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Background: While many randomised controlled trials have been conducted on multivitamins, to our knowledge no qualitative research exploring the subjective experience of taking a multivitamin during a clinical trial has been reported.... more
BackgroundQualitative systematic reviews are increasing in popularity in evidence based health care. Difficulties have been reported in conducting literature searches of qualitative research using the PICO search tool. An alternative... more
To describe the bereavement experiences of families who survived the sudden cardiac death of a family member and identify meanings of loss. Approximately 325,000 people experience sudden cardiac death (SCD) annually. It is important to... more
During the past decades, awareness has grown concerning the need for more democratic and inclusive research methods. This is especially salient for marginalised, colonised and silenced groups, such as the elderly, children and young... more
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between service quality, the service encounter and the retail experience within a changing UK retail environment. Design/methodology/approach – Data were gathered from 40... more
... The video-making process The producers of It all began with poverty – six women, Thandi, Lizzie, Bongi, Nokukhanya, Thengi, Mavis, and one man, Sipho (all ... Melodrama is a very popular performance genre within the Zulu culture of... more
As our population is aging, the global prevalence of dementia is rising. Recent extensive reviews of the dementia literature highlight a clear need for additional qualitative research to address the experiences of people with dementia and... more
... STEPHEN FROSH Birkbeck College, University of London PETER D. EMERSON Unthank Family Centre, Norwich ... Foucauldian discourse analysis is especially clearly theoretical in its approach, employing some fairly grand notions of how... more
Medical practitioners, trained to isolate health within and upon the body of the individual, are now challenged to negotiate research and population health theories that link health status to geographic location as evidence suggests a... more
This essay is based on a cyber autoethnographic research I have conducted on Hornet, a geosocial networking application (GNA) created for gay and bisexual men, without establishing a clear-cut distinction between my identity as a user and... more
In this article we develop an approach to coincidences as discursive activities. To illustrate the range of empirical questions that can be explored in the analysis of coincidence accounts, we examine one single written account, which was... more
Many patients suffering from cancer make use of complementary therapies, with aromatherapy being a popular choice. Quantitative studies, using questionnaire data, have shown that aromatherapy may reduce psychological distress and enhance... more
ABSTRACT Working across the differences that constitute 'cultures' is a common challenge for geographical researchers. Ideas about research are profoundly shaped by cultural contexts. As geographers, we are aware of and... more
Planning for a Baby: Pregnancy with IBD: Motherhood with IBD: Our aim is to provide an understanding of the experience of women with... more
The education system in Malaysia is constantly changing in terms of the use of technology in teaching and learning process (T&L). Many studies have been conducted to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the technologies in the... more
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to show why and how the “ride-along” can add great value to qualitative research. Design/methodology/approach The paper is primarily based on ethnographic research into food systems that the author... more