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Sommario 1. Dalla “supremazia speciale” dell’istituzione carceraria al “modello a tre elementi”: legge, potere amministrativo e diritti fondamentali della persona detenuta. – 2. Il potere amministrativo di natura autoritativa al cospetto... more
"Buhalis, Dimitrios and Michopoulou, Eleni (2011) 'Information-enabled tourism destination marketing: addressing the accessibility market', Current Issues in Tourism,, 14(2) pp145-168. more
The discourse on the relationship between form and function in the world of design has its roots in the industrial and Tayloristic model that contrasts and differs from the artistic and artisanal process since the disciplinary foundation.... more
The project, which is still under construction in Turkey, has been designed for the access of the existing hiking trail to the Çatak canyon in the Kure Mountains of Kastamonu province, Azdavay district, accessible to everyone with the... more
Dissemination is the interactive process of communicating knowledge to target audiences so that it may be used to lead to change. The challenge is to improve the accessibility of desired knowledge products by those they are intended to... more
This paper represents one outcome from the Invitational Research Symposium on Technology-Enabled and Universally Designed Assessments, which examined technology-enabled assessments (TEA) and universal design (UD) as they relate to... more
A survey of UK live music accessibility

Analysis by Aisling Gallagher
Written by Jacob Adams
Edited by Graham Griffiths
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 was intended to protect a class of individuals whose ability to engage in “major life activities” in places of public accommodation and other settings was limited by disability. Design... more
This paper describes the use of adaptation patterns in the task of formulating standards for adaptive educational hypermedia (AEH) systems that is currently under investigation by the EU ADAPT project. Within this project, design... more
הזמנה לכנס "מהדורה מוגבלת: מוגבלות באמנויות, עיצוב ואדריכלות", אשר ייערך ביום ראשון ה-19 בינואר 2020 בבצלאל, קמפוס הר הצופים, ירושלים. מדובר בכנס השנתי של המחלקה לתרבות חזותית וחומרית של בצלאל והשנה הוא ייערך בשיתוף עם דקאנט הסטודנטים של... more
Der Leitfaden liefert Lehrenden Hinweise und Tools für die Gestaltung einer mediengestützten Lehre, die zugänglich und inklusiv ist. Er soll für Diversität in der Hochschule sensibilisieren und Tipps zur Gestaltung zugänglicher... more
The liveability of a city like Rome is endangered by vehicular traffic and, as consequence, urban spaces are generally not accessible to all users; this is a problem that is particularly felt in residential districts. The Department of... more
To assess the effectiveness of the PAST (Pre-hospital Acute Stroke Triage) protocol in reducing pre-hospital and emergency department (ED) delays to patients receiving organised acute stroke care, thereby increasing access to thrombolytic... more
In the present paper is studied an approach to accessibility for people with disabilities in Protected Areas, focusing on the area of information offered to visitors in the area of the National Marine Park of Alonissos-Northern Sporades... more
Purpose of the study: Since 2015, International aviation sector has witnessed an exceptional transformation of Indian air transport with a growth rate of 15-20%. It is also predicted to maintain a similar trend for not less than 4-5... more
Government visions of a digital future show little indication of how disabled people, reliant on access technology, will participate. Access technology has the potential to offer independent use of the Internet but many disabled people... more
RESUMO Termos como 'acessibilidade midiática' e 'tradução audiovisual acessível' vem se tornando cada vez mais comuns tanto na área acadêmica quanto na sociedade em geral. Essa popularização deve-se ao aumento significativo da legislação... more
Nowadays in the world, we are facing the era of digital inclusion and the accessibility of software has become a global concern, since this environment plays a key role in the daily lives of people with disabilities. The technology... more
Esta pesquisa procurou compreender as práxis cotidianas jornalísticas do Grupo RBS de Comunicação e assim identificar os motivos que causam a falta de acessibilidade comunicativa e conteúdos com barreiras informativas que prejudicam a... more
The development of public housing has major traffic impacts on road networks, particularly in already congested cities. Hong Kong, being one of the most congested cities in the world, has a significant amount of public housing in town.... more
An exploration of when and how theatre audio describers should describe the personal characteristics of the diverse range of characters that appear on stage, and in particular, the visible, physical markers of race, gender, impairment /... more
This Conference Paper is brought to you for free and open access by Social Research in Transport (SORT) Clearinghouse. It has been accepted for inclusion in Social Research in Transport (SORT) Clearinghouse by an authorized administrator... more
A review of research on deaf students in higher education reveals a significant body of knowledge about the barriers these students face in gaining access to information in the classroom. Much less is known about the potential solutions... more
Public spaces of the city, where the social relations of the individuals of society take place intensively, have an important role in urban development. In addition to the cultural, economic and technological conditions in constant change... more
The results of the use of different teaching materials including 3D models, by students –some of them with functional diversity-, previously adapted to the Principles of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL), are described. Teaching... more
The health system should be endowed with adequate accessibility levels to each functional population cohort it envisages to serve. In the case we are before higher levels of elder population, those health necessities increase. The... more
OBJECTIVES. Our goal was to assess the degree of pediatric preparedness of emergency departments in the United States. METHODS. A closed-response survey based on the American Academy of Pediatrics/ American College of Emergency Physicians... more
Interiority is not just the science of interior design that meets of needs of function and aesthetics alone. Both of these are indeed the main task in interior design. Each building is design and built to fulfill certain functions.... more
Far too many people in urban Ghana live without access to safe drinking water and this is a primary determinant of continuing poverty. Using questionnaire survey and key informant interviews, this study explored the situation of... more
Accessibility of a destination is an important factor affecting the volume of arrivals to a region. This paper discusses the role of direct flights in development of tourism in Turkey by analyzing Turkish Airlines (THY / TK). THY has... more