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This case study provides an analysis of cruise tourism in Malta for the period from 2002 to 2033, with a specific focus on the year 2023. Malta has experienced a significant growth in cruise tourism over the years, predominantly... more
This case study provides an analysis of cruise tourism in Malta for the period from 2002 to 2033, with a specific focus on the year 2023. Malta has experienced a significant growth in cruise tourism over the years, predominantly attributable to the expansion of its home-port function and to the growth in average ship capacity. The comprehensive examination of cruise traffic in 2023 was conducted by employing a range of assessments, including market-related evaluations, and passenger and ship segmentation. A projection of cruise traffic for the ensuing decade was developed. Additionally, a thorough examination was undertaken of the principal tourist attractions in Malta, with attention given to those that are negatively impacted by the problem of overtourism. Furthermore, potential resolutions are proposed with the additional objective of enhancing the destination’s environmental sustainability.
The decline in market share within the Adriatic cruise industry may mostly be ascribed to the implementation of restrictions on larger vessels operating in Venice between the years 2012 and 2021. Despite diligent efforts to discover and... more
The decline in market share within the Adriatic cruise industry may mostly be ascribed to the implementation of restrictions on larger vessels operating in Venice between the years 2012 and 2021. Despite diligent efforts to discover and develop alternative routes, this trend has continued to persist. The main objective of this proposal is to enhance the deployment of vessels in the Adriatic region and expand the time distribution of voyages. Presently, there exists a discernible clustering of maritime expeditions taking place over the period spanning from May to October. Furthermore, this has the ability to aid the cruise terminal operator in enhancing the efficiency of its facility management. The proposed strategy for attaining this objective is the allocation of a dedicated island solely for the utilization of one or more cruise lines. This method mirrors the established convention observed in the Caribbean and is progressively being embraced in other geographical areas. The island's design ought to be tailored to align with the distinctive characteristics of the Adriatic region. The implementation of the project and its associated components entails undertaking various procedures aimed at obtaining approval and support from both governmental and societal entities.
The primary objective of this study is to assess the market share of cruises in the Adriatic region regarding the total worldwide in 2023. Methodology/Design/Approach: A novel approach has been employed by utilizing two separate... more
The primary objective of this study is to assess the market share of cruises in the Adriatic region regarding the total worldwide in 2023. Methodology/Design/Approach: A novel approach has been employed by utilizing two separate databases, one containing information on ships and the other including information on routes. The analysis centers on a particular itinerary comprising one or several ports situated in the Adriatic region. Moreover, the concept of a "unique passenger" is introduced, which pertains to individuals who are seen as a singular entity while embarking on a cruise in the Adriatic, irrespective of the quantity of ports they may visit. This model has facilitated the analysis of the features of ships that visit the Adriatic region, the market shares of different groups/companies (including the utilization of the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index as an analytical approach), and the duration and seasonality of various routes. The research seeks to cover a gap in the numerous studies on cruises that use the number of passenger movements as a reference point. The fact that it is an ex-ante analysis is its most significant limitation. Findings: The market share of cruise passengers in the Adriatic in 2023, relative to the global total, is within the range of 3.6% to 3.8% (varying according to the specific source of comparison employed). Originality of the Research: The proposed model is applied for the first time in the Adriatic region. In order to establish a comparison with the years preceding 2023, two novel mathematical formulas were introduced, which offer qualitative insights.
The article highlights the close relationship between GDP (in value) and Seaborne trade (in metric tons), the results of some forecasting long-term models (30/50 years) as well as the main findings of an experiment conducted annually... more
The article highlights the close relationship between GDP (in value) and Seaborne trade (in metric tons), the results of some forecasting long-term models (30/50 years) as well as the main findings of an experiment conducted annually since 2015.
The cruise industry is a market largely belonging to a few large groups that operate mainly through a variety of brands and which has seen significant growth dynamics in the last 20 years. Historically, most of the passengers came from... more
The cruise industry is a market largely belonging to a few large groups that operate mainly through a variety of brands and which has seen significant growth dynamics in the last 20 years. Historically, most of the passengers came from the U.S. while the main geographic areas involved in cruises are the Caribbean / Bahamas / Bermuda. The impact of the pandemic caused by COVID-19 was very strong, bringing the market, in terms of the number of passengers carried and depending on the statistical sources used, back to the levels recorded in 1999. Some episodes of COVID contamination that occurred onboard cruise ships in February / March 2020 (with more than 3,900 passengers and crew involved and over 110 deaths), led to the total suspension of activities and also caused serious damage to the image of safety onboard. This research concerns the economic, financial and statistical results recorded in 2020 regarding the main cruise groups (Carnival Corporation, Royal Caribbean Cruises, Norwegian Cruise Line, MSC Cruises). These results appear to be largely influenced by the pandemic. The research is carried out through the analysis of the annual reports, the deployment of the ships and the trend of stock market prices for listed groups. The strategies used by these groups to deal with the current crisis are also considered, along with the main changes that occurred in terms of market exit / new entries of companies. The conclusions concern the future implications in the cruise industry both in terms of the market and the timing of recovery, also in relation to the medical and therapeutic prerequisites required and adopted in the various countries concerning both the demand and supply of cruises.
È facile o difficile vincere un torneo Slam? Per le donne è stato molto faticoso fino al 1995, oggi un numero sempre maggiore di atlete se ne è aggiudicato uno. Per gli uomini vale il contrario. Anche perché da anni dominano Federer,... more
È facile o difficile vincere un torneo Slam? Per le donne è stato molto faticoso fino al 1995, oggi un numero sempre maggiore di atlete se ne è aggiudicato uno. Per gli uomini vale il contrario. Anche perché da anni dominano Federer, Nadal e Djokovic.
L’articolo prende in esame le prestazioni della squadra nazionale italiana ai Giochi Olimpici estivi a partire dal 1948. Verrà condotto inoltre uno specifico focus sui risultati dei Giochi di Tokyo 2020. Un estratto dell'articolo, con il... more
L’articolo prende in esame le prestazioni della squadra nazionale italiana ai Giochi Olimpici estivi a partire dal 1948. Verrà condotto inoltre uno specifico focus sui risultati dei Giochi di Tokyo 2020.
Un estratto dell'articolo, con il titolo "Record di medaglie, ma Tokyo non è la migliore olimpiade dell'Italia", è stato pubblicato su (
The article shows that maritime transport is an important component of foreign trade and, more generally, of the economy of Italy, whether it is measured in weight or in value. Nevertheless, after the world-wide economic crisis of 2008,... more
The article shows that maritime transport is an important component of foreign trade and, more generally, of the economy of Italy, whether it is measured in weight or in value.
Nevertheless, after the world-wide economic crisis of 2008, the marine component decreased its performances, as the economy of Italy in general.
The Italian Government, in its 'National Recovery and Resilience Plan' (2021) in relation to the European program "Next Generation EU" and to the additional resources to it correlated, assigned 3.84 billion Euros for investments about ports in the period 2021-2026. Such allocation, at first glance, may appear appropriate to the importance of the maritime sector in the Italian economy.
However, various doubts could arise if the effectiveness of the infrastructural works in the Italian ports and in the connections of "last mile" were considered, carried out beginning from 1999 and to the cost of several billions of euro.
Such investments certainly have not produced the expected results: i.e. the massive increase of the traffic of goods in the ports, the centrality of the role of Italy like door of access from South to the EU, the growth of the international component of the traffics.
In addiction even the most recent planned interventions suggest caution starting from the general consideration that it would be essential to end the period of generalized investments which have the sole result of duplicating supply in ports and reducing port and retro-port efficiency by competing for the same market.
Il Pnrr destina 3,84 miliardi a interventi sul sistema portuale. Sono soldi ben spesi, vista l’importanza del commercio marittimo per il PIL dell'Italia? Uno sguardo a quanto accaduto in passato solleva più di un dubbio. Serve... more
Il Pnrr destina 3,84 miliardi a interventi sul sistema portuale. Sono soldi ben spesi, vista l’importanza del commercio marittimo per il PIL dell'Italia? Uno sguardo a quanto accaduto in passato solleva più di un dubbio. Serve pianificazione selettiva e continenza.
The article highlights the close relationship between GDP (in value) and Seaborne trade (in metric tons), the results of some forecasting long-term models (30/50 years) as well as the main findings of an experiment conducted annually... more
The article highlights the close relationship between GDP (in value) and Seaborne trade (in metric tons), the results of some forecasting long-term models (30/50 years) as well as the main findings of an experiment conducted annually since 2015.
This text aims to analyse European Community commercial traffic trends by sea to extra-EU countries and to identify the role of ports. Subsequently, specific focus will be given to Italy. The following survey has been carried out using... more
This text aims to analyse European Community commercial traffic trends by sea to extra-EU countries and to identify the role of ports. Subsequently, specific focus will be given to Italy. The following survey has been carried out using Eurostat data.
In questo articolo si vuole esaminare il punto di partenza - in termini di bilancio e di traffico portuale - delle nuove Autorità di Sistema Portuale (AdSP), gli organismi destinati a sostituire le vecchie Autorità Portuali, ai sensi del... more
In questo articolo si vuole esaminare il punto di partenza - in termini di bilancio e di traffico portuale - delle nuove Autorità di Sistema Portuale (AdSP), gli organismi destinati a sostituire le vecchie Autorità Portuali, ai sensi del Decreto approvato dal Consiglio dei Ministri il 28 luglio 2016 recante la “Riorganizzazione, razionalizzazione e semplificazione della disciplina concernente le Autorità Portuali di cui alla Legge 28 gennaio 1994, N. 84”
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The importance of having reliable and accurate statistical data is crucial in all economic and social sectors. In the port area, until a few years ago, the most important data were those released from ports or port authorities. The reason... more
The importance of having reliable and accurate statistical data is crucial in all economic and social sectors. In the port area, until a few years ago, the most important data were those released from ports or port authorities. The reason for this lies in the fact that ports provide the data in a punctual and timely manner, usually one or two months after the end of a year.
Today, however, things have changed since the introduction of two European Regulations (No 1315/2013 and No 1316/2013) that have attached great importance to Eurostat statistics.
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Il presente testo ha lo scopo di analizzare nel tempo l’andamento del traffico commerciale comunitario via mare verso i Paesi extra-UE e di individuare il ruolo dei porti. Successivamente, uno specifico focus verrà realizzato... more
Il presente testo ha lo scopo di analizzare nel tempo l’andamento del traffico commerciale comunitario via mare verso i Paesi extra-UE e di individuare il ruolo dei porti. Successivamente, uno specifico focus verrà realizzato relativamente all’Italia. Allo scopo di svolgere la seguente indagine, tutte le informazioni verranno ricavate attraverso l’elaborazione di dati Eurostat.
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Il Consiglio dei Ministri del 3 luglio 2015 ha approvato in via preliminare il Piano Strategico Nazionale della Portualità e della Logistica (il Piano). L’articolo vuole evidenziare come la discussione avviata sul tema della governance,... more
Il Consiglio dei Ministri del 3 luglio 2015 ha approvato in via preliminare il Piano Strategico Nazionale della Portualità e della Logistica (il Piano).
L’articolo vuole evidenziare come la discussione avviata sul tema della governance, in nome di un localismo municipale che da sempre caratterizza la realtà portuale italiana, rischi di bloccare tutto l’impianto della riforma.
the purpose of this paper is to show that the container, intended as a way of conditioning, cannot be taken as the sole reference for planning ports policy at national or, even, macro-regional level in Europe because this logic would be... more
the purpose of this paper is to show that the container, intended as a way of conditioning, cannot be taken as the sole reference for planning ports policy at national or, even, macro-regional level in Europe because this logic would be reductive and short-sighted with respect to what is expected to happen in the future also in the medium to long term.
Scopo del presente paper è quello di provare a dimostrare che il container, inteso come modalità di condizionamento, non può essere preso come unico riferimento per una programmazione portuale di ambito nazionale o macro-regionale perché... more
Scopo del presente paper è quello di provare a dimostrare che il container, inteso come modalità di condizionamento, non può essere preso come unico riferimento per una programmazione portuale di ambito nazionale o macro-regionale perché tale logica sarebbe limitativa rispetto a quanto avviene oggi a livello mondiale, europeo ed italiano nonchè rispetto a quanto è previsto accada nel futuro anche di medio-lungo periodo.
The paper presents a comparison between Eurostat ed ESPO data with a focus for Top 3 EU ports: Rotterdam, Antwerpen, Hamburg
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Il documento intende costituire un contributo relativo all’evoluzione della domanda di trasporto marittimo italiano, ai fini del completamento delle analisi contenute all’interno del Piano Strategico della Portualità e della Logistica,... more
Il documento intende costituire un contributo relativo all’evoluzione della domanda di trasporto marittimo italiano, ai fini del completamento delle analisi contenute all’interno del Piano Strategico della Portualità e della Logistica, attualmente in via di definizione
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The Italian Strategic Plan of Ports and Logistics (art. 29 Law 164/2014; hereafter IPP&L), currently in phase of final elaboration, has as one of the main goal to estimate the level of demand of the national ports to various temporal... more
The Italian Strategic Plan of Ports and Logistics (art. 29 Law 164/2014; hereafter IPP&L), currently  in phase of final elaboration, has as one of the main goal to estimate the level of demand of the national ports to various temporal horizons, and to assume it as target of reference for the future planning and strategies of Italian ports.
Scope of this paper is to contribute to the debate in course.
Research Interests:
Il Regolamento europeo 1315/2013 individua i porti core per la rete TEN-T. Cosa accadrebbe ai porti italiani se si utilizzassero i più recenti dati di traffico Eurostat? Il redigendo Piano Strategico Nazionale della Portualità e della... more
Il Regolamento europeo 1315/2013 individua i porti core per la rete TEN-T. Cosa accadrebbe ai porti italiani se si utilizzassero i più recenti dati di traffico Eurostat?
Il redigendo Piano Strategico Nazionale della Portualità e della Logistica usa come base di partenza per tutte le analisi la nozione di porti core. Potrebbe cambiare qualcosa nel Piano alla luce dell'aggiornamento proposto?
Research Interests:
Il Piano Strategico Nazionale della Portualità e della Logistica (art. 29 Legge 164/2014; nel seguito PNPL), attualmente in fase di elaborazione, si propone, tra le altre cose, anche l’obiettivo di valutare, assumendoli quali target di... more
Il Piano Strategico Nazionale della Portualità e della Logistica (art. 29 Legge 164/2014; nel seguito PNPL), attualmente in fase di elaborazione, si propone, tra le altre cose, anche l’obiettivo di valutare, assumendoli quali target di riferimento per la portualità italiana, i volumi di traffico attesi transitare negli scali nazionali a diversi orizzonti temporali.
Scopo della presente nota è quello di fornire un contributo al dibattito in corso.
An easy comparison between Port Authorities data and Eurostat (source: Istat, Italian Institute for Statistics) data.
Huge differences.
The paper has been updated in 2015  to the latest Eurostat data (2013)
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Il pezzo  - il cui estratto è stato pubblicato su Ship2Shore del 10 febbraio 2014  - esamina le proposte di riforma del sistema portuale italiano alla luce di quanto l'allora Ministro Lupi aveva proposto a gennaio 2014
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Il Paper è stato redatto il 4/112011 allo scopo di fornire materiale utile al Governo italiano in sede di Consiglio Europeo nell'ambito della discussione sul CEF per aumentare la quota di co-finanziamento UE relativa alle Autostrade del... more
Il Paper è stato redatto il 4/112011 allo scopo di fornire materiale utile al Governo italiano in sede di Consiglio Europeo nell'ambito della discussione sul CEF per aumentare la quota di co-finanziamento UE relativa alle Autostrade del Mare
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Il paper esamina - con aggiornamento al 2007 - i fenomeni di cooperazione portuale o di coopetition in atto. Successivamente l'autore è stato coinvolto - anche dal punto di vista operativo - nella costituzione del NAPA (North Adriatic... more
Il paper esamina - con aggiornamento al 2007 - i fenomeni di cooperazione portuale o di coopetition in atto. Successivamente l'autore è stato coinvolto - anche dal punto di vista operativo - nella costituzione del NAPA (North Adriatic Ports Association)
Research Interests:
The considered area, for the most part involved in industrial and portual activities, widely abandoned, is defined in an Urban Requalification Programme. The area extends from the harbour-channel over 12km from the seaport to the town... more
The considered area, for the most part involved in industrial and portual activities, widely abandoned, is defined in an Urban Requalification Programme. The area extends from the harbour-channel over 12km from the seaport to the town centre.
The City Dock section measures about 136 hectares (12 hectares of water, almost 100 hectares are private ownership, 14 hectares are Communal and about 10 hectares are Maritime State property).
This section opens onto the most ancient part of the harbour-channel and started its activity between the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century.
The most important private ownership corresponding to productive or portual activities are 32 and they occupy a Gross Useful Surface of approximately 210,000 sqm.
About one third of the existing activities are definitely closed. One third suffer from a strong level of fixtures unutilization. The remainder is still operational, despite experiencing logistic problems today.
The programme is carried out mainly by private operators (owners) who undertake to Plan interventions through a series of Unilateral Acts of Obligations.
There are 4 sub-projects supporting the programme, particularly:
1. The urban park of Theodoric;
2. The reclamation of the Candian Canal for urban use;
3. The Requalification of Economic Popular Housing Plan districts;
4. The industrial archaeology, with the recovering of the most important buildings to assign in particular to the universities and/or private services for public use. The interventions of industrial archaeology are carried out privately. However, between 33% and 49% of the intervention costs are derived from public contributions.
Research Interests:
Since the II postwar period the canal harbour of Ravenna has developed at first through the settlement of industrial plants and then by means of the construction of commercial terminals. Today the city of Ravenna is based upon two... more
Since the II postwar period the canal harbour of Ravenna has developed at first through the settlement of industrial plants and then by means of the construction of commercial terminals.
Today the city of Ravenna is based upon two economic worlds : port and tourism.
The conflicts arisen between local political decision makers and economic actors over the past years are now over and a key resource for planning strategies has been identified : it is the preservation of the environment. The goal is making compatible the port and industrial worlds with the seaside tourism together with improving the quality of life in the city.
The main projects worked out by local agencies and private operators in order to guarantee the development of the combination port/environment will be related in the paper.
• Reclamation of the Piombone Lagoon by separating it into two areas : the one devoted to the port development and the other restored to the original condition of brackish lagoon.
• Agreement signed by the port companies of the chemical district to obtain each ISO 14001 certification with the final aim of obtaining the EMAS registration for the whole territory.
• City Dock (136 ha.) Requalification Programme. It concerns the voluntary removal of the production activities settled next to the city centre to another port area so that the areas can be used for urban purposes. In the meantime, the Municipality started up the construction of a Green Belt all around the city. Thanks to a particular planning mechanism, the lands located in the Belt will be exchanged with construction authorisations in the City Dock areas.
• Carrying out of a new rail goods yard in the industrial port area for by-passing the city centre.
Research Interests:
Lo Studio, realizzato nel 1997, è stato alla base per la realizzazione del Terminal Crociere del Porto di Ravenna (inaugurato nel 2010). Le foto dell'attuale Terminal sono disponibili al seguente link:... more
Lo  Studio, realizzato nel 1997, è stato alla base per la realizzazione del Terminal Crociere del Porto di Ravenna (inaugurato nel 2010).
Le foto dell'attuale Terminal sono disponibili al seguente link:
The presentation employs a diverse array of indicators to analyze the cruise market. The author has updated its own cruise ship database and conducted an analysis of the cruise ship characteristics and market share of various firms and... more
The presentation employs a diverse array of indicators to analyze the cruise market. The author has updated its own cruise ship database and conducted an analysis of the cruise ship characteristics and market share of various firms and groups. The financial, economic, and statistical data of the three primary groups [Carnival Corporation (CCL), Royal Caribbean Group (RCG), and Norwegian Cruise Line Holding (NCLH)] in 2023, as well as the results for Q1 2024, were analyzed. MSC Cruises, a private company that operates under two brands and possesses the world's third-largest fleet by capacity, declined to distribute its annual report in 2023. The future of this decision is still uncertain. Nevertheless, the 2023 MSC Sustainability Report contained some statistical data. The degree of ship occupancy was the primary focus. Such occupancy is contingent upon the geographic region and the type of company (and ship). The orderbook of the ships that are currently known was considered in a market share analysis that was conducted up to 2030. Finally, projections were made regarding the quantity of cruise passengers that will be transported between 2024 and 2030.
The presentation examines the cruise market through various indicators. Using a database of the cruise ships developed by the Author, the characteristics of the ships and the market share of the various companies (groups) has been... more
The presentation examines the cruise market through various indicators. Using a database of the cruise ships developed by the Author, the characteristics of the ships and the market share of the various companies (groups) has been analyzed with the confirmation for the 2023 of the oligopoly of this industry. The 2022 financial, economic and statistical data of the main 4 groups as well as the prevailing trades were examined. A focus was dedicated to the private islands/destinations belonging to/used by the cruise lines and to their short-term development projects. An analysis was carried out on the market share of 2028 (considering the orderbook of the ships currently known). Finally, forecasts were presented for the number of cruise passengers that will be transported in the coming years (2023-2028) and for the financial performances of the "big 3" (2023-2030). .
The impact of COVID-19 on the cruise industry has been unprecedented. The ships have stopped the activity from half March 2020 and have resumed, in much reduced way, beginning from half July. In particular, the global pause has affected... more
The impact of COVID-19 on the cruise industry has been unprecedented. The ships have stopped the activity from half March 2020 and have resumed, in much reduced way, beginning from half July. In particular, the global pause has affected the U.S. In economic terms, for the four most important groups (i.e. Carnival Corporation, Royal Caribbean Cruises, Norwegian Cruise Line and MSC Cruises) the revenues decreased by more than 75% with a fall in the value of its shares for listed companies by 80%/90% in mid-March compared to the values of the beginning of the year. The presentation examines moreover the impact of COVID-19 on the health of the cruisers, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 Orders for cruise ships, the strategies put into effect from the companies in order to face the crisis and concludes with the most recent updates on the cruise industry.
The presentation employs a diverse array of indicators to analyze the cruise market. The author has updated its own cruise ship database and conducted an analysis of the cruise ship characteristics and market share of various firms and... more
The presentation employs a diverse array of indicators to analyze the cruise market. The author has updated its own cruise ship database and conducted an analysis of the cruise ship characteristics and market share of various firms and groups. The financial, economic, and statistical data of the three primary groups [Carnival Corporation (CCL), Royal Caribbean Group (RCG), and Norwegian Cruise Line Holding (NCLH)] in 2023, as well as the results for Q1 2024, were analyzed. MSC Cruises, a private company that operates under two brands and possesses the world's third-largest fleet by capacity, declined to distribute its annual report in 2023. The future of this decision is still uncertain. Nevertheless, the 2023 MSC Sustainability Report contained some statistical data. The degree of ship occupancy was the primary focus. Such occupancy is contingent upon the geographic region and the type of company (and ship). The orderbook of the ships that are currently known was considered in a market share analysis that was conducted up to 2030. Finally, projections were made regarding the quantity of cruise passengers that will be transported between 2024 and 2030.
Scopo del presente lavoro è stato quello di esaminare l’industria crocieristica sotto il profilo dell’offerta. Al fine di disporre di una base informativa originale, si è realizzato un apposito database aggiornato al 2019 contenente un... more
Scopo del presente lavoro è stato quello di esaminare l’industria crocieristica sotto il profilo dell’offerta. Al fine di disporre di una base informativa originale, si è realizzato un apposito database aggiornato al 2019 contenente un panel di informazioni di tipo dimensionale sulle caratteristiche delle navi da crociera che ha permesso, tra le altre analisi condotte, anche di confermare un fatto ben noto agli operatori del settore e cioè la polarizzazione dell’offerta tra pochi gruppi che operano sul mercato attraverso una pluralità di marchi. Successivamente si è provveduto ad analizzare le performance economiche dell’ultimo decennio per i più importanti gruppi crocieristici, esaminandone i ricavi (generalmente in crescita a meno di eventi economici o temporali caratterizzati dal carattere dell’eccezionalità), le aree geografiche maggiormente presidiate ed alcune informazioni statistiche riguardanti i passeggeri trasportati. Si sono in seguito considerate le principali strategie messe a punto dalle compagnie legate al posizionamento delle navi, alla stagionalità ed alla durata delle crociere. In particolare si è potuto notare come, mentre i Caraibi abbiano mantenuto negli ultimi sette anni una quota di mercato stabilmente attorno al 34%/35%, il Mediterraneo, storicamente la seconda destinazione per importanza per le crociere, abbia perso peso in termini letti di bassi offerti. Ciò a fronte invece di una sensibile crescita dell’Australasia. Per il futuro tuttavia, quantomeno quello imminente, il mercato delle crociere è destinato ad espandersi in termini territoriali a nuove aree di interesse. Si è posta attenzione infine agli ordinativi di nuove navi fino al 2027, mostrando come l’industria crocieristica sia destinata ad aumentare la propria capacità in maniera consistente in termini di offerta. E ciò non solo per i grandi gruppi con mega navi, ma anche per realtà che operano con navi medio-piccole. Una simulazione al 2027 ha mostrato come la quota di mercato dei principali operatori resti sostanzialmente inalterata, mentre sembra validata l’affermazione che l’industria crocieristica abbia raggiunto le proprie economie di scala in termini di dimensioni delle navi.