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Gives a broad overview of the key issues in Veritatis Splendor: including truth and freedom, proportionalism, the fundamental option.
Many researchers believe that the proper identification of psychology variables depends on using accurate tools that function beyond cultural, political and social attachments for measuring the psychological features in human societies.... more
Die Vereinbarkeit von Suizidbeihilfe und ärztlichem Ethos stellt eine der dringlichsten Fragen der modernen Medizin dar. Die vorliegende Studie greift die aktuelle Diskussion dieser Frage mit Blick auf die schweizerische Situation auf.... more
After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, most legacy airlines filed for bankruptcy protection as a way to cut costs drastically, with the exception of American Airlines. This article applies the Principle of Double-Effect to the... more
Article in Finnish in Lutheran Student Christian Movement in Finland's magazine Etsijä on Moral Theology, especially on the relation formal and material moral criteria to each other and on the role given to free will in different... more
The uploaded document gives an abstract of the article and details of how to purchase it as a stand-alone piece.
In the text entitled Zur Philosophie der industriellen Unternehmung / Uwagi fi lozofi czne o przedsiębiorstwie przemysłowym („Towards the Philosophy of Industrial Enterprise”), Józef I. M. Bocheński OP (†1995) attempts at discovering the... more
The Business of War incisively interrogates the development and contemporary implications of the military-industrial complex. It exposes the moral dangers of life in neoliberal economies dependent upon war-making for their growth and... more
“Only the thought-wave which emanates from the spiritual plane will save humanity from the devastating influence of dogma, which separates humans from humans, which creates hindrances in the remolding of human society into a single... more
The meaning and the need for pure forgiveness in our world today becomes more complicated as well as meaningless to many people. Moreover, some other people strongly believed that authentic forgiveness is unattainable in this present... more
El trabajo caracteriza la "escuela católica de desarrollo" con los siguientes ochos rasgos identitarios: trascendente-vocacionado, humano, integral, solidario, caritativo-verdadero, igualador, endógeno y sostenible. Además se destacan los... more
Le intelligenze artificiali sono oramai una realtà nella nostra vita e questo sta cambiando la definizione degli stessi atti umani. La tecnologia, infatti, suscita nuovi valori in quanto capace di creare nuove opportunità di scelta.... more
The present upload has been expressly authorized by the Board of Directors of the Association for the Study of Kirishitan Culture.
Der Beitrag zeichnet die Grundlinien des Ehediskurses in der katholischen Theologie nach und versucht, jenseits der Debatte über all die systematischen und pastoralen Schwierigkeiten eine bejahende Theologie der Ehe zu skizzieren.
This is a short essay on the ongoing Euthyphro Question regarding morality.
Conference draft of the article: "Intellectual Elitism and the Need for Faith in Maimonides and Aquinas," forthcoming: Anuario Filosófico, Vol. 48, no. 1, "Aquinas and the Abrahamic Traditions" (2015). Copyright © 2013-15 Francisco J.... more
These are background reading notes I provided for students reading Pieper's Leisure the Basis of Culture for my class.
The 1648 Peace of Westphalia typifies the “modern” starting point of state sovereignty and humanitarian intervention within conventional historical treatments of International Relations (IR) theory. The treaties ending the Thirty Years’... more
Apologies are morally significant with regard to their form, function, and freight. Nevertheless, little work in Christian ethics considers apologies. Philosophical and social scientific literature on apologies focuses on the conditions... more
"A maxim or rule of ethical conduct advocating reciprocal relationship. Stated as “Do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets” (Matt 7:12 NIV;cf. Luke 6:31). Its negative formulation (also... more
Tutti i personaggi principali della saga di Harry Potter sono condizionati in modo decisivo dalle relazioni familiari che hanno vissuto: Harry, Ron, Neville, Luna, Draco... ma anche Dumbledore/Silente e perfino Voldemort. Una lettura che... more
In this paper I argue that a reflective ethical standpoint cannot be merged into moralism, but has to take into account fundamental structures of reality which limit simple moralistic perspectives. I do that by focusing on an author who... more
According to Augustine's doctrine of original sin, Adam's progeny share a collective guilt which, like an infection, spreads through wayward sexual desires, passing from parent to child. But is it fair to blame sinners if they inherit... more
In Leaving and Coming Home: New Wineskins for Catholic
Sexual Ethics, ed. David Cloutier, 62-84. Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, 2010.
This essay introduces a volume that takes up the nature and place of “Christian ethics” within the wider landscape of “religious ethics.” It, and the contributions it introduces, are motivated by two concerns. First, to clarify the... more
Animal ethics is taking on an increasingly important role not only in philosophy, but also in theology in general and moral theology in particular. With his encyclical Laudato si’, in which he repeatedly speaks of the “value proper to... more
A prominent early modern Italian legal theorist and practicing lawyer, Alberico Gentili is regarded, along with Francisco de Vitoria and Hugo Grotius, as one of the founders of the science of the modern law of nations (ius gentium) and a... more
This paper discusses the theme of "personal justice" in the Summa theologiae, a concept inherited from the Nicomachean Ethics wherein Aristotle says that a man is just toward himself only metaphorically, insofar as the parts of man are... more
This master’s thesis deals with the study of three works produced between the mid-sixteenth century and the first half of the seventeenth century, a period of significant reforms in many fields of knowledge, such as moral and law. They... more