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People migrate to improve their well-being, whether through an expansion of economic and social opportunities or a reduction in persecution. Yet a large literature suggests that migration can be a very stressful process, with potentially... more
The Increasing pace of Industrialization throughout the world has brought with It a serious, and ever Increasing threat from air pollution. It Is true that this threat Is being taken seriously, and that many responsible research workers,... more
Yep, fuck it. Neoliberalism sucks. We don't need it.
RESUMEN: Introducción: La necesidad de considerar el uso eficiente de los recursos es un objetivo explícitamente establecido por todos los servicios de salud. Objetivo: Determinar la eficiencia técnica y las áreas de mejoramiento... more
Background Depression is a mental health state whose frequency has been increasing in modern societies. It imposes a great burden, because of the strong impact on people’s quality of life and happiness. Depression can be reliably... more
Me medicine vs. we medicine: reclaiming biotechnology for the common good, by Donna Dickenson, New York, Columbia University Press, 2013, 296 pp., £19.95 (hardback), ISBN 978-0-231-15974-6 “Is personalised medicine replacing public... more
Background: Blood culture contamination (BCC) increases length of stay (LOS) and leads to unnecessary anti-microbial therapy and/or hospital-acquired conditions (HACs). Aim: We sought to quantify the magnitude of the additional LOS, costs... more
This study investigates determinants of online health-related activities of Turkish individuals. By exploiting a data set from a household survey of Turkey, probit models are estimated for quantification of factors influencing... more
Studies on the effect of ageing on health care expenditure (HCE) have revealed the importance of controlling for time-to-death (TTD). These studies, however, are subject to possible endogeneity if HCE influences the remaining life... more
The non-homothetic production cost structure in Norwegian private dentistry involves more than two factor inputs. Consequently, this paper implements-separately for solo and group practices-three conceptually different measures of factor... more
Las enfermedades desmielinizantes, como la Esclerosis Múltiple, pueden dar origen a catástrofes neurológicas por varias razones. Ya sea por la velocidad de su progresión o por sus episodios agudos de gravedad con lo cual resultan ser no... more
12th Annual Green Economics Institute Conference 10-12th June 2017 3 Days St Hugh's College, University of Oxford, Keeping Social and Environmental Justice Alive in an age of Tyranny.. Reforming Economics. Green Finance, Green... more
We measure the effect of urban hospital closure on the operating efficiency of the remaining hospitals in the local market. Closure of a hospital other than the least efficient can be detrimental to social welfare because treatment costs... more
Over the past few years, there has been growing global interest in the link between food and health. This paper provides a review of some of the recent literature describing these linkages. The first section provides an overview of... more
საავადმყოფოების გლობალური ბიუჯეტით დაფინანსების მეთოდი ხარჯების შეკავების ერთ-ერთი საუკეთესო მექანიზმია. საქართველოში მისი დასანერგად გათვალისწინებულ უნდა იქნას მსოფლიოში ამ მხრივ არსებული გამოცდილება და თავად ქვეყნის ჯანდაცვის სისტემის... more
Η μελέτη επιχειρεί τη διάκριση των ελληνικών νοικοκυριών σε φτωχά και μη φτωχά, ώστε να εξακριβωθεί σε ποιον βαθμό, διάφορα κοινωνικοοικονομικά κριτήρια καθορίζουν τις δαπάνες για την υγεία. Οι εκτιμήσεις καλύπτουν την περίοδο 2008 -... more
BACKGROUND: The Assessment of Quality of Life (AQoL) utility instrument was psychometrically developed for the general population. This study aimed to explore its potential as an osteoarthritis (OA) outcome measure. METHODS: WOMAC,... more
Community food security (CFS) is an incipient movement based on the re-localization of many food system activities in response to values concerning the social, health, economic, and environmental consequences of the globalizing food... more
This novel application of spatial wage theory to health service labour markets analyses the competitiveness of nurse's pay and how this differs between local labour markets in Britain. A switching regression model is estimated to... more