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Fokus dieses Konzeptes ist es die mediale Darstellung des Islam in den Boulevardmedien "Krone" und "Bild" (Online) seit dem Arabischen Frühling (2011) zu analysieren.
... pro-vides general information on Islam, corrects some misconceptions about it, and answers some commonly asked questions, such as: § What does Islam say about terrorism? § What is the status of women in Islam? A Brief Illustrated... more
Bulan Ramadhan adalah bulan Al Qur’an. Semestinya di bulan Al Qur’an ini umat Islam mengencangkan ikat pinggang dan menancap gas untuk lebih bersemangat membaca serta merenungkan isi Al Qur’an Al Karim. Ya, perenungan isi Al Qur’an... more
a book about moslem historical politics after the death of Mohammed

sebuah buku tentang sejarah politik muslim pasca kematian muhammad
Tugas Uts Pendidikan Agama Universitas Jember
Post-genocide Rwanda is currently in a phase of reconciliation and bu ilding national unity. Ethnicity is often cited as the primary stimulus to a protracted conflict between Hutus and Tutsis that eventually culminated in the 1994... more
Hikmah Aqiqah Aqiqah Menurut Syaikh Abdullah nashih Ulwan dalam kitab Tarbiyatul Aulad Fil Islam sama seperti dilansir di satu buah web mempunyai sekian banyak hikmah diantaranya : 1. Menghidupkan sunnah Nabi Muhammad Shallallahu alahi wa... more
Secular arabic traditions have emphasized the potential of dreams to foretell the future. Sometimes the prediction is seen as obvious and on other occasions elaborate systems of symbolic translations were consulted such as the tenth... more
Background. In performing their duties, midwives need to provide cares that could address the religious values and beliefs of women birth. There have been few midwives applied the care since they did not know how to undertake it. This... more
Wij zijn moslims – “Voor een wereld waar goedheid, liefde, respect, rechtvaardigheid en vrede mogen zegevieren.”
Moslem and Christians conflict in Egypt is an old issue while conflicts rose more often in the recent years in form of fights between Moslem and Christian groups, attack to churches and threats and murder incidents between both sides.... more
The concept of entrepreneurship is an important factor for increasing economic growth in Indonesia. Moslempreneur is an actor in entrepreneurship, who has and shows an identity with a distinctive personality and characteristics as a... more
This Islamic guide is for non-Muslims who would like to understand Islam, Muslims (Moslems), and the Holy Quran (Koran).  It is rich in information, references, bibliography, and illustrations.
small perception about Love base on Islamic way
kerajaan islam mataram di indonesia(Islamic kingdom of Mataram)
This Islamic guide is for non-Muslims who would like to understand Islam, Muslims, and the Holy Quran. It is rich in information, references, bibliography, and illustrations. It has been reviewed and edited by many professors and well-... more
Surah Al-Fatihah secara ringkas merangkum keseluruhan isi dan tujuan dari Kitab Suci Al-Qur'an. Hal ini diindikasikan dalam ayat: "Sesungguhnya telah Kami berikan kepada engkau tujuh ayat yang selalu diulang-ulang dan Al-Qur'an yang... more
Arabs in general have not experienced modernity well. From the 1800s to the present day modern life has confused, frustrated and angered Arabs, who cherish a strong tradition and see modernity as the enemy of that tradition.
The concept of entrepreneurship is an important factor for increasing economic growth in Indonesia. Moslempreneur is an actor in entrepreneurship, who has and shows an identity with a distinctive personality and characteristics as a... more
Background. In performing their duties, midwives need to provide cares that could address the religious values and beliefs of women birth. There have been few midwives applied the care since they did not know how to undertake it. This... more
Khutbah Jum'at ini disampaikan pada Shalat Jum'at di Masjid Jami' Al-Ma'mur tanggal 20 Agustus 2021