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Health is a fundamental component of well-being. Children's health affects their ability to succeed in school and engage in other learning opportunities within the contexts of their family, neighborhood, and community. This brief examines... more
Desde o surgimento das histórias em quadrinhos, os enredos com super-heróis são focados no espírito comunitário, confiança mútua, força e coragem, temas inspiradores para as áreas da Educação e Saúde. Entretanto pouco se sabe acerca do... more
In philosophy, there are two competitor views about the nature and value of childhood: The first is the traditional, deficiency, view, according to which children are mere unfinished adults. The second is a view that has recently become... more
An earlier version of the program, Great Kids, was evaluated and found to be effective in increasing family cohesion and expressiveness and reducing family conflict. Participants also reported having more confidence in their parenting and... more
ABSTRACT This article offers a chronological overview of the canonical norms issued by the Catholic Church between 1917 and 2021 on the sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable persons.
Denne metodebeskrivelse har til formål at formidle de overordnede erfaringer og resultater fra afprøvningen af metoden Makkerlæsning. Den primære målgruppe for notatet er fagpersoner, som arbejder på det sociale eller skolefaglige område,... more
Floating column building is a new fascination for engineers. As floating column buildings provides more space and good aesthetics to the building. But have high structural challenges, when a floating column is provided in a multi-story... more
Nogle børn er synligt udsatte, fordi hele familien eller barnet er iøjnefaldende for det paedagogiske personale. Andre børn er usynligt udsatte: Umiddelbart er der ikke synlige tegn ved barnet eller familien, som vaekker personalets... more
The online Summer School (23 June-20 July, 40 hours) aims to provide a comprehensive training on the right to private and family life of migrant children, with particular reference to international covenants and EU law. Specific attention... more
Project of inclusive education for vulnerable youth population of the city of Corrientes, Argentina, with the aim of strengthening the learning of Secondary Education to include, retain and promote adolescents and youth.
Report results 2015 of inclusive education project for vulnerable youth population of the city of Corrientes, Argentina, with the aim of strengthening the learning of secondary education to include, retain and promote adolescents and youth.
Pakistan inherited the British system of bureaucratic centrality after independence, which shaped and controlled the political, administrative and financial portfolios of newly emerged state. After assuming the power, Ayub Khan introduced... more
estrategias pedagógicas y didácticas que garantizan este derecho a jóvenes en situación de vulnerabilidad en cuatro escuelas de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
Una Compilación de
MARTA Aleksevicius y ANA S. Barbato
The ‘gods’ are, by Christians in Western countries, often identified as being anything that distracts from one’s worship of the one true God. (Your TV, money, sport, car, whatever it is.) I question that interpretation. Instead, I... more
La obra reúne a una serie de destacadas y destacados expertos en el campo de los derechos humanos, la movilidad humana y la justicia, para precisar el alcance y dimensiones del derecho de niñas y niños en contextos de movilidad humana a... more
Magdalini Alexandropoulou’s contribution Key issues in age assessment procedures of unaccompanied migrant children in Greece and Germany – Assessing age or children’s needs? investigates the main challenges and deficiencies in current... more
The micro-credit movement started in Bangladesh with the concept that poor people had investment opportunities and necessary management capacity but could not avail these due to the lack of capital, which could be met by micro loans, and... more
Children's health and wellbeing in Australia is adversely affected by increasing disadvantage, social exclusion, and vulnerability, with numerous studies confirming the need for an improved societal response to the needs of children and... more
Awareness of human resources existing within refugee communities is often lacking, and the way these resources may be capitalised upon in assistance programmes is little understood. Based on a recent study of refugee women and their... more
This book, the third and final volume in the Meaning of Pain series, describes what pain means to people with pain in “vulnerable” groups, and how meaning changes pain – and them – over time. Immediate pain warns of harm or injury to the... more
Infância Migrante (p. 128-146) O presente artigo coloca em debate as diversas definições de "infãncia" e "migração" em vários momentos do desenvolvimento social das sociedades, para que possamos pensar em um possível conceito de "Infância... more
Human rights violations have been among the worst events in human history in the name of scientific research as evidenced by the Nazi experiments during World War II. Sadly, errors in ethical and responsible conduct of research are not... more
Türkiye'de çalışan çocuklarla ilgili saha araştırmalarının sayısal sınırlılığından yola çıkarak; çocuğun iyi olma hali perspektifinden İstanbul'da  çocuklar ve ebeveynlerle yürütülen pilot çalışmanın sonuçları
A pandemia do Novo Coronavírus obrigou a população brasileira a ampliar o papel da internet, que se tornou meio essencial, e muitas vezes o único, para a realização de atividades cotidianas. Dentre elas, está o ensino de... more
My monthly newsletter is available on ISRAEL: Democracy, Human Rights, Politics and Society, Politics – November 2021 In Memory of Eliahu Mazza (1935-2021) Featuring Reflections on Last Newsletter Great... more
Introducción: Es de vital importancia establecer la prevalencia provincial, nacional e internacional de los traumatismos dentales por ser un problema de salud pública. Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) se considera como la... more
Audiovisual media expose adolescents to the vision of sexual contents on the Internet. Within public debate, online availability of material “likely to harm” or “seriously harming” children generates forms of moral panic. A major concern... more
The purpose of this research study was to examine the overall well-being of orphaned and vulnerable children (OVC) in Elgeyo-Marakwet County, Kenya. Ten domains of OVC well-being were examined in the study: Food and The study sample... more
Providing "safe spaces" for education and care in refugee camps is seen as a major task of humanitarian aid organizations and architects. The article looks at some discursive strategies by which specific notions of "safety" are being... more
The impact of violence on children’s health and development has had growing attention in global and national politics. Research on children’s experiences of violence has increased in recent years, and this article aims to add to this... more
APFEL - "Acting for the Promotion of Foster Care at the European Level" APFEL’S mission is to build bridges between countries, between cultures and languages and between research and practice, in order to improve the quality of... more
O presente artigo tratará de alguns dos atuais equacionamentos e efeitos da chamada Justiça Restaurativa (JR) em crianças e jovens. Em primeiro lugar, questiona-se como opera a seletividade do sistema penal no contínuo produzido pela JR,... more
In this paper, we introduce and discuss an approach that will be used to secure the DSDV routing protocol in an ad-hoc network. Due to mobility and absence of infrastructure, nodes are more vulnerable to several malicious attacks. The... more