Your challenge

You are constantly confronted with new trends in B2B online marketing: SEO, e-mail marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, marketing automation, lead management and so on. Which of these is really relevant to your company and its products? What promises the most success? What does it all cost? What are the technical requirements?

You’re not sure where to get reliable and relevant answers to these questions. This keeps you from going into online marketing wholeheartedly, which is why you are missing out on great market opportunities.

Our solution

At LUMITOS we are very familiar with all aspects of B2B online marketing and know exactly what makes your company more successful. For 20 years, our internet portals and newsletters for industry specialists have been giving us hard facts and insights about which online advertising measures are worthwhile and what really interests your potential customers. We are happy to share our unique expertise with you.

We offer easy-to-follow and hands-on workshops and training courses which we tailor towards your needs. They let you experience how online marketing can get your company ahead.

Your benefits

  • You will receive in-depth practical know-how from experts
  • You will establish yourself as the hub of online marketing expertise within your company
  • You will find out what the success factors are and thus achieve your objectives easier
Your contact person

Rolf Preuß
Rolf Preuß
Manager LUMITOS Academy
+49 30 204568-15
Contact me


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