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The police station's buildings have the most functional interleaving among their different functions. There are various users of those buildings and different requirements, so the designer faces difficult while dealing with those... more
The scientific aim of the monograph is to critically evaluate the possibilities of applying the New Public Management, specifically the concept of Value for Money (VFM) in public service organizations on the example of healthcare... more
Dive into articles, comics, inspirations and provocations on the "The Future of Service Design" generated by conversations with the global service design community and many pioneers and experts. Discover the emerging issues for the still... more
Um dos grandes desafios da administração pública é a demanda crescente da população por intervenções e serviços cada vez mais eficazes e inovadores, buscando soluções para os problemas já existentes e antecipando respostas para problemas... more
A közszolgáltatások neoliberális reformjai szerte a világban heves elméleti és politikai vitákat váltottak ki arról, hogy mennyiben alkalmazható és alkalmazandó a piaci hatékonyság kritériuma a közszolgáltatásokra. Jelen írásban a... more
Better understanding of how public works are procured through policy, regulation and upon acquisition is increasingly important. This knowledge can shape how architects can effectively impact wider architectural culture through improving... more
Participation as such is connected with political, social and civic dimensions. Through participation, citizens can directly or indirectly help to make the public process become more transparent and more efficient. It allows citizens “to... more
The big and increasingly complex problems faced by governments around the world do not fit neatly into the internal structures by which governments have divided and organized themselves. As a result, many governments are struggling to... more
The current era of austerity is placing increasing pressure on governments everywhere to do more with less, particularly at the local level where government services have the greatest impact on citizens' everyday lives. Thereby the roles... more
This report sets out the findings of a major research study into the role of co-production between citizens and professionals in the delivery of public services in five EU states. It draws on data from a representative citizen survey in... more
The UK’s New Labour government (1997 – 2010) continually wrestled to find ways of giving more emphasis to a mixed economy of public service provision, entailing greater externalization. This underlying drive was often resisted,... more
Orselli, E., Bayrakci, E. and Kahraman, S. (2017). Citizen Satisfaction with Municipal Services: The Case of Konya Municipality, Global Journal of Sociology: Current Issues, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 73-82. Local governments, which are the... more
The aim of this paper is to explore the role of design in supporting user-centred development of services and transformation of service organisations. Especially the focus is on bottom-up and top-down service development approaches in the... more
Follow-up to the Fourth World Conference on Women and to the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly entitled “Women 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century”. Tackling issues with Respect to... more
The concept of rural vitality often used to describe the rural areas as specific areas that are of particular significance not only for the region but also the country as a whole. Depending on the objectives investigated there are... more
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie oceny jakości usług publicznych w wybranych krajach będących członkami Unii Europejskiej. Artykuł ma charakter badawczy. Przedmiotem analizy jest subiektywna ocena jakości usług publicznych. Artykuł... more
In this paper the development methodology of a collaboration environment for public servants is presented. The methodology defines the importance of the specific environment for both the delivery of non-automated public services through... more
En este trabajo se presenta una panorámica general sobre las encuestas de satisfacción ciudadana y su papel en la reforma y modernización administrativa. En primer lugar, se muestra el debate sobre el enfoque que aboga por tratar a los... more
User and community co-production has always been important, but rarely noticed. However, there has recently been a movement towards seeing co-production as a key driver for improving publicly valued outcomes, e.g. through triggering... more
Membahas mekanisme komplain dalam upaya perbaikan pelayanan publik. Didalamnya mencakup bagaimana menuju kepuasan publik dengan mengelola komplain, dan persepsi masyarakat dan situasi komplain terhadap pelayanan pendidikan dasar,... more
El fundamento y fin del servicio público es lograr la equidad y solidaridad. Existen, sin embargo, retos y desafíos que deben ser contenidos a fin de conservar esos dos pilares inalterados. La liberalización de servicios públicos, las... more
A hulladékgazdálkodási közszolgáltatás kötelezően igénybe veendő szolgáltatás, amely minden ingatlanhasználót (magánszemélyeket, közületeket egyaránt) érint. E kutatás keretei között arra kerestünk válaszokat, hogy a közszolgáltatások... more
Community participation is essential in development. This article aims to build an integrative, intelligent city concept in public services based on community participation. The method used in writing this paper is a qualitative method... more
Citizen participation is a manifestation of people empowerment, an effort to improve people’s ability in decision making, as well as an attempt to control society’s own future. Local government in Semarang is aware of such urgency of... more
Este curso ofrece una aproximación a los sistemas urbanos desde una perspectiva integral con diferentes escalas con el propósito de exponer al estudiante ante las diferentes relaciones urbanas y regionales en el marco de los sistemas... more
Charla dictada en el marco del XXXI Congreso FENEAP realizado en la Universidad de Concepción los días 4,5 y 6 de octubre, 2017.
Course Description: This course focuses on leadership in public service from both theoretical and practical perspectives. Students will have opportunities to explore their strengths and weaknesses as managerial leaders and to develop... more
In this article I undertake a stakeholder-based institutional analysis of a national public service media sector in order to understand its complexity, but also in order to explore the realistic opportunities to become hubs of creative... more
Franks, P.E. (2005) A Warning on the Decay of Social Fabric in South Africa, Final Panel Discussion, Third South African Public Management Conversation, African peer review mechanism, Fancourt Hotel, George, Western Cape South Africa, 7-9... more
This thesis examines the reconstruction of state images in the process of contracting out public services. It basically investigates the entire process of certain public services offered by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality from their... more
As organizações do setor público apresentam estruturas e necessidades diferentes das organizações do setor privado, e utilizam a gestão do design de modo mais apropriado à sua própria situação. Apesar de evidências internacionais sobre os... more
This event-driven architecture uses decentralized intelligence
to orchestrate services across a network of public agencies, without compromising the individual agencies’ autonomy.
Velika uloga lokalnih vlasti u pružanju lokalnih javnih i socijalnih službi u Europi se u suvremeno doba gotovo podrazumijeva, dok je u drugim dijelovima svijeta situacija raznolika. I u razvijenim zemljama, naročito u velikim gradovima,... more
Since it was transformed from State owned enterprise into private company, Alitalia has been unstable passing through repeated financial and commercial crises that put at risk its very survival. The Italian government has intervened... more
En la década del 70, el concepto de “Administración Pública”, vinculado hasta entonces a la gestión de una serie de derechos y a la existencia de valores -como democracia, responsabilidad, equidad y probidad-, y sólo parcialmente a la... more
Buku merupakan penjabaran dari salah satu konsep organisasi pada sektor publik yang berorientasi pada kapasitas organisasi. Buku ini terdiri dari empat bab, dimana pada bab I akan dijelaskan tentang kapasitas organisasi dari berbagai... more
Public administrators serve the people and implement public policy., However, stories abound that call into question public servants' ability to represent constituents different from them. Empathy, which is the ability to recognize,... more
Mainly this assignment is a partial fulfillment of the requirements of Masters Program in Public Administration. In this course- Managing Change and Innovation in Public sector (Course # 506), we are able to gather knowledge about the... more
This article explores public attitudes relating to the extent to which municipalities live up to the Batho Pele ("People First") principles in providing household services. The principles represent the inner core of the White Paper on... more
Government often claims that public service delivery in Nepal is under reform, but the recipients of it hardly observe the desirable changes. Considering this, a study was carried out by Transparency Nepal (TI) to map out public... more
Badan Penyantun Puskesmas? Mungkin nama ini masih asing di telinga sebagian besar masyarakat Aceh. Padahal lembaga ini adalah bentuk konkrit dari peran masyarakat dalam pelayanan kesehatan di puskesmas. Badan Penyantun Puskesmas (BPP) ini... more