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The assessment of the response of a prehospital/hospital system to a disaster will prove a complex and challenging undertaking for those who attempt it. Data availability and quality will prove to be an immediate problem. Finding the time... more
Developing a mass-casualty medical response to the detonation of an improvised nuclear device (IND) or large radiological dispersal device (RDD) requires unique advanced planning due to the potential magnitude of the event, lack of... more
Aim This audit was designed to compare current referral practice with the Ministry of Health elective services National Access Criteria for first Specialist Assessment (ACA) guidelines, to identify specific problems, and (if possible) to... more
In the new millennium new technologies (should) play an ever more prominent role in the management of mass casualty incidents (MCI). Drawing on empirical datafrom a four-year research project (SOGRO), the article reflects on the impact... more
Over the last decades, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic period, lung ultrasound (LUS) gained interest due to multiple advantages: radiation-free, repeatable, cost-effective, portable devices with a bedside approach. These... more
To assess the effectiveness of the PAST (Pre-hospital Acute Stroke Triage) protocol in reducing pre-hospital and emergency department (ED) delays to patients receiving organised acute stroke care, thereby increasing access to thrombolytic... more
Demand for intensive care unit (ICU) resources often exceeds supply, and shortages of ICU beds and staff are likely to persist. Triage requires careful weighing of the benefits and risks involved in ICU admission while striving to... more
Telephone triage and advice services (TTAS) are increasingly being implemented around the world. These services allow people to speak to a nurse or general practitioner over the telephone and receive assessment and healthcare advice.... more
To determine the diagnostic and triage accuracy of online symptom checkers (tools that use computer algorithms to help patients with self diagnosis or self triage). Audit study. Publicly available, free symptom checkers. 23 symptom... more
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the adequacy of the Clinical-Functional Vulnerability Index-20, a rapid triage instrument to test vulnerability in Brazilian older adults, for the use in primary health care. METHODS The study included convenience... more
No matter how well we plan and train, every MCI is an exercise in gaining control over chaos. Emotions can sometimes get in the way. An MCI with pediatric victims is an additional emotional challenge that must be met by using objective... more
To develop a screening tool to identify elderly patients at the end of life and quantify the risk of death in hospital or soon after discharge for to minimise prognostic uncertainty and avoid potentially harmful and futile treatments.... more
Il TRIAGE è un procedimento decisionale volto a stabilire le priorità assistenziali secondo protocolli condivisi fra personale medico ed infermieristico addestrato, basato sull'attribuzione di un codice di gravità. Altra finalità è... more