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The opportunities to grow the ‘organic pie’ are substantial for both China and Australia. However the challenges and the opportunities are far from identical, although the goals of growing the production area, increasing the market... more
In projects developed in the area of food history and in the different symposia organised by ICREFH in the past 30 years, the history of the senses has remained in the background. However, the senses of smell, touch, sight, hearing, and... more
... Retrieved September 5, 2008, 501 from source ... Listeriosis probe identifies multiple deficiencies. ... Retrieved April 21, 2009, from 508... more
Shariah and Islamic Value are interrelated but not necessarily understood. The Malaysian Standard (MS) is a standard developed and published by the Department of Standards Malaysia. These standard set in motion the policy and values of... more
Historically, the rules governing red meat food safety in the U.S. were driven as much by global trade and industry rationalization as by food safety. Contemporary and historical documents, statutes, and regulations; a survey of producer... more
Which heat process value F should a particular food receive to make it safe and shelf stable? * Section 1 lists reported sterilization values F0 = F zero (reference temperature 121.1 oC; z = 10 oC) for commercial food preservation... more
Terra Madre “arabanın arka tekeri” olarak nitelendirilen mütevazı ve marjinal bir kesimin kendi önemini anlayıp birlik olma hayalinin sayfalara dökülmüş halidir. Bu insanların önemi hep göz ardı edildi. Bu insanlar zamanın gerisinde... more
Bu arastirmanin temel amaci, turizm ogrencilerinin gida guvenligi bilgisi ile gida guvenligi davranislari arasindaki iliskiyi belirlemektir. Bu amacla, Karabuk, Bolu ve Sivas illerinde turizm egitimi almakta olan 696 ogrenciye anket... more
Climate changes in the recent period, with a tendency to increase pedological and atmospheric droughts, determine Europe to choose new plant species that can more easily withstand thermal and hydrothermal stress, because the southern part... more
As the increasing prevalence of obesity in the world, how to prevent increasing body weight has became important policy issue. This paper addresses this issue using the behavioral economic models to empirically test food consumption... more
The use of botanicals and dietary supplements derived from natural substances as an adjunct to an improved quality of life or for their purported medical benefits has become increasingly common in the United States. This review addresses... more
Agricultural water is a precious and limited resource. Increasingly more water types and sources are being explored for use in irrigation within the United States and across the globe. As outlined in this chapter, the Produce Safety Rule... more
Kerang darah bersifat filter feeder sehingga berpotensi tercemar logam berat dan mikrobiologi yang berbahaya bagi pengkonsumsi. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi mengenai salah satu cara untuk mengurangi kadar berat... more
ABSTRACT Purpose – Ensuring compliance with food safety legislation and market requirements is one of the key issues facing the poultry meat industry. The purpose of this paper is to analyse how a pre-requisite programme (PRP) and key... more
This study examined the effect of different concentrations of lactic acid (LA) (1 and 2%), acetic acid (AA) (1 and 2%), sodium lactate (SL) (2.5%) and sodium acetate (SA) (2.5%) on the chemical, microbiological and sensory quality of raw... more
In line with the social objectives of the PNPB (Brazilian Program of Production and Use of Biodiesel) and its “Social Seal” Framework, PETROBRAS has set up a 57 million liter/year biodiesel plant in the semi‐arid region of North of Minas... more
A total number of 100 samples from ten random broiler chicken carcasses (breast and thigh) were collected from an automatic poultry slaughtering plant in Ismailia city, Egypt. The mean values of Enterobacteriacae count were... more
Regulatory policy for transgenic live- stock is being developed concurrently with several rap- idly advancing technologies for creating such animals. Adequacy of ethical, welfare, physiological, and envi- ronmental criteria applied to the... more
Safety of the street foods is an important aspect in the field of nutrition security. A study was conducted in the city of Varanasi in India. It was observed that about 42% of the working man and women in the age group of 25-45, and 61%... more
The article introduces Urban Food Policies (UFP) in the field of decentralized cooperation as a relatively new field of work, exchange and action-oriented research within and between cities, and local authorities in the global North... more
Human noroviruses (HuNoVs) are the most common cause of acute viral gastroenteritis worldwide and are a leading cause of foodborne disease. Their environmental persistence and purported resistance to disinfection undoubtedly contribute to... more
Nisin and grape seed extract (GSE) have been widely used as food preservatives; however, the mechanism against pathogens at molecular level has not been well elucidated. This work aimed to investigate their anti-microbial effect against... more
The aim of this study was to investigate the nutritional and microbial quality of yoghurt from different districts of Bangladesh. Protein content was higher (4.56g/kg) in SB 2 (sample Bogura-2), fat content was also higher (5.67g/kg) in... more
Sixty random samples of ready to eat chicken and meat meals including meat, chicken, beef kofta and chicken kofta (15 of each) were collected from different restaurants from Tanta city to evaluate their bacteriological quality The mean... more
Keywords Ready to eat (RTE) meat products are considered a rapid way to animal protein intake which may be preferred by consumers due to its palatability and quality; unfortunately, cooked meat products may be loaded by many foodborne... more
Ante una posible emergencia alimentaria, que podría llegar a ocurrir en el corto-mediano plazo (seis meses a un año), aquí se propone un Plan de Contingencia (Cruz Roja, 2008) Alimentaria para el departamento de Lavalleja. Que intenta... more
This study examined the effect of different concentrations of lactic acid (LA) (1 and 2%), acetic acid (AA) (1 and 2%), sodium lactate (SL) (2.5%) and sodium acetate (SA) (2.5%) on the chemical, microbiological and sensory quality of raw... more