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In Dostoevsky’s 1869 novel, The Idiot, two characters mention an intriguing theory, which they both attribute to the eponymous spiritual hero, the Prince: the idea that “beauty will save the world.” Since then, a long line of writers... more
Geopolitical change at the start of the 20th century wrought significant change to the study of theology. After the Russian Revolution, exiled intellectuals found their way to the West and connected with like-minded scholars. One of these... more
Overview of Mirandola, Reuchlin, and Knorr Rosenroth to the development of Christian Kabbalah
This text, done with Irina Kukota, is a translation of Sergii Bulgakov's seminal catechesis of sophiology, 'Ipostas' i Ipostasnost'' (1924) with introduction, notes and an appendix of an unpublished work, 'A Summary of Sophiology' (1936).
Статья представляет собой отзыв на публикацию «Экклезиология сегодня: две модели устройства Церкви и их исторические предпосылки», в котором автор, в целом позитивно воспринимая проект разработки терминологически выверенной экклезиологии,... more
Analysis of the pre-conciliar philosophy concerning the Logos and Sophia in early theology on the Trinity
This article examines Fr Sergii Bulgakov’s writings on the eucharist. It argues that these texts, written at critical junctures at the beginning, middle, and end of his career, constitute a “eucharistic horizon” against which one can... more
This is a continuation of the article published in SapCr 2 (2005), 117-136. Bulgakov’s kenotic theory, at times criticized by orthodox theologians, is even penetrating the west with von Balthasar. The author places it within the vast... more
This article belongs to a series of studies of results from working with the Foundation Stone Mediation given by Rudolf Steiner at the Christmas Conference of the Anthroposophical Society in 1923-4. In a previous article we explored the... more
Il senso teologico della differenza di genere nella teologia di S.N. Bulgakov. Il documento è un estratto della tesi per il conseguimento della Licenza in Teologia Dogmatica presso la Pontificia Università Gregoriana dal titolo: "Il senso... more
Автор книги «Владимир Соловьёв и философия Серебряного века», П. П. Гайденко, раскрывает в своём труде жизненный и философский путь В. С. Соловьёва, взаимосвязь его философско-мистических прозрений и его видения Софии, божественной... more
The following collection of essays could have had as a subtitle "Towards a New Sophiology." Essays 3, 4, 5, and 8 bear directly on this subject. Apart from the final essay, “Valentin Tomberg and Dostoevski,” all the other essays presented... more
The primary identity of the Church as ‘Body of Christ’ in her relation with God is questioned. Understood somatically, since the Logos is the hypostasis of Christ, it fails to give the necessary ontological space for Creation to respond... more
Vladimir Solov'ev (1853–1900) is one of the major influences on Sergii Bulgakov's “sophiology” and has been praised by both Hans Urs von Balthasar and John Milbank. However, his theology has often been read as a mere “religious... more
Bulgakov’s psychological and spiritual evolution can be reckoned as representative for his entire generation. Moving from Marxism to Idealism and finally conceiving his best known theory, namely Sophiology, he was considered by many one... more
Chapter Four excerpt:
Sophia-Spirit-Mary: Sergius Bulgakov and the Patristric Roots of a Feminine Spirit
Vladimir Lossky (1903–58) and Sergii Bulgakov (1871–1944) are normally taken as polar opposites in modern Orthodox theology. Lossky's theology is portrayed as being based on a close exegesis of the Greek Fathers with an emphasis on... more
This essay's briefer first part examines the influence of theosophy on Philip Sherrard's presentation of man's experience of the sacred, while the lengthier last section analyzes Sherrard's astute critique of the much-maligned “Western... more
В научном периодическом издании Екатеринбургской духовной семинарии публикуются материалы и исследования по различным вопросам богословия, церковной истории и смежных дисциплин, извлечения из протоколов заседаний ученого совета ЕДC,... more
It is argued that those who uphold Ecumenism and Anti-Ecumenism in Eastern Orthodoxy share much more in common than is normally thought to be the case. Both groups see the Orthodox Church as the Una Sancta of the Creed and that Orthodoxy... more
Georges Florovsky (1893–1979), with his “neo-patristic synthesis”, is perhaps the most influential modern Orthodox theologian, having mentored and/or taught such theologians as Lossky and Zizioulas. However, his theology enshrines a... more
The term pneumatophore, originally drawn from the taxonomy of botany, has profound ecological implications. In the plant kingdom, it refers to roots which stick out of swampy waters to reach for pneuma, or the breath of life. For... more
This is the first in a series of articles that addresses what is necessary for the development of a new community of the Grail, a spiritual knighthood such as that pointed to by both Rudolf Steiner and Valentin Tomberg. Such a community... more
The present essay focuses on the Russian theologian Sergeij Bulgakov's two main cornerstones: Time and Cosmos. The methodological option has been to consider The Great Trilogy (The Lamb of God, The Comforter, The Bride of the Lamb) as the... more
This book has earned the 2023 Early Slavic Studies Association (ESSA) Book Prize honourable mention. An interdisciplinary study of the enigmatic and... more
Intercultural theology is increasingly a major subject matter of 21st-century scholarly inquiry. This results in an interreligious discourse and encounter at different levels. However, gone are the days when the aim is to identify or even... more
This paper will explore three phenomenological themes relating to the processes of palingenesis and resurrection. Firstly, the bi-polarity of love and death through an etymological analysis of (a)mor and its connection to Eros. Secondly,... more
The paper deals with the artistic composition of Divine Wisdom in the wall painting of Nemanjic’s Serbia in the 14th century, with special reference to the genesis, development and disposition of the display, as well as its... more
It is appropriate to speak of a “Mother of God Renaissance” in 15th and 16th century Italy and Russia. (G. Craco first made use of this concept in the Italian context –“Rinascimento Mariano” ). The veneration of Mary emerged in Italy... more
The paper argues that Sergej Bulgakov’s sophiology was an attempt, via antinomism or the philosophy of antinomies, to overcome the rationalism, monism, and determinism (in a word, “pantheism”) of Vladimir Solov’ëv’s philosophy of the... more
[ Uncorrected proofs ] The following is of necessity a scanty survey of significant moments in the last millennium of Orthodox Christian experience. Sometimes divergent, the trends and figures mentioned here converged in the common... more
Acest articol este o schiță a unui parcurs în care s-ar putea întâlni viziunea apuseană și cea răsăriteană despre natura și demnitatea creației. Este vorba despre întâlnirea dintre doctrina analogiei ființei din filosofia religioasă... more
The book under review is concerned with the communication of properties among Sophia, Holy Spirit, and the Virgin Mary over time, with additional attention to technical issues involving Spirit Christology, creation ex nihilo, the... more
Aim of this paper is to follow the paths of eriugenian thought in one of his most topical argument: the creation of everything in the Verb. Moving from the fourfold division of nature, set at the beginning of Periphyseon, two main... more