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The illegal drug trade has recently found a new route: darknet cryptomarkets. On these Ebay-like marketplaces, located in an anonymous network, drug sellers and buyers from all over the world make deals without meeting each other in... more
As cities compete globally, the Smart City has been touted as the important new strategic driver for regeneration and growth. Smart Cities are employing information and communication technologies in the quest for sustainable economic... more
'@ is For Activism' examines the transformation of politics through digital media, including digital television, online social networking and mobile computing. Joss Hands maps out how political relationships have been reconfigured and new... more
L’aumento dei canali di contatto e di comunicazione ha, per un museo, effetti anche di natura strettamente commerciale: l’aumento dell’utenza potenziale e, dunque, della domanda potenziale, può rendere il museo un ‘prodotto’... more
This paper makes the case for the continuing importance of literacy studies within linguistic ethnography, particularly given the nature of the kinds of societies in which we are working. It underlines the importance of continuing to... more
Social media can be perceived as forging one’s relationships and influencing one’s world view, but has it always allowed individuals to connect meaningfully? It mesmerises and grips the mind of its users. It fascinates, yet does not allow... more
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
Twitter makes visible some of the most fundamental divides in professional journalism today. It reveals tensions about what constitutes news, the norms guiding journalists providing it, professional identity, and public service. This... more
A vlog is a personal video diary in which the vlogger addresses an online audience. This master thesis deals with the vlogger’s discourse in order to understand what it means to express an embodied self in an online environment. It... more
Was ist das ›Neue‹ der Medien? Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage beschränkt sich die Studie nicht auf technische Neuerungen, sondern fokussiert im Sinne McLuhans die theoretische Perspektive auf diese Medien als eine Form kultureller Praxis.... more
Production, distribution, and consumption of digital use values occur today in a sociotechnological setting quite different from that characterizing the industrial economic system. Thanks to increasing access to hardware, software, and... more
As the digital revolution continues apace, emergent technologies and means of communication have presented new challenges and opportunities for football studies. In turn, researchers active across the social sciences and beyond have... more
Millions of people around the world today use digital tools and platforms to create and share sophisticated cultural artifacts. This book focuses on one such platform: Instagram. It places Instagram image culture within a rich cultural... more
Call for Papers: Representation of race, ethnicity and culture in digital games Asia Pacific Media Educator (Volume 26:1, June 2016) will explore the issues of race, cultural diversity, cross-cultural representations and... more
"CYBERSPACE GOVERNANCE:The Imperative For National & Economic Security"
598 DEPAUL LAW REVIEW [Vol. 50:597 oped in analog environments, we have found this thesis perhaps even more pertinent in digital contexts. In The Cultural Life of Intellectual Properties,2 Rosemary Coombe explored mass commercial culture... more
A felsőoktatásról szóló vitákba beépült a felhasználók által létrehozott tartalom és közösségi oldalak kérdésköre. A tanítás-tanulás, illetve digitális pedagógia megkerülhetetlen kérdéseivé vált a megváltozott tanár-tanuló viszony (a... more
The article focuses on the axiological aspects of consciousness under conditions of the development of contemporary media culture and e-culture. Relying on theories of media-philosophy the author considers the media as a main factor of... more
A perspectiva teórica da ecologia dos meios, abordada por McLuhan (1962), Postman (1970) e Ong (1982), compreende as mídias como ambientes culturais imersivos, em que os aspectos relacionais ganham relevância. Migrando o foco dos efeitos... more
Este artigo se propõe a realizar uma revisão bibliográfica abordando a relação entre arte e tecnologias digitais, com foco nas modificações que este contato traz para o campo da arte. A partir da teoria dos paradigmas de Kuhn, o artigo... more
In this article we want to evoke two characters that each suggest different points of departure for thinking about Kolkata as a queer kind of space. By this we want to evoke something of the sexual geography and life-ways of the city, but... more
In 1597 Francis Bacon claimed, “Knowledge is power”. For today, Google has become the preeminent steward of the knowledge, information and power (Stross, 2009: p. 2). Google has started its operation in 1998, and since the begging of the... more
Völlig neue Bild- und Erfahrungswelten versprechen die jüngsten Produkte der Medienindustrie ihren Usern. Euphorisch investieren Google, Microsoft und Co. Unsummen in digitale Medientechnologien wie Virtual-Reality-Displays. Jeder... more
The article traces the changes in everyday practices of production and consumption of amateur photographs at the beginning of the XXIst century. The authors argue that transformations were caused by a massive shift towards use of digital... more
This new book analyses the strategies, usages and wider implications of crowdsourcing and crowdfunding platforms in the culture and communication industries that are reshaping economic, organizational and social logics. Platforms are the... more
Across Latin America, online and digitally mediated racist speech directed at Afro-descendant youth has intensified existing racial stigma and contributed to the marginalization of minority groups in both online and offline contexts.... more
This opinion piece reflects on the place of writing and the pen in literacy practice in the wake of the so-called digital revolution and the advent of online classrooms that are built around digital input devices.
Este breve trabajo intenta reflexionar sobre las implicaciones de lo digital en la memoria —en tanto modificada como "recuerdos orgánicos"—  a partir de "The Entire History of You", un capítulo de la serie Black Mirror de la BBC.
""Netzbasierte Kommunikation, Identität und Gemeinschaft" – in diesem Band finden sich zwanzig Beiträge versammelt, gruppiert um ein thematisches Zentrum: sich verändernde Muster individueller und kollektiver Identitätsbildungen in... more
Naming is a fundamental human activity that is an increasing part of emerging human robot relations. Gender is still a significant issue in science, technology and engineering. Robots stand in for humans as model (in)organisms. The... more
With the lack of attention to the attrition of child participants, loss to follow up (LTFU) holds significant implications for the health of young adults in the Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study (PHACS), a multi-center cohort study with... more
By tradition, cognitive science uses the computer metaphor and psychological models that attempt to explain human complexity isolating the subject of sociocultural plot. Breaking with cartesian dualism, we invite the reader to consider... more
Mit diesem Titel liegt eine veröffentlichte Magisterarbeit vor, deren redaktioneller Beschreibungstext auf dem Buchrücken einen „Blick über den Tellerrand hinaus“ verspricht. Dieses Versprechen soll sich durch drei Leitaspekte einlösen,... more
"Bild och natur" is an anthology edited by Peter Bengtsen, Max Liljefors and Moa Petersén. Ten researchers from the Division of Art History and Visual Studies at Lund University, Sweden, have contributed chapters. The ten texts (seven... more
Proceedings paper in conjunction with the opening keynote address on the 2019 conference theme of Global Digital Society: Impacts on Humanities and Social Sciences. The topic of disruptive technology and our calling suited the author's... more