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This case aims to discuss the development of a peer-to-peer car sharing company in Brazil and was developed as a basis for discussions in the classroom about the process of opportunity identification, business model development and... more
This case aims to discuss the development of a peer-to-peer car sharing company in Brazil and was developed as a basis for discussions in the classroom about the process of opportunity identification, business model development and entrepreneurship.
Research Interests:
The GLIO - - is a social network where users share consumer experiences. Through this network the users are given a space to publicize their opinion and evaluate the quality of a product, service or business using a virtual... more
The GLIO - - is a social network where users share consumer experiences. Through this network the users are given a space to publicize their opinion and evaluate the quality of a product, service or business using a virtual environment, simple and practical, which can be accessed from their computer, tablet or smartphone, sharing their experiences with their followers, as well as with other members of the network. This case aims to discuss the  entrepreneurship culture and development of a startup company in Brazil.
Research Interests:
The severance of the last economic downturn has affected all countries regardless geography, and the recovering has been slowly and uneven. As a result the policy makers are facing huge challenges, since the decisions they make today will... more
The severance of the last economic downturn has affected all countries regardless geography, and the recovering has been slowly and uneven. As a result the policy makers are facing huge challenges, since the decisions they make today will affect the social welfare not only tomorrow but also in the long run. In this scenario, innovation and entrepreneurship are seen as two of the most important drivers of an effective response to these challenges. The Brazilian government seems to have taken the right decision to improve the economy including the creation of programs to foster innovation and entrepreneurship. Drawing on the analysis of a supportive program to encourage the development of new ventures based on knowledge creation, called First Innovative Enterprise (PRIME, in Portuguese), sponsored by the Brazilian innovation agency – FINEP and conducted by a group of business incubators, this paper aims to explore the lessons learned from the program implementation by one incubator lo...