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As outlined in this chapter, agricultural development has a major ecological and environmental footprint. Nevertheless, agricultural development (together with other biologically based food-supplying industries) is needed to provide... more
Goat farming is an important production sector not only for Greece, but also for other Mediterranean countries, as it contributes to the family economy in rural areas. Despite the importance of goat farming, this sector has experienced... more
A solução dos problemas na Amazônia não são independentes, mas conectada com outras partes do País e do mundo. A redução dos desmatamentos e queimadas na Amazônia depende do desenvolvimento de atividades agrícolas adequadas nas áreas já... more
For a very long time, agricultural policy has been interested only in productive or economic aspects. Nevertheless, interventions aiming to support farmers’ income or to promote agricultural modernisation have resulted in several... more
Oartigo analisa a evolução do abastecimento alimentar no Brasil e as suas implicações para o desenvolvimento rural
Agricultural policy has in the last 50 years taken much of the risk and the initiative away from Norwegian farm forest owners. Subsidies in agriculture have guaranteed an acceptable income and there has been neither need nor incentives... more
The supply of spider plant (Cleome gynandra) as one of the African leafy vegetables in Kenya is low and this is attributed to poor fertilizer use and limited access by farmers to improved varieties. This study was carried out to evaluate... more
That author of this study draws attention to a case of resistance against the communist regime, which occurred in a Czech rural district almost 60 years ago. The work deals with peasants’ protest rally in front of the District National... more
Tarım kooperatifleri Türkiye’deki tarımsal örgütlenme için uygun bir model midir? Yoksa tarımsal işletmelerinin çoğunluğunu küçük işletmelerin oluşturduğu ve işletmelerinin arazileri parçalı yapıdaki tarımsal yapımız, yeni bir örgütlenme... more
With rapidly changing dietary environment, dietary guidelines for Koreans were revised and relevant action guides were developed. First, the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee was established with experts and government officials from... more
A análise do protecionismo agrícola nos EUA é feita, no mainstream, a partir de uma perspectiva que privilegia as relações entre grupos de interesse e legisladores, assim como os ambientes institucionais nos quais a legislação agrícola é... more
Özet: 1980 sonrası neo-liberal ekonomi politikalarına bağlı olarak uygulanan yapısal uyum programlarının aynı zamanda kırsal bölgelerde de kalkınma sağlayacağı düşünülmekte idi. Oysa genel olarak bakıldığında uygulanan tarım politikaları... more
Support for organic farming is a key strategy of rural development policies in several countries. This paper studied the spatial pattern of participation in agro-environmnetal policy the policies designing to foster diffusion of organic... more
1445. “Desafios do agronegócio brasileiro no contexto da economia global”, entrevista online ao Instituto Brasileiro de Direito do Agronegócio, organizado pelo Centro de Estudos de São Gotardo (MG), focando as temáticas da política... more
Farm subsidies have become increasingly maligned in agricultural policy debates, but the merits of subsidies are a distraction from deeper political, economic, and ecological problems in agriculture. Drawing on a history of the U.S. Farm... more
Egypt is the largest rice producer in the Middle East, with total production accounting for 1.25% of the world's rice production. Rice is considered as an important export crop and a source of hard currency earnings required to finance... more
With a significant contribution of 16.8 percent towards the country’s GDP, agriculture is one of the most important sectors in the Bhutanese economy. The sector directly employs about 59.4 percent of the total population, accounts for 4.3... more
Bayelsa, Nigeria is an area with natural botanical beauty. A resort can be developed to not only showcase the native plants of the area, but give the local people an opportunity to share their culture, foods, dances and music with... more