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Objective  To determine the effects of menopause on bone-related variables in Indonesian women and to compare them with corresponding data in Caucasian Australian women.Design  A study of bone-related variables in women aged 45–55 years... more
The development of e-Government in 3 (three) ASEAN member states is analyzed through its compatibility with 5 (five) points of strategies and recommendations stated in the ASEAN E-Government Plan 2020.
The dislocated, deterritorialized discourse produced by repatriates from formerly European colonies has remained overlooked in academic scholarship. One such group is the Eurasian “Indo” community that has its roots in the former Dutch... more
This report—including interviews with more than 331 workers employed in 32 factories that supply to H&M—documents the experiences of women garment workers at the base of H&M garment supply chains. Concentrated in short term, low-skill,... more
Made in Nusantara serves as a comprehensive introduction to the history, sociology, ethnography, and musicology of historical and contemporary popular music in maritime Southeast Asia. Each essay covers major fgures, styles, and social... more
The New Global Politics of the Asia Pacific: Conflict and Cooperation in the Asian Century, 3rd Edition ©2017 Routledge: London & New York. 341pp. + x. Link:... more
Luka bakar (Combustio) merupakan suatu kejadian yang paling sering terjadi di Indonesia maupun negara lainnya. Luka bakar yang terjadi dapat disebabkan oleh panas, listrik ataupun kimia. Kecelakaan luka bakar ini dapat saja terjadi... more
The Indo-Pacific region stretches from the eastern Indian Ocean shores of Africa and West Asia to the littoral countries of the western Pacific. The region constitutes the ‘maritime underbelly’ of Asia, and is the fastest growing region... more
Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS; Oriental University, 2019. — 244 pp., ill. The book is a collection of essays dealing with various aspects of Southeast Asian and Cambodian epigraphy and state formation. The first essay shows... more
This essay combines both the oral history and written sources to provide a unique view of the Sarawak river valley from early times until 1840. At times, it triangulates both histories to validate the oral history presented.
Penerapan sistem politik di negara-negara di dunia sangat beragam, tergantung pada konteks sosial, politik, dan ekonomi di negaranya masing-masing. Berbagai model sistem politik banyak diidentifikasi, namun penerapannya bisa berbeda-beda... more
The objective of this study is to explore accounting information system user satisfaction, particulary, this study examines the level of accounting information system user satisfaction among state-owned banks in Indonesia. User... more
Buku Mustika Rasa Indonesia Mustika Rasa merupakan pedoman untuk membuat resep makanan dengan harga terjangkau bagi masyarakat dengan tetap memenuhi dan memperhatikan standart Kesehatan, kecukupan gizi, serta berguna bagi rakyat. Resep... more
This research paper entitled "The Scots in Java, 1811-1816: An Episode from the History of the 78th Regiment of Foot (Ross-shire Buffs): The Storming of the Yogyakarta Court / Keraton, 20 June 1812" was written by my late colleague, E.... more
Parts Catalogue, Yamaha RX-King (3KAF) Indonesia Julukan Raja Jalanan, Ini Dia Sejarah Yamaha RX-King di Indonesia Indra Fikri - Selasa, 20 Agustus 2019 | 20:20 WIB MOTOR - Di era 90-an, motor Yamaha RX-King menjadi... more
Undernutrition in early childhood has long-term physical and intellectual consequences. Improving child growth should start before the age of two years and be an integrated effort between all sectors, covering all aspects such as diet and... more
The Citarum River in West Java is the largest water supplier to the Saguling Dam, which plays a major role in electric power generation for the entire Java Island and is used for the aquaculture of marketed fish. To elucidate the extent... more
This is a review of my co-edited volume by Gianluca Passarelli, political scientist at Sapienza University in Rome.
Immunophenotyping, as suggested by WHO, may improve diagnosis of childhood leukemia since it offers a better classification of the hematopoietic lineage of malignant cells as compared to morphology. Therefore, we aimed to determine the... more
Application of a dipstick assay for the detection of Salmonella typhi-specific IgM antibodies on samples collected from S. typhi or S. paratyphi culture-positive patients at the day of admission to the hospital revealed the presence of... more
The MeOH extract of an Indonesia Eudistoma sp. ascidian contained 1,3,O(7)-trimethylisoxanthopterin (1), a novel pteridine. The purification of 1 was achieved through flash C(18) chromatography and cyano HPLC. The structure was determined... more
This research examines Indonesian Islamic revivalist movements’ perspectives on the concepts of the nation-state and democracy. The Islamic revivalist movements studied in this research include Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI), Front Pembela... more
Java, an island in Indonesia, plays an essential role as the centre of food crop production. However, over the last few decades, the conversion of agricultural land on this island has increased. The pressure on the availability of... more
The diet of Indonesian women of childbearing age is relatively poor, posing increased risk for suboptimal pregnancy outcome. In a cross-sectional study including 403 women in three economic quintiles (Q), we investigated differences in... more
The use of 'traditional' medicine, or a combination of biomedical treatment and 'traditional' medicine, is a common phenomenon all over Indonesia. In today’s Indonesian healthcare system 'traditional' and alternative medicine coexist with... more
Paper presented at International Conference ‘The Americanization of Post-War Architecture’, Toronto (2005, December 1-3).