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Law enforcement officers across the country are trained in various tactics and techniques intended to increase the overall safety within a police citizen-contact. One common, albeit controversial tactic, is referred to as “curb sitting”.... more
Área do Direito: Civil; Processual; Arbitragem Resumo: O presente artigo analisa a viabilidade de a execução cível ocorrer pela via arbitral. Para tanto, procedeu-se a análise das experiências nacionais e estrangeiras de desjudicialização... more
The focused of this study is on the use of traditional and digital photography in law enforcement work. The study also aimed to identify its effectiveness and problems encountered in the use of both type of photography and determine if... more
Área do Direito: Civil; Processual Resumo: O ensaio aborda particularidades do Procedimento Extrajudicial Pré-executivo de Portugal (PEPEX), apresentando reflexões e provocações sobre sua possível implantação no Brasil. Palavras-chave:... more
Abstract: While the use of mapping in criminal justice has increased over the last 30 years, most applications are retrospective - that is, they examine criminal phenomena and related factors that have al-ready occurred. While such... more
The massacre of almost 50 Maidan protesters on February 20, 2014 was a turning point in Ukrainian politics and a tipping point in the conflict between the West and Russia over Ukraine. This mass killing of the protesters and the mass... more
The report Staying Home/Leaving Violence describes a research study that explores how women, leaving a relationship where they experience domestic violence, can remain safely in their own homes with their children, with the violent... more
Information analysts must rapidly assess information to determine its usefulness in supporting and informing decision makers. In addition to assessing the content, the analyst must be confident about the quality and veracity of the... more
Law and enforcement of the Land Public Transport Act 2010 (APAD) is a law that has been set by the Malaysian government to ensure the safety of road users. The offense of overloading depends on the behaviour of the transport company... more
Written in October 2019, this paper examines criminal justice issues with regard to sanctuary cities and the prosecution of police officers in Los Angeles, CA.
The illegal ivory trade recently intensified to the highest levels ever reported. Policing this trafficking has been hampered by the inability to reliably determine geographic origin of contraband ivory. Ivory can be smuggled across... more
This paper follows no specific theme and talks about various topics within law enforcement. Some topics have connections while others do not. Topics range from, the organization of the police, community policing, issues of the police,... more
Forest fire is of both local and global concern. Large scale fires are not part of the natural disturbance of tropical rain forests but this threat has increased in the last few decades. Under global warming, Indonesia is projected to... more
The nature of the arbitration agreement in most legal systems (at least legal systems other than common law) is somewhat unclear. Presently, it is not possible to make any decisive statements as to which theory is the only correct one. On... more
O texto abaixo foi publicado dias antes da maior tragédia no sistema penitenciário do Rio Grande do Norte – e uma das maiores do Brasil. Infelizmente, a conclusão foi preditiva.
Второто издание на книгата ще излезе месец май 2017 г. под егидата на Издателство "Сиела".
Improving interventions with victims and offenders with disabilities requires analysis of the degree of prevalence of crimes in which these people are involved. For this purpose, data regarding interventions made by the Spanish Civil... more
Both international and federal law criminalize mental torture as well as physical torture, and both agree that “severe mental pain or suffering” defines mental torture. However, U.S. law provides a confused and convoluted definition of... more
Действия на съдебният изпълнител при смърт на длъжника в хода на изпълнителното производство В хода на времето към мени разбира се и към колегисе отправяха множество въпроси във връзка с проблемите на наследяването в изпълнителното... more
Law enforcement – is the basic, if not the only instrument of individual le-gal handling. Individual sub-normative regulatory of social relations and provi-sion of the required conditions and guarantees of its implementation – are the... more
We show that the recent rise in Afghan opium production is caused by violent conflicts. Violence destroys roads and irrigation, crucial to alternative crops, and weakens local incentives to rebuild infrastructure and enforce law and... more
A biztonság fogalma jelentősen átalakult az elmúlt évtizedekben. A kétpólusú világrend felbomlott, többpólusúvá vált és régi biztonságpolitikai kihívások helyett újak jelentek meg, melyek váratlanabbak, bizonytalanabbak,... more