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Wholesale petrol prices were deregulated in August 1998. This paper will quantify the effect associated with the deregulation of wholesale petrol prices on relative retail prices for unleaded petrol in Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney. This... more
The concept of the gentleman amateur was, and remains, an important aspect of upper and middle-class Victorian and Edwardian male identity. Although he remains a significant literary presence, the form and length of time the gentleman... more
To live in a healthy, comfortable and safe environment is a right for all human beings, yet the sustainability of this habitat requires proper utilization of natural resources. There are many concepts in architecture that take into... more
The ultimate objective of the present paper is to empirically investigate the effectiveness of competition policy in developed and developing countries. Although its importance is continuously increasing, the effectiveness of competition... more
Within the context of global climate changes, it is expected that low-lying coastal freshwater ecosystems will face seawater intrusion with concomitant increase in salinity levels. Increased salinity may provoke disruption of competitive... more
Men generally have an inherent performance advantage over women due to their average greater height and muscle mass and power, as the result of correspondingly different exposures to androgens. Therefore, it is considered fair that in... more
As defense acquisition costs have soared over the past decade, efforts at reforming the acquisition system have focused intensely on creating more opportunities for competition as a means to reduce costs and incentivize better contractor... more
The aim of this paper is to describe product market competition in the Belgian economy for the period 1997 ]2004 and to illustrate some causality with market regulation. The analysis is held at the industry level, for selected... more
The development of new media industries, stimulated by the technology of digitalisation, has thrown up an important literature on mechanisms for regulation and control. In this article we elaborate on and develop Lawrence... more
In this article we discuss the salient features of the classical and neoclassical theories of competition and we test their fundamental propositions using data from Greek manufacturing industries. The cross section data of 3-digit (total... more
Food web structure is shaped by interactions within and across trophic levels. As such, understanding how the presence and absence of predators, prey, and competitors affect species foraging patterns is important for predicting the... more
Un total de 40 placettes echantillonnees dans la cedraie de Ain Kahla (foret de Sidi Mguild au Moyen Atlas marocain) a permis d'etudier le phenomene du deperissement du cedre en fonction de certaines caracteristiques du peuplement.... more
Clankom 101. Ugovora o funkcioniranju Europske unije zabranjuju se svi sporazumi i druga koluzivna djelovanja među poduzetnicima koji ogranicavaju tržisno natjecanje i utjecu na trgovinu između država clanica. Za primjenu zabrane nužno je... more
Today there is a significant competition among the global cities. Each global city tries to preclude its competitors by way of making strategic movements. Global cities are compared in global indices that are regularly published and... more
На 1907–1908 годы пришелся альманашный бум, расцвет «альманашного» периода в русской литературе начала XX века. В журнальных и газетных рецензиях (З.Н. Гиппиус, Д.В. Философов, А.М. Редько, Е.И. Редько, А.В. Тыркова-Вильямс, Е.А.... more
When nonnative species become established within new communities, competition may play a role in determining the persistence of ecologically similar native species. In western North America, many native cutthroat trout ( Oncorhynchus... more
Competition is a constitutive feature of capitalist societies. Social conflicts over the introduction, abolition and regulation of market organization are saturated with implicit moral arguments concerning the desirability of competition.... more