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This paper starts by presenting a conceptualization of indicators and criteria that can be used to describe traffic safety. This includes traffic exposure measures; dangerous incidents; accident, severity and damage risk rates; accident... more
Transport is an important component of social and economic development. At present, transport networks and means vary geographically and continuously change with time, while the primary means of travel are still the different modes of... more
ABSTRACT Background The objective of the current study is to determine to what extent the reduction of Chile’s traffic fatalities and injuries during 2000–2012 was related to the police traffic enforcement increment registered after the... more
This paper describes the road attribute risk factors used in the iRAP methodology for Number of Lanes. Number of Lanes records the total number of lanes in the direction of travel.
This paper reviews theoretical and empirical evidence relating to the effectiveness of fear (threat) appeals in improving driver safety. The results of the review highlight the mixed and inconsistent findings that have been reported in... more
Возило, један од фактора безбедности саобраћаја, својом сложеном конструкцијом и због својих техничко-експлоатационих карактеристика може бити утицајни фактор за настанак саобраћајне незгоде. У Србији техничка исправност возила је... more
The finding that drivers may react to safety interventions in a way that is contrary to what was intended is the phenomenon of behavioural adaptation. This phenomenon has been demonstrated across various safety interventions and has... more
EU Directive 2008/96/EC on road infrastructure safety management requires the implementation of procedures relating to road safety impact assessments, road safety audits, the management of road network safety and safety inspections.... more
One common denominator across every car, van or truck is high dependency on tyres, and despite the crucial role they play in a vehicle’s safety, they can be easily often overlooked in comparison with other aspects of the vehicle... more
Although the Road Safety Audit (RSA) process is gaining widespread application throughout North America, little is understood about the net benefits being derived for design-build projects. A better understanding of collision reduction... more
This research was carried out as part of the French national multidisciplinary research project, PREDIT-SARI. Using a driving simulator, it aimed to test the effectiveness of road treatments intended to inform drivers about the risk of... more
Our number one goal is to ensure the safety of students. Fxscanada provide for his student number one security system. We teach the student how to follow road safety rules because our first preference is road safety for kids. We explain... more
How much can driver assistance systems improve the road safety? Abstract: The Audi Accident Research Unit (AARU) constitutes an interdisciplinary research association between the AUDI AG and the Regensburg University Hospital. AARU is... more
This paper describes the GOLD (generic obstacle and lane detection) system, a stereo vision-based hardware and software architecture developed to increment road safety of moving vehicles: it allows detection of both generic obstacles... more
This research study seeks to improve current understanding of the relationship between rural intersection safety and different illumination levels. It uses three parallel studies: a survey of rural intersection illumination practices... more
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 116 pedestrians were killed in motor vehicle crashes in Ohio in 2015. However, no study to date has analyzed crashes in Ohio in order to explore the factors contributing to... more
Background: Road traffic injury patients admitted to 35 hospitals in Lublin region. Objective: To describe the pattern of road traffic injuries in Lublin county, Poland. Methods: Review of medical records for the period from January 2004... more
Recently, road pavement surfaces have seriously deteriorated due to aging and the increasing number of heavy vehicles. Therefore, appropriate maintenance is required for the road to provide service over a long time. Many efforts have been... more
Nowadays, Road Safety Inspections (RSI) are recognized as an effective tool for identifying safety deficiencies of road infrastructures. They represent a low cost process for the evaluation of the network safety performance. Its... more
Objective This study had two objectives: first, to test the effects of sociodemographic variables, and the effects of three key road safety skills (knowledge-risk perception-attitudes) on the use of passive safety elements (PSEs) among... more
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are increasingly important since they aim to bring solutions to crucial problems related to transportation networks such as congestion and various road incidents. Management of ITS, as other... more
Motorcycle accidents have been hastily growing throughout the years in several countries because road safety is often neglected by riders worldwide leading to accidents and deaths. To address this issue, most countries have laws which... more
Every year road traffic accidents produce near 1.3 million deaths around the world and leave between 20 and 50 million people with non-fatal injuries. It is the first cause of mortality for those under 35 years old. Most of these... more
When dealing with the duality of traffic accidents and road safety, smoking while driving is one of the factors that, despite the social beliefs and/or misconceptions, causes a large number of injuries and deaths worldwide. Although... more
In Italy, quadricycles can be drawn by 14 years old youngest drivers. The increasing popularity together with the less regulated safety of these vehicles compared to cars give cause for concern. Simulators, considered as a training... more
This paper describes the road attribute risk factors used in the iRAP methodology for Sidewalk Provision. Sidewalk Provision refers to the provision of an area (a sidewalk or footpath) at the side of the road for pedestrians. The sidewalk... more
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) has emerged as a cost-effective mass transit system for urban mobility. The low infrastructure cost, perceived simplicity and network connectivity favor the adoption of bus rapid transit system as a viable mass... more
Although vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian flows are generally considerably lower during nighttime, this time accounts for a higher number of accidents than expected given lower exposure compared to daytime. A highly influential factor is... more