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Based on the our October paper "A Generalized Viral Infection Mathematical Model Derived from Covid-19 Simulation", at a conceptual level higher than the classic SIR/SEIR model, we have established the 6 laws of infection regarding the... more
Background Depression is a mental health state whose frequency has been increasing in modern societies. It imposes a great burden, because of the strong impact on people’s quality of life and happiness. Depression can be reliably... more
Recent research on the epidemiology of substance use disorders (SUDs) has provided important insights into these conditions and their impact on public health. In the United States, annual surveys of drug use in household and school... more
""The hygiene hypothesis offers an explanation for the correlation, well-established in the industrialized nations of North and West, between increased hygiene and sanitation, and increased rates of asthma and allergies. Recent studies... more
Background The aim of this survey was to explore the baseline knowledge of the Iranian community about Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) definition and its two main risk factors, i.e. diabetes and hypertension. This study also introduced a... more
Aim. The purpose of this study was to compare the frequency of social stigma experiences reported by patients with schizophrenia and by people with other health problems. Method. The stigma subscale of the Consumer Experiences of Stigma... more
Objective: In the United States, 28.6 million people used illicit drugs or misused prescription drugs in the last 30 days. Thus, identifying factors linked with lower likelihood of future drug misuse is an important target for research... more
Introduction: Optimism-the expectation that good things will happen-has emerged as a promising health asset, as it appears to be related to healthier behaviors and reduced disease risk. Growing research finds that higher optimism is... more
La migracion actual a Europa es predominantemente femenina. El incremento paralelo de los matrimonios binacionales ha sido interpretado como via de escape ala pobreza de la mujer no calificada. Este articulo argumenta que muchas migrantes... more
Although individuals vary in how optimistic they are about the future, one assumption that researchers make is that optimism is sensitive to changes in life events and circumstances. We examined how optimism and pessimism changed across... more
While breast-feeding initiation and duration among US Latina women appear to decrease with acculturation, health care providers in the Greater Cincinnati area have noted lower rates of breast-feeding among even first-generation Latina... more
Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more
This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot... more
Hope is a topic widely discussed in the humanities and researched in the field of psychology. To explore the potential public health implications of hope for subsequent health and well-being outcomes, we prospectively examined the... more
Bali has been regarded as a 'paradise island', 'island of thousand temples' and many other images to support the growth of tourism industry. In fact, the industry has been developed massively after a mass massacre of the leftists and... more
The sociological study of health, illness, and healing systems in the United States is in need of a contemporary disciplinary structure to represent the field. In this commentary, we extend Straus’ (1957) classic two subfield model by... more
Mood disorders, such as depression and anxiety, are more prevalent among women than men. This disparity may be partially due to the effects of structural gender discrimination in the work force, which acts to perpetuate gender differences... more
This paper describes the findings of an eight-year study on human health and community engagement in Anjukudisai, and 'objectionable' slum in Chennai. It shows that human behaviour, constrained by socio-economic factors, often leads to... more
More than 150,000 irregular migrants reside in Israel, yet data regarding their utilization of and perceived barriers to health care services are limited. Drawing on semi-structured interviews conducted with 35 irregular migrant adults... more
Phronetic organizational research is an approach to the study of management and organizations focusing on ethics and power. It is based on a contemporary interpretation of the Aristotelian concept phronesis, usually as ‘prudence’.... more
The Aalborg Project may be interpreted as a metaphor of modern politics, modern administration and planning, and of modernity itself. The basic idea of the project was comprehensive, coherent, and innovative, and it was based on rational... more
John Ryle, clinicien anglais, développe dans les années 1940 une conception originale de la « pathologie sociale » dans laquelle l'épidémiologie sociale contemporaine a des racines. Cette pathologie sociale s'inscrit dans ce moment de... more
At the same time that case studies are widely used and have produced canonical texts, it may be observed that the case study as a methodology is generally held in low regard, or is simply ignored, within the academy. For example, only 2... more
The community mental health movement has been generally regarded as a benevo- lent movement that replaced old notions of psychiatric racism with new ideas about the normality of race. Few studies, however, have explored the movement for... more
This is a summary paper of the community health project taken place with participants of Jubilee Soup Kitchen in the lower Hill District in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The community profile of the Hill District and the community’s... more
Extrajudicial killing (EJK) is a relatively recent concept located at the intersection of human rights, criminology and the sociology of law. It is defined as state-killing outside of the formal legal system of a state without due process... more
In this paper we argue that the use of the communicative theory of Jürgen Habermas in planning theory is problematic because it hampers an understanding of how power shapes planning. We posit an alternative approach based on the power... more
En la Argentina la covid-19 puso de manifiesto las diferencias económicas y sociales de la población y las ha incrementado. La desafortunada intervención estatal gubernamental sanitaria y epidemiológica para la atención del fenómeno es... more