Your challenge

Your products and services do not appear on the first page of the results when entered into search engines. That’s why you want to try payable search engine advertising. Which search terms are the right ones to choose? What do your potential customers search for? Will your keywords attract your target group or entirely wrong visitors to your website? You need the right answers to these questions because otherwise you’ll throw money out of the window.

Our solution

We at LUMITOS have accumulated unique experience: we know your industry and understand your products. This enables us to identify the best keywords for you, words that your potential customers search for. Based on these keywords, we’ll create eye-catching text ads that bring the right visitors to your website or landing page. We’ll regularly analyze and optimize your search engine advertising, so you’ll make the most of your budget.

Your benefits

  • As we know your industry and understand your target group, we’ll select the right keywords
  • LUMITOS minimizes advertising wastage in search engines to protect your budget
  • You’ll not have to familiarize yourself with the complexities of search engine advertising

This is what we’ll do for your success

Analyze the present state

We’ll analyze your market position, competitors, target groups and past SEA campaigns. So you’ll know where you stand.

Define SEA objectives

Together we’ll assess what search engine advertising can achieve for you and how much of your budget is worth investing.

Research keywords

We’ll find out the keywords that your target groups actually search for, so you’ll be able to focus your activities.

Develop SEA concepts

We’ll further develop tried-and-tested concepts that allow you to expand and globalize your search engine advertising activities, step by step.

Create SEA ads

We’ll create search engines advertisements that match the search terms of potential customers, so you won’t attract the wrong people.

Create landing pages

We’ll create landing pages that convert search engine users into valuable sales leads, from click to customer.

Optimize SEA campaigns

We’ll regularly analyze and optimize your SEA campaigns with regards to keywords, costs and conversion rates, so you’ll make the most of your budget.

Monitor success

We continuously monitor your SEA campaigns and let you experience your successes on the way to achieving your goals for search engine advertising.

Your contact person

Stefan Knecht
Stefan Knecht
Managing Director
+49 30 204568-20
Contact me


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