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When Americans reflect on history’s tragedies and travesties, they habitually extol the virtue of Pax Americana, but never the horrors of it. Having shaped the annals of the past, regime historians, naturally, speak a great deal about Hitler, but hardly at all about Hiroshima. With regard to the historic retrospective on the American-enabled genocide in... Read More
The IDF (Israel Defense Forces) continues to martyr the Palestinians, as it marches them up and down and across the Via Dolorosa that is the Gaza Strip. By the time you read this—and as I write—the number of Palestinians murdered, maimed and displaced by The Devil’s agents will be, already is, out of date. Jump... Read More
American foreign policy is a museum of horrors in which Gaza 2023/2024 is the main exhibit. It is my conviction that Gaza is much more than just one more American foreign-policy failure, an event and topic to swill around like mouth wash, spit out and move on, once the usual “tsk, tsk” bromides have been... Read More
In “Iran Tries To Restore Regional Balance; Israel Continues To Murder And Get Away With Murder,” a HARD TRUTH podcast, ilana and David Vance have a heated discussion about Iran’s response, on April 13 and 14, to Israel’s murder of senior commanders in Damascus, on April 1. Six other Iranian nationals and six Syrian citizens... Read More
Over and above industrial-scale mass murder of individual people—Israel is engaged in the eradication of Gazans as a People ~ilana Inarguably, to condemn Israel’s industrial-scale campaign of slaughter and starvation in Gaza ought to be ethically straightforward. Basic really. That Israel is committing the “the crime of all crimes” against the Palestinians of Gaza is... Read More
The Paleolibertarian Guide To Deep Tech, Deep Pharma & The Aberrant Economy is the first in a series of volumes, to form part of “The Paleolibertarian Guide” (TPG) compendium. “Deep Tech,” my preferred term for the high-tech sector, denotes how deeply the head honchos of high-tech have penetrated and poisoned the American public and private... Read More
Israel has rendered Gaza a “moonscape in war,” uninhabitable for years to come, reduced to rubble by “the most intense air campaigns in the modern record.” Not only is Israel murdering tens of thousands of Gaza’s civilians–
Witnessed in Israel on October 7 was the utter forsaking by the State of its most elementary—and only—obligations to the citizenry: Defend their natural rights to life, liberty and property If you consider that the IDF, Israel’s standing army, is the Middle East's most powerful army and among the world’s top 20 military forces; then... Read More
That Donald Trump is a political martyr is indisputable. It was already bedrock truth in January, 2021, when I first uttered the M-word. The occasion was the president's second impeachment, passed impromptu in the House, with no due process of law afforded him whatsoever. That the persecution of Trump is his badge of honor, a... Read More
Four minutes and 21 seconds into his YouTube interview with podcast-journalist Aaron Mate, John Mearsheimer, a political scientist, says this: "Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg [former Norwegian Prime Minister], made it clear that Ukraine would not be admitted into NATO until it had prevailed in the conflict [with Russia]." The depravity of this reality... Read More
The Titan’s submersible’s CEO, Stockton Rush, RIP, once declared that he, Didn’t “hire ‘50-year-old white guys’ with military experience to captain his vessels because they weren’t ‘inspirational.’ Mr. Rush, 61, added that … ‘anybody can drive the sub’ with a $30 video game controller.” “Speaking to CBS News in November,” RT reported, “Rush explained that... Read More
Inciting racial hatred against whites is all in a day’s work on CNN. It devolves into a more festive affair when a celebrity like DL Hughley joins the network’s conga-line of cretins. In a July, 2020 segment, the comedian, author of Surrender, White People!, regaled those CNN viewers of a masochistic mindset, by comparing “racism”... Read More
King Tuck clearly carried the Fox News network and its nits
Whether full of spleen or in support of Tucker Carlson, the commentariat, as usual, was dead wrong about the effects of his firing on the Fox News network. The disposable clowns at The Dispatch echoed the gleeful sentiment, coming from the left and the pseudo-right. Posted on Nick Catoggio’s crudely (and cruelly) titled “Boiling Frogs”... Read More
THE GULF BETWEEN principles and practice, doxa and praxis, is eternal—all the more so when it comes to the politician. When you think of a GOP candidate, in particular, you think of neither creed nor action, but, rather, of a list of talking points and policy positions to the exclusion of bedrock principles. “God, groceries... Read More
Fix News is finished, having just fired their only attraction, Tucker Carlson. As a writer who put in years of sustained antiwar writing against Genghis Bush and the neocon coterie—who burned (and consequently burnt-out) as hot as a Babylonian kiln against invasions backed 100 percent by Faux New and its blonde war-porn flank—something just short... Read More
*For adult readers. Salty language This beer baboonery is not Dylan Mulvaney’s doing; it's not the fault of this poor waif; this sad, pathetic chimera of a creature ~ilana Anheuser-Busch’s purpose is, very plainly, to unseat and insult the American moral majority ~ilana A skinny transsexual called Jacqueline Jane waxes fat on TikTok about her... Read More
Trust the late, much-missed Anthony Bourdain, the Kerouac of cooking, to blurt out the truth when nobody else would as to the root causes of homelessness. Other than libeling the poor as mental drug addicts, the rest—conservatives and liberals in cahoots—call for denser development (as greedy developers lick their chops), and certainly none of those... Read More
Corporations who straddle the globe rely on immigration ignoramuses to perpetuate the single-cause theory of homelessness: addiction or mental illness. Through government immigration policies, a ceaseless demand for housing has been generated. Big Tech must be quite pleased to see homelessness attributed exclusively, by the usual cast on TV, to addiction and mental illness—when, in... Read More
Africa’s pushback against war with Russia provides some oscillation in the faulty circuit of American hegemony.
While offering meek opposition to the Ukraine project, the ostensibly “sane” wing of the GOP is ready with an alternative war: China. The base seems on board with the batshit-crazy buildup in American belligerence toward China. I am, however, buoyed by Africa’s resistance to US foreign-policy diktats, the direction taken by African leaders with Putin,... Read More
Symbolically, the decaying Empire unveiled some of its most putrefying, pornographic cultural products in the week in which Burt Bacharach, composer of sublime pop-music, departed to the heavens. The beastly bacchanalia unfolded at the 2023 Grammys and the Super Bowel (sic) halftime hump-along, showcasing zero skill, 0 imagination, 0 talent and 0 beauty. Those vaguely... Read More
The Stupid Party has swallowed the bait Democrats laid. Republicans are orgiastic about the Democrat-orchestrated ouster of Biden over classified documents mishandled. Where along the continuum of cretinism is the GOP currently perched? We’re on the Mar-a-Lago vs. the Delaware classified-documents distinction, where strictly partisan, less-philosophical conservatives like Victor Davis Hansen try defensively to outline... Read More
Unlike systemic racism—which is more fittingly referred to as systemic rubbish—intellectual racial indentureship could quickly become a reality in America, as it is in South Africa, your columnist’s birthplace. As recounted in Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for American From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011, p. 103), the ruling African National Congress has pioneered “the creation... Read More
Zelensky has no incentive to negotiate peace, quit his shabbily self-serving ‘heroics,’ now that the world’s greatest deliberative body has authorized billions for his upkeep in posterity Broadly speaking, anyone (other than white South Africans) can claim “credible fear” at the US south-western border, and must, by law, be given safe passage. That, combined with... Read More
A previous column, “The Hell With Hunter; Call Joe In For Hearings On Treason, Cancel The Neocons While You’re At It,” ventured that, “If the GOP were seriously working for Deplorables, and not engaged in tit-for-tat political gotcha among elites—they'd pursue First Principles driven congressional oversight.” Biden would, duly, be summonsed for a hearing not... Read More
The Republicans are investigating the Hunter "Baaaden" affair, to imitate the repetitive intonations emitted by Fox News' Australian journalist, about the 'Baaaden' laptop. Deplorables, don't be misled into this dummies-and-ditto-heads dead-end. This is vintage lightweight, GOP tit-for-tat distraction, on par with the Democrats’ ongoing January 6 production. The Hunter Biden preoccupation amounts to, “They (Democrats)... Read More
Without listening to any of the other victory speeches—and without a shadow of a doubt—I'll say that the best electoral victory address was that of Ron DeSantis, who has handily won a second term as Florida's governor. Tuesday noon is when David Vance and your columnist pre-record a new segment of our Hard Truth podcast.... Read More
Edgar Allan Poe's "The System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether" tells of inmates in an asylum who overpower their wardens, tar and feather them, throw them into underground cells, and proceed to have "a jolly season of it" without them. The finer point of Poe’s short story is that, to the objective observer come... Read More
The topic was “the end of the all-male, all-white cockpit.” The context: A June 3, 2022 TV episode, in which Fox News personality Tucker Carlson beseeched viewers to look beyond the race and gender of pilots, to his or her competence. “What’s color to do with competence?” he demanded to know. Mr. Carlson was appealing... Read More
Nothing completes a man and makes a man as a woman
The male hormonal horror show, as told on “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” is almost 2 decades old. It unfolded to very little fanfare in 2006. As this writer first divulged in her WND column “Manly No More,” the data came courtesy of Dr. Thomas Travison and colleagues at the New England Research Institutes in Watertown, Massachusetts.... Read More
Against a sinister, hellfire-and-brimstone background, outside Independence Hall, Philadelphia, flagged by Damien’s own foot soldiers—President Joe Biden convened to convulse against MAGA America in the tradition of Linda Blair of “The Exorcist” fame. An inartful mouthful, perhaps, but so was Biden’s address. The president of these disunited states has accused my fellow MAGA brothers and... Read More
It cannot be denied that Queen Elizabeth II of blessed memory partook in the decision to support the unchecked majority rule of the African National Congress (ANC) in South Africa, my homeland. Like her Majesty at the time, most politicians and public intellectuals thought nothing of delivering South Africa into the hands of professed radical... Read More
Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II died today, September 8, at Balmoral. Her funeral will be a celebration of a great lady, the very embodiment of mettle. The queen of England might be a member of the much-maligned landed aristocracy, but she has acquitted herself as a natural aristocrat would. Elizabeth II had lived a... Read More
And remember: Republicans are an arm of the UniParty
All you need to know about the depredations on the open, southern border, about inflation, and the scandal of armed IRS recruits, who, in addition to fleecing you without flinching, are now ready to fire on you, is this: The crypto-establishmentarians at Fox News are dissembling about the change that is a-coming. Even if the... Read More
Dr. Edward Dutton interviews Unz Review’s ilana mercer
Dr. Edward Dutton of the popular “Jolly Heretic” podcast interviews me about my 2011 book, "Into the Cannibal's Pot: Lessons For America From Post-Apartheid South Africa"; what it portends for America—has the tipping point been reached?—and much more. Ed quipped that the book has held up "quite well." I, of course, wrote "Into the Cannibal's... Read More
Our mountain neighborhood is blessed with a unique layout. The lower-neighborhood stretch faces green embankments, angled at approximately 60 degrees. Abutted each side by the road, this lovely midsection divides the lower and upper homes of a boulevard-like neighborhood. Neighbors must maintain their embankments. I prefer my incline to be natural, which means that right... Read More
DID YOU notice the theme on the Tucker Carlson Tonight, July 18? Tucker Carlson got into TikTok mode, blaming China for pervasive American decadence, decades in the making. The host petulantly saddled China and its algorithms for, among other things, America's gutter culture, as acted out on TikTok. If we are to believe Mr. Carlson,... Read More
Bearded trans men chest-feeding: paternal or sexual?
Many are the strictures placed on what can be said and what can't be said in matters sexual. The anatomy of breastfeeding, naturally, is no longer discussed, for a little digging – a wee-bit of knowledge – would reveal that only biological females can breastfeed successfully, by which I mean, sustain the infant so that... Read More
That the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) finally delivered a decision returning and restoring power to the states on this one issue, abortion, is as it should be. If her state outlaws abortion; a woman can still board a Greyhound bus to get the procedure elsewhere. The ethical elegance of the libertarian argument... Read More
We know her not by her name, but by her deeds, and those are heroic. She aimed, shot and dispatched to hell one Dennis Butler, a career criminal, who was poised to do mass murder in West Virginia. A birthday-graduation party got too noisy for Butler’s liking. She had a handgun; her opponent an AR15.... Read More
Cancelling the Grand Old Party (GOP) was the mission of last week’s “Hard Truth” podcast, undertaken by your columnist, her partner, David Vance, and guest Jack Kerwick (introduced here). And on good grounds. The Republican Party has never stood up for you, will never stand up for you and is not going to do what... Read More
In his June 20, 2020 J'accuse, Tucker Carlson, for all practical purposes, cancelled the Republican Party: “Property was looted,” he roared, “people were beaten and killed and Republicans joined the side doing the looting, beating and killing. President of the Heritage Foundation and think tanks on the right betrayed law enforcement and ordinary Americans, calling... Read More
Let us be clear on what free speech truly is. The words people speak, write, tweet; the beliefs they are known to hold, the flags they fly, the symbolic, non-violent ceremonies and rituals they enact, the insignia, paraphernalia, the goose-stepping, Hitler salutes they dick around with—all that is protected speech, licit in natural law. So... Read More
In “The Illusion of Liberal Democracy—America’s Long Record of Destruction Continues,” Dr. Boyd Cathey deploys the term the “long march,” generally associated with the Communist Chinese Revolution of Chairman Mao, to describe decades in which successive American administrations have romped through other countries’ institutions in an unabashed quest to impose universal “freedom and equality” à... Read More
In Idiocracy, Mike Judge’s genius of a satire (really a documentary, if you think about it), Luke Wilson plays Joe Bowers, frozen by the military in 2005, “who accidentally wakes up in 2505 to find a broken-down, thuggish America, where language has become a patois of football chants, hip-hop slang and grunts denoting rage, pleasure... Read More
All nations now are expected to have found religion on Ukraine. As I pointed out at the start of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, from Covid submission, we the zombie subjects of the new, global order—for citizens we are not—were directed to shuffle along, shipshape, into a new compliance, this time over Ukraine. In other words, agree... Read More
Based on observing The Empire's workings over decades, I’d hazard that President Volodymyr Zelensky is probably being fiercely guarded by Americans, possibly by a private, paramilitary security company. Something like Sean McFate's DynCorp outfit, or Russia's Wagner Group. Or even perhaps Ukraine’s own Einsatzgruppen, the Azov regiment. MORE in support of my assumption, for that... Read More
The masses crave an opiate. Their political overlords know how to exploit the attendant and innate tendency for groupthink. As soon as the usefulness of one faith (Covid) expires; another takes its place (Ukraine), courtesy of the ruling elites, and with the complicity of the crowds. Now that Covid conformity has been replaced with the... Read More
THE HYPOCRISY and sanctimony playing out over the corporate media outlets about Putin's savagery is galling. For example, on Feb. 28, Sean Hannity proclaimed that a murdering thug of a leader who invades a sovereign country and kills innocent people needs to know that he will be forthrightly removed. Mark Esper, Trump’s defense secretary, concurred.... Read More
As the eponymous title of our podcast promises, my partner David Vance and I dish out the “Hard Truth” about the emergency situation unraveling—or, is it wrapping up?—in Canada. Although our side won the first round—Canadian dicktator Justine Trudeau having suddenly caved and revoked the unconstitutional emergency powers seized for no good reason shortly after... Read More
WHERE in the story of the travails of the World’s heroes, the Canadian Truckers for Freedom, are we? Justine Trudeau, who fled like a girl into hiding when the lorry drivers, kids in tow, first arrived in Ottawa, has done what this writer had feared he’d do: After instituting some of the most diabolical Covid... Read More
Ilana Mercer
About Ilana Mercer

ILANA Mercer is the author of "The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed," (June, 2016) and “Into The Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa” (2011) She has been writing a popular, weekly, paleolibertarian column—begun in Canada—since 1999. Ilana’s online homes are www.IlanaMercer.com & www.BarelyABlog.com. Follow her on https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer.

Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The Surprising Elements of Talmudic Judaism
Shouldn't they recuse themselves when dealing with the Middle East?