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This paper looks into fiscal consolidation in India's heartland states of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh following their separation from 2001 to 2019. The study examines the trends in states' budget deficits, public spending, debt, and... more
Openness has become an important method in public financial management and governing system. The governments that seeking to be accountable towards their citizens needs to promote their system through transparency and public... more
This study analysed the relationship between public spending and economic growth in Nigeria. The study used the secondary data from CBN Statistical Bulletin from 2004 – 2018. The Real Gross Domestic Product formed the dependent variable... more
Borxhi eshte thjesht nje simptome. Shkaku i vertete i borxhit jane nevoja apo deshira e qeverive per te shpenzuar me shume se te ardhurat qe " krijojne " – jane shpenzimet qe mund te vleresohen si te mira apo te keqija. Borxhi eshte nje... more
Urbanization phenomenon has been widely discussed recently with the regard to the rapid growth of world population. The relative importance of fiscal variables among the others, affected by urbanization has come into prominence as a... more
This paper investigates the trend and impact of health and water expenditure on economic growth in Nigeria between 1980 and 2010 using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) analytical regression method. The findings show a positive and significant... more
This paper examines the effects of elections on the conduct of central governments' fiscal policies. To do so, it uses a unique panel database that includes disaggregated spending and revenue series at the central government level for... more
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of public spending on economic growth and examine the sources of economic growth in developed countries since the 1990s. This paper analyses whether public spending effect on... more
In this paper we estimated the demand for local public spending for the Brazilian municipalities within a median voter´s framework. The median voter theorem provides a method of aggregating individual voter`s demands to obtain community... more
L’acritico primato che l’azione diretta della “mano pubblica, espressione “alta e pura” dell’interesse collettivo, ha avuto nell’immaginario collettivo nazionale ha, per molti anni, limitato fortemente l’analisi delle performance che la... more
Why has the macroeconomic impact of foreign aid seemingly been so poor? Is there a relationship between the widespread level of corruption and other types of rent-seeking activities and concessional assistance? To answer these questions... more