Your challenge

Setting up an online media plan and schedule is exhausting and costs you precious time. First you need to find online media outlets that reach your target audience. Then you have to look the portals’ media kits for suitable advertising formats and compare prices. But can they really be compared? Online media outlets tend to describe their services very differently. This is why you are uncertain whether you will reach your target groups with precision or waste a lot of budget on the wrong recipients.

Our solution

At LUMITOS we take care of all the details involved with developing your online media plan. Our media database contains all the relevant B2B online media outlets and their media data. From these, we’ll recommend media outlets and advertising formats to you, though not before we are convinced that the offered services make sense. Without any effort of your own, you’ll receive an online media plan to achieve your goals.

Your benefits

  • You’ll save up to three days because we’ll do all your work for you
  • You’ll invest your budget wisely as we’ll recommend only the best online media outlets and advertising formats
  • You can be sure to reach your target groups with great precision

This is what we’ll do for your success

Target group analysis

We’ll work out with you which target groups in which industries and countries you should reach.

Analyze past advertising activities

We’ll look closely at your past advertising measures in the light of the target group analysis and your marketing objectives.

Media workshops

We’ll let you experience where your advertising budget has not had the desired effect and which media you should focus on in the future.

Determine media budget

Together with you, we’ll determine the appropriate media budget needed to achieve your objectives.

Select media outlets

We’ll recommend the best online media outlets and advertising formats to reach your target groups around the world.

Get quotations

We’ll find out the prices of all recommended measures and negotiate attractive rates and conditions for you.

Set up a media plan

We’ll create a media plan to reach your target groups in line with your budget and which is suited to measurably reach your targets.

Book advertising spaces

We’ll book advertising spaces for you in online media and carry out the entire communication with the media outlets.

Your contact person

Johannes Jügel
Johannes Jügel
Key-Account Success Manager
+49 30 204568-10
Contact me


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