Your challenge

You’ve put a lot of time, money and enthusiasm into your website. But it isn’t giving you many sales leads. The number of website visitors doesn’t thrill you either. Hardly anyone who works in your important growth markets goes to your website. You’re not found through Google? People are not coping with your website? Are technical deficiencies preventing it from working properly? This is what you need to find out if you want to get more website visitors.

Our solution

LUMITOS has been developing and operating highly successful B2B portals for more than 20 years. This is why we understand what really matters, from the digital technology involved and layout optimization to user guidance, lead generation and website contents. Based on our experience, we start with a present state analysis of your website and recommend the most suitable measures. Whether that’s advertising on Google, optimizing your website, implementing online campaigns or sending marketing e-mails. We’ll suggest the right mix of measures for more visitors.

Your benefits

  • You will fast notice measurably more visitors on your website
  • You’ll generate increased sales revenues through qualified sales leads
  • With LUMITOS’s know-how and insights, you’ll leave competitors behind you
Your contact person

Stefan Knecht
Stefan Knecht
Managing Director
+49 30 204568-20
Contact me


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