plant sent to test their reactions. It's like mesmerism, the fear of the Jews. And the vast and vicious purges from Labour of those who had, ever, anywhere, criticised Israel in even the most anodyne terms, rather cemented The Fear, I'm afraid. Mine host that evening, just left Labour as a hopeless case.

    Replies: @emerging majority, @Arthur MacBride

    Cheer up. Mr. Galloway massively outpolled all other candidates combined and will return to Parliament. Upon his victory the stupidly vicious Risky Sunak entered the room with his feathers all aflutter and screeched his lungs out at the very prospect of a truth-telling rebel entering the sacred precincts of Whitehall.

    A general election in the Sceptred Isle is fast upon us. The supporters of the Zionist Uberplan are sweating their balls off and brown stains are appearing in their panties.

    The awakening in Britain by ONE MAN upsetting the Agenda will have reverberations throughout the general population of the Western world. The WEF “leaders” will soon need to secure new sinecures.

  • @John Johnson
    @emerging majority

    You can actually see the fireworks going off in the some of the videos before they ignite the ammonium nitrate:

    You can also find a closer video that shows colored fireworks.

    There are also videos online of other large explosions that look like nukes.

    The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization concluded the explosion was non-nuclear. The same was true for the Lebanese government.

    Let me translate 90% of your posts:

    I'm a homo that tries to live in a bubble and calls dissenters Jews out of frustration as I cannot censor them as desired.

    Replies: @Anonymous 1

    Evidence that Nukes have already been used in Gaza.

    Has Israel Been Testing Neutron Bombs in Gaza? Soil Sample and Clinical Evidence, Dr Chris Busby

    Chris Busby, nuclear pollution expert, on why he thinks the neutron bomb has been used in Gaza. History of neutron bomb and how it works. Times article about neutron bomb. Evidence of enriched uranium in Gaza – proof neutron bomb been used. Nature magazine article – scientists found enriched uranium in Gaza. Uranium particles alone are not very dangerous.



    • Thanks: emerging majority
  • @Looger
    @emerging majority

    The Zionist Entity has long employed their Polllards to spy out the technology for extremely low radiation micro nukes, mainly from the U$$A. Always there to backstop the Zionists, eh Shlomo?
    I LOVE the rationale that lack of evidence is evidence itself!

    To say there's ambiguity surrounding the Lebanon port explosion is putting it mildly.

    We are talking about a "country" which doesn't have traffic laws or even legal tender. The idea that someone in their "government" could slip up is not just a possibility but a certainty.

    It's also a great example of how to divide movements of people over the evidence, however non-existent. Like how 9/11 COULD be micro-nukes - so it MUST be micro-nukes!

    And if you disagree you're a FED JEW LOVER!

    Good fucking lord. Who knows what blew up in Beirut that day. Could it have been the Israelis? First suspect, sure. But do we know for sure? We'll never know for sure.

    Look at the Halifax explosion during WW1. These things happen. And I'd call Canada 100+ years ago, a more capable civilization than Lebanon today.

    As for large explosions appearing to be nukes, wait for the first use of "rods from god" - there will DEFINITELY be early reports of nuclear war as these likely will be dropped right onto government houses in session to quickly end wars.

    One of the more clever predictions by Robert Heinlein by the way. Earth loses a war with the Moon because we forget physics and laugh at the stupid "Loonies" who threaten to throw rice. The first place they hit is Saskatchewan, where crowds of people gather to mock them. Sure enough rocks dropped from orbit hit the Earth with enough force to resemble small nukes.

    What's not ever said about "Rods from God" however (and why we may never see them used at all) is that ALL space hardware is tremendously vulnerable to bags of sand spread out in Earth orbit. Just blow the sand bags apart at a high orbit speed, and all those little bits going in every direction will destroy everything man-made in orbit. So using the "rods" is a one-time trick. The counter to it, the sandbags, could be done by any country with a high-altitude Jet interceptor (The USAF did this in 1984 with an F-15 and a rocket to space which hit a LEO satellite). So MiG-25s, for example (Lybia and Iraq were technically capable but lacking perhaps in imagination or ambition).

    Replies: @emerging majority

    What the fuck does a Heinlein story about “rods from god” have to do with that explosion in Beirut which succeeded in killing numerous Lebanese?

    As for evidence, it can cut both ways. What evidence do you have that that massive explosion was an accident. Cui Bono? Who profits from that monstrous blast?

    A grain storage facility does make for an excellent cover story. Do you even pretend to believe that micro-nukes do not exist? Next thing you will preach the “narrative” that the 911 Inside Job was pulled off by 19 Arabs with box-cutters who could not even fly a twin-engine prop job…much less than a monster jetliner.

    If you actually went and did some serious research, it would soon dawn on you that Mo$$ad agents were the perps on 9-11-01. That you assail my statement indicates that you are anything but an objective observer…likely either a Talmudist or an agent for one of the U$$A’s seventeen agencies which were created to spy on WE THE PEOPLE.

    You are hereby accused of supporting evil agendas. How do you plead?

    • Replies: @Looger
    @emerging majority

    What the fuck does a Heinlein story about “rods from god” have to do with that explosion in Beirut which succeeded in killing numerous Lebanese?
    Because both involve stories of nukes that may not be nukes. I don't fall either way but to be so CERTAIN of something is a huge fucking red flag to me.

    As for evidence, it can cut both ways. What evidence do you have that that massive explosion was an accident. Cui Bono? Who profits from that monstrous blast?


    I don't know man. I just don't care that much. I just don't think Israeli intelligence is up all night thinking of ways to fuck up Lebanon when the Lebanese themselves are hard at work on that very task. How did the Israelis benefit exactly from a port explosion in Beirut? Besides jacking up the price of heroin of course? The Israelis generally just roll into Lebanon at will and blow up what they want for fucking target practice. YAWN

    A grain storage facility does make for an excellent cover story. Do you even pretend to believe that micro-nukes do not exist?
    Ok I'm calling it. You're fucking retarded. Or you're here just to push garbage info. I don't fucking care which.

    You're accusing me of saying micro-nukes DON'T EXIST because I'm not automatically convinced they were used at a particular time and place just because YOU SAY? Calling Doctor Wood, Doctor (space beam) Judy Wood....

    Next thing you will preach the “narrative” that the 911 Inside Job was pulled off by 19 Arabs with box-cutters who could not even fly a twin-engine prop job…much less than a monster jetliner.
    Sure man whatever. I spent years as an activist, holding screenings and promoting events, I was on cable access tv in BC, I re-arranged my life to be the only active guy in the literal economic hub of activity (not Hongcouver) in the actual center of the province. I know I helped many people to look into things such as Jew fingerprints all over 9/11 through movies such as "Core of Corruption" and "Zero" and the works of Richard Andrew Grove and Jack Blood, whose work I had sitting on bookstore counters with stacks of dvds / CDs etc.

    But because one fucktard on a NEWS WEBSITE 15+ years after all that accuses me of something, well all that past just disappears immediately.

    By the way I sincerely hope you think I'm lying. Nothing would make my day brighter than the knowledge that you are THAT FUCKING STUPID.

    That's all in the past when I had hope for the west. And maybe for a small amount of time after 9/11 there WAS real hope for a turnaround. At the very least I know we helped get terms into the lexicon like "false flag" and "Building Seven" that may be preventing the tactic's use against us in the short-term at least. And some surprises such as "dancing Israelis" sticking as a meme is a giant fucking bonus. But now I realize that we must go through something here, the fall of countries, the power structures are rotten and full of t(h)ermites.

    If you actually went and did some serious research, it would soon dawn on you that Mo$$ad agents were the perps on 9-11-01.
    Yeah no fucking shit. You are THUTCH A GENIUS!!11!11!

    That you assail my statement indicates that you are anything but an objective observer…likely either a Talmudist or an agent for one of the U$$A’s seventeen agencies which were created to spy on WE THE PEOPLE.
    WOW with deductive logic like that, you've... made a fucking mockery out of deductive logic. Which is tough to do to such a made-for-tv consumer brand of fucktard thinking, the false imagining that you have control and a bead on ALL FACTORS OF Everything. It's THO THOFIFTICATED

    I have to listen to your bullshit and pick false sides from the stew of brown fluid flying out of your mouth? Yeah no thanks. "That you assail my statement" give it a fucking rest. This is ten year old playground thinking. I'm not beholden to your thinking, and accusing me of shit that I KNOW FOR SURE IS FALSE isn't going to change any minds there bucko. It's just going to make ME suspect YOU of either working for one of your "agencies" or worse, being a willing dupe out here to spread disinfo and accuse anyone who doesn't BOW DOWN IMMEDIATELY of being a FED.

    Jee, haven't seen THAT shit before. Actually it's been close to 20 years since I first saw YOUR PROGRAM EXACTLY being dumped on 9/11 message boards.


    "Believe in '______________' and push this info or you're a fed"

    Insert into blank:
    1) no-planes
    2) space beams
    3) micro nukes

    After that I stopped paying attention.

    I'm sorry what were you saying???

    You are hereby accused of supporting evil agendas. How do you plead?
    I disregard your entire program. It is the ravings of a fucking lunatic, or someone here just to make people argue in circles. Whatever.

    Replies: @emerging majority

  • @John Johnson
    @Arthur MacBride

    Russia’s population today, CM, should be in the region of 550M given normal expansion from day of tsar Nicholas II Romanov.
    But it’s 160M.

    This shortfall is directly attributable to judeo bolshevik merchants of death and their useful idiot dupes, some of whom write articles and comments on UR defending those same murderers and their “liberal” policies.

    I don't see how their negative birth rate was caused by Bolsheviks when Putin in fact subsidized abortion. Free government abortion and no questions asked. The Putin way. If your response is "USSR something Jews" then explain how Romania was able to have a high birth rate under a Communist dictator but Putin was somehow forced to subsidize abortion while dictator of an ex-Soviet state.

    Additionally Jew War 1 in Ukraine promises to eradicate “Ukrainians”, minus of course the Jews who have been permitted to leave, and many Russians who are basically the same people.

    So you are saying the Jews won't lose in this war as on both sides they can hop a plane to Israel. Why do so many Jew haters support the war then? You do acknowledge that Russia has more Jews than Ukraine?

    Replies: @emerging majority

    Dissembling and out and out lying are your stock in trade. On numerous occasions the president of the Russian Federation has called for population increase and NOT for abortion. Why are you such a fanatical hater of the man who symbolizes his country? If you keep getting personal about Russia’s president…then each and every poster on this site will get personal with you.


    • Replies: @John Johnson
    @emerging majority

    Dissembling and out and out lying are your stock in trade. On numerous occasions the president of the Russian Federation has called for population increase and NOT for abortion.

    Yes and he has been most adamant about changing their abortion culture after his 2.5 week "special operation" didn't go as planned. Meaning he suddenly cared about their negative population growth after needing conscripts.

    You really should tread carefully about projecting your tradcon frozen wonderland fantasies and *hoping* some forum poster is just making up stuff to unfairly malign the poor little mass murderer.

    This was Russia under Putin in 2008:


    Most of their children were aborted.

    Name calling and hoping that Muh Trancon Fantasy Putin didn't actually subsidize abortion is a bad path to take. Probably should stop at this point. Almost as bad as the fantasy that he plans on sticking it to the Jews once he is done selling them oil and diamonds for 20 years.

    Replies: @emerging majority

  • The majority of Palestinians in Rafah live in an area that is roughly the size of Heathrow Airport. The city is cramped and unsanitary. It is surrounded on three sides by Israeli ground forces and on the fourth side by the 20 ft high Egyptian border wall. For all practical purposes, Rafah is a prison,...
  • @Poupon Marx
    @emerging majority

    On occasion you do make sense.
    Which I take to mean you agree with me on a certain point. I don't disagree with anything you wrote above. "Living In The Past" is where the future lies. As boy growing up in the 1950s and 60s, our lower middle class household had a father who worked, a mother at home, 2 cars, great public schools, low crime, cheap food, no inflation, and plentiful jobs. A living could be made, with time to explore hobbies, wash your own car, and indulge in recreation activities. We lived freer, had far less centralization and the legal system was functional.

    For the masses, is a maxim, that when the churches start to be empty, society declines and retrogressed. This is a very high correlation that is highly causative. I refer the reader to the Federation of multi-ethnic, multi-lingual RUSSIA for a culture, society, milieu, whose policies and population embody and execute the better society I have described above.
    I conditioned and prepared myself long ago to accept uncomfortable truths, no matter the pain, dislocation, and loss of belief, however deep and dependent. Therefore, I regard the United States as a failure, with no enough virtue, truth and beauty to continue in its present form. The Constitution of the United States should be scrapped. My hope is that when the United States breaks up, descendants of European ancestry, Eurasian, Asian, and some Hindus will form a new republic that becomes a separate republic of the Russian Federation.

    The West has too many terminal diseases. Like power plant system with its associated outdated, and plethora of design flaws and demerits, an entire UPGRADE is necessary, not just an update.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    My family background was that of displaced small farm folk and then growing up in a tiny farming village, where businesses were mostly of the farmer’s cooperative description, the town and vicinity being almost of Scandinavian heritage.

    Agreed, the Fifties was a wonderful time to grow up…except for having to go to church on Sundays and sit in those uncomfortable pews listening to the pastor preach about the ancient Hebrews and on occasion about getting saved from sins.

    When the Romanized variety of Constantine’s imposition of Christianity in the Mediterranean world grew and metastasized into a mind-control system of centralized hierarchal social organization somethings very important were lost. Traditional European cultures, before imposition of the Missionary Position and then feudalism with its rule from top-down; societies were inevitably far more cooperative commonwealth in nature with rituals of many types where the entire community joined in.

    In essence, European people have become deracinated. We lost our tribal roots to an overwhelming and overbearing rule from the top situation. Contemporary dog eat dog, rat-race cultural matrix is the ultimate conclusion of the Constintinian devolution. Civilization, rule from urbanites…and only a tiny, elite faction of them…ultimately degenerated into the mess we have now.

    Your overall future vision of what I have long called Retroprojection; a reconsideration of past value systems which make for a cooperative, cohesive culture; is the most valid future vision that I can formulate.

    The old African proverb of “it takes a village to raise a child”, along with market towns and much, much smaller central cities; are all positive historical exemplars for future developments. Granted, some of our modern iterations, technologies, will be of avail, but do seriously need to be winnowed and reconsidered. Robotization of industrial production of culturally valuable goods would replace the robotization of humans.

    Cooperation replacing competition…except for games in many cases…would constitute the core environment. Honor, honesty, truth and esthetic values of enhancing the beauty of the natural world along with celebration of the human world,would be essential to future vision. Egotistic greed would be broadly discouraged…after all, one cannot take it with you.

    Perhaps the ethos of the tiny Himalayan nation of Bhutan would be worth considering: Rather than embracing the concept of an exceedingly Gross, national product; the goal would be gross national happiness. Wow! That could be one of our primary templates.

    • Replies: @Poupon Marx
    @emerging majority

    A very good, descriptive essay on the continuing failure of the WEST, you Scan da Navel yun without exception. Like most Westerners, who live in a trench, you don't see much over the top of the chasm.

    All you describe is circumcised (I know you love that word) and apart from The West. I know you have not been paying attention to what I have been elucidating and propounding for a very long time.
    Russia, Euroasia is excepted, outside the toilet called the West, in all respects.

    I cannot say more on this subject, as I do not like to repeat myself or proselytize to a dull, defensive audience or recipient. Stay on the Interstate EM. Don't take any exists or traverse unmarked roads. Be a good, low self worth, collective, Borg-like descendant of Vikings. (Oh, wait, they were from another planet. Stayed awhile and then booked back to Planet Nirvana out of disgust for the stock in residence.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    , @anarchyst
    @emerging majority

    Your statement:

    "Honor, honesty, truth and esthetic values of enhancing the beauty of the natural world along with celebration of the human world,would be essential to future vision"...
    is not possible when it comes to jews...

    Witness present-day israel and the West Bank (illegal) "settlements"...

    They flout almost all recommended environmental practices, destroying not only the native flora and fauna but routinely pollute land that is (still) held by Palestinians.

    It's all about the shekels...

  • Aaron Bushnell, when he placed his cell phone on the ground to set up a livestream and lit himself on fire in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington D.C., resulting in his death, pitted divine violence against radical evil. As an active duty member of the U.S. Air Force, he was part of the...
  • @Bruce In Texas

    Replies: @emerging majority

    Utterly obscene.

    • Agree: Bruce In Texas
    • Replies: @Bruce In Texas
    @emerging majority


  • Under cover of fear for MPs’ safety, Labour leader Keir Starmer has helped the ruling Tories paint as villains anyone opposed to Israel’s slaughter of children For the best part of a decade now, the British establishment has been weaponising antisemitism against critics of Israel, claiming as its biggest scalp the former Labour leader Jeremy...
  • I have noticed something. The US media is creating illusions about this Gaza war, as they are in Britain. They are pretending that the vast majority of the people are in favor of this war They are also creating the illusion that those protesting are “anti-semetic”. In Britain, the author shows they have gone further and are calling virtually their entire citizenry “terrorists.” . In the US they are also creating the illusion that this is a “right/left” argument.

    I have come to believe that Newsmax is using AI to respond to comments made by the public. I believe this because of the speed and number of responses made to my comments on this Gaza war, and because of the generic nature of the responses to my comment. They are all very generic and could be responses to almost any anti-war comments made. They are short and not so sweet. Further, I noticed that they have put in “replies” to the responses they make under my name, and I did not make these replies!!!! Many of the responses are to show it is a right/left argument; many raise the Nazis; many are accusations of anti-semetism – many are accusations that you are Muslim; some even raise the Christian fight against the Muslims almost a thousand years ago.

    Further, if you read the comment section, virtually all comments are pro-Israel. That is not possible. Even the media reported that 60 percent of the population in the US is against this war.

    Try making comments on this war on Newsmax, and after publishing your comments, watch your comment and see what happens.. Seconds later, you will see their replies – four or five come very fast, almost as soon as you pressed the button to publish your comment. After reading the generic nature of the responses, and replies that you did not make, you may come to believe what I now believe – that Newsmax is using AI.

    • Thanks: emerging majority
    • Replies: @anarchyst

    This message was sent to One America News Network (OANN).
    One America News Network (OANN) is (supposed to be) one news source not a part of the mainstream media.
    It turns out that when it comes to israel and Palestine / Gaza, they are actually WORSE than the mainstream media. Not only do they NOT report on israel atrocities and genocide, they maligned an honorable man, Aaron Bushnell, who brought attention to the situation in Gaza and the West Bank.
    Dan Ball was extremely vicious in his criticism of Aaron Bushnell, not giving a damn about the situation in Gaza.
    Dan Ball, once considered to be trustworthy has his head in the tank for "poor little israel".
    Hey Dan, I don't know how you can sleep at night, spouting off israeli lies and fabrications while totally ignoring the genocide, slaughter and carnage committed by israel in Gaza and the West Bank.
    You claim to be an Air Force veteran. As a Marine I am ashamed of your service. Just maybe you should put on an IDF uniform and go to israel and stay there. How many shekels is israel paying you?
    One America News Network (OANN), I am extremely disappointed in your non-coverage of the Gaza genocide.
    Shame on you.

    , @cousin lucky

    I have learned to never underestimate the lengths " The Empire " will go to; or the ludicrousness of their lies to keep the masses in a very deep coma.

    We are all just " prey " to the masters and the owners of humanity; we are no different than steers or flies. We are to be herded and controlled at all times.

  • @Xmeamjojo
    What is annoying about the people that post here and on other notable social media sites is they seem not to realise that we REALLY do care about the palestinians.

    Unlike weak Russia which has taken two years to defeat a small weak country, we on our end could have won our war in only the first 7 hours when we started attacking Gaza.

    We chose not to go for a decisive victory because the human cost on the Palestinian end would be too high.

    Why demonise us ehen we are being this kind? Our war is with Hamas and not with the people of Gaza, that's why we decided to forego our 7 hour victory strategy.

    In fact if the Russians are willing, we can show them how to have victory in Ukraine in the next 48 hours.

    Replies: @emerging majority, @Anonymous 1

    “Why demonize us” Meanie squeals. No problemo. You people are world masters in demonizing yourselves.

    • Replies: @Alden
    @emerging majority

    My favorite French proverb. Don’t listen to what he says look at what he does.

    Look at what do gooder Jews said about what a wonderful world it will be when blacks get desegregation school bussing and affirmative action

    Look at the results.

  • @Miro23
    @Ann Nonny Mouse


    There are only two honest and decent forms of government: (1) hereditary autocracy, (2) election by lot.

    Everything else is a fraud, voter “democracy” particularly evil.

    At the most basic level countries surely need governments of the most capable people (same ethnicity) committed to national development.

    Historically, Ancient Rome had an effective system.

    For example, the leading families would hold power and select among themselves their most able members on a rotating basis. The independently wealthy selected members were expected to uphold the family name and set an example for future generations. In the broader sense they were Roman citizens but it wasn't a democracy.

    Selection by the leading families 1) removed the risk of a hereditary idiot 2) removed the risk of irresponsible populism. They were an elite but watched each other.

    The closest present day parallel would probably be the Chinese "Communist" party. Note that party members are trained for responsibility from a young age with only the most capable selected. Also note Chinese national development over the last 50 years.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    During China’s Silver Age of the Ming Dynasty and likely in earlier iterations as well; the managers of the Empire were chosen from amongst all economic classes on the basis of their intelligence combined with their integrity.

    Today in the U$$A the administrative bureaucracy, the bulk of the highest placeholders are from Ivy League institutions, with many of them, such as Bu$h the Lesser, being naught but “legacies” whose extremely wealthy and well-connected forebears had greased the “contract” with “donations” to those elitist institutions.

    Or as Dylan so succinctly phrased it: “Money does not talk, it swears”.

    In contemporary America, the “philanthropy” of big money provides big dividends. Result of that is that ignoble aristocraps, often displaying sociopathic and even psychopathic proclivities; tend to be managing the affairs of the nation…much to its accelerating demise.

    In essence, there are no adults in the room.

    The major institutions of our ruptured republic are the ultimate dumping grounds resulting from generational mismanagement. Even post-Maoist China was rife with the shenanigans of their legacy “princelings”. It does appear that the more recent prime-ministers have largely removed those shameless heirs of the old party apparatchiks.

    Unfortunately, in today’s degenerate and devolutionary America, there’s nobody around to sweep out the Augean Stables. Just look around and consider the $enile One, “running” the country and his well protected “wayward son”. It’s like something akin to Wilde’s “Portrait of Dorian Grey”.

  • On Saturday, western news agencies reported that closed-door negotiations took place in Paris that were aimed at reaching an agreement on a ceasefire in Gaza. According to Reuters the talks represented "the most serious push for weeks to halt the fighting in the battered Palestinian enclave and see Israeli and foreign hostages released." Regrettably, the...
  • @John Johnson

    The photo shows what an Israeli nuclear bomb did to the port of Beirut.

    That wasn't a nuke.

    A $100 Geiger counter would detect radioactivity in the rubble.

    It was also missing the initial bright flash from the fission reaction.

    Large explosions can look like nukes because they have such a huge shockwave.

    Replies: @emerging majority, @Bruce In Texas

    The Zionist Entity has long employed their Polllards to spy out the technology for extremely low radiation micro nukes, mainly from the U$$A. Always there to backstop the Zionists, eh Shlomo?

    • Replies: @John Johnson
    @emerging majority

    You can actually see the fireworks going off in the some of the videos before they ignite the ammonium nitrate:

    You can also find a closer video that shows colored fireworks.

    There are also videos online of other large explosions that look like nukes.

    The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization concluded the explosion was non-nuclear. The same was true for the Lebanese government.

    Let me translate 90% of your posts:

    I'm a homo that tries to live in a bubble and calls dissenters Jews out of frustration as I cannot censor them as desired.

    Replies: @Anonymous 1

    , @Looger
    @emerging majority

    The Zionist Entity has long employed their Polllards to spy out the technology for extremely low radiation micro nukes, mainly from the U$$A. Always there to backstop the Zionists, eh Shlomo?
    I LOVE the rationale that lack of evidence is evidence itself!

    To say there's ambiguity surrounding the Lebanon port explosion is putting it mildly.

    We are talking about a "country" which doesn't have traffic laws or even legal tender. The idea that someone in their "government" could slip up is not just a possibility but a certainty.

    It's also a great example of how to divide movements of people over the evidence, however non-existent. Like how 9/11 COULD be micro-nukes - so it MUST be micro-nukes!

    And if you disagree you're a FED JEW LOVER!

    Good fucking lord. Who knows what blew up in Beirut that day. Could it have been the Israelis? First suspect, sure. But do we know for sure? We'll never know for sure.

    Look at the Halifax explosion during WW1. These things happen. And I'd call Canada 100+ years ago, a more capable civilization than Lebanon today.

    As for large explosions appearing to be nukes, wait for the first use of "rods from god" - there will DEFINITELY be early reports of nuclear war as these likely will be dropped right onto government houses in session to quickly end wars.

    One of the more clever predictions by Robert Heinlein by the way. Earth loses a war with the Moon because we forget physics and laugh at the stupid "Loonies" who threaten to throw rice. The first place they hit is Saskatchewan, where crowds of people gather to mock them. Sure enough rocks dropped from orbit hit the Earth with enough force to resemble small nukes.

    What's not ever said about "Rods from God" however (and why we may never see them used at all) is that ALL space hardware is tremendously vulnerable to bags of sand spread out in Earth orbit. Just blow the sand bags apart at a high orbit speed, and all those little bits going in every direction will destroy everything man-made in orbit. So using the "rods" is a one-time trick. The counter to it, the sandbags, could be done by any country with a high-altitude Jet interceptor (The USAF did this in 1984 with an F-15 and a rocket to space which hit a LEO satellite). So MiG-25s, for example (Lybia and Iraq were technically capable but lacking perhaps in imagination or ambition).

    Replies: @emerging majority

  • The majority of Palestinians in Rafah live in an area that is roughly the size of Heathrow Airport. The city is cramped and unsanitary. It is surrounded on three sides by Israeli ground forces and on the fourth side by the 20 ft high Egyptian border wall. For all practical purposes, Rafah is a prison,...
  • @profnasty
    @Etruscan Film Star

    I'm serious as a heart attack.
    It's not swarm. It's exchange - one for one.
    In fact we must extricate America (Q Nat Anth), from Globo Homo.
    Public displays of homosexuality will be met by force.
    War criminals will get the rope.
    November is our time to shine. If Sambo steals this one with fake ballots...
    Need I say more?

    Replies: @emerging majority

    Professionally Nasty is an inveterate closet case.

  • @Poupon Marx
    @emerging majority

    Impressive statement of general principles, maxims, and cautions. However, nothing you wrote has any refutational value to the general propositiion of MOTE. His is a simple observation of accumulation and tabulation. Most of the strong critics of Israeli savagery, Ukrainian barbarism, stupidity and ruminative Jewish psychopathy come from "The Left". It does not require general statements.

    Any deductive statement(s) have to be verified in what we call this Universe, which according to Buddha and Jung is what we believe to be real. The term objective and "impartial" is just what is commonly agreed upon. Therein lies the limitation of rationalism, positivism, material determinism, and other Post Englightenment-Aristotelian juju codified in the children's coloring book called Abrahamic Religions. With the exception of Eastern Orthodoxy, especially Russian Orthodoxy.

    However, the veracity of MOTE's is limited by-again-assignment of categories with supposed meaning and association; in this case it is statism, which is the underlying reality of Fascism and Communism, etc, etc. Any concentration of power in fewer hands is oppressive. Arbitrary authority-no matter what the stated idealism-is filthy and anti-human, humane. Period.

    The independent journalists actually represent an idealized pattern of individuals free of forces and coercion against their will and volition. Moreover, they are personal witness to mass sociopathology, mass murder, nullification of the sacredness of life, and the most extreme amoral and immoral actions. Norman Finkelstein is a self-described Communist, but only I believe in an idealistic way. Marxism/Communism is just another name, an excuse really, for smoothing over Judaism, what it was SUPPOSED TO BE, but stillborn forever. Vinegar can never be converted to wine.

    We need to abandon the Naive Realism of Nomenclature, as if these words have a corresponding correlation to phenomenon.

    I have picked it apart, and all labeling that has not specific and precise correspondence to what we call Reality should never be written as a stand alone symbol. What is useful and rightly descriptive is searching for common elements of various labels and finding commonality. Otherwise, it is a mask and too plastic and malleable. Just study The Buddha and his teachings and all will be clear because it all can never be certain and purely clear.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    On occasion you do make sense. However it took a second reading to catch your MOTE acronym. We are fully in accord regarding the perils of centralization in all its iterations. Implicit within a centralized infrastructure is a one size fits all modality.

    Much of today’s rank cultural insanity is due to the urbanization which accompanied industrialization and thus the devastation of rural values…with the signal exception of falling prey to the organized religionists, which use their pulpits to provide what little community still remains in the countryside.
    Sherwood Anderson’s depiction of the inventors and entrepreneurs in smallish Ohio towns during the late 19th and early 20th centuries was a depiction of a now lost but nourishing cultural environment.

    Gone are the all ages and all stages featuring pool-halls and beer taverns where men would socialize. Socialization in religious institutions is primarily the province of womenfolk and some combination of a few males who are either religious fanatics or weaklings who seek fellowship but continue to exist in an ersatz variation on the theme.

    Aesthetic values and the very concept of holistic beauty have been replaced and trash canned by a host of miseducated and hyper-specialized degree-holders along with predatorial parasites who contribute little or nothing to cultural elevation. It’s all one gigantic Bauhaus function over form simulation.

    • Replies: @Poupon Marx
    @emerging majority

    On occasion you do make sense.
    Which I take to mean you agree with me on a certain point. I don't disagree with anything you wrote above. "Living In The Past" is where the future lies. As boy growing up in the 1950s and 60s, our lower middle class household had a father who worked, a mother at home, 2 cars, great public schools, low crime, cheap food, no inflation, and plentiful jobs. A living could be made, with time to explore hobbies, wash your own car, and indulge in recreation activities. We lived freer, had far less centralization and the legal system was functional.

    For the masses, is a maxim, that when the churches start to be empty, society declines and retrogressed. This is a very high correlation that is highly causative. I refer the reader to the Federation of multi-ethnic, multi-lingual RUSSIA for a culture, society, milieu, whose policies and population embody and execute the better society I have described above.
    I conditioned and prepared myself long ago to accept uncomfortable truths, no matter the pain, dislocation, and loss of belief, however deep and dependent. Therefore, I regard the United States as a failure, with no enough virtue, truth and beauty to continue in its present form. The Constitution of the United States should be scrapped. My hope is that when the United States breaks up, descendants of European ancestry, Eurasian, Asian, and some Hindus will form a new republic that becomes a separate republic of the Russian Federation.

    The West has too many terminal diseases. Like power plant system with its associated outdated, and plethora of design flaws and demerits, an entire UPGRADE is necessary, not just an update.

    Replies: @emerging majority

  • Hatred of Jews is essential to the Israeli State.
    This is axiomatic and is borne out by the lengths the Israeli State is prepared to go to engender hatred, such as this latest massacre which has ensured and enhanced generation-spanning hatred.
    In 1947, the U.N. partitioned Palestine and it probably might have succeeded in creating two states that, given the course of time, became one again – but for one thing. The Zionists interpreted sovereignty (the right to govern) as ownership (of private property – cue the theme from “Exodus”) and began the expulsions.
    The simplest resolution has always been one state with political and civil rights for all it’s citizens and it speaks much for Jewish racism and bigotry that this is their greatest fear. In many Western minds, the antisemitism canard still impresses.
    As one Palestinian put it:

    Thank you for correcting me. I had thought I hated you because you came to my land, killed my father and brothers, blew up my village and stole my family’s land. Now I realise I hate you because am antisemitic.

    The second essential in Israeli propaganda is the manipulation of the Historical time line.
    If you can move the time line, a defence becomes an attack. For Israel, History begins when a Jew is hurt.
    This is most evident in the current crisis. Israel depends on an ignorance of History which, as one of advanced years, I am astonished to find is far more common than I had expected. Few young people seem to have even the merest grasp of the events of 1947/8 and 1967.
    Hamas attacked Israel! They killed and raped!
    Well hang on a minute, the rapes, poisoning of wells, massacres perpetrated by Irgun, Lehi etc. are well documented. And even if the Hamas atrocities did occur (which I doubt), it took 70 years for Palestinians to respond in kind.
    Israel needs to be hated by Palestinians. It is their raison d’etre. Without it, Israel would have to behave in a civilised manner.

    • Thanks: emerging majority
  • Very few people in Russia and across the Global South are as qualified as Sergei Glazyev, the Minister for Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasia Economic Commission (EEC), the policy arm of the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU), to speak about the drive, the challenges and the pitfalls in the road towards de-dollarization. As the Global...
  • @Rahan

    Yes, but Halford never rubbed the fans nose in it with their visual presentation. Judas Priest had a few genuinely fine hard-rock songs also. “Electric Eye” was a personal fave of mine.
    Electric Eye is a prophetic song from 1982, sung from the POV of an orbital robotic camera that is spying on every living thing on the planet. The guitar solo is brilliant.

    That being said, it's precisely in 1982 that Halford looked like the owner of the Blue Oyster club from Police Academy.


    He toned it down from 1983 onward, but from 1979 to 1982 he was one aggressively phallic leather daddy.

    About six million percent more masculine than today's crop of heritage white kids, and classier than today's remaining shreds of masculinity among the gangstas of the swarthier races.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    Hyper-masculine presentations are city boys trying to get it up like country kids. Urbanization has effectually destroyed a genuine male ethos, as nobody knows how to work in conjunction with the realities of a natural environment. A few hours per day in pitching haybales, spading soil, hefting rocks and riding horses would do far more than twelve hours “manning” monster machines.

  • @Rahan

    Don’t know who talked that band into that photo-shoot, but I’m sure it ended their career in rock and roll. I’ve never heard of a gay metal band, but that sure seems to be the look the art director was striving for.
    On contre, this was the start of the 40 years illustrious career of power metal pioneers Manowar. Still going strong at 70+ in places like Bolivia and Slovakia.

    Esthetically, it was KISS in the 1970s that made all other ridiculous shit possible. Then Venom and Slayer circa 1982-82 embellished it all with spikes and pentagrams. By 1984 it spread to Germany via bands like Destruction and Sodom.


    However, back in those pre-internet times, 90% of the members of the scene were naively oblivious of any fetishistic nuances in the esthetics - to them this was all about larping as sci-fi sword'n'laser mad max bikers from mars.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    Heavy Metal is just plain ugly…it well reverberates with a devolving cultural reality. It appeared on the scene when the “influencers” decided that classic rock n’ roll contained too many lyrics which tended to have an inappropriate effect upon the minds of a generation.

  • Under cover of fear for MPs’ safety, Labour leader Keir Starmer has helped the ruling Tories paint as villains anyone opposed to Israel’s slaughter of children For the best part of a decade now, the British establishment has been weaponising antisemitism against critics of Israel, claiming as its biggest scalp the former Labour leader Jeremy...
  • @Alden
    @muh muh

    American Muslims have always voted democrat. Even the native black Muslims. And now the beige & brown imigrante. Probably because the democrats are militantly anti White European race, anti White European culture and anti Christian and so are Muslims

    The democrats are the party of the Jews. New immigrant Muslim immigrants don’t care about that. They like the anti Christian anti European heritage aspect. Remember Jews and Muslims worked against Christianity for 1,400 years. Why stop now?
    The Muslims don’t mind the blatant gay transexual lunatic fringe part of the Jewish led democrat party. Because just like in medieval times their hatred of Christian European culture is more important than Jewish leadership in the democrat party.

    Replies: @emerging majority, @muh muh, @meamjojo

    Bullfukkin Shit. “…immigrant Muslim immigrants (you already said immigrants two words back) don’t care about that” (Democrats being the party of the Jews). If those Dearborn voters, some 100,000 who refused to vote for Biden in the recent primaries were not Muslims, which Dearborn, Michigan city did they live in?

    Why don’t you keep your comments to Brooklyn and fellow red-diaper types. Obviously, you don’t know crappola about Michigan.

    • Replies: @Alden
    @emerging majority

    So Muslims in one small city voted Republican in one election BFD. Republicans hope and pray and grovel to non Whites in the hope that somehow somewhere someday the non Whites will start voting Republican because of conservative values.

    In the meantime, the republicans ignore Whites and the issue that is the absolutely most destructive of Whites affirmative action,, it was the republicans who introduced the first Equal Rights amendment equal rights for men and women in the workplace and jobs. Back in the 1920s.

  • @meamjojo

    "Why should anyone in the Europe or North America care if the shitty little country on the Mediterranean exists at all? "
    it's actually a rather nice country and I can see why the Palestinians might want ti back. But that has zero chance of ever occurring.

    So yes, everyone should stop paying attention to what Israel is doing and get on with your meaningless lives.

    Replies: @emerging majority, @Dave Bowman, @Curmudgeon

    Many lives would be far more meaningful if the Talmudists had not stollen everyone else’s energies/money in order to fulfill their agenda for total world domination. The words are written right there in the Talmud as concocted by the highest authorities within the Sanhedrin.

  • The good news is that the British public voted for George Galloway in the recent bye election, which shows that even the ordinary voting class are not ignorant of what is going on in Gaza and are very unhappy and appalled by the mainstream parties’ support for Israel, even in the face of their war crimes.

    • Agree: emerging majority
  • @Anonymous
    Meanwhile we learned from the Krauts that SAS/UK soldiers are in Ukraine and were directly involved in the targeting and use of Storm Shadows against the Russian military.

    Fuck the limeys. London needs to be turned to ash.

    Replies: @Beavertales, @Martin Spencer, @emerging majority, @N. Joseph Potts

    If you were to limit “turned to ash” to City of London, aka the Square Mile, which is effectually ruled now by Hannah Rottenchild; I’d be totally with you. But to incinerate all the millions in surrounding metropolitan London; you would be going faaaaar more than one bridge too many.

  • Aaron Bushnell, when he placed his cell phone on the ground to set up a livestream and lit himself on fire in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington D.C., resulting in his death, pitted divine violence against radical evil. As an active duty member of the U.S. Air Force, he was part of the...
  • @Anon

    Photo essay tribute to the holy martyr Aaron Bushnell OBM:

    These reports from his hometown newspaper describe his idealistic upbringing and aspirations as part of a Catholic Community:

    Not to sound irreverent, but his incredible action evokes the Burning Bush in Exodus Three, when G+D appears to Moses and tells him to lead the Hebrew slaves out of bondage in Egypt. It is up to every one of us to uphold Aaron's memory in whatever way we can to ensure that his legacy effects the change that we all desire: Liberation from ZOG and all Jewish/Zionist brutality in general. Amen

    Moses and the Burning Bush
    3 Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the far side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. 2 There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. 3 So Moses thought, “I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up.”

    4 When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!”

    And Moses said, “Here I am.”

    5 “Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.” 6 Then he said, “I am the God of your father,[a] the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.” At this, Moses hid his face, because he was afraid to look at God.

    7 The Lord said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. 8 So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey—the home of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. 9 And now the cry of the Israelites has reached me, and I have seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them. 10 So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.”




    Replies: @Alden, @emerging majority

    You mean to tell me that “The Burning Bush” was not all about some hot to trot red-headed woman?

  • The majority of Palestinians in Rafah live in an area that is roughly the size of Heathrow Airport. The city is cramped and unsanitary. It is surrounded on three sides by Israeli ground forces and on the fourth side by the 20 ft high Egyptian border wall. For all practical purposes, Rafah is a prison,...
  • @John Johnson
    @emerging majority

    Yonny. Sometimes I think you opine with only half your brain. Somehow you insist on believing the I$raeli line about murdering and raping Gaza Palestinians. Do you really believe that those highly trained warriors had the TIME to fool around like you suggest.?

    The attack lasted over 6 hours:


    Women in America have been raped in less than a minute.

    Once again you immediately embarrass yourself and show everyone that you haven't read about the attack that you are trying to defend.

    Have you no sense of shame, J.J.?

    You seem to not be picking up on a pattern here.

    You furiously respond to my posts out of desperation to hide unwanted facts and without doing any sort of investigative work on your own. Very similar to how liberals will do damage control for Black crime and before they even look at the facts. They don't want to know. This is like the Jussie Smollett story for Hamas defenders. What you really want is for the conversation to not exist. As with liberals you fear the truth and that is on display by your unwillingness to look at basic facts of the case. Well that isn't happening for Jussie's MAGA winter henchmen or the Hamas rape 'n kill concert attack.

    So you will go on record and state that they dragged around a naked girl but didn't commit rape? Is that right? They dragged around a dead naked girl, dragged off another half naked girl on a motorcycle, showed a woman with vaginal bleeding but you believe rape didn't occur? And I'm an idiot for believing it did? The forensic investigators were all lying and Hamas drew the line at kidnapping children and parading around a naked corpse of an 18 year old? Are you going to sign your name to that?

    Were you part of the original group here that called me a Jew for suggesting the attack happened? Even though I pointed out that Hamas had used GoPros and posted it to the internet themselves? If I click on your name will that be in your history?

    Replies: @emerging majority, @Mulga mumblebrain, @Wokechoke

    Fury is not a requisite for countering your inane postings, little Johnson. So why do you veer off course and rant on about Black crime and other diversions? Yes, you are quite the master of baiting opposing viewpoints by changing the subject by twists and turns.

    “Hamas rape n’ kill concert attack”. Obviously, once again, you are either hopelessly ill informed about just who it was in those Merkava tanks and Apache choppers who killed the vast majority of those concert-goers…a concert which had been relocated into a venue within eyesight view of all those cooped up “prisoners” in Gaza…relocated there deliberately just days before it was to happen. One wonders why it was happening so close to the prison camp.

    Point to your suppositions of my history all you want…yours is all hysterics. “forensic investigators?” They were a group of fanatics who were all about properly burying the victims of the Hannibal Option,while blaming it on Hamas.

    Thanks for admitting that you are an idiot. Many posters will get a chuckle over that confession.

    • Agree: X101
  • @John Johnson
    @emerging majority

    . Galway is an inveterate truth-teller and not just a demagogue like the Orange One.

    No he is full of shit like all leftists.

    He claimed there are no concentration camps in China and that they don't actually suppress their Uighurs.

    I guess thousands of personal accounts are all lies and human rights organizations must be conspiring against China.

    Well if anyone is that deluded there is smuggled footage of them being led away from a train:

    It's almost as if a totalitarian state is totalitarian after all.

    F-ck all leftists and that includes Galloway and his endless excuses for totalitarian states.

    Galloway is most likely a closeted homosexual which as a group is overrepresented in left-wing circles.

    Replies: @emerging majority, @Mulga mumblebrain, @Wokechoke, @Commentator Mike

    So! You paint Galway, a dedicated humanist…and humorist, as unlike certain pseudo-intellectuals I could name, are manifestly void of any detectable sense of humor. They also happen to be in large measure, ideologues who are always on some kinda mission to inform the proles of their superiority in all political, economic and cultural iterations….Big Brother and hectoring aunt all in one swell foop.

    Like that mass of media-mesmerized morons who get all their information…or should we say, infotainment over evening boobtoob noose; you buy hook, line and stinker, whatever the owners of the mass-media of mind-control sell along with the latest and greatest nostrums from the world’s biggest drug dealers…bit Pharma and their financier connexions. That certainly applies to your minimally informed perspective on the situation with the Uighurs in Sinkiang.

    Citing the “Guardian”, long under total control of British intel, primarily MI5, that particular rag is nothing but a mouthpiece and microphony for the British Establishment…most primarily from City of London, from which the world’s #1 Crime Clan control their international operations. Anyone who cites or believes anything from that house organ is either a fool or a knave.

    But back to Galway: For decades now, the “Cathedral” of British politics, Westminster, has been the exclusive domain of pro$titicians totally controlled by the Sceptred Isle’s Talmudist and aristocratic rulers. Galway introjects an element of fresh air into that apothegm of hot air…and submission to the Rabbinical dictates of the Sanhedrin and their Babylonian matrix. Galway is nobody’s fool and neither is he anyone’s tool. He’s as independent as a hog on ice. As for parliamentary debate, that man will employ elementary common sense versus those well indoctrinated “public schoolboys”.

    Believe it or not, though the brain may be divided into left and right hemispheres, the consolidated mind is holistic at the same time as logical. Those two hemispheres are not standing in opposition to each other. They synthesize into higher levels of consciousness…not forever and a day fomenting opposition, competition and tunnel vision.

    Galloway is a voice for the common folk, both Christian, Muslim or don’t give a damns about organized organized religion.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
    @emerging majority

    So! You paint Galway, a dedicated humanist…and humorist, as unlike certain pseudo-intellectuals I could name, are manifestly void of any detectable sense of humor.

    I said nothing about his sense of humor.

    I said that he is on record stating that China does not repress their Uighurs.

    You don't seem to deny his defense of China. Well I'm glad you at least spent 2 minutes using Google to verify his pathetic claim that China treats their Uighurs fairly.

    That certainly applies to your minimally informed perspective on the situation with the Uighurs in Sinkiang.

    So this human rights organization is uninformed?


    Along with this UN human rights report?

    These investigations are all wrong and China is a super swell state that would never do such things?

    Galloway completely embarrassed himself. Hackers revealed what everyone already knew:

    Galloway is a voice for the common folk, both Christian, Muslim or don’t give a damns about organized organized religion.

    Galloway is the leader of a socialist party and is on record defending China, Putin and even Saddam.

    If you want to defend this confused closeted homosexual and leftist then go ahead.

  • @Man Of East
    @Priss Factor

    >> There is conscience left in America.

    Good for them, but the most demonstrative supporters for Palestine seem to be overwhelmingly Marxists, Communists and feminists. This is the same group that wants to shut down men, speech and natural genders.

    What a miserable testament that Libertarians and the right appear to be silent on Palestine and the running genocide in real time. They have allowed the far left to represent the strongest voice for international law and life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This ought to be the right's bailiwick.

    Where's Rand Paul? Matt Gaetz? Fixated on Ukraine but unwilling to speak against Israel? Just not paying attention like Tucker?

    Conservatives make a mockery of their professed values and the future will not look kindly on the crooks and rascals speaking for Israel or hiding in the corners with AIPAC money.

    Replies: @Poupon Marx, @emerging majority

    From the tenor of your statement it is highly evident that you are an ideologue. The entire process of those who run our economic systems from behind the scenes is based upon Caesar’s old paradigm of “Divide and Conquer/Divide and Rule”.

    As an individual barely on the sunny side of becoming an Octogenarian, I’ve been through all the partisan politics head-games and ultimately have graduated from such silliness.

    Idiotology is the province of all too many linear-thinking pseudo-intellectuals, who as a general observation have sacrificed any residual level of common sense for patterned belief systems and supporting memes, in which dreamscape they have graduated with degrees ennobling them as those whom Milovan Djilas pinioned as the “New Class”.

    Reason and logic do have their place within the generality of human consciousness. However, when their embodiments take on airs, due to the string of letters tailing behind their surnames; they generally eschew the holistic, intuitive and emotionally connective propensities of the right hemisphere of their brains.

    Ergo: Their failure to comprehend that materialistic rationalism is but a dead-end is simply not detected by an abiding sense of self-criticism of their axiomatic tendencies to cling to either-or propositions.

    • Agree: werpor
    • Replies: @Man Of East
    @emerging majority

    I have my values and political preferences, but I'm not an ideologue. I think other things, like virtue and kindness, are more important than politics and ideology.

    Maybe I sounded ideological because I spoke to politics and factions. But I did so only to emphasize the fact that it shouldn't be so. Support for Gaza and ceasefire should be non-ideological, and in my view, it's a disgrace that the right appears to be mostly absent.

    , @Poupon Marx
    @emerging majority

    Impressive statement of general principles, maxims, and cautions. However, nothing you wrote has any refutational value to the general propositiion of MOTE. His is a simple observation of accumulation and tabulation. Most of the strong critics of Israeli savagery, Ukrainian barbarism, stupidity and ruminative Jewish psychopathy come from "The Left". It does not require general statements.

    Any deductive statement(s) have to be verified in what we call this Universe, which according to Buddha and Jung is what we believe to be real. The term objective and "impartial" is just what is commonly agreed upon. Therein lies the limitation of rationalism, positivism, material determinism, and other Post Englightenment-Aristotelian juju codified in the children's coloring book called Abrahamic Religions. With the exception of Eastern Orthodoxy, especially Russian Orthodoxy.

    However, the veracity of MOTE's is limited by-again-assignment of categories with supposed meaning and association; in this case it is statism, which is the underlying reality of Fascism and Communism, etc, etc. Any concentration of power in fewer hands is oppressive. Arbitrary authority-no matter what the stated idealism-is filthy and anti-human, humane. Period.

    The independent journalists actually represent an idealized pattern of individuals free of forces and coercion against their will and volition. Moreover, they are personal witness to mass sociopathology, mass murder, nullification of the sacredness of life, and the most extreme amoral and immoral actions. Norman Finkelstein is a self-described Communist, but only I believe in an idealistic way. Marxism/Communism is just another name, an excuse really, for smoothing over Judaism, what it was SUPPOSED TO BE, but stillborn forever. Vinegar can never be converted to wine.

    We need to abandon the Naive Realism of Nomenclature, as if these words have a corresponding correlation to phenomenon.

    I have picked it apart, and all labeling that has not specific and precise correspondence to what we call Reality should never be written as a stand alone symbol. What is useful and rightly descriptive is searching for common elements of various labels and finding commonality. Otherwise, it is a mask and too plastic and malleable. Just study The Buddha and his teachings and all will be clear because it all can never be certain and purely clear.

    Replies: @emerging majority

  • @John Johnson

    No one can be that misinformed. There were no babies killed and beheaded, no rapes and most of the Israeli civilians were killed by the IDF helicopters and tanks. Also, there were no gas chambers!

    They're on video parading a naked woman through the cheering crowds of Gaza:

    But you think the rape accusations are all fake? Such gentlemen that kidnapped children held the line at rape? Dragging around a half naked girl? There is also video of a woman with what is clearly vaginal bleeding

    The reality denial around here is unreal.

    It's possible to believe that Hamas is a bunch of sand raiding incels and Netanyahu is a major league asshole.

    I don't know why so many you feel the need to pick a side.

    I don't support gunning down 18 year olds at a concert and I also don't support blocking aid to Gaza.

    That's a pretty normal position but so many of you *want to believe* the Hamas gentlemen fighters on October 7th didn't actually go on a rape and killing spree even though these geniuses filmed it themselves.

    Hamas is a gang of idiots. But that doesn't give Israel a license to do as they please and the current treatment of civilians by Netanyahu should be considered a war crime.

    Now get mad at me because a group of morons thought they could improve their cause by kidnapping children and showing them on worldwide television. Go ahead and call me a Jew out of frustration because a gang of morons have you defending a bunch of idiot sand raiders. You might want to try having consistent moral standards and condemning anyone that harms children whether by kidnapping them or by airstirkes and blockades.

    No aid to Israel and no alignment with a bunch of desert raiding morons. That is the better path.

    Replies: @emerging majority, @werpor, @meamjojo

    Yonny. Sometimes I think you opine with only half your brain. Somehow you insist on believing the I$raeli line about murdering and raping Gaza Palestinians. Do you really believe that those highly trained warriors had the TIME to fool around like you suggest.? They full well knew that they were on a mission and that the Yidistani IOF would soon strike back with everything they could muster.

    Even without their measured training, the pressure of time alone would compel them to carry out their missions to wipe out Israeli outposts and to bring hostages from those fortifications back to Gaza to trade them for the thousands of Palestinians unduly imprisoned and tortured by the Evil Ones.

    No way did they have time for fun n’ games. Men of high ideals who are on a mission simply would not foolishly go off course.

    Following memes which clearly are sickening hate-filled propaganda is clearly not a sign of objective thinking. Why do you do these things? Are you just trying to get a rise outta people who find some of your statements to be inane at best and outrageous in their consistency?

    Having the chutzpah to label freedom fighters whose barbed-wire enclosed sandbox prison as “a bunch of idiot sand raiders” is beyond disgusting. It is all and all, out and out, utterly and totally shameful.

    Have you no sense of shame, J.J.?

    • Replies: @John Johnson
    @emerging majority

    Yonny. Sometimes I think you opine with only half your brain. Somehow you insist on believing the I$raeli line about murdering and raping Gaza Palestinians. Do you really believe that those highly trained warriors had the TIME to fool around like you suggest.?

    The attack lasted over 6 hours:


    Women in America have been raped in less than a minute.

    Once again you immediately embarrass yourself and show everyone that you haven't read about the attack that you are trying to defend.

    Have you no sense of shame, J.J.?

    You seem to not be picking up on a pattern here.

    You furiously respond to my posts out of desperation to hide unwanted facts and without doing any sort of investigative work on your own. Very similar to how liberals will do damage control for Black crime and before they even look at the facts. They don't want to know. This is like the Jussie Smollett story for Hamas defenders. What you really want is for the conversation to not exist. As with liberals you fear the truth and that is on display by your unwillingness to look at basic facts of the case. Well that isn't happening for Jussie's MAGA winter henchmen or the Hamas rape 'n kill concert attack.

    So you will go on record and state that they dragged around a naked girl but didn't commit rape? Is that right? They dragged around a dead naked girl, dragged off another half naked girl on a motorcycle, showed a woman with vaginal bleeding but you believe rape didn't occur? And I'm an idiot for believing it did? The forensic investigators were all lying and Hamas drew the line at kidnapping children and parading around a naked corpse of an 18 year old? Are you going to sign your name to that?

    Were you part of the original group here that called me a Jew for suggesting the attack happened? Even though I pointed out that Hamas had used GoPros and posted it to the internet themselves? If I click on your name will that be in your history?

    Replies: @emerging majority, @Mulga mumblebrain, @Wokechoke

  • @muh muh
    @cousin lucky

    That is what Israel and the IDF do; they give you many multiple choice narratives to consume so that in the end you never know that really happened and what happened is quickly forgotten by your comatose capitalist brain.

    We are being played, over and over again; we are completely stuck on stupid!
    Well, I've said this before, but it bears repeating:

    As legacy media's former hold on the public imagination loosens and the internet becomes the preferred medium of information, such gaslighting as Israel has religiously practiced for generations becomes more transparent and more widely known for being what it is to the rest of the world.

    There is a correlation between this trend and political change, but it demands patience to see the trajectory, as said change typically does not occur in sudden, cataclysmic bursts.

    Two recent events, however, herald its onset. First, in America, the sizeable 'uncommitted' vote tally in Michigan spurred by Biden's aiding and abetting Israel's genocide has the Democratic establishment rightly panicked. With the possible exception of being the deciding bloc in the 2000 presidental election, this is the first time Muslims have effectively flexed their political muscle in America. (We have to remember, though, that it isn't just the Muslim bloc in Michigan, it is also a significant number of voters who now understand the reality of Israel's evil, thanks to the internet.)

    Second, George Galloway's recent victory in the UK signals a potentially seismic shift on the horizon in Britain. The fact that PM Rishi Sunak felt compelled to address the nation as though declaring a state of emergency is glaring evidence that the usual suspects are terrified, and rightfully so, as their hold on the electorate becomes weaker and weaker with increased edification of Israel's nature.

    Years ago, I realized that there were only two ways to change the situation in Palestine:

    1) defeat Israel militarily or
    2) defeat Israel politically.

    While the first one is not impossible, it would demand a far bloodier, more expansive, protracted, and destructive conflict than we currently witness. Muslim dominant nations would be drawn in, as well as America, Europe, and Russia. I don't see it happening any other way.

    The second path, however, is happening as we speak. It doesn't seem like much right now, but it's a far sight more than we've ever seen in previous years.

    The irony here is that the political salvation of the Muslim world looks like it's going to come from the west.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    Spot on, Muh muh

    Nailed it, with that protest vote in Michigan, topped yesterday by Galway’s humongous victory in Yorkshire. Galway is an inveterate truth-teller and not just a demagogue like the Orange One. It is clear that he says what he believes and that people believe what he says.

    Even Trump’s victory in 2016, where he appealed to Joe Sixpack and women who are stuck with working for the man, while their grandmothers generally were able to be highly creative and supportive housewives, cooking wonderful meals based on real food and to care for the children in modes which are all too rare in today’s rat-race reality…yes, common people do have long memories, particularly the elders and small-town and rural folk…and many who come from such backgrounds…have become more and more disgusted with the current state of affairs, totally under control of a highly corrupted and corruptive “elite”.

    Common sense still lives within folks who live on ever weakening paychecks…that due to deliberate inflationary policies by the financial elite. The days of being bought off by the system of “buy now and pay later” consumerism, have lost their appeal to growing numbers who were not born with platinum spoons crammed up their butts. Price of food alone is overwhelming numerous households. Credit-card existence and trying to live from paycheck to paycheck is a grim reality.

    From my internet intake, it would appear that folks in Britain are even worse off than us “commons” here in the ruptured republic. Our countries have been hijacked by those who simply have too much of the economic pie. Raw anger is increasingly directed to those who run those corrupted institutions. In Britain, class warfare against the commons is far more clear than here in the states. That explains Galway’s massive victory.

    Growing numbers of people are heeding the messages of those who speak truth to power. Plans for yet another stolen election here in the U$$A are NOT gonna make it this time around. Many have become “inoculated” to the evils of voting machines and similar thieving stratagems. If the fringe on top follow through with more Covidism and electoral chicanery…the pot may very well explode beyond a high simmer.

    The privileged few and their various minions, toadies and go along to get along types are becoming nervous, looking over their shoulders and shuddering at the prospect of an enraged populace. Major metros could become unliveable as the folks at the very bottom of the economic scrotumpole rage at the machine and those who push the buttons. All those pampered migrants could become the proverbial straw that breaks the camel’s back.

    People will demand change and they are not likely to accept soothing rhetoric for a solution. The Great Awakening is in full synch with Cosmic time patterns. “The times they are a changin”.

    • Thanks: muh muh
    • Replies: @John Johnson
    @emerging majority

    . Galway is an inveterate truth-teller and not just a demagogue like the Orange One.

    No he is full of shit like all leftists.

    He claimed there are no concentration camps in China and that they don't actually suppress their Uighurs.

    I guess thousands of personal accounts are all lies and human rights organizations must be conspiring against China.

    Well if anyone is that deluded there is smuggled footage of them being led away from a train:

    It's almost as if a totalitarian state is totalitarian after all.

    F-ck all leftists and that includes Galloway and his endless excuses for totalitarian states.

    Galloway is most likely a closeted homosexual which as a group is overrepresented in left-wing circles.

    Replies: @emerging majority, @Mulga mumblebrain, @Wokechoke, @Commentator Mike

  • @Notsofast
    these people are demonstrating to the world, that they are pure evil. whether they are inherently evil or just attempting to prove to the world, their law trumps all other international laws and norms of morality and decency, matters not. this is an act of terrorism as well as genocide, attempting to terrify and starve a people into "voluntary" displacement is a crime against humanity that will never be forgiven or forgotten, never again.

    are they so drunk on talmud kool aid, that they feel this will be accepted as an example of their religious supremacy? this appears to me to be the case of a society gone completely mad and begging for an international suicide by cop and there may be no other way left.

    Replies: @Adam Smith, @Godly3, @Justrambling, @emerging majority, @anarchyst, @littlewing, @Druid55

    There is no excuse for these horrors of fear and hate based genocide. Both the perps and their aid and abet co-conspirators are totally guilty of mass murder. It really is that simple. No excuses, as this ongoing horror is like a boil which has erupted to the surface of the skin and is bursting with blood and pus.

    To drive people out of their homes in the north and center of Gaza and then deliberately murder them as they line up for food for the starving is one of the most contemptible possible, even heinous schemes of those dehumanized “Chosen” by satanic forces that even Hollywood itself could possibly imagine…yes, even those clever Talmudists with their perfervid evil imaginations could not match the ACTUAL acts of evil perpetrated by their comrades in Tel Aviv and West Jerusalem.

    Blood sacrifices are central to Chosenite Talmudism. Yahweh, their Tribal WarGod insists on blood sacrifices and his acolytes aim to please.

    No decent human being who has not buried his head deeply within the sands of the Sahara will ever forgive the Talmudic TERRORISTS…or allow the Zionist Entity to continue occupation of Palestine and murdering its people as blood sacrifices to their tribal WarGod.

    • Agree: Joe Levantine
    • Replies: @Jim H
    @emerging majority

    'Blood sacrifices are central to Chosenite Talmudism.' -- emerging majority

    Though it is alien to our culture, we are now obliged to consider rejuvenating an ancient Roman form of mass entertainment. But this time, throwing Jews to the lions rather than Christians.

    A series of global pay-per-view coliseum events could raise tens of billions for Palestinian relief, as two-legged beasts such as Netanyahu, Smotrich, Ben-Gvir and more are ripped to pieces and devoured by smirking four-legged beasts with blood dripping from their fangs.

    Go Lions! :-)

    , @Notsofast
    @emerging majority

    Blood sacrifices are central to Chosenite Talmudism. Yahweh, their Tribal WarGod insists on blood sacrifices and his acolytes aim to please.
    yes, this is exactly what i was speaking of in comment 8. the cosmos from my own experience, seems to possess, a very ironic sense of humor, that totally humiliates hubris, arrogance and supremacy.

    could it be that they themselves, will become the "burnt offerings" their dark "god" demands? this is why i feel no shame, for the delicious schadenfreude i feel, in the total destruction of their horrid, bloodthirsty and abominable apartheid state, that needs to buried beneath the sands of time and will be eventually. the cosmos works at it's own pace and karma is immutable.

    Replies: @chris

  • Aaron Bushnell, when he placed his cell phone on the ground to set up a livestream and lit himself on fire in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington D.C., resulting in his death, pitted divine violence against radical evil. As an active duty member of the U.S. Air Force, he was part of the...
  • @Chris D

    Greetings, I need some emotional help.

    I discovered the Red Pill, specifically Heartiste.

    I came across this article of his.


    The way he describes what women can do, what they have done to him, enthusiastically. Is this all women? Is it all in the end a matter of power, status and sex? Is there no higher virtue?

    This whole thing scares me. I know I shouldn’t pedestalize women, but are we all so mmoral and capable of sin? I feel like I am in an abyss of meaning. Is this Heartiste guy right about the world?

    I’d like to hear your thoughts.

    Replies: @emerging majority, @NeverTrustaWizard

    A nearly overwhelming proportion of American mothers stand guilty of letting those cock-cutting doctors have their way with their newborn baby boys. Is the bottom line of greedy HMO’s more important to them than the emotional health of their sons?

    Some do it out of sheer ignorance of the possible psychological consequences. Others go along with already cutnik husbands who insist that THEIR son looks like daddy. No other so-called First World nation has women as derelict of duty to their offspring as do those here in the Untied $kates.

    Where the fuck is motherly love and compassion in this ruptured republic?

    • Replies: @anarchyst
    @emerging majority

    Infant male genital mutilation is promoted in the USA as making the male organ "easier to keep clean". Removing a healthy body part without medical necessity is not only a crime, but is doubly so as an infant has no say-so in the matter.
    This has the additional nefarious purpose of diluting the identification of jews as many American gentiles have received "that unkindest cut".

  • @IronForge
    Missing the Point, Trigger Woked Hedges.

    Stop Playing Victim Woke Politics.

    He joined the Military to Serve his Obligations. Turns out that he had Orders to Israel. Add Treason and/or AWOL/Desertion to those Charges.

    Don't know what he would have been doing in Israel; but he was sympathetic to the Civilian Human Shields set up by the Hamas, he could have volunteered to their Aid+Care during his Off-Duty Hours.

    Case Closed for this Triggered Woketard Deserter. His Unit - still deploying to Israel - will consider him a Coward, his family Shamed as All know that he pulled off a SELFISH ACT that didn't save ANYONE and caused other Murican Soldiers Deployed to Israel to carry HIS Share of their Burden.

    Nothing Divine nor Honorable here - he could have properly refused, stood the Courts-Martial, and Discharged under Bad Conduct after serving time in Leavenworth; but he was too much of a Coward to Refuse Properly. Too triggered to live? Wanted to be hospitalized to stay Hard-Labor/Physically Abusive (a Political Deserter putting his Unit under duress in Combat) Prison Term?

    We don't even know how and what are Veterans are doing over there; and the Propaganda from All Sides call for Caution - Not Suicide in front of a Hegemony Ally's Embassy that your Team and Others has been assigned to.

    Divine Fire? Not at all. He dishonored his Service and his Uniform. Just simply refusing to comply in Protest and Resigning were the correct way of handling things.

    How about it, Hedges? Want to fill in for this Deserter and pick up their Team's Workload, go Volunteer with the International Red Cross over there, or are you going to Type your Whine while doing nothing as usual?

    Replies: @Commentator Mike, @Alden, @annacat, @Bruce In Texas, @Theophrastus, @emerging majority, @bike-anarkist

    What a perfect exemplar of undiluted idiocy that this “patriot” has forged. He casts iron into the Bottomless Pit and it melts into golems for the Tribe. Shameful.

  • On Saturday, western news agencies reported that closed-door negotiations took place in Paris that were aimed at reaching an agreement on a ceasefire in Gaza. According to Reuters the talks represented "the most serious push for weeks to halt the fighting in the battered Palestinian enclave and see Israeli and foreign hostages released." Regrettably, the...
  • @Mulga mumblebrain
    @Arthur MacBride

    Sunak's speech on the doorstep of Number 10 was a deranged declaration of war on anyone who dares even question Zionazi butchery. With the usual despicable inference, bordering on assertion, that anyone who opposes Zionazi genocide is an 'Islamist', a 'Jew-hater' and/or an enemy of the UK. I suppose that needs updating to 'JewK'.

    Replies: @Sarita, @Arthur MacBride

    Rishi Sunak, Nimarata Nikki Haley (née Randhawa) and Kamala Harris (whose mother’s name is Shaymala Gopalan (whatever) are all Sikh and they really go with the Zionist flow.
    Strange because in India the Sikh were oppressed by the Hindus the same as Muslims.
    Money and position changes people.

    • Thanks: emerging majority
  • Very few people in Russia and across the Global South are as qualified as Sergei Glazyev, the Minister for Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasia Economic Commission (EEC), the policy arm of the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU), to speak about the drive, the challenges and the pitfalls in the road towards de-dollarization. As the Global...
  • It is with a heavy heart, that I read this exchange of ideas and hopes for something new (not necessarily better) to replace what is clearly broken and abused beyond imagining. Key confessions presented including 1) those required to assist in any new system development are thoroughly co-opted by either their legacy training (brainwashing) in the old system or their self interested political greed, 2) the complexity of the “new idea” and its related mechanisms would rival the complexity of the current in force, if broken, system 3) even if a “new system” were to be born, human nature would see it quickly morph into abuse and dysfunction.

    Perhaps this last confession, regarding human nature, holds the only ray of hope going forward. Given the inevitable march toward abuse that is the human condition, any and all systems should arguably be design for simplicity not complexity in order to limit abuse.

    Perhaps rather than waiting, talking endlessly and ultimately suffering until the legacy systems of the current world are crushed under their own weight, we might first simply attempt to dial back existing complexities and see if maybe there is something worth working to save. I would suggest that a good starting point would be the outlawing of derivatives and all financial (non-commodity) options which are two of the most obvious centers of abuse currently.

    • Thanks: emerging majority
  • Arbitrary Judaism
    Mefobills has shared here at TUR comments all the forex knowhow needed.
    If you are serious – Gospotin Pepe – you would want to introduce Mefobills to Glazyev & Co?!
    Regarding the mentioned monetary “aberrations”; The Most Violent Mafia on this side of Antarctica:
    Around a quarter of Germany’s oil requirements are covered by the Druzhba pipeline feeding the Leuna and Schwedt refineries. Around 30 percent of all the mineral oil in the Druzhba pipeline is supplied by Russia’s largest oil company, Lukoil. Lukoil and the other Russian oil suppliers do not do business directly with the German refineries, which would be possible without further ado. The general importer for all oil that flows through the Druzhba pipeline from Russia to Germany is the company Sunimex Handels GmbH, which is entered in the commercial register in Hamburg. The managing director Sergei Kishilow holds a Russian and an Israeli passport. Sunimex has five employees, but is responsible for 20 to 25 percent of Germany’s oil requirements, which come from Russia! The annual financial statement from 2002 – there is no more recent one! – showed a net profit for the year of 2.9 billion euros.

    Lukoil and Sunimex stated that the desire for a middleman came from „the German side“. The German refinery operators as well as the German Petroleum Industry Association and the Foreign Trade Association for Petroleum and Energy allegedly know of no reason why Sunimex has a virtual monopoly on the oil from the Druzhba pipeline. Even the responsible German authorities do not seem to understand why the FRG is demanding that Russia be allowed to pay several billion euros more for oil supplies just to allow a middleman to skim off billions of euros.

    Lukoil spokesman Dmitry Dolgov told the HANDELSBLATT in February 2008 that Lukoil would stop its deliveries to Germany if it did not receive a “fair price” from Sunimex. Lukoil would prefer to deliver directly to the German refineries. ‘We don’t need a middleman’, said Lukoil CEO Vagit Alekperov in February 2008. Polish Jewess Anjela Kasner-Kaczmierczak aka „Frau Doktor Merkel“ nevertheless insisted that oil imports should be invoiced via Kishilov because this would ultimately serve a ‘good cause’.
    It is unclear what is meant by the “good cause”.
    It is worth taking a further look at the past.
    It is well known that the eternally cash-strapped GDR set up its own “capitalist” company empire called Commercial Coordination under the leadership of Alexander Schalck-Golodkowski (who was instantly given an Israeli passport after the Jewmerican takeover of Middle Germany called “East Germany” or GDR) in order to procure foreign currency for the GDR. So what could be more obvious than to assume that „the Israel lobby“ – Jew & hyena – on top of the German remnants has a giga source of money for Israhell & Cons while bleeding the German people.

    Managing Director Kishilow must be one of the richest people in the world by now. What did the death angel Anjela mean when she spoke of a “good cause” other than financial support for Israhellis?
    With the figures of 2002 as a basis, every German contributed at least 35 euros to Sunimex’s profits in 2002, a total of several hundred euros depending on personal consumption. One has to ask oneself involuntarily in which areas there are still such oddities.
    The gas dispute between Russia and the Ukraine continues. Jew Trump was feverish in disabling any alternatives to Druzhba.
    One of the reasons that middlemen are demanded by Jewkraine, is the company RosUkrEnergo (RUE). For the gas trade between the Ukrainian NAFTOGAZ and the Russian GAZPROM is conducted via RUE, the main shareholder of the company is based in Zug (Canton of Zug/Switzerland) is Israeli Dmitrij Firtasch. He is a companion of Viktor Yushchenko, the leader of the US-financed so-called Orange Revolution in Ukraine in 2004, which was clearly directed against Russia and was part of the US policy of encirclement against Russia and „stretching Russia“ as now everyone can see daily.

    Firtash also works for the company Highrock Properties, headquartered in Tel Aviv. Apparently, in this case too, billions are diverted via a useless middlemen in order to take money out of consumers’ pockets with political backing.

    Apropos „the German side“:
    The „German“ parliament (Reichstag) is located within the socalled Russian Zone or Russischer Sektor of Berlin. Berlin is from the 2 + 4 treaty excluded. Excluded! It means the war status is fully intact. It means Russia is (theoretically) still in charge of „The Reichstag“ – the parliament of the Western German remnants. Russia still has two military outlets in Berlin. One is in the Russian embassy compound and another one is elsewhere in Berlin.

    Russian Veto:
    After 5 years of construction, a new Berlin Airport was ready to be opened in 2012. (Berlin is the second largest Turkish city in the world, for the Jew to feel comfortable.)
    The new airport did officially not open till the end of 2020 „because of building problems“, wich got rediculed all over the world: „Nowadays the Germans are even unable to bitumen a landing strip. It takes em a quarter of a century to do so.“
    Reality: Russia refused to allow its opening and operation because of other „infrastructure problems“ in Jewkraine (or „the Nazi regime in Kiev“ as Vladimir Vladimirovich calls it).
    After another 8 years of „German incompetence in building an airport“ – Russia was ignored and around a year later the Ukraine war started.
    Only two weeks ago the socalled Crimean Germans asked Moscow to cancell the 2+4 treaty alltogether…
    Meanwhile Zionlendski is threatening – pokering – to block the oil and gas flow towards Germany completely completely via his totalitarian Jewkraine.

    Abolish Judaism and introduce its main antagonists to the Polar Owl, the Black Dolphin and what have you?! Instead Gospotin Vladimir Vladimirovich has guaranteed the life of dictator Zionlendski in Kiev, while hundreds of thousands of western Russians paid and will pay with their lives, 30 mio western Russians are displaced and millions of families are destroyed. Millions of Germans had and have a shortened life, died and will die earlier, because of the USSR and subsequently the Russian Federation throwing „the liberation of Nazi-Germany“ to the Jew & Anglo-American hyena.

    Who is profiting from sanctions?
    Gospotin Galzyev fails to mention, or the Pepe „fails to report“ (aka censoring?), that the sanctions banking is done via Israhell / Rothschild, (even so Rothschild & Cons totally plundered when it first came under Jewish controll with Lenin & Stalin (both Jews).
    Is that why the Moos cow is so silent about the Israhell genocide in Palestine, because of the affiliated banksters?
    The profiteers of sanctions are Israhell, the Turkeys, the China Cheap Cheat, the Jewnighted Snakes on America together with Perfidious Albion while the oligarchy (= Nazi speak according to Putin’s Peskov) on top of the RUS makes billions from the war against the European peoples too.
    (The average Russian interest payments are at 40 % – forty percent per year! – if one can offord a loan at all.)

    No matter which way one looks: Goldman sucks and sucks very very violently.

  • JTF says:

    Brazilian Pepe Escobar writes:

    "Very few people in Russia and across the Global South are as qualified as Sergei Glazyev, the Minister for Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasia Economic Commission (EEC), the policy arm of the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU), to speak about the drive, the challenges and the pitfalls in the road towards de-dollarization."
    De-dollarization does not need a new currency.

    Here I quote a few things:

    "India's total exports to Russia rose 46.2% year-on-year to $2.7 billion in the first eight months of fiscal year 2023/24 ending in March while imports rose 54.8% to $40.5 billion during the same period, Indian commerce ministry data showed."

    Whereas "China's 2023 two-way trade with the Russian Federation hit $240 billion, setting yet another new record, Chinese customs data showed on Friday, as the two countries pushed for closer economic ties even as the war in Ukraine raged on.

    China, one of the world's top oil consumers, has emerged as a major economic lifeline for energy exporter Russia, currently under Western sanctions. Moscow has also stepped up purchases of Chinese goods from cars to smartphones as European and U.S. brands left the Russian market."

    "Exports to Russia in Brazil averaged 150.24 USD Million from 1989 until 2024, reaching an all time high of 692.34 USD Million in October of 2021 and a record low of 0.00 USD Million in February of 1989. source: Mdic, Brazil."

    "South Africa Exports to Russia was US$282.77 Million during 2023, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade. South Africa Exports to Russia -- data, historical chart and statistics -- was last updated on February of 2024."

    That means, there are countries like India, Brazil and South Africa that have comparatively minimal exports to the Russian Federation whereas the People's Republic of China exports in hundreds of billions of USD to the Russian Federation.

    So, countries can bilaterally settle their trade-agreements for mutual benefits without having to invent a brand-new currency like the euro of the European Union.

    If an African country wants Indian goods and India wants commodities from that African country, they can settle their trade(s) bilaterally without having to purchase U.S. dollars or Euros or Swiss Francs first.

    Sergei Glazyev, the Minister for Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasia Economic Commission (EEC), probably drinks too much Beluga Black and when someone gets intoxicated with Beluga Black, s/he wants to invent a brand-new currency for global trade!

    So, if I were in the room with Sergei Glazyev, I would have certainly asked him to stop drinking and rather start meditation in front of a Buddha-statue.

    Real problem is not dollar-hegemony in this world.

    World's economists are wrong on the de-dollarization mantra altogether.

    Real problem in this world is the servile colonial mindsets of the leaders of the developing nations!

    For examples, American White greedy Christian bloodsuckers bombed Vietnamese people, tortured and raped Vietnamese women and girls in 1960s and in 1970s; but, Vietnamese people today want to do business with the United States, not with the People's Republic of China.

    Japanese govt. committed cannibalistic war-crimes on the Chinese victims during the early past century and yet Chinese people do not want reparation from the Japanese govt.



    Replies: @Notsofast, @JTF, @Yukon Jack

    I agree with you.
    That’s why Sergei Glazyev is having such an uphill battle – because what he is proposing is rejected by all the regional puppet-kings – because no puppet-king wants to take the strings from the puppet-master and give them to the people.
    What’s the point of that, the puppets think…

    • Agree: emerging majority
  • @PetrOldSack

    Obvious, every word, and missing: Jewish scams by design, and in the scheme's execution. Three thousand years of hocus pokus, gold, diamonds, silver, alcohol and bread.

    Include population factors into "economics" as variables or enrich the few globally.

    Quality of desire is missing in our modern world, washing machines instead of cathedrals. Ammous, Saylor(a stake in the greed), at least also point to some of that much.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    Clear back in 1917, the amazing Rudolf Steiner revealed that the entire materialist ethos went into overdrive between the 1840’s and 1879. Youth, truth and beauty were cast into the back-seat and totally ignored as those “washing-machines instead of cathedrals” became all the rage, as materialistic values overwhelmed spiritual perspectives.

    Ever since those days cited by Steiner; amazing developments such as telephones, motorized vehicles, airplanes, radio, movies, television and much, much more have ensorcelled the vast masses of the Westernized peoples and even now is making inroads into the so-called “Third World”.

    Take a look at our cities and consider those looming skyscrapers and the windswept canyons between and amongst them. No beauty there. Who cares? It’s all functional and who gives a shivering shit for the esthetic environment. Architects and engineers have sold their souls to the bean-counters. The rat-race has disempowered the human race. As Gertrude Stein famously remarked more than a century ago: “There is no there there”.

    And today’s parents wonder why their offspring bury their heads in their personal do-it-all hand-held “devices” and “invest” countless hours in usually war-gaming “exercises”. In essence, they are rejecting the loveless world of BIZZNI$$ and its cherished bride…UGLINE$$.

    There are a few, though, in the younger generations, who have not merely shitcanned belief in ANY major institution…they are at least subconsciously questing for a world to which their minds and psyches can actually participate in and enjoy.

    In most cases, without consciously realizing it, they desperately crave spiritual connectivity. They need community, not dog eat dog competitiveness. Their hearts reach out, while their minds are jammed in neutral.

    • Replies: @PetrOldSack
    @emerging majority

    Your comment in all,

    Elegant way of expressing the state of affairs.

  • @tosca
    I admire PE. In my modest opinion, it is not the dollar which is at stake, but the role of the City of London on the international financial theater. Most of the european stock exchange platforms are now settled in London! Why? Does that mean that the City has a complete control on them? If it is so, it would then explain the unanimous behavior of Europ and the us on the geostrategic theater.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    Even though James Rottenchild is finally and deservedly horizontal, his daughter Hannah has now become the most powerful zillionaire on the face of the planet. She has been well trained, I’m sure, perhaps even having been induced to give lip-service to her wounded-weenie paterfamilias in order to achieve that commanding position.

    So the long-planned transition in City of London has placed a woman in charge of world financial affairs…this is an amazing switch within the heavily patriarchal Talmudist program. Apparently, the male descendants and their wounded-weenie cousins are too drugged-out and maybe even disqualified, as their mothers, grandmothers have often been recruited from amongst Shabos Goy Shiksas.

    Has the Talmudist Agenda begun to run on fumes? Well, the central control Rabbinate, those “learned” ones, have certainly kept the “faith”. We may presume that the Babylonian Sanhedrin remain “pure” in their Judaic traditions.

    They still detest Jesus, the Great Spiritual Teacher, for his “sins” of overthrowing the money-changers’ tables and actually SCOURGING those perps.

    After all, according to the Talmudist Agenda, NOBODY gets by with interfering with their rackets.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    @emerging majority

    Has the Talmudist Agenda begun to run on fumes? Well, the central control Rabbinate, those “learned” ones, have certainly kept the “faith”. We may presume that the Babylonian Sanhedrin remain “pure” in their Judaic traditions.
    The Talmudists have stolen so much and hurt so many people that they have lost their immunity.

    It didn't help that they hurt the Blacks on welfare most of all, hurt their street fighters. Nor does it help that the Black civil servant bloc has proven massively incompetent ( Lloyd James Austin III for a well known example ) and that Obama can't get anybody better than a brain dead zombie to serve as a figurehead. The Black coalition was the Talmudists' only allies after the real estate swindle, and the COVID swindle caused a Black coalition coup in the Executive branch. People now are saving their sympathy for themselves and their relatives rather than sending it to the Talmudists.

    As for the article:

    The idea of a "basket of currencies" as explained by Escobar is, ah, just another opportunity for fraud. To quote:

    It’s impossible to make any strategic planning for economic development if you do not control prices of basic commodities. Price formation with this new currency should get rid of Western exchanges of commodities. My idea is based on a mechanism that existed in the Soviet Union, in the Comecon.
    Sometimes History loses its temper, shouts "Won't you ever learn???" and throws a comprehensive physical dictionary at your head.

    Perhaps if the Talmudists were somehow excluded from monetary affairs (or fish excluded from water), the plan might work for the world as well as it did for the Comecon. Being realistic, though -- give government control of basic commodity prices? The government might decide to shut down basic commodity production (and, in fact, Biden has done that and is doing that now). It's like achieving monetary stabilization by killing everybody on Earth (no people & no money -> perfect stabilization). . . It seems a bit excessive even if it works.

    BTW: Bitcoin is a public record currency that is not under government control -- any government. Bitcoin's value comes from decreasing or halted production and from utility in transactions. (There have been many examples of this. Tobacco in Germany after WW II, canned hams in Poland after WW II, Imperial Russian War Bonds in Eastern Europe after WW I) Bitcoin has been under attack since it bought its first pizza, some attacks very well thought out and very well funded. So far, the attacks have failed. Attacks on government issued money have not failed.

    Bitcoin offers the only currency that is not defined by a government. Considering what governments are like in our current environment of failure and corruption, that's a major attraction. Beats having governments "control prices of basic commodities".

    As for gold, silver, copper:

    Maybe. Countries are storing gold, silver. Maybe if Bitcoin somehow fails. Basic problem is if one country gloms up all the gold, as the US had after the World War era, when the US took gold in exchange for things that actually blew themselves up! Now -- how do you know how much gold, as opposed to gold coated tungsten, in any country's gold reserves? Even the gold system runs on some trust, and there is no trust. Not any at all.
  • On Saturday, western news agencies reported that closed-door negotiations took place in Paris that were aimed at reaching an agreement on a ceasefire in Gaza. According to Reuters the talks represented "the most serious push for weeks to halt the fighting in the battered Palestinian enclave and see Israeli and foreign hostages released." Regrettably, the...
  • @Anonymous 1

    Some more good news 😁😁

    The Israeli army is experiencing a shock “in the wake of nearly 150 days of conflict” and suffers from a “severe manpower issue”, the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported on Friday.

    “Following 147 days of combat, the army is experiencing intensifying personnel shortages,” the newspaper reported, highlighting how the Israeli military “is calling for another 7,500 officer and non-commissioned officer positions, while the treasury is currently only approving 2,500”.

    “Approximately 582 soldiers have fallen in battle, and several more are physically and psychologically wounded, to the extent that they are unable to return to their roles,” the report added, noting that “a significant number of commanders, who led their troops as expected, also fell in the battles, necessitating training for their replacements.”

    Leaked hospital reports and daily videos by the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza suggest that the number of Israeli soldiers killed and wounded in Gaza is much higher.

    “These unprecedented figures underscore the shock experienced by the IDF in the wake of nearly 150 days of conflict, which began with substantial losses on October 7,” Yedioth Ahronoth added.

    According to the paper, these numbers, “which will necessitate public sacrifice given that the required funding does not simply materialize out of thin air, also underscore the profound failure that has brought us to our current predicament.”

    Growing Losses
    In the report, the responsibility is largely attributed to “the political and military leadership from the start of the previous decade, during which plans for cutbacks and service reductions were initiated.”

    “It’s noteworthy that Benjamin Netanyahu served as the Prime Minister for the majority of these years and under his administration, all the Defense Ministers and Chiefs of Staff, including the incumbent, consented to these and other plans that hindered Israel’s capacity to handle Hamas’s initial onslaught, and have significantly complicated the situation in a multi-front war,” the report concluded.

    The Israeli army’s losses have increased over the past few days with the intensification of battles with the Palestinian Resistance in the southern Gaza Strip, especially in Khan Yunis.

    The Palestinian Resistance groups announced a series of operations and attacks targeting Israeli tanks, military vehicles, and gatherings of soldiers, resulting in a large number of deaths and injuries among its ranks.

    Abu Obeida, the military spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Resistance Movement Hamas, has repeatedly stated that the estimates provided by the Israeli army are “unreal,” and that the numbers of casualties are much higher.


    Replies: @emerging majority, @Lurker, @Bruce In Texas

    Has the once quite reliable Southfront site been compromised as to Israeli casualty levels? For weeks now, they have cited Israeli official sources only in their KIA and wounded.

    Well over a thousand Yidistani armored vehicles have been destroyed or compromised…the tank figures alone are said to be well up into the hundreds. A dozen or so troops ride in their APC’s, numbers of dead and wounded in those vehicles are difficult to obtain.

    Do the math. One site I accessed some three weeks ago suggested that dead Israelis amounted to more than 6,000…wounded, over ten thousand…PTSD amongst those softies, immense. Hospitals in Occupied Palestine are jammed with wounded and psychologically damaged troops.

    Little wonder that those paratroopers in south Gaza are being withdrawn. Israelis simply were not prepared to combat an opponent which can pop out of their hundreds of kilometers of tunnels, some said to be over a hundred meters deep. …and armed with locally produced anti-armor munitions…along with reconstituted, unexploded U.$. made Israeli bombs, which are said to be crafted into massive I.E.D.’s.

    Israel and its U$$A and Perfidious Albion backers have caught a tiger by the tail. They remain belligerent, but bewildered and bedizened.

    American taxpayers are beginning to get the message. It would appear that the $enile One in the Tainted House on Pennsylvania Avenue is fast becoming the fall guy. Next question is whether Gruesome Newsom or Michael Obaminable will become the designated Candydate.

    Meanwhile, through various lawfare schemes, the Dems are doing their worst to take down the Orange One, he being the shouter with the loud, histrionic vocal cords.

    High Theater, gang…and its all about to become crazier and crazier as the growing probability of economic chaos, combined with millions of illegals, may lead to Mad Max outcomes…not on desert highways, but in the biggest metroplexes across the fruited plain. Chaos is the plan.

  • Very few people in Russia and across the Global South are as qualified as Sergei Glazyev, the Minister for Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasia Economic Commission (EEC), the policy arm of the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU), to speak about the drive, the challenges and the pitfalls in the road towards de-dollarization. As the Global...
  • @RoatanBill
    More of the same smoke and mirrors as the current system. Every member will try to cheat because they don't actually trust each other. This will fairly rapidly erode into a new mess because they base their entire system on currencies that can be manipulated into infinity.

    Commodities are real. They can't be conjured into existence. However, no one can buy a loaf of bread with a pint of oil or pound of iron. What's needed is a stable money, not bullshit currency. Everything should be priced in G:S:C, grams of gold, ounces of silver and quantity of copper. There should be no artificial entities such as 'Dollars', 'Euros', 'Rubles', etc. The entire world should have the same 'money' denominated in the weight of metal, not some artificial valuation in something that doesn't actually exist.

    Every commodity on the planet is instantly trade-able in G:S:C. No currency exchanges, no seigniorage, no arbitrage, no monetary inflation, no deficit spending, no wars on credit, etc. Of course, the various mafias known as gov'ts don't want stable money because cheating their own citizenry becomes too difficult when only real things are money.

    Replies: @Rahan, @※, @emerging majority, @PetrOldSack, @JTF, @CelestiaQuesta

    In this particular iteration your logical rationalism resonates with innate common sense. “The weight of metal” could be central to the long-touted smorgasbord of commodities…and possibly also of services, both material and somewhat otherwise.

    Otherwise implies an otherness of wisdom. Take a gander at the likes of Biden, McClellan, Pelosi ad nauseam. Wisdom? LOL. Intelligence in more than one single dimension…uh, uh, huh? Wise counsel , I will admit, is difficult to concretely measure. However, its power cannot be overlooked.

  • Exactly two years ago this Saturday, on February 24, 2022, Vladimir Putin announced the launching – and described the objectives – of a Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine. That was the inevitable follow-up to what happened three days before, on February 21 – exactly 8 years after Maidan 2014 in Kiev – when Putin...
  • @Mulga mumblebrain

    Russia's SMO IS LEGAL under the 'Caroline test' for preemptive war, in that Banderite aggression against the Donbass had already begun, and an 'Operation Storm' ethnic cleansing had begun.
    It was also 'preventative' in that Ukraine was effectively NATOised and was threatening to join NATO and acquire nuclear weapons, and the West had REFUSED to enter negotiations for mutual security in the region. Moreover the Atlanticists were OPENLY agitating for and discussing the 'decolonisation' of Russia, an existential threat to vivisect Russia as they had the Soviet Union. So shove your agit-prop up your arse, has been, and volunteer for the fray. Put your carcass where your mouth is.

    Replies: @emerging majority, @Been_there_done_that, @Olivier1973, @John Johnson

    Not only the threats of nukes for the pukes…but also all those “gain of function” biolabs which the Russian forces seized. They belonged to some of the worst elements in the U$$A and were intended to induce massive casualties amongst targeted demographics.

    This is an issue that the Trollheimers who are always going “Putin this & Putin that”, but conveniently overlook the evil forces which are propelling the utterly corrupted Pukie regime.

  • @Quartermaster

    Exceptionalists always gloated that Russia is “a gas station with nuclear weapons”. That’s ridiculous. Oil and gas, in Russia, account for roughly 15% of GDP, 30% of the government budget, and 45% of exports. Oil and gas add power to the Russian economy – not a drag. Putin shaking Russia’s complacency generated a gas station producing everything it needs, complete with unrivalled nuclear and hypersonic weapons. Beat that.
    Partially true, but Russia produces nothing exceptional and there is nothing to beat. We have seen how much of that exceptional stuff has failed in Ukraine, and Russia is going to win real soon now.

    During this – pregnant with meaning – short space of only three days, everyone expected that the Russian Armed Forces would intervene, militarily, to end the massive bombing and shelling that had been going on for three weeks across the frontline – which even forced the Kremlin to evacuate populations at risk to Russia. Russian intel had conclusive proof that the NATO-backed Kiev forces were ready to execute an ethnic cleansing of Russophone Donbass.
    To end the shelling all Putin had to do was order his troops to stop the shelling, since they were the people doing it.

    What is already clear is that “demilitarization”, of Ukraine and NATO, is a howling success that no new wunderwaffen – like F-16s – will be able to change.
    Yeah, and Russia is going to win real soon now, as we have been told for two years. The only thing that is a howling success is the destruction of Russia's professional army. Now he's getting right along on the destruction of Russia's manpower. Putin does not have the bodies to waste that Stalin had. He already suffering a serious labor shortage and has been forced to go to the NorKs for ammo, nd oly about half that works.

    Moreau perfectly understands how Ukraine, nearly 10 years after Maidan, is not a nation; “and has never been less than a nation”.
    Ukraine is not a nation, yet it has never been less than a nation. Just bit contradictory there. Standard operating procedure for Escobar who never has known what he was talking about. Seems his heroes don't either.

    But Russia is still gonna win real soon now. Escobar said so, right along with the rest of the incompetents that have proven to be pro-Putin.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    Drawn and Quartered mass-stir. How cum you are always off base? The catcher in the why has a pretty good peg and might snag you for an easy out.

  • The Resistance seeks to maintain their calibratory control for attriting Israel, whereas Israel wants to move directly to its ‘Armageddon vision’. Israel’s dual strategy for Lebanon is to exert pressure through direct raids to instil fear amongst the wider population, whilst deploying diplomatic pressure to purge Hizbullah – not just from the border, but from...
  • @Alden

    I don’t like tea never drink it. America grows its own sugar in fact is a major supplier of sugar to the world. We have plenty of areas where coffee tea nutmeg cinnamon vanilla ginger and other spices could easily be grown. Chili and black pepper? We already grow it. We also grow tons of rice every year in California. It’s one of our biggest crops. Paddies bull dozed on hardest adobe clay So the water level remains stable. Drained by pipes regulated by computers . Seeded by helicopters America supplied Europe with more rice than India and China ever did. Because of the much shorter sea voyage.

    American rice. South Carolina American rice is the perfect rice. I love rice including plain rice not even butter or a drip of soy sauce., Our Carolina rice was originally Indian rice. It’s perfect not quite as dry as Indian and Persian basmati rice. But not as wet as Chinese rice S Carolina’s been supplying the world with rice for 300 years. The famous Uncle Ben’s brand. Absolutely perfect blend of dry and soggy rice.

    Plus there are numerous synthetic spice flavors developed in the late 19th century. We import a lot of Mexican cookies. There’s a cinnamon flavored cookie I like. But I have to read the label carefully. Because most of the brands use synthetic cinnamon. Which is strange. Because cinnamon is one of the cheapest spices in the world. Vanilla or vanillin. If you’re a purist cook read the label carefully.

    One thing difficult to grow in America is bananas . I don’t like bananas either. But if the countries that supply bananas to America want to lose their major source of foreign currency put thousands out of work and bankrupt thousands of farms docks warehouse businesses feel free.

    America has agricultural research universities in every state whose purpose is developing food . They created the rubber skinned tomato. I’m sure they could develop bananas that could be grown in the damp hot jungly climate south east. There’s a small banana farm on the California Central coast north of Los Angeles.

    America is the largest producer of food in the world you ignorant racist woke faggot commie liberal. It’s our biggest export.

    Russia and Ukraine were the breadbasket of Europe for centuries. After the Bolsheviks destroyed Soviet Union agriculture. Russia’s depended on American wheat since the early 1970s. One of the largest yogurt factories in the world is in America. Dates a popular MENA fruit? We grow all the dates America needs in one county in California. Pineapple. We buy most of our pineapple from the Phillipines now. Used to grow it in Hawaii. But if Phillipines wanted to deprive America of pineapple we could just replant the old pineapple farms in Hawaii.

    You are so ignorant. Ignorant of the most basic facts about the world food supply. America supplies food to the rest of the world. Even wheat to Russia former breadbasket of Europe.

    The ignorance of some commentators is unbelievable

    Replies: @barr, @emerging majority, @迪路, @showmethereal

    No wonder you have such an attitude as you prefer not to drink tea. You probably prefer aluminum beer like Bud Blight and Miller Swiller and Folger’s coffee brewed with fluoridated water.

    • LOL: Commentator Mike
    • Replies: @Commentator Mike
    @emerging majority

    Tea drinking is a tradition among the cultured peoples from England through Russia to China and Japan.

    Replies: @showmethereal

  • @Proteus Procrustes

    Many Arabs consider the converts to Islam from the Indian Subcontinent as inferior Muslims, one can say almost taqfirs (apostates) and it also is true of all non Arabs Muslims.

    Second, Pakistan is a useless society, where save a minute percentage of the population, people aren't well educated. As you mentioned, they're not only unemployed but almost all of them don't have any chance to see females in flesh and that gets them all riled up which may explain noted cases of all sorts beastiality.

    Lastly, Muslims in general and Pakistan in particular are danger to the wellbeing of the world and I don't see anyway out but to defeat their nefarious ideology which is based on absurd claims by its founder for the illiterates.

    Replies: @emerging majority, @barr, @showmethereal

    The feudal major landowners in Pakistan do not allow the government, even, to provide education for their serfs…thus they remain illiterate and superstitious. Saudi money has set up Islamist schools for those people…but all their training is religious and nothing practical for their daily lives.

  • @迪路

    This is interesting, you see.
    First of all, the toxic milk powder was more than a decade ago, and it was caused by Jewish capital after taking a controlling stake in the dairy factory.
    You seem impressed with the tainted milk. I would like to ask what are the most recent food safety issues that the FDA has been experiencing?
    Why do you always pay attention to other countries, not your own country, you are obviously not patriotic.
    Second, you see, the Americans can't attack us, but they're wasting their forces in a pointless way. Which means top Americans are wasting your tax dollars.
    And keep your money in your wallet.
    If what happened in the United States also happened in China, then a large number of uprisings would have occurred long ago.
    It goes to show that most of you Americans are cowards.

    Replies: @Alden, @emerging majority

    State officials in Pennsylvania stole more than $100,000 in organic and natural foods from an Amish farmer named Amos Miller because he was supplying un-pasteurated milk to folks who had joined his food club. They even seized home-canned beets and of all things, genuine maple syrup.

    Obviously, someone in power is getting $$$hekels under the table on behalf of corporate food industries. Essentially, every major institution in this ruptured republic is heavily corrupted and growingly dysfunctional…as the scum rises to the corporate top.

    • Replies: @迪路
    @emerging majority

    The pharmaceutical sector has a bigger profit margin than food.
    A few hundred dollars worth of drugs we have here can be sold 200 times more in the United States.
    And I don't know how much of a difference the American middlemen made. It might be cheaper here in India.
    Most intriguingly, the US often uses Indian factories to produce drugs.
    Their working conditions here are much worse than ours.
    If you're interested, check out Intas Pharma's regulatory issues and why there's a serious shortage of platinum drugs in the United States.

  • Exactly two years ago this Saturday, on February 24, 2022, Vladimir Putin announced the launching – and described the objectives – of a Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine. That was the inevitable follow-up to what happened three days before, on February 21 – exactly 8 years after Maidan 2014 in Kiev – when Putin...
  • @Been_there_done_that

    The more Russia legally kills and cripples american and british in Ukraine,
    You have introduced a false premise. A reminder: Russia's war of aggression is strictly illegal. Both the USA and the UK took on special obligations toward Ukraine in the Budapest Memorandum in 1994. Read the text, for which the link has been provided in this thread.

    Replies: @emerging majority, @Mulga mumblebrain

    Same B.$. line as that by Yonny Yonson…almost word for word. Are you two joined at the hip?

  • @John Johnson
    @emerging majority

    Ukraine never was a nation. The USSR established it as a conglomeration of mutually hostile body-parts from antithetical cultural matrices. Get THAT through your thickening skull.

    Well the UN disagrees and the vote was 143-5 (Russia, Belarus, North Korea being part of the 5) that Russia is the unjust aggressor against a sovereign nation.

    Russia recognized Ukraine as a sovereign nation in the 1994 Budapest Memorandum.

    Here is Putin in 2008 stating that Ukraine is not a disputed territory and that Crimea belongs to them:

    Was he wrong and also thick skulled?

    Your emotional frustrations are not with me but with your mistake in aligning yourself with a mass murdering dwarf who can't even leave a consistent line of bullshit for his followers. Maybe next time don't choose to identity with a 5'1 angry dwarf dictator that wears special shoes to look taller.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    With constant and consistent assaults on the President of Russia, you are coming on like some rabid descendant of Banderite Ukies. Doesn’t matter that silly-assed UN vote. That was orchestrated by the Di$trict of Corruption along with their owners in the major central banking institutions including the World Bank and all…which use bribery and blackmail to get smaller states to go along with the program. With all the blathering you do here on U.R. I’m shocked that you are not aware of that FACT.

    Again: Ukraine is not a Nation. It is merely a Frankenstein Monster state which will slide down into the abyss via the tides of time.

  • The Resistance seeks to maintain their calibratory control for attriting Israel, whereas Israel wants to move directly to its ‘Armageddon vision’. Israel’s dual strategy for Lebanon is to exert pressure through direct raids to instil fear amongst the wider population, whilst deploying diplomatic pressure to purge Hizbullah – not just from the border, but from...
  • @cousin lucky
    @emerging majority

    When I was very young there existed " Boy Scouts " that lived and breathed by that code of conduct. Yes we are aged fossils by the standards of today, our world had many flaws but we grew up to be decent men.

    Mr. Aaron Bushnell did not and could not " just look the other way ": he had principles and a soul!

    There are very few humans today inside these United States that have principles that they totally live by. How much would it cost for you to sell your soul to Satan and his money?

    Replies: @emerging majority

    Interestingly Cuz, there is such a phenomenon as generational skip. Meaning by this is that essentially, suburbanite 2nd stage Boomers and the Gen Xers mostly got married, made kids, got “nice” jobs….nicer ones if they became “titled aristocraps” with various letters dutifully following their surnames…and established themselves in mostly non-neighborly anti-commnunity sub-urbs.

    Basically, the majority of those groupings sold their souls to the machine, encompassing the rat-race and competitive materialistic values. Up to the point where they undergo rude awakenings, they are stuck on stoopid.

    However, maybe half of the Gen-Y’s and most of the Z-ithers are showing some promise. Oh, no doubt huge numbers of them fritter away their days on hand-held devices and as gamers deluxe. But the majorities, for good or not so good in all instances, have given up and even shitcanned virtually each and every major institutions, beginning with Boobtoob Noose and then adding Big-Edjumacasion; big government and institutionalized religion. They are open to sensible messages coming from we the elders.

    Get lucky. Tune up your mind with whatever works for you and take a stroll through parks and wherever you may encounter our juniors…daytime and weekend days only…for starters. Carry a staff/walking-stick. Dress up unconventionally and use that stick as a prop for dancing to tunes you may or may not have in your head or on some device. Be different. Be magnetic. Have fun. Play. Make it happen, cap’n.

  • @anon
    @emerging majority

    Scott Ritter – A Reflection on Duty and Conscience: Aaron Bushnell
    “We unveil the background of Bushnell’s fateful decision, rooted in the orders that drove him to the brink of despair—an expectation to deploy to Israel on short notice, a demand that challenged his very principles.”


    Replies: @emerging majority

    Thanks for posting this remarkable interview featuring two outstanding Americans.

    Being a soon to be 79.5 Y.O. technicollogical idiot; my computer skills are pretty limited. Simple keyboarding…”no problemo”.

  • @Rev. Spooner
    @emerging majority

    Let's not cite a jew, let's choke theses Mo Fukcrs to death. Let's make them starve like the Palestinians.

    Replies: @emerging majority, @anon, @Unbornawakened

    Duck, Spoonbill, Duck.

    Has it not yet dawned upon your febrile mind that you are posting on a site created and run for all to use by a gentleman of Jewish heritage? Would you condemn the survivor from the Budapest ghetto, the gentle yet brilliant Baruch Mate’…as well as his insightful son, Aaron?

    In the name of all that is holy, quit with the prejudice and embrace discrimination and discernment. Though an individual may be of Jewish heritage; such a person may have evolved beyond his tribal indoctrination and embraced the whole of humanity in a spirit of brotherhood.

    If the Rev. preceding your surname, has any resonance with reverence, please begin your spiritual transformation by revering our martyr, our hero, Aaron Bushnell, who gave up his life so that others’ lives are not destroyed by the forces of inculcated evil.

    • Replies: @anonymous
    @emerging majority

    You fucking pussy. The Palestinian people are facing an existential genocide, not unlike working-class and middle-class Whites in Jewmerica, and cucks like you want to reduce the matter to a debating society with quaint rules of engagement. Those of "Jewish" heritage aren't actually "Jews", dummy, but they sure are killing an awful lot of Semites, along with an awful lot of White gentiles. Cowards like you ceded the West to evil without a fight because how you looked was more important than what you did. Fuck off.

  • On Saturday, western news agencies reported that closed-door negotiations took place in Paris that were aimed at reaching an agreement on a ceasefire in Gaza. According to Reuters the talks represented "the most serious push for weeks to halt the fighting in the battered Palestinian enclave and see Israeli and foreign hostages released." Regrettably, the...
  • @John Johnson

    The polls are clear in that Americans have wanted a ceasefire since October.

    The president should represent that view and not the political ambitions of Netanyahu.

    Israel certainly doesn't need our military aid. They are fighting Arabs in tank tops and our House Republicans want to write them a check for 14 billion. Madness.

    I haven't seen a single video of Hamas taking out an IDF tank. Perhaps it has happened but they are really just getting an ass kicking and as such we don't need to fund Israel. The October 7th wilding by Hamas was just plain dumb but a majority of Americans have decided that the Israeli response has been too harsh. I agree.

    Replies: @emerging majority, @Anonymous 1, @meamjojo

    Your response to Meanie demonstrated that you sometimes possess both intellect and a heart. Good for that.

    Electronic Intifada may be accessed via You Tube amongst several sources. One of their features are videos of resistance heroes destroying Yidistani tanks, armored personnel carriers and even D9 (Fuck Caterpillar) bulldozers.

    Is it possible that you from time to time even demonstrate a bit of common sense? Looks like that when you denounce “Israeli response as being too harsh”.

    Note to fellow U.R. posters: John Johnson does have some admirable human qualities. There may actually be some grounds for hope.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
    @emerging majority

    Is it possible that you from time to time even demonstrate a bit of common sense? Looks like that when you denounce “Israeli response as being too harsh”.

    What is possible is that you guys project some type of 100% pro-Israel position on any dissenter and have a hard time with nuanced opinion.

    Even before October 7th I said that I don't support the Israeli tactic of leveling residential buildings.

    I also don't support giving them free US military aid.

    I was also against Trump abandoning the two-party position and signing over Golan with nothing in return.

    But thank you for actually reading my post. You can see that others here didn't even bother and just responded with drunken slobber word salad about ziocon neonazi zombies....and something about bearded ladies.

    My opinions are in line with the US public. It's the Democrats and Republicans in DC that line up for Israel. Especially the MAGA House Republicans and their leader Johnson who believes he talks to God on the matter. The Southern state MAGA Republicans don't want a ceasefire and they want to send Israel cash. But they for some reason seem to get a pass at Unz but I get called a Jew for not mindlessly repeating the same epithets in these threads as if this website is just a virtual campfire where the main purpose is to complain about Jews.

    Replies: @King Edward I, @King Edward I, @King Edward I

  • @John Johnson
    @Joe Levantine

    Add free trade and some Palestinian ingenuity and Gaza has a chance to become a Middle Eastern Singapore.

    Boy is that some conservative wishful thinking. A dash of the 'ol free market should do it, eh?

    The Palestinians lack leadership. Hamas spent years building tunnels and smuggling weapons. The best plan they could come up after all that work was to rape 'n pillage for a day and on international television.

    They probably suffer from population dysgenics. This is a huge downside to welfare that no one can speak of publicly.

    They have an isolated population and the poor can have large families because of UN aid.

    Something had to give eventually. Both Israel and the UN never had a real plan. As with Haiti there is a hope that it just somehow gets resolved and it doesn't happen.

    For the record I support every current UN resolution on Gaza. Hamas is a bag of dicks but that doesn't mean the people deserve what is happening.

    Replies: @Notsofast, @emerging majority, @meamjojo

    “Rape and pillage”. You fukkin lyin Bass-Turd. That crappola is all exclusively Israeli propaganda, perfectly propagated by the Talmudist controlled mass media of misinformation and mindfuckery. Is that where you get your info…from the friggen Boobtoob?

    The Yiddistani army and airforce killed most of those alleged “victims” of Hamas…those guys who did some serious damage to the Izzy’s military infrastructure. Disciplined warriors, they simply had no time for fooling around like the liars like yourself propagate.

    Yonny, please make an appointment with a psychiatrist. Most posters here would agree that you could use the help. You are not unintelligent. You could be a credit to the human race.

    What do you have to lose by being honest and forthright…particularly to yourself.

    • Replies: @Joe Levantine
    @emerging majority

    “What do you have to lose by being honest and forthright…particularly to yourself.”

    JJ and his sole-mate MMJJ hate truth the way darkness hates light. Maybe we should accept that this is pretty much genetic.

    Thanks for all your posts that promote truth and human decency in a world dominated by the big lie.

    Replies: @Anon

    , @John Johnson
    @emerging majority

    “Rape and pillage”. You fukkin lyin Bass-Turd. That crappola is all exclusively Israeli propaganda, perfectly propagated by the Talmudist controlled mass media of misinformation and mindfuckery. Is that where you get your info…from the friggen Boobtoob?

    That's amusing since I was accused of spreading propaganda when I watched October 7th Hamas videos that they posted to the internet. Those videos were posted before the MSM even ran them. In my history are Hamas defenders making complete fools of themselves by trying to deny reality. Hamas used GoPro cameras, posted the videos directly to the internet and we had Hamas defenders claiming the entire attack was made up and anyone who says otherwise is a Jewish agent.

    Hamas is on video dragging a woman off who has vaginal bleeding. They are also on video parading a half naked woman and a child to cheering crowds in Gaza.

    They are also on video gunning down 18 year old girls at the concert.

    There are videos of them shooting at port a potties in case anyone is hiding in them.

    They are also on video holding an infant hostage and making demands.

    But you are going to say it's all Jewish propaganda that these fine gentlemen with what are clearly high moral standards would not actually rape anyone? The forensic investigators were all lying as part of a conspiracy to besmirch these gentlemen soldiers that picked a concert over a military target? The same militants that are on video raiding the burbs and shooting at anything that moves? Gunning down cars without seeing who is in them?

    Is that right? No possible way the rape allegations are true? That is the most logical conclusion? Muslims went on a killing rampage at a concert of 18 year old girls but drew the moral line at rape? Is that right?

    White men will continue to embarrass themselves by trying to defend this gang of morons out of spite for Israel. You have done so here and I can pull any video of the aforementioned if you would like.

    Replies: @King Edward I

  • @Ozark Grandpa

    Aaron was trying to get a message across. Did we hear him? https://folkpotpourri.com/a-fire-that-wont-be-forgotten/

    Replies: @Anonymous 1, @emerging majority

    You wanna know who’s really getting Bushnell’s message? Military NCO’s, particularly in the Marine Corps and Army infantry. When that MAN replaced the cap on his head after dousing himself with the fuel and then lighting it, he went all “strack”, standing at attention after shouting out “FREE PALESTINE” with the final breaths of his life.

    So here was a duty-bound Cyber-Warfare analyst for the AirFARCE, who had been posted orders a few weeks previously to ready himself to be deployed to ISRAEL to assist the Yidistanis in their genocide against the Palestinian people living in Gaza.

    He faced the ultimate moral dilemma:

    Should he simply grit his teeth, swallow his pride and follow orders…or should take the hard way out. That man had balls of not only brass, but of shining silver and solid gold.

    If they find out about the facts of the situation, military “lifers” and many vets, particularly those with direct combat experience will HONOR Aaron Bushnell with every ounce of their being.

    Copycat self annihilation will not be an option. Those who are in the know will begin to consider operative actions. Already, those brown-nosed four-stars are sweating up their shorts…so are the plotters and schemers who cut THEIR orders.

    Julia Ward How, who composed “John Brown’s Body” as key to the “Battle Hymn of the Republic”, initiated a process which culminated in the Civil War. This time around there will be no civil war as the supporters of the regime in the Di$trict of Corruption are too few in numbers to incite such an outcome.

    Not even sure whether all those illegal immigrants will get themselves sufficiently organized to overcome America’s working-class grunts who do the real work to keep this ruptured republic going.

    Smartest development would be a nationwide general strike, inspired by veterans, truckers and many others who have awakened to smell the coffee. Once united, the American people could readily shut down both the Di$trict of Corruption and the hive centered on Wall $treet. Manhattan, after all happens to be an island.

    Like the ancient Russian proverb stipulates: “The fish rots from the head down”.

    By now most Americans are thoroughly disgruntled with our “authorities”. We The People now have another martyr.

    Long live the courageous spirit of Aaron Bushnell…Our Hero.

    • Agree: Bro43rd
  • Last week I published an article noting that although technology industrialist Elon Musk probably ranks as the most powerful and influential individual in the Western world, he recently humbled himself, deeply apologizing for some of his casual criticism of Jewish activities and pledging to mend his ways. Traveling to Israel, he met with that country's...
  • @blake121666
    @Colin Wright

    In fact, I suspect the only time Auschwitz served primarily as a death camp was when it was repurposed to dispose of the Hungarian Jews.
    No. The Birkenau crematoria were used for mass slaughter the whole time from their creation in 1943 to the end. Before them, were 2 bunkers in Birkenau for gassings. Auschwitz was not a "death camp" per se - the Birkenau camp within the Auschwitz complex should be seen as the "death camp". I think this confuses people to no end.

    Replies: @emerging majority, @Ani, @Colin Wright

    By the time of the Hungarian expulsion in ’44, the Reich was running low on fuels of all metrics…not much to spare when there was a war going on.

    • Replies: @blake121666
    @emerging majority

    I am entirely unaware of German shortages in coke. Germans were short on liquid fuels - both before Barbarossa and after their losses and retreat. Coke was never any problem for them. That is, in fact, why they transitioned pretty much everything (including cremation ovens) to the usage of coke - even at the very start of the war. And their civilians turned to woodgas vehicles and such. Liquid fuel was the German achilles heel.

  • Exactly two years ago this Saturday, on February 24, 2022, Vladimir Putin announced the launching – and described the objectives – of a Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine. That was the inevitable follow-up to what happened three days before, on February 21 – exactly 8 years after Maidan 2014 in Kiev – when Putin...
  • @Been_there_done_that
    @emerging majority

    ...threatened by the Banderite hit-squads...
    What a fantasy you have regarding the 2014 parliamentary procedure, for which I have provided the legal basis. You are just making stuff up. Anyway, why haven't you ever referred to the 2020 US presidential election, that was blatantly stolen from Trump, as a "coup"?

    ...a moral obligation under the doctrine of R2P (Right to Protect)...
    Conditions for invoking R2p (The Responsibility to Protect populations from genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing) are codified. Russia never went before the United Nations to request this because the actual situation did not warrant it. Again, you are making stuff up.

    The Budapest Memorandum was predicated upon NATO not moving their control matrix any further east than the border between Germany and Poland.
    You are making stuff up for the third time. The relatively brief text of this memorandum – signed in late May 1994 after Russia had secured a lease to use the naval base in Crimea until 2017 – does not state this imaginary premise. However, it does state the following in the second part:

    "...none of their weapons will ever be used against Ukraine except in self-defense or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations."

    The US and UK are therefore obliged or entitled to use their weapons against Russia in the defense of Ukraine. Here is a link to the text:


    Russia explicitly agreed to the right of all countries to choose their security alliances in the 1997 Paris agreement with NATO ("Founding Document"), which obviously also referred to the Ukraine. These terms are also consistent with the Helsinki Agreement from decades earlier. Any imaginary or implicit premise you would wish to insinuate in 1994 would have thus been amended or clarified three years thereafter.

    Based on your repeated fabrications, one must conclude you are just a fanatical and shallow-minded Vlad-Cultist bullshitter, poorly informed and cognitively challenged.

    Replies: @emerging majority, @mulga mumblebrain

    In fact, in reality, the West, ever aggressive, ever subverting and destroying, made plain its intention to destroy Russia in numerous articles and meetings. I first heard it on the radio here, the plan to ‘de-colonise’ Russia, ie break it into pieces, stuff the statelets with servile Yeltsin style Quislings, and loot them, as in the 90s.
    Standard Western Procedure for centuries. Later they began boasting of the plan to ‘de-colonise, de-Putinise, de-militarise, and de-nuclearise’ Russia. Fortunately Vladimir Vladimirovich was having none of that, nor were the entire Russian governing forces. So, suck on it, troll. Your dirty, murderous, fascist idols are being removed, as in WWII.
    If Micron wants nuclear war to protect his Jewish creators’ and other Judaics’ plans for a ‘second Israel’ in The Ukraine, let him send in troops. In any case the Russians have eradicated numbers of NATO operatives already

    • Agree: emerging majority
  • @Been_there_done_that
    @mulga mumblebrain

    ...and their snipers...
    These are your typical fantasy projections. Yanukovych had already set a precedent for using his Berkut police forces against demonstrators. They eventually escalated the ongoing tensions by shooting at demonstrators against his regime from rooftops. Not even Putin invoked your fantasy of alleged "Banderite" snipers who purportedly murdered their ideological cohorts. Putin's reference to "coup" was strictly focused on the parliamentary procedures on the weekend after Yanukovch had fled, during the last two days of the Winter Olympics in Sochi. He had claimed the voting process was illegal and criticized the German, French, and Polish diplomats for having allowed this to happen, as I pointed out above, with quotes from the Kremlin interview transcripts. I have also pointed to a link that explained the legality of the parliamentary votes that weekend.

    What you have done was to throw instances of violence during various periods of time into a fuzzy collage and blamed them all on your bogeyman "Banderites", a variation of the perennial Russian hate object "Nazi". The deaths in Odessa that you mentioned, on May 1st, more than two months after the alleged parliamentary "coup" in Kiev, and after Russia's takeover of Crimea, were a consequence of a fire caused by pro-Russia demonstrators throwing Molotov cocktails. Highly flammable fluids can cause severe damage. In your warped mind the term "coup" therefore spans a period of at least half a year.

    Replies: @emerging majority, @Mulga mumblebrain

    Are you the great-grandson of the Father of Lies? Those rooftops were of buildings controlled by U$$A financed Banderite snipers. You like like a throw rug. The protesters your boys murdered were NOT Banderites like yourself. They were green college students, for the most part, idealistic and culturally unweaned.

    Your essentially evil nature is betrayed by your lies about the murder of the unionists in Odessa.

    Have you no shame?

  • @Shitposter_In Chief
    @emerging majority

    So, you've moved the goalposts from quoting law after BTDT has shown your points to be full of shit, to nothing but motherhood statements like "Ukraine, as it currently exists, has never been a nation" and relying on realpolitik as an excuse after being called out on your fallacious legal reasoning

    Replies: @emerging majority

    Shitsky: Admit your ethnic background and THEN we may have a grounds for something approaching a conversation. Nothing fallacious about the Frankenstein Entity as not being a nation. It is a hodgepodge of mutually averse cultures which the Evil Ones are attempting to put down culturally in order to impose their ideal Banderite $tate.

    A nation is a people with common roots and acculturation. A state is something imposed upon a population, whatever its makeup. Your deliberate ignorance of sociology 101 is something to behold.

    • Replies: @Shitposter_in Chief
    @emerging majority

    As white as white can be. Zero heeb. Predominately Scottish, with a touch of English and German.

    Keep moving those goalposts, while being caught out in blatant lies and unquantifiable motherhood statements. Your midget ruler loves doing that

    Replies: @Anynomous

  • @John Johnson
    @emerging majority

    Deflection is one of the many rhetorical weapons wielded by the enemies of humanity.

    I'm not deflecting anything. Everyone can see that you weren't able to name a single Soviet state where the Communists had more than 10% of the vote before being violently taken over by the USSR.

    Ukrainians who lived in a country which did not even exist as a viable state when that land was incorporated into the newly established USSR.

    Ukraine was not empty land. It was one of many states established in the former colonies of Imperial powers. Ukrainians sovereignty was recognized by the world and they lost a war against Soviet Communism.

    Here you are defending the violent expansion of the USSR. This is where getting in bed with a mass murdering dwarf has gotten you.

    Both Ukraine and Poland did not want to be part of the USSR. Are you going to deny that?

    Ukraine fought for 4 years against the Soviets:

    It was not empty land with meaningless people. They were Ukrainian and never wanted to be ruled by anyone and certainly not the Communists. Lenin wanted to occupy as much of Europe as possible by blood and here you are trying to rationalize Marxist rule against European majorities that wanted nothing to do with their retarded plans:

    You keep calling me a Jew and yet Marx was the original German-Jew that drew up these bloody plans. He specifically called for a violent revolution and not letting the people decide. He correctly knew that the Communists would never win a majority in a democracy.

    Somehow to Yonny Yonson, voting in (s)elections for political parties is a valid expression of the will of the people. “Democracy” as it is utilized in practice by the Corporate West is nothing but fictional legerdemain on the parts of prostiticians and media whores, being advised by shysters.

    When people vote less than 10% for the Communists it means they are expressing a general rejection of the idea as fucking stupid. Or are you saying the Communists were right for ignoring the will of the people and sending dissenters off to camps? Were the people wrong to reject Communism?

    You have tied yourself into knots trying to defend a mass murdering midget. Here you are suggesting it was just fine for the Soviets to ignore the will of the Ukrainians.

    Stalin was also an insecure mass murderer who was intimidated by men of normal stature. He also had supporters in the US and EU that made excuses for him and tried to downplay his push for violently expanding the USSR. He never became the great leader of Communism that his fans had hoped. History views him as a murderer and the same will be true for Putin.

    Replies: @emerging majority

    YOU are the one who ties his head up in knots, particularly with your Communist Shtick. Back in early ’62, my political allegiances were shifted by Deanna, who gave me a copy of Goldwater’s “Conscience of a Conservative”. Though I’m quite anti-partisan nowadays and was accused by a friend who was a devout Trotskyite of having no ideology. Idiotologies are not for me. That system is naught more than another iteration of herd mentality.

    Ukraine never was a nation. The USSR established it as a conglomeration of mutually hostile body-parts from antithetical cultural matrices. Get THAT through your thickening skull. Not being a nation, Ukraine needs to be dissolved as a state. Banderite policies to destroy any and all cultures which did not meet their Uniate and Fascist ideologies stick out like a freshly circumcised pecker.

    The Galician Banderites are but a minority in the Frankenstein State. Even with their temporary Talmudist buddies, though currently in power, they shall ultimately fall.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
    @emerging majority

    Ukraine never was a nation. The USSR established it as a conglomeration of mutually hostile body-parts from antithetical cultural matrices. Get THAT through your thickening skull.

    Well the UN disagrees and the vote was 143-5 (Russia, Belarus, North Korea being part of the 5) that Russia is the unjust aggressor against a sovereign nation.

    Russia recognized Ukraine as a sovereign nation in the 1994 Budapest Memorandum.

    Here is Putin in 2008 stating that Ukraine is not a disputed territory and that Crimea belongs to them:

    Was he wrong and also thick skulled?

    Your emotional frustrations are not with me but with your mistake in aligning yourself with a mass murdering dwarf who can't even leave a consistent line of bullshit for his followers. Maybe next time don't choose to identity with a 5'1 angry dwarf dictator that wears special shoes to look taller.

    Replies: @emerging majority

  • Introduction First of all I would like to point out that it is not just Jewish machinations that backfire, but this may be the tendency of conspiracy in general. Several things may be at play. The law of unintended consequences. Blowback. Paybacks. Or perhaps simply karma and the laws of the universe which tend to...
  • @Poupon Marx
    @emerging majority

    It’s not too late.


    Replies: @emerging majority

    And I should want to transmute into an ambulatory walking wounded weenie? Puhleeze.

  • The Resistance seeks to maintain their calibratory control for attriting Israel, whereas Israel wants to move directly to its ‘Armageddon vision’. Israel’s dual strategy for Lebanon is to exert pressure through direct raids to instil fear amongst the wider population, whilst deploying diplomatic pressure to purge Hizbullah – not just from the border, but from...
  • In the Scott Ritter interview with Judge Napolitano, both of those gentlemen vividly reverenced the martyrdom of Aaron Bushnell in front of the I$raeli embassy. They also passed along the muckraking on the part of Max Blumenthal who dug up the official airFARCE document ORDERING the cyber security specialist, no longer among the living, to DEPLOY to the Zionist $tate.

    Blumenthal and his sources were able to unearth that document sent to that hero of human decency several weeks ago… it completely demolished the lame Main$cream Media claims that Bushnell was “mentally imbalanced”. Who wouldn’t become unbalanced if given orders to be at the least an accessory to the war crime of G E N O C I D E.

    When America’s martyr took the decision to end his life in unbelievable pain in order to protest the complicity of the Talmudist dominated regime in the Di$trict of Corruption…he metaphorically rolled a simple snowball down a mountain of thawing snow.

    The avalanche has yet to come. Even tonight, addressing the U.S. Senate, Bernie Sanders openly called his fellow Jew, Netanyahu, a “war criminal” and accused the Biden regime as complicit in the looming deaths by starvation of tens of thousands of Gaza Palestinians.

    Bushnell’s martyrdom avalanche will particularly impress the Islamic world that not all Americans are their enemies…just the rotten leadership in the Di$trict of Corruption…and their financier string pullers in City of London and Wall $treet.

    • Agree: A B Coreopsis
    • Thanks: annacat, Joe Levantine
    • Replies: @cousin lucky
    @emerging majority

    When I was very young there existed " Boy Scouts " that lived and breathed by that code of conduct. Yes we are aged fossils by the standards of today, our world had many flaws but we grew up to be decent men.

    Mr. Aaron Bushnell did not and could not " just look the other way ": he had principles and a soul!

    There are very few humans today inside these United States that have principles that they totally live by. How much would it cost for you to sell your soul to Satan and his money?

    Replies: @emerging majority

    , @Buck Ransom
    @emerging majority

    Aaron Bushnell set himself on fire and Jacob Rothschild got consigned to flames.

    , @Rev. Spooner
    @emerging majority

    Let's not cite a jew, let's choke theses Mo Fukcrs to death. Let's make them starve like the Palestinians.

    Replies: @emerging majority, @anon, @Unbornawakened

    , @anon
    @emerging majority

    Scott Ritter – A Reflection on Duty and Conscience: Aaron Bushnell
    “We unveil the background of Bushnell’s fateful decision, rooted in the orders that drove him to the brink of despair—an expectation to deploy to Israel on short notice, a demand that challenged his very principles.”


    Replies: @emerging majority

  • @Kevin Barrett

    "Haxo Angmark" sounds like a Viking warrior. But names can deceive. If "Edward G. Robinson" was really Emmanuel Goldenberg, "George Burns" was Nathan Birnbaum, and "Tony Curtis" was Bernard Schwartz, could "Haxo" be Shlomo Shlemielenstein?

    Replies: @Anonymous 1, @emerging majority, @Notsofast, @Cloverleaf, @Haxo Angmark, @Poupon Marx

    Here and I thought it was Shlomo Schlemielovitz. Goes to say that Yiddischer names all look alike. No wonder the “Name Stealer” appellation was long ago applied upon these strange people. They attempt to mask themselves as Normie and Norma…but there’s not a Normanner in the lot.

    Oy and Vei, what to do? Perhaps Born Yesterday will appear to save the shituation.

    • Disagree: Rev. Spooner