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Resum: L’article revisa els ensenyaments que, a parer de l’autor, poden derivar-se del procés d’elaboració i aprovació del Pla Territorial Metropolità de Barcelona, aprovat pel Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya l’any 2010. El treball... more
Introduzione ad una raccolta di saggi sulla pianificazione delle aree metropolitane in Italia organizzata per le città metropolitane istituite dalla legge Delrio e dalle regioni autonome. Indica alcuni profili del sistema metropolitano... more
Este trabalho representa uma atualização do atlas Campinas metropolitana: diversidades socioespaciais, produzido em 2007, com base nos dados do Censo Demográfico de 2000 e 2010. Seu objetivo é evidenciar a diversidade presente na... more
How should we build the cities of our dreams? How do we create the urban spaces which reflect our values and the ways we want to live? In cities around the world, the future is being created now, and Henry Grabar will chronicle the most... more
Resumen: La aprobación, en abril de 2010, del Plan Territorial Metropolitano de Barcelona (PTMB) constituye una destacada novedad en el panorama de la planificación y gestión del territorio en España. En efecto, pese a la profundización... more
Discutimos as articulações federativas verticais e horizontais em contextos metropolitanos, partindo da problemática do "lugar" da metrópole frente ao sistema federativo brasileiro. Se, por um lado, municípios que integram regiões... more
The metro rail commuters were surveyed about their satisfaction with various features of rail services, including mode of transport, frequency of usage, preference of public transport, cost and travelling time, traffic flow, parking... more
Metropolises are exploding. Experiencing rapid growth phenomena for the first time in history. We need a discipline of knowledge to manage them. This series of 20 inception lectures attempt to explore the basics of the new discipline we... more
In Italia, in Spagna e in Francia le baraccopoli sono una realtà lontana dall’essere superata, nonostante gli interventi posti in essere da parte delle autorità competenti. Quando sono sorte e come sono cambiate nel corso degli anni? Chi... more
Globalization efforts, socioeconomic concerns shaping cities, the integration of innovative technologies into planning strategies, and attempts to deal with increasing populations have added a “new breath” to planning concepts. Airport... more
Resumen: Este artículo comienza con una reflexión introductoria general sobre los factores estructurales y coyunturales que explican la insistencia actual de diversos autores en cuestiones tales como la insuficiencia del planeamiento... more
En las periferias del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (AMBA) se viene imponiendo desde los años 1990 un patrón de urbanización fragmentado y polarizado socioeconómicamente, observable incluso a pequeña escala. La expansión urbana... more
In 2007 the French government announced the “Grand Paris” initiative. This ambitious project reimagined the Paris region as integrated, balanced, global, sustainable, and prosperous. Metropolitan solidarity would unite divided... more
El texto, elaborado para la conferencia inaugural del III Congreso Internacional de Geografía Urbana (III-CIGU) en la Universidad Nacional de Luján (Buenos Aires, 12 de septiembre de 2019), debate los retos a los que las ciudades deben... more
With the increase in the number of internet users in the country (India), led to a new form of crimes known as Cyber Crime. No doubt, the internet revolution has been a boon to mankind in many fields. However, the dark side of it also... more
Introduction Casein
Use of Casein
Material and methods
Casein from milk samples was separated and determined using several methods:-
Periurbanizarea este un proces în urma căruia rezidenții, locuințele, industria și activitatea comercială se extind dincolo de limitele tradiționale ale orașului, generând peisaje dispersate conectate cu orașul prin intermediul... more
Este capítulo, elaborado em 2002, integra o documento técnico do plano Metrópole Estratégica, promovido pela FIDEM - Fundação de Desenvolvimento Municipal do governo de Pernambuco, como parte do programa Cities Alliance do Word Bank. O... more
This book represents a powerful analysis of the challenges of metropolitan governance in all its messiness and complexity. It examines Latin American metropolitan governance by focusing on the issue of public service provision and... more
At the center of a media and political debate, the Grand Paris topic is blurred by the quantity of news and opinions which are continuously spread, made misted in the complex interaction between the stakes of public interest and divergent... more
Kunz B. Ignacio (2015). Dinámica Demográfica y Desarrollo Urbano en la Zona Metropolitana de Querétaro, en El reto Metropolitano, Ignacio Kunz B. (coord.). Punto Cero para el Desarrollo S.C. Instituto Queretano de la Cultura, Universidad... more
Abstract: This paper situates ‘bazaar’ as a site of multifaceted exploration. It is as much an inquiry into a bazaar (‘Janpath’ in New Delhi) as it is into the modes of knowledge about the bazaar. Challenging the representation of the... more
El objetivo de nuestro análisis es investigar el proceso de metropolización del territorio en el estado de Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. El punto de partida del análisis es el proceso de desconcentración en la metrópoli y región... more
There is currently wide-spread cynicism in relation to metropolitan strategic planning in Melbourne, in relation to whether it is underpinned by any vision of social or environmental justice, or is simply based on political... more
Strategic metropolitan plans typically have a planning horizon of 30 to 40 years, covering extensive geographic areas, addressing a gamut of issues, and involving different levels of governments and a number of institutions. These... more
The 2014 GLM M1 students visited the metropolitan regions of Casablanca and Tangier in Morocco, from January 9th to 15th, 2014. 47 students were accompanied by 3 professors (Tommaso Vitale, Agnès Deboulet and Régine Serra). This year, the... more
El artículo aborda el tema de la delimitación de la ciudad contemporánea ante el avance del proceso de urbanización, la integración del territorio y la generalización de las formas de vida urbana. Después de describir brevemente este... more
Cette thèse croise les concepts de planification, de gouvernance et de transit-oriented development (TOD) par une étude de la production, de la mise en débat et de l’adoption du plan métropolitain d’aménagement et de développement... more
Utopian visions and diagrams have engaged in a multitude of relationships. For example, a utopian narrative can be conceived as a diagram, or with the aid of diagrams, and understood through diagrammatic (re) annotation. This notion is... more