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In Dostoevsky’s 1869 novel, The Idiot, two characters mention an intriguing theory, which they both attribute to the eponymous spiritual hero, the Prince: the idea that “beauty will save the world.” Since then, a long line of writers... more
Geopolitical change at the start of the 20th century wrought significant change to the study of theology. After the Russian Revolution, exiled intellectuals found their way to the West and connected with like-minded scholars. One of these... more
This thesis loactes a Christian rationale for human well-being in relation to the doctrine of the triune God. Specifically, this theological inquiry examines the triune God’s work in, and for, creation with a view to identifying the... more
Sergei N. Bulgakov’s sophiology is often regarded as a concept submerging human beings in a divine cosmos, where personal dignity makes no difference. I will argue that quite the opposite is true. Bulgakov’s vision meets all three... more
In this paper I shall argue that Bulgakov’s thought, and especially his sophiology, is a justification of human history. I will do so by providing an outline of Bulgakov’s critique of Marxism, and especially by examining his extensive... more
University of Fribourg – September 2–4, 2021 Sergii Bulgakov is one of the preeminent theologians of the 20th century. The international conference on the occasion of his 150th birthday (16th/28th July 1871 – 13th July 1944) aims to... more
In this article, the author analyzes the accounts of divine judgment in Pavel Florensky and Sergius Bulgakov. According to the Russian theologians, divine judgment consists in the act of disclosure of the person’s “likeness of God,” the... more
This article examines Fr Sergii Bulgakov’s writings on the eucharist. It argues that these texts, written at critical junctures at the beginning, middle, and end of his career, constitute a “eucharistic horizon” against which one can... more
This is a continuation of the article published in SapCr 2 (2005), 117-136. Bulgakov’s kenotic theory, at times criticized by orthodox theologians, is even penetrating the west with von Balthasar. The author places it within the vast... more
These are responses to the essays by Daniela Augustine, John Burgess, Dale Coulter and Peter Phan on the Orthodox Council of Crete of June 2016 in the special issue of JWC, 11.1, 2021.
Аннотация. В статье речь пойдет о варианте тринитарной онтологии проф. прот. С.Н. Булгакова, изложенном в не публиковавшихся ранее разделах «Глав о Троичности». Текст представляет собой черновую рукопись с множеством правок и датируется... more
S. Bulgakov repeatedly makes references to Hegel within the text of 'The Tragedy of Philosophy'. He goes into greater details in the last part of the book, where he pays particular attention to Hegel’s logic. The Russian theologian argues... more
Il 6 febbraio del 2008 alle ore 22.55 il canale Rossija, emittente televisiva di Stato della Federazione Russa fortemente filo-governativa, manda in onda una produzione per la regia di Aleksej Makeev per la durata di 60 minuti, con la... more
Il senso teologico della differenza di genere nella teologia di S.N. Bulgakov. Il documento è un estratto della tesi per il conseguimento della Licenza in Teologia Dogmatica presso la Pontificia Università Gregoriana dal titolo: "Il senso... more
L’amour que portait Henry Corbin à la sagesse, à la Sophia, englobe les trois termes de ce colloque. Sans pouvoir traiter directement de la notion de femme et d’erôs, ce texte explore la Sophia, féminin philosophique par excellence... more
The following collection of essays could have had as a subtitle "Towards a New Sophiology." Essays 3, 4, 5, and 8 bear directly on this subject. Apart from the final essay, “Valentin Tomberg and Dostoevski,” all the other essays presented... more
The primary identity of the Church as ‘Body of Christ’ in her relation with God is questioned. Understood somatically, since the Logos is the hypostasis of Christ, it fails to give the necessary ontological space for Creation to respond... more
Bulgakov’s psychological and spiritual evolution can be reckoned as representative for his entire generation. Moving from Marxism to Idealism and finally conceiving his best known theory, namely Sophiology, he was considered by many one... more
"Providential Empire: Russia's Religious Intelligentsia and the First World War" analyzes and contextualizes controversial commentary on the First World War by Russian religious philosophers, primarily Nikolai Aleksandrovich Berdiaev,... more
This article is a translation of the excursus—Augustinianism and Predestination—appended to the third volume of Fr. Sergius Bulgakov's major dogmatic trilogy, The Bride of the Lamb. It was not translated in Boris Jakim's 2001 translation... more
Название: Журнал ПУТЬ (1925—1940): Поколение русских религиозных мыслителей в эмиграции Автор Антуан Аржаковский К.: Феникс, 2000.— 656 с. ISBN 966-7558-81-9 Настоящее исследование посвящено теме поколения русской ин¬теллигенции в... more
In this paper I will explore three different visions of ecumenism found in three Orthodox thinkers of the last century, Nikolai Berdyaev, Fr Sergius Bulgakov and Vladimir Lossky. With the exception of Bulgakov, they are not the most... more
Vladimir Lossky (1903–58) and Sergii Bulgakov (1871–1944) are normally taken as polar opposites in modern Orthodox theology. Lossky's theology is portrayed as being based on a close exegesis of the Greek Fathers with an emphasis on... more
В научном периодическом издании Екатеринбургской духовной семинарии публикуются материалы и исследования по различным вопросам богословия, церковной истории и смежных дисциплин, извлечения из протоколов заседаний ученого совета ЕДC,... more
This article distances the classic Patristic teaching of Eastern Orthodoxy on theosis from the pseudo-religious ideology of transhumanism. By appealing to the Silver Age of Russian theologians a century ago, today's transhumanist vision... more
В научном периодическом издании Екатеринбургской духовной семинарии публикуются материалы и исследования по различным вопросам богословия, церковной истории и смежных дисциплин, извлечения из протоколов заседаний ученого совета ЕДC,... more
Russian Cosmism is a lively and still productive tendency in the history of Russian esoteric thought, important but little known outside Russia. This paper presents a brief introduction to the ideas of several of the major figures in this... more
It is argued that those who uphold Ecumenism and Anti-Ecumenism in Eastern Orthodoxy share much more in common than is normally thought to be the case. Both groups see the Orthodox Church as the Una Sancta of the Creed and that Orthodoxy... more
Предлагаем вашему вниманию второй выпуск журнала Tartaria Magna (Тартария Магна), в котором мы продолжаем тему противостояния и компромисса между "своим" и "чужим". В этом выпуске представлены исследования авторов, так или иначе... more
The term pneumatophore, originally drawn from the taxonomy of botany, has profound ecological implications. In the plant kingdom, it refers to roots which stick out of swampy waters to reach for pneuma, or the breath of life. For... more
It is argued that those who uphold Ecumenism and Anti-Ecumenism in the Orthodox Church share much more in common than is normally thought to be the case. Both groups see the Orthodox Church as the Una Sancta of the Creed and that... more
Il tema dell’unità di Dio è centrale nell’ambito degli studi dedicati all’ontologia trinitaria, intesa sia come argomento che come disciplina connessi con il tentativo di alcuni studiosi di ridisegnare le categorie e i concetti della... more