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Intelligent design theorist William Dembski hasproposed an``explanatory filter''fordistinguishing between events due to chance, lawful regularity or design. We show that ifDembski's filter were adopted as a... more
Abstract: This article discusses philosophical arguments relevant to the question of teaching creationism, especially with regard to developments in the debate since the early 1990’s. §1 reviews the new factions within the creationist... more
Abstract. This paper describes the design of and experimentation with the Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language (KQML), a new language and protocol for exchanging information and knowledge. This work is part of a larger effort, the... more
We argue that the cosmic microwave background (CMB) provides a stupendous opportunity for the Creator of our universe (assuming one exists) to have sent a message to its occupants, using known physics. Our work does not support the... more
In order to map out the extent to which the interplay between professional creationist and anti-creationist organizations in the United States determines the state of the creation/evolution debates, I shall proceed in three steps. First,... more
"Although negative reactions accompanied the reception of Darwinism in the Islamic World from the beginning, a full fledged Islamic creationist movement did not appear before the 1970s. Originally it was restricted to Turkey, where... more
A presuppositionalist-covenantal perspectiive on the existence of God
RESEARCH ARTICLES Gideon Calder, Family Autonomy and Class Fate Horaţiu Traian Crişan, Reparations for Recent Historical Injustices. The Case of Romanian Communism Marlon Jesspher B. De Vera, Freedoms and Rights in a Levinasian Society... more
Theistic Evolution is a multi-author work written from the Intelligent Design (ID) perspective, and the contributors are almost a ‘Who’s Who’ of the ID movement. Philosopher of science Stephen Meyer opens with a scientific and... more
The aim of this paper is to help the blind people to identify and catch the public transport vehicles with the help of Light Fidelity technology. It is a Navigation aid. When the bus arrives at the bus stand, transmitter in the bus... more
This book addresses the relationship between religion and knowledge from a sociological perspective, taking both religion and knowledge as phenomena located within ever changing social contexts. It builds on historical foundations, but... more
Bibliographic references for all works authored by Eugenie C. Scott are provided, including her contributions to the publications of the National Center for Science Education and to other sources. The publication history of the various... more
Intelligent design advocate William Dembski has introduced a measure of information called “complex specified information”, or CSI. He claims that CSI is a reliable marker of design by intelligent agents. He puts forth a “Law of... more
Few individuals in church history are as popular as Augustine of Hippo. His impressive body of work on diverse subjects, combined with his tremendous influence on Roman Catholics and Protestants, have led believers to imbue Augustine’s... more
The first automatic control system was invented for machinery, in 1930. It was used to control the speed of steam engines. By the mid-1930s, the use of automated systems had expanded in the chemical and oil refining industries. Advances... more
In this essay, I contend that Plato’s notion of the Divine or God is companionable – in a telling sense of the word, rather than comparable – with a Christian notion of God in three ways. Firstly, Plato provided proofs for the Divine in... more
This paper explores Thomas Nagel’s arguments in favor of recognizing intelligent design as a scientific theory that is appropriate for public education. First, the history of ID is discussed beginning with its origins in creationist... more
A Review of Stephen C. Meyer's book, "Darwin's Doubt", published in 2014.
A critical review of (and rebuttal to) Norman Geisler and Frank Turek's obnoxious style of anti-atheist apologetics.
From the forthcoming collection: *Revisiting Aristotle's Fragments. New Essays on the Fragments of Aristotle's Lost Works*, ed. A-P. Mesquita, Brill, 2020. In this paper I argue that several passages containing arguments from design that... more
Addressing the controversial question, “Is the universe intelligently designed?” this introductory essay surveys critical problems in Darwinian theory and creationist theology: organic complexity and the origin of life; the relationship... more
In December of 2004, the renowned British philosopher Antony Flew made worldwide news when he repudiated a lifelong commitment to atheism, citing, among other factors, evidence of intelligent design in the DNA molecule. In that same... more It is a widely known objection against the Teleological Argument that creationists commit a category mistake, if they compare technical things to... more
This is the partial translation of Edip Yuksel's Turkish book, Ateistlere 19 Soru (19 Questions for Atheists). The complete translation, God willing will be translated later. This book contains 10 philosophical arguments for God's... more
This essay examines Darwin’s positiva (or positive) use of theology in the first edition of the Origin of Species in three steps. First, the essay analyzes the Origin’s theological language about God’s accessibility, honesty, methods of... more
The “God of the gaps” critique is one of the most common arguments against design arguments in biology, but is also increasingly used as a critique of other natural theological arguments. In this paper, I analyze four different critiques... more