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This text, done with Irina Kukota, is a translation of Sergii Bulgakov's seminal catechesis of sophiology, 'Ipostas' i Ipostasnost'' (1924) with introduction, notes and an appendix of an unpublished work, 'A Summary of Sophiology' (1936).
The primary identity of the Church as ‘Body of Christ’ in her relation with God is questioned. Understood somatically, since the Logos is the hypostasis of Christ, it fails to give the necessary ontological space for Creation to respond... more
Vladimir Solov'ev (1853–1900) is one of the major influences on Sergii Bulgakov's “sophiology” and has been praised by both Hans Urs von Balthasar and John Milbank. However, his theology has often been read as a mere “religious... more
Bulgakov’s psychological and spiritual evolution can be reckoned as representative for his entire generation. Moving from Marxism to Idealism and finally conceiving his best known theory, namely Sophiology, he was considered by many one... more
In this paper I will explore three different visions of ecumenism found in three Orthodox thinkers of the last century, Nikolai Berdyaev, Fr Sergius Bulgakov and Vladimir Lossky. With the exception of Bulgakov, they are not the most... more
Georges Florovsky (1893–1979), with his “neo-patristic synthesis”, is perhaps the most influential modern Orthodox theologian, having mentored and/or taught such theologians as Lossky and Zizioulas. However, his theology enshrines a... more
This is the first in a series of articles that addresses what is necessary for the development of a new community of the Grail, a spiritual knighthood such as that pointed to by both Rudolf Steiner and Valentin Tomberg. Such a community... more
“Georges Florovsky and Sergius Bulgakov: ‘In Peace Let Us Love One Another,’”, in The Living Christ: The Theological Legacy of Georges Florovsky, eds. John Chryssavgis and Brandon Gallaher (London: T&T Clark, 2021), 91-111.
Introduction and Notes: “Georges Florovsky and Russian Idealism: Two Unpublished Papers” (“Russian Philosophy at the Turn of the Century”; and “The Renewal of Orthodox Theology—Florensky, Bulgakov and the Others: On the Way to a Christian... more
The author contextualizes the Problem of Evil in Open Theism system, listing its main theses, primarily the logic-of-love-defense (and free-will-defense) connected to Trinitarian speculation. After evaluating the discussion in Analytic... more
The history of ecumenism with Christians in the Middle East does not receive as much attention as with other groups; however, it has proven to be no less fruitful. Such is the story of the encounter between the Eastern and Oriental... more
Saggio di critica letteraria di DANILO CARUSO / Palermo, marzo 2019 INDICE Introduzione pag. 1 1. Il machiavellico disegno della “follia” erasmiana pag. 1 2. Pascal e le ragioni del cuore pag. 10 3. La platonico-junghiana dicotomia... more
The notion of eucharistic ecclesiology is one of the most definitive ideas in modern ecclesiology. Adapted by theologians such as Henri de Lubac, it was coined by Nicholas Afanasiev in his essay The Lord’s Supper to explain the notion of... more
Inhaltsverzeichnis Einleitung 1. Von „La lumière russe“ bis GOĖLRO 2. Kulturelle und mediale Kontexte des russischen „Licht-Schaffens“ (svetotvorčestvo) 3. Brüche und Kontinuitäten der russischen Filmgeschichte 4. Kino als ,Kirche’... more
Русский Сборник: Исследования по истории России / Ред.‑сост. О. Р. Айрапетов, Ф. А. Гайда, И. В. Дубровский, М. А. Колеров, Брюс Меннинг, А. Ю. Полунов, Пол Чейсти. Т. XXIX. М. : Модест Колеров, 2020. 664 с. Электронные версии «Русского... more
В статье анализируется постановка проблемы личности в философском и богословском творчестве прот. Сергия Булгакова в контексте проблематики богословского персонализма XX века. В первой части статьи в качестве основного текста, в котором... more
In March 2017, the Fondazione Corrente in Milan hosted a round of "Esthetic Conversations" every Wednesday, organized by Roberto Diodato, Elio Franzini, Fulvio Papi and Gabriele Scaramuzza. The cycle ended with a meeting held by... more
Review of the text by S.N. Bulgakov, translated for the first time into Western language, in which the author develops his thoughts on theodicy in the light of his experience of physical suffering that characterised the last years of his... more
Reacting to the failed revolution of 1905, the contributors to Vekhi (Russian for “Landmarks”), including Nicholai Berdiaev, Sergei Bulgakov, S. L. Frank, and four others, set out in 1909 to critique the young, Russian intelligentsia for... more
The article covers Woland sacral essence, one of the main characters of the novel "The Master and Margarita" by the author Mikhail Bulgakov. Strictly saying, he is not a fictional character made by the author, but a real Strength of... more
Sergius Bulgakov continues to be a contentious figure in the modern revival of Orthodox theology. His reputation continues to be damaged by the consequences of the Sophia Affair, which means that the entirety of Bulgakov's theology is yet... more
Soul, reason, spirit in The Master and Margarita, by Bulgakov. The paper proposes an interpretation of the famous novel The Master and Margarita, by Mikhail Bulgakov, as the confrontation between soul, reason and spirit. I sugest that the... more
In the essay the hermeneutical views of Jean–Luc Marion, as they are expressed in his God without Being: Hors–Texte in relationship with the Eucharist and the story of Luke 24, are presented and critically assessed. The criticisms... more
Существование смысловых параллелей в русской классической литературе может говорить о гомологии, то есть о родстве происхождения произведений, принадлежащих разным авторам. Это позволяет взглянуть на русскую литературу совершенно с иной... more