Your challenge

Your company maintains several thousand e-mail addresses of existing and prospective customers. You intend to use that distribution list more intensively for e-mail marketing purposes. But is the quality of your e-mail addresses adequate? The many undeliverable addresses it contains call that into doubt. So what can you do to make your e-mail marketing more effective? Is there a method to test the addresses before use? Can you reactivate undeliverable addresses?

Our solution

At LUMITOS we successfully send out over 7 million e-mails per year. This is why we are aware how important address quality is to reach B2B target groups effectively. Based on 12 criteria, we will analyze your addresses. Our test routines show up typing errors, duplicates, missing salutations and titles, false names and non-existent e-mail addresses. After dissemination, we analyze the autoresponses to detect, for example, recipients whose domain has changed due to a merger or acquisition. This is how we ensure a high delivery rate and that your message reaches those it is supposed to.

Your benefits

  • You’ll reach significantly more recipients and address them correctly
  • You’ll increase the value of your distribution list
  • High-quality addresses reduce the risk that your e-mails are classified as spam

This is what we’ll do for your success

Add missing data

We’ll detect the gaps in your address data and close them, so you’ll be able to address your recipients correctly.

Detect duplicates

We’ll identify duplicate addresses for you, so you won’t get on people’s nerves.

Seek out address features

We’ll recognize valuable characteristics in your address data, which you can use to address your recipients appropriately.

Company name changes

We’ll identify and correct the e-mail addresses of companies whose names have changed due, for example, to a merger or an acquisition. This keeps your address list up to date.

Analysis of undeliverable e-mails

We’ll identify undeliverable e-mails and determine the reason. So you’ll know which addresses you can count on.

Address recipients personally

We’ll ensure that your recipients are addressed personally and individually. This increases the likelihood that they’ll read your e-mail.

Segmentation of your address list

We’ll subdivide your address list by field of interest, application or industry, allowing you to send the right message to each recipient.

Correction of false data

We’ll check every e-mail address for impermissible characters and correct such errors, so you’ll reach more recipients.

Your contact person

Rolf Preuß
Rolf Preuß
Manager LUMITOS Academy
+49 30 204568-15
Contact me


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