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This article assesses the efficacy of the strategy of immigration control implemented by the US government since 1993 in reducing illegal entry attempts, and documents some of the unintended consequences of this strategy, especially a... more
64 THE FATAL CONCEIT: THE ERRORS OF SOCIALISM FA Hayek How WHAT CANNOT BE KNOWN CANNOT BE PLANNED Where has the discussion of our last two chapters brought us? The doubts Rousseau cast on the institution of several property became the ...
The issue of remarriages is one of the important aspects of the demographic development of pre-modern societies, to which, however, Czech historiography devotes relatively little attention. The study compares the situation in two socially... more
Immigration reforms in the United States initiated in the 1960s are widely thought to have opened the door to mass immigration from Asia and Latin America by eliminating past discriminatory policies. While this may be true for Asians, it... more
Many studies have sought to gauge the impact of population growth on economic growth. A well-known stylized fact of this literature is that the estimated effects of population growth measures on economic growth are not robust, varying... more
Resumen El primer capítulo ofrece un breve análisis diacrónico de la producción de dinero local en México, tanto dentro del marco de la economía solidaria como fuera de ella, que a su vez incluye una breve exposición del surgimiento de... more
This essay, written ten years after the first human death from avian influenza, reviews scientific, social, and policy aspects of pandemic influenza, and asks whether the near-crisis level of concern is justified. That there will be... more