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Bargaining in legislatures is conducted according to formal rules specifying who may make proposals and how they will be decided. Legislative outcomes depend on those rules and on the structure of the legislature. Although the social... more
This article contributes to current debates and discussions in critical social theory about diversity, inclusion/exclusion, power, and social justice by exploring intersectionality as an important theoretical resource to further develop... more
Partisanship in American politics is inextricably linked with social identities, and sentiments toward party-aligned groups affect political orientations. However, out-group animosity may operate differently depending on the party or... more
ABSTRACT This study applies insights from principal-agent models to examine whether and how the language assistance provisions of the Voting Rights Act, Sections 203 and 4(f)(4), affect Latino representation. Using panel data from... more
Page 1. Patriotism, Politics, and the Presidential Election of 1988* John L. Sullivan, University of Minnesota Amy Fried, Colgate University Mary G. Dietz, University of Minnesota Recent circumstantial and journalistic evidence suggests... more
Hannah Mather Crocker was the leading American political theorist between 1800 and 1820 to engage the controversial question of sex equality. In the wake of the postrevolutionary backlash against political radicalism, she became a subtle... more
Donald Trump's transformation of Republican Party and conservative ideology has helped reveal major problems in the political science discipline's conceptualization and measurement of ideology. Previous political science scholarship is... more
Why are some democratic governments more successful than others? What impact do various political institutions have on the quality of governance? This paper develops and tests a new theory of democratic governance. This theory, which we... more
... rect when they note that "political science research needs more of this kind of reliability assessment" (1996, footnote 3). Page 7. 85o BEAR F. BRAUMOELLER AND GARY GOETZ TABLE 2 A Test of the Democratic Peace Proposition... more
Although all theories that oppose the subordination of women can be called feminist, beyond this common denominator, feminisms vary in terms of what they see as the cause of women's subordination, alternatives to patriarchal society,... more
Contemporary political science has fetishized a product of its own invention: the elite theory of democracy. American political science’s understanding of “democratic elitism” is founded on a fundamental misreading of the Italian School... more
Page 1. American Political Science Review Vol. 95, No. 4 December 2001 Nietzsche's Dionysian Pessimism JOSHUA FOA DIENSTAG University of Virginia As a system of thought, pessimism is often assumed to be too deterministic ...
... CONTENTS Forewords ix R. Gordon Robertson Len Edwards William L. Holland Editor's Preface xiii Introduction: The Contemporary Relevance of Herbert Norman's Emergence xv Lawrence T.... more
Series in Political Economy and Economic Development in Latin America Series Editor Andrew Zimbalist Smith College f The Making of Social Movements in Latin America; Identity, Strategy, and Democracy, edited by Arturo Escobar and ...