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This paper presents a review of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) through four conceptualizations: IoT as liquification and density of information of resources; IoT as digital materiality; IoT as assemblage or service system; and IoT as... more
Son y›llarda giderek daha fazla araflt›rmaya konu olan sosyal yenileflim için tasar›m, özel- likle kalk›nmakta olan ülkelerde ümit vaat edici, dönüfltürücü bir dinamizmin tetikleyi- cisi olabilecek bir potansiyele sahiptir.... more
Digital Business Platforms (DBPs) such as eBay, Google, and Uber have seen enormous growth in recent years. What exactly are the salient characteristics of this new way of structuring a business? What is the role of marketing in helping... more
Business is increasingly employing sustainability practices, aiming to improve environmental and social responsibility while maintaining and improving profitability. For many organizations, profit-oriented business models are a major... more
A creative approach to sustainability can be applied upon an organization's business model. We begin our research with the assumption that business model innovation that takes into account a triple bottom line approach will be more... more
This thesis investigates the case of a generic business concept, the Web Bazaar, and evaluates its fit with current market conditions and trends. Further, it assesses strategic considerations that would be critical for a successful... more
Business Model Innovation is attracting more and more attention from business as well as from academics. Business Model Innovation deals with both technological and knowledge related changes that either may disrupt or sustain existing... more
Electric vehicle (EV) adoption is growing worldwide with increasing market pull from consumers and market push from manufacturers of vehicles and charging equipment, as well as others in the supply chain. Governments have begun developing... more
This case aims to discuss the development of a peer-to-peer car sharing company in Brazil and was developed as a basis for discussions in the classroom about the process of opportunity identification, business model development and... more
The paper presents the concept of cooperative business models in steel enterprises in Poland. The starting point is the presentation of the concept of business models, which is defi ned as a way of doing business based on cooperation... more
Innovation can be described as the application of new ideas, devices or processes which in business is most often seen as a catalyst to growth. The sources of innovation are many, however recent attention has focussed on the role of... more
Purpose: To situate sustainability within research and practice on long-term business strategy. We do this through the concept of business models and explore how firms in an industry adopt environmental sustainability in their strategies.... more
"Purpose – The speed and variety of new business models emerging in the current economy created a disruptive environment that lacks theoretical frameworks and perspectives to help academics, practitioners and policy makers to critically... more
Este artículo aborda el análisis de la situación y evolución de los contenidos y servicios de los sitios web de las emisoras españolas de radio con cobertura nacional y cómo éstas han afrontado el advenimiento de la tecnología digital y... more
Purpose – This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoint practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies. Design/methodology/approach – This briefing is prepared by an... more
The paper discusses analytical applications of the business model canvas (BMC) formulated by Osterwalder & Pigneur [1]. From this model, a methodological tool was devised and used as part of an academic research project, in which the... more
Wellbeing is an organizing principle that ensures simultaneous flourishing of people and nature. It binds together an ethic of nature and ethics of people/community into a practical framework for creating integrated... more
Leaders need to ensure that creativity and innovation occurs where is matters, is affordable and relevant and embraces innovation in a company's business model as situations and circumstances change and to address new challenges and... more
The literature on open innovation portrays open business models as a contemporary and extremely useful tool, which can be used by companies to create and capture value in collaboration with external partners. This paper takes the... more
This exploratory paper analyses monetary and power relations between Facebook and news companies by investigating their web traffic sources, social sharing practices and content distribution on Facebook. The paper also seeks to determine... more
In the past, several frameworks have been introduced in which business model innovation was to be understood and practiced. Here we focus on the innovative potential brought by the modification of the business model in accordance to the... more
"This article provides the results of an exploratory study that investigated the effect of Capability Life cycle Path on attaining effective adaptation through innovation. Based on Miles and Snow (1978), an empirical study was conducted... more
With the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, businesses are adapting to the use of digitalisation which requires the digital transformation of their existing business models. However, there is limited empirical research on this... more
=Purpose This conceptual paper alerts the reader to the urgent need to address the most pressing challenge and opportunity of the 21st century, namely leadership that enables flourishing for all forever. =Design/methodology/approach This... more
Zmiienność będąca wyróżnikiem współczesnego świata kształtuje obraz dzisiejszego biznesu. Zmienność głównie jest związana z ciągle występującą dynamiką zmian rynko - wych. Jako że rynkiem, w którym odbywa się prowadzenie biznesu jest... more
This article is an attempt to determine the possibilities and opportunities for im- plementation of the developmental strategy with the use of the model of franchise cooperation in the pharmaceutical market. In her research, the author... more
Organisations operate in an increasingly dynamic environment. Consequently, the business models span several organisations, dealing with multiple stakeholders and their competing interests. As a result, the enterprise information systems... more
Purpose: To develop a transdisciplinary approach called eco-business modelling. Design/Methodology/Approach: The first step is an analysis of the ways triple bottom line and circular economy emplotments have colonized and co-opted the... more
With applications ranging from object recognition to spatial navigation, computer vision has become a key feature of most contemporary infrastructures. Compared to facial recognition and other techniques of surveillance, privacy-oriented... more
In markets with high levels of financial exclusion, actors in the financial system, financial service providers (FSPs), consumers, providers of financial system infrastructure and other market supporting functions, regulators and other... more
Arrakasta konfiantza izan zen - Los Libros de K2K. Nuevo Estilo de Relaciones. Harreman Estilo Berria. NER. NER group. K2K emocionando. Euskadi.
This article focuses on companies that operate in the integrated waste management cycle and implement the principles of circular economy. These promotes the well-known "waste hierarchy", aimed at encouraging a more efficient use... more
De Nederlandse muziekindustrie bevindt zich op dit moment op een cruciaal punt in de geschiedenis. Door vele eeuwen heen is het vakgebied rondom de publicatie van muzikale werken met veel zorgvuldigheid gestructureerd in de vorm van een... more
Two opposing theories have been proposed to explain competitive advantage of firms. First, the market-based view (MBV) is focused on product or market positions and competition while second, the resource-based view (RBV) aims at... more
KidZania w managers had enjoyed the success of the company since its creation, and their business model had been very innovative. Nevertheless, the future of the company, as it was projected, would continue the same trend: upward. The... more
Who is your customer? What does the customer value? How do you deliver value to customers at an appropriate cost? Business models that focus on the who, what, and how to clarify managerial choices and their consequences underpin the... more
Using objective measures of investor protections in 170 countries, I establish that the level of investor protection matters for cross-country differences in GDP growth: countries with stronger protections tend to grow faster than those... more
The design thinking concept emphasizes the actual activity of solving problems with a design approach, associating it to the designer's knowledge and competence instead of the intimate link between design and the physical object. Yet... more
This descriptive case study discusses the evolution of TOMS, one of the world's most famous 'double bottom line' companies, in terms of narratives and corporate social responsibility practices. This paper also discusses the company's... more
A widespread adoption of distributed generation (DG) technologies in energy systems can play a key role in creating clean, reliable energy and support the targets of emission reduction. A transition from current modes of production to a... more
Amazon  business model canvas and business strategy, for more information, visit