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In: Tabajdi, Gábor; Szuly, Rita; Erdős, Kristóf; Wirthné Diera, Bernadett (szerk.) Küzdelem a lelkekért. Pártállam és egyházak a hosszú hatvanas években. Budapest. Nemzeti Emlékezet Bizottságának Hivatala. 362-384
Research Interests:
Pavlovian conditioning was an emblematic theory of the communist project. Its dominance in 1950s academia is now relatively well researched. Much less is known, however, about practices in psychiatry, especially in the satellite states of... more
Pavlovian conditioning was an emblematic theory of the communist project. Its dominance in 1950s academia is now relatively well researched. Much less is known, however, about practices in psychiatry, especially in the satellite states of the Soviet Union. This study aims to explore the practice of child psychiatry in the late 1950s based on the health reports of a boy with elective mutism, a rare anxiety disorder. He was treated at the National Institute of Neurology and Psychiatry, commonly known as Lipótmező. Until the 1960s, child psychiatry was not officially an independent discipline and inward healing was limited to Lipótmező. The head of the department, Blanka Lóránd, the most renowned Hungarian expert on elective mutism, was trained in the spirit of the organic school, so the Pavlovian framework was not completely unfamiliar to her. On the surface, the case displays a dichotomy: while diagnostics followed the tradition of the organic approach, healing was characterised by methodological eclecticism (medication, electroshock therapy, hypnosis). A typical method in this theoretical framework was electrotherapy, which can be interpreted as a mixture of cure and punishment. Hypnosis was generally discussed as a kind of alternative method. However, it can also be linked to the theory of conditioning. Although hypnotherapy was qualified as psychotherapy and appeared to have a different quality from electroshock therapy, both of them can be located on the continuum of Pavlovian reflexology.
In: Kis, József; Kovács, Eleonóra; Ö., Kovács József; H., Németh István (szerk.) Földügyi és hagyatéki szabályozás Magyarországon : Társadalmi gyakorlat a 16-20. században Budapest, Magyarország : Magyar Kormánytisztviselői Kar, Magyar... more
In: Kis, József; Kovács, Eleonóra; Ö., Kovács József; H., Németh István (szerk.) Földügyi és hagyatéki szabályozás Magyarországon : Társadalmi gyakorlat a 16-20. században Budapest, Magyarország : Magyar Kormánytisztviselői Kar, Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár (2023) 398 p. pp. 247-270
Research Interests:
In: Ö. Kovács, József; Schlett, András (szerk.) „A Föld nem tud futni” : Rendszerváltás vidéken
Budapest, Magyarország : Nemzeti Emlékezet Bizottsága (NEB) (2023) 780 p. pp. 293-310
Research Interests:
Bevezető gondolatok
In: Csikós, Gábor (szerk.) Forrásvidékek : Visszaemlékezések a 20. századra
Budapest, Magyarország : ELKH Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont, Nemzeti Emlékezet Bizottsága (NEB) (2022) pp. 7-18
Research Interests:
By the Second World War, the neurotic symptoms of "shell shock" were replaced by "combat exhaustion" which became an umbrella term for different depressive states and neuroses with organic conditions. While in the Western countries it... more
By the Second World War, the neurotic symptoms of "shell shock" were replaced by "combat exhaustion" which became an umbrella term for different depressive states and neuroses with organic conditions. While in the Western countries it became more common to compensate former victims for psychological harms too, in the Soviet dominated regions the experience of being a prisoner of war was dominated by ideological principles in the public sphere. Pavlovian doctrines for example denied the duality of reactive and somatogenic psychoses, placing psycho-traumas secondary to neurological features. In this study, the medical history of six former prisoners of war is discussed who were treated in Lipótmező in the early 1950’s.  A comparison of Holocaust and POW survivors shows that the latter included people of lower social status and a higher prevalence of psychotic disorders. Illness became apparent to patients or their relatives at an early stage, but psychiatric intervention came relatively late. “Captivity” was an umbrella term, and they did not specialize the location, so only other sources might help us in the identification.
Aim: Psychiatry is a challenging setting that requires extraordinary effort from the staff. Healthcare workers in the field of psychiatry face substantial levels of violence, making the identification of abuse risk factors a social... more
Aim: Psychiatry is a challenging setting that requires extraordinary effort from the staff. Healthcare workers in the field of psychiatry face substantial levels of violence, making the identification of abuse risk factors a social concern. Both the conduct of the children and their relatives can pose potential harm. Our study delved into the criminological and psychiatric factors underlying violence against healthcare workers. Methodology: We used qualitative, semi-structured, self-developed, online questionnaire involving 21 respondents. The participants were representing the staff composition of our department. The data set was coded in two phases using a multi-stage content analysis method. The results were compared with Hungarian and international literature. Findings: Among the participants, 52% reported no instances of physical abuse. The most prevalent form of perceived non-contact abuse was threats, accounting for 38% of reported cases. The identified risk factors for abuse included the child's psychiatric disorder, communication issues, parental behavior, and low socioeconomic status. Psychological trauma was identified as the most severe consequence. The respondents' opinion indicated that the most common cause of violence (52%) was attributed to the child's mental disorder. Workers primarily deal with abuse through negative emotions, with 76% of them reporting feelings of victimization. Additionally, 43% believed that abuse cannot be avoided, while 19% emphasized the significance of worker competence. Value: Our research can help to identify risk factors in child psychiatry wards and provide guidance for developing effective responses to violence against healthcare workers in Hungary, especially at our ward.
In: Csikós, Gábor; Ö., Kovács József; Horváth, Gergely Krisztián (szerk.) Demográfia & Politika : Kihívások, korlátok, alkalmazkodási módok
Budapest, Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont (2023) pp. 301-308
Research Interests:
Introduction: Anxiety disorder is the most frequent psychiatric problem among children and adolescents. Research proved that resilience can be a protective factor in coping with psychological difficulties. Our research focuses on these... more
Introduction: Anxiety disorder is the most frequent psychiatric problem among children and adolescents. Research proved that resilience can be a protective factor in coping with psychological difficulties. Our research focuses on these aspects of resilience. Aims: We aimed to investigate the resilience and anxiety level of families with adolescents who were diagnosed with anxiety disorders. Method: The clinical sample included 40 adolescents who were diagnosed with anxiety disorders and who received ambulant treatment. (18 boys and 22 girls; age: M=13.37 years, SD=1.46). Members of the control group were recruited from schools and they were normally developing adolescents without any psychiatric diagnosis. (18 boys and 19 girls, age: M=13.7 years; SD=1.56) DASS-21, Ten items Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale and self-made demographic sheet were used. Results: Regarding the resilience, a Significant difference was found between the clinical and the sample group both among the mothers and their children. However, in the case of fathers, no discrepancy was found. Our results suggest that there is a significant, moderate positive relationship between the resilience of the mother and their children. Nevertheless, similar mechanisms in the fathers' case cannot be registered. In the control group, the fathers' perception of their child's resilience proved to be the strongest predictive factor (beta=0,495). On the contrary in the clinical group, the maternal perception was more accurate. (beta=0,06). Conclusions: Resilience can serve as a protective factor against anxiety. Our results can be useful for practitioners and draw attention to the importance of intrafamily mechanisms in coping with anxiety and mood disorders.
György Nagy was an eighteenth-century merchant and nobleman in the Jászság region, and his diary for the period 1759 to 1769 gives insights into his self-identity. Even though it is not explicitly stated, the document is infused with a... more
György Nagy was an eighteenth-century merchant and nobleman in the Jászság region, and his diary for the period 1759 to 1769 gives insights into his self-identity. Even though it is not explicitly stated, the document is infused with a sense of being an outsider. This study attempts to find the bases of this sentiment and seeks to explore his particular responses to conflicts that arose in his life. Four factors can be identified which made the diary's author an outcast: (i) Nagy came from outside the Jászság region; (ii) his university-level education and profession distinguished his lifestyle from that of the landed peasant majority; (iii) his identity as a member of lower nobility; (iv) the conjunction and combination of these circumstances all at once. It was Nagy's ancestry which was the principal determinant his self-image and exercised the greatest influence over his decisions (loans, etc.). Other factors (his decision to move to the region, his intellectual tendencies) speak of his individuality. This dichotomy is present in the very act of keeping a diary as well: even though he was working for the good of a broader group (his family), the urge to preserve a piece of his self is apparent from his writing. As for Nagy's descendants, the importance of these qualities declined; they integrated into local society as the sources of otherness disappeared. The only exception was his youngest son, a Law graduate (the grandfather of Iván Nagy, a genealogist), who continued to keep the diary, as did his offspring. Thus, atypical tendencies were preserved by the atypical.
The period of coronavirus pandemic caused psychological stress for the families. An important factor in coping with such stress is resilience that can be described as a successful adaption to circumstances. Aims: The current study aims to... more
The period of coronavirus pandemic caused psychological stress for the families. An important factor in coping with such stress is resilience that can be described as a successful adaption to circumstances. Aims: The current study aims to investigate stress, resilience, and their interactions within Hungarian families. Methods: 346 parent-child dyad participated in the research by filling out online surveys that included demographic sheet and validated scales (CD-Risk, WHO, PSS). Results: The explanatory model for the children’s well-being is constructed to explain the connections among these psychological factors. Higher stress level predicts lower wellbeing both among parents and their children. The higher resilience of the child predicts higher wellbeing. However, parental resilience shows a weak negative correlation with the wellbeing of the child. Discussion: In accord with other studies the level of perceived stress was high. A surprising result of our research is that the parent’s resilience directly reduces their child’s well-being. However, a higher level of parental wellbeing (that is affected by their resilience) altogether leads to a higher level of well-being among the children too. These results can be useful for the professionals as the expected second wave of the pandemic will be surely burdened by psychological challenges.

For the conference volume see:
The study attempts to present the experiences of social traumas based on a hitherto unused group of sources, i.e. psychiatric files. In its current state, this research is rather an attempt to offer a selection from the materials of the... more
The study attempts to present the experiences of social traumas based on a hitherto unused group of sources, i.e. psychiatric files. In its current state, this research is rather an attempt to offer a selection from the materials of the National Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, while also taking account of its strengths (personal character, the representation of an often invisible social group) and weaknesses (data protection, generalizability). The traumas of 20th century Hungarian history appear in the anamneses dated between 1959 and 1961, often representing the triggering cause of the disease. These archival sources may be discussed not only from the perspective of the experiences of the patients, but offer the possibility to capture the dictatorial discourses from an interdisciplinary point of view (social history, clinical psychology, anthropology)

Teljes szöveg:
Communist propaganda spread the image that the visibility of women in public marked a positive change. Sources show that some groups in Hungarian society experienced it differently. This study focuses on the smallholder women’s... more
Communist propaganda spread the image that the visibility of women in public marked a positive change. Sources show that some groups in Hungarian society experienced it differently. This study focuses on the smallholder women’s experiences and those issues that made the process of emancipation not so warmly accepted. The first was the traumatic encounter with the horrors of war that they associated with Russians and of course, Communism. Second, the land reform endangered their owner status and made them oppose to defend their family interests. Some years later the totalitarian state started to threaten their caregiver status within the family, too. Another disastrous event was the decade-long collectivization campaign that ended with the dissolution of traditional peasantry. Soon, traditional female roles were burdened by the expectations of the state while they were working in underpaid jobs in the agricultural sector. Many improvements of the socialist system – including maternal support, health care system or growing female presence in politics – are visible, but they are also dubious due to the aforementioned contradictions.
Research Interests:
In the mid-20th century major interventions were introduced in village life. The compulsory delivery system during the Second World War or the horrors of war also experienced by civilians were later burdened by land reform and the... more
In the mid-20th century major interventions were introduced in village life. The compulsory delivery system during the Second World War or the horrors of war also experienced by civilians were later burdened by land reform and the impatient communist will to modernize the countryside. Between 1945 and 1970 industrialization and collectivization reshaped village life, but farmers did not welcome these changes and mostly did not share the flamboyant visions of the socialist propaganda.
This paper follows the approach of microhistory and with the help of archival findings attempts to show these turbulent years through the lens of a village in Middle –Hungary. Pusztamonostor was a relatively poor village with compound social stratification that included noble lords, well-to-do farmers, and masses of agrarian proletariat. The land reform in 1945 and the launch of collectivization in 1948 resulted cumulative stress for the local society. This intense tension reached its climax with the murder of a communist cadre in 1949. His death was an opening to terror lead by the ÁVH (State Protection Authority) that aimed not only at finding the murders but the punishment of farmer elite and the promotion of collectivization.
The study elaborates the possible reasons and social processes that ended up in a murder. How propaganda used the victim on its own purpose? Could it help collectivization? How did the village react? What happened to the perpetrators who labeled themselves “politically underdeveloped”? What effects this tragic event had on the communist party? And finally, why the victim did not become a socialist martyr?
Research Interests:
Otherness as a basis of identity in György Nagy’s 18th century autobiography György Nagy was a 18th century merchant and nobleman from the Jászság region, and his diary from the period between 1759 and 1769 gives insights into his... more
Otherness as a basis of identity in György Nagy’s 18th century autobiography

György Nagy was a 18th century merchant and nobleman from the Jászság region, and his diary from the period between 1759 and 1769 gives insights into his identity. Even though it is not explicitly stated, the document is infused with a sense of being an outsider.
The study attempts to find the bases of this sentiment using methods of cultural psychology, and seeks to explore the particular responses to conflicts that arose in this individual’s life. Four factors can be identified which made the diary’s author an outcast. He originated from outside the Jászság region; his university-level education and profession distinguished his lifestyle from that of the majority: most people in the area were landed peasants. His identity as the member of lower nobility was significant. These components had to occur all at once to make him a reject.
Individualistic and collectivistic traits combined to make up György Nagy’s identity. Collectivist as his ancestry principally determined his self-image and influenced his decisions (loans, etc.). Other factors (his decision to move, intellectual tendencies) speak of his individuality. This dichotomy is present in the very act of keeping a diary as well: even though he worked for the good of a broader group (his family), the urge to preserve a piece of his self is apparent from his writing.
As for his descendants, these qualities declined; they integrated into society as the sources of otherness disappeared. The only exception was his youngest son, a legal expert (the grandfather of Iván Nagy, a genealogist), who continued keeping the diary, and so did his offspring. Thus, atypical tendencies were preserved by the atypical.
The following study focuses rumors spreading in a Hungarian micro region, Jászság in the decade when dictatorship of the proletariat was built up. It attempts to reveal both directions of rumors: the official that targeted people and the... more
The following study focuses rumors spreading in a Hungarian micro region, Jászság in the decade when dictatorship of the proletariat was built up. It attempts to reveal both directions of rumors: the official that targeted people and the informal that served to interpret events like elections, centralization of the education, possible war scenarios and collectivization.
A tanulmány az 1745-ös jászkun önmegváltás összegének visszaszerzésére a 19. század végén indított mozgalommal foglalkozik, főként a korabeli publicisztikák alapján . A váltságösszeg visszaszerzéséhez hamarosan kulturális, közigazgatási... more
A tanulmány az 1745-ös jászkun önmegváltás összegének visszaszerzésére a 19. század végén indított mozgalommal foglalkozik, főként a korabeli publicisztikák alapján . A váltságösszeg visszaszerzéséhez hamarosan  kulturális, közigazgatási és politikai célok sokasága kapcsolódott. Milyen esélyei voltak egy ilyen ellenzéki mozgalomnak? És mik lehettek / lehetnek a hozadékai?
Miként fogadta a betelepülő zsidóságot egy homogén kultúrájú falu a 19. század közepén? Az együttműködésnek és a konfliktusoknak milyen példáit találni? Miért nem aktivizálta magát a lakosság a zsidóság kicsiny csoportjának megmentése... more
Miként fogadta a betelepülő zsidóságot egy homogén kultúrájú falu a 19. század közepén? Az együttműködésnek  és a konfliktusoknak milyen példáit találni? Miért nem aktivizálta magát a lakosság a zsidóság kicsiny csoportjának megmentése érdekében az 1940-es években? Ezzel szemben miért látni ellenállást néhány év múltán, amikor a "kulákok" váltak az állami önkény áldozatává?  Milyen lehetett a korabeli közhangulat a faluban? Milyen lehetőségei voltak az újrakezdésre a vészkorszak túlélőinek?

" A fatalizmus meghaladása azzal kezdődik, amikor tudatosítjuk, hogy egyetlen személy sem anonim, s minden helyzet történelmi, még ha csak a saját történelmünkre, megíratlan élettörténetünkre vonatkoztathatóan is. " (Viktor E. Frankl: A... more
" A fatalizmus meghaladása azzal kezdődik, amikor tudatosítjuk, hogy egyetlen személy sem anonim, s minden helyzet történelmi, még ha csak a saját történelmünkre, megíratlan élettörténetünkre vonatkoztathatóan is. " (Viktor E. Frankl: A szenvedő ember)
Research Interests:
"A komikum igazi hatalom" Humor, önértékelés és személyiségvonások kapcsolata szakdolgozat felhasználásával.
Research Interests:
Aim: Emergency psychiatric care for children is a priority. It is inevitable that sometimes in some situations patients or their relatives abuse psychiatric staff. There are many factors that facilitate this violence, but also some that... more
Aim: Emergency psychiatric care for children is a priority. It is inevitable that sometimes in some situations patients or their relatives abuse psychiatric staff. There are many factors that facilitate this violence, but also some that are protective. It is a crucial question whether the causes of abuse can be found in the patients, in external factors or in the situation.Methodology: Following an extensive Hungarian and international literature review, Authors used a self-developed semi structured online questionnaire with a total of ten questions, involving 51 participants, from which 21 responded. The topics of the questions were: definition of intentional and non-intentional violence, description of the abuse, perceived risk factors, consequences of the incident, cause and goal, treatment, reporting, prevention, and other comments. The data corpus was examined using content analysis and coded in two stages.Findings: During the coding process, Authors found that situational causes underlie abuse in most areas. In case descriptions, external causes were also emphasized. In topics consequences and goals, patient-related criteria were the most frequent, and external factors were the first only in topic of risk factors. Staff-patient interaction is a  crucial issue related to violence against health workers, but the potentially triggering psychiatric disorder of the child cannot always be excluded.Value: Most psychiatric disorders are caused by early trauma, and trauma is underpinned by adverse childhood experiences and deviant parental behaviour. However, the hospital is a part of a larger system and health problems have social roots. It should be underlined that direct causes of abuse are hidden in the staff-patient interaction, but in many cases parental deviance is also responsible for the onset of psychiatric disorders. Our research may contribute to a deeper understanding of this phenomenon and provide a basis for future quantitative research.
Difficulties of forensic psychological and psychiatric expertise on sexual coercion against children in prosecution Aim: The legal environment for sexual coercion against children and victimization has undergone major changes in the last... more
Difficulties of forensic psychological and psychiatric expertise on sexual coercion against children in prosecution
Aim: The legal environment for sexual coercion against children and victimization has undergone major changes in the last few years, with an increasing focus on victim protection and victim assistance. The aim of this study is to provide insight, through a case study, into different aspects of forensic psychological and psychiatric examinations of children in relation to the sexual coercion of minors and the circumstances of traumatization.Methodology: As minor victims and suspects are also subject to forensic examination in criminal expertise, a number of practical issues arise. In the case study presented here, the issue of child prostitution will be analyzed by outlining the life story of the 17-year-old subject, her current life situation, her actions, and her emotional factors.Findings: The case is representative of the seriousness of the problem, the victim’s vulnerability, her hopelessness, and the length of the criminal proceedings. A causal relationship between life events and current anxiety disorders and psychological instability is demonstrated.Value: Law enforcement professionals are often faced with the need to assign a forensic expert. Law enforcement training and clinical psychology and psychiatric professional competence represent significantly different knowledge. This study, through the presented expert tasks, provides useful assistance to law enforcement officers in the performance of their daily tasks
This study examines the psychological effects of Stalinist social engineering in Hungary in the early 1950s through the memoirs of a former warden and the patient files of the National Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology. The life... more
This study examines the psychological effects of Stalinist social engineering in Hungary in the early 1950s through the memoirs of a former warden and the patient files of the National Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology. The life stories reveal pathogenic factors such as overwork, identity rupture, abrupt social mobility, and the politicization of everyday life. The experiences of psychiatric patients as a minority also provide insight into the conflicts of the majority within society. An important finding of the study is that not only did the obvious victims show symptoms of mental illness, but even the most privileged leaders found that Soviet voluntarism encountered not only economic obstacles or even social resistance but also a more elementary limitation: the limits of their own physical and mental capacity.
In: Fejér, Tamás; Gálfi, Emőke (szerk.) A rendtartó történész : Tanulmányok Imreh István születésének századik évfordulójára Bp - Kolozsvár: Erdélyi Múzeum Egyesület - BTK TTI (2021) pp. 161-176 A tanulmány kronológiai folytatása az... more
In: Fejér, Tamás; Gálfi, Emőke (szerk.) A rendtartó történész : Tanulmányok Imreh István születésének századik évfordulójára Bp - Kolozsvár: Erdélyi Múzeum Egyesület - BTK TTI (2021) pp. 161-176
A tanulmány kronológiai folytatása az alábbi írásnak:
"A jászszentandrásiak tudnának cifra dolgokat mesélni": 1944-45 kétféle emlékezete In: Pethő, László (szerk.) Jászsági évkönyv 2019 Jászberény,  Jászsági Évkönyv Alapítvány (2019) 283 p. pp. 72-91.
Research Interests:
Annak ellenére, hogy a gyermekpszichológiai kutatások mind bőségesebbek a koronavírussal kapcsolatban, a gyakorló szakembereknek még mindig viszonylag kevés intervenciós eszköz és gyakorlat áll rendelkezésére. A járványhelyzet teljes... more
Annak ellenére, hogy a gyermekpszichológiai kutatások mind bőségesebbek a koronavírussal kapcsolatban, a gyakorló szakembereknek még mindig viszonylag kevés intervenciós eszköz és gyakorlat áll rendelkezésére. A járványhelyzet teljes újdonsága és a kutatások során alkalmazott eltérő terminológia és módszertan megnehezíti a különböző országok kutatási eredményeinek értelmezését. Éppen ezért tanulmányunk célja, hogy átfogó képet adjon a koronavírusnak a családra kifejtett pszichés hatásairól. Az áttekintett irodalom a pszichológiai problémák prevalenciájának növekedését jelezték elő. Tanulmányuk nem csak a főbb eredményekre fókuszál, de a szakirodalom alapján javaslatokat is megfogalmaz annak érdekében, hogy a gyakorlati szakembereknek hasznos tájékoztatást adjon és lehetőség szerint tágítsa a témában a tudás határait.
Research Interests:
Negative experiences of the coronavirus epidemic and the stress associated with the epidemic vary from person to person. Some factors in an individual’s Big Five personality traits can affect how they experience the negative experiences... more
Negative experiences of the coronavirus epidemic and the stress associated with the epidemic vary from person to person. Some factors in an individual’s Big Five personality traits can affect how they experience the negative experiences of the epidemic situation and the stress caused. Aims: The aim of our research is to investigate the effect of certain dimensions of Big Five personality traits on negative experiences and stress experienced by the epidemic in adolescents. Method: Our sample consists of 522 adolescent-parent pairs. The research was conducted in the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic in the fall of 2020, with an online questionnaire. In addition to the demographic data sheet, the Big Five and Perceived Stress questionnaires were used. Results: The level of perceived stress in adolescents is significantly higher than that of their parents. Adolescents ’stress levels show a positive correlation with their parents. Among the Big Five factors, neurocyticity and extroversion are associated with perceived stress levels in adolescents. Discussion: Our results partially support the results of previous Big Five research conducted during COVID-19, which also addressed the association of Big Five factors with stress. The results obtained for neuroticism appear to be most similar to the data in the literature. The stress-increasing effect of extroversion is also a surprising and new result in Hungary, as in other stress situations this factor is more of a reducing factor. Our research can help educators and clinicians in the prevention work related to the epidemic situation.
Research Interests:
A kötet a 2021. november 13-án online megrendezett Pozitív Pedagógia és Nevelés Konferenciát kiegészítő tanulmányokat tartalmazza.
The Importance of the Redemption Movement (1903–1929) in Shaping the Jászkun Identity Abstract: A movement in the early 20th century aimed to re-acquire the expenses of the redemption paid nearly two centuries before. Although they could... more
The Importance of the Redemption Movement (1903–1929) in Shaping the Jászkun Identity

Abstract: A movement in the early 20th century aimed to re-acquire the expenses of the redemption paid nearly two centuries before. Although they could not reach their goals, this movement had a significant impact on activating and reshaping the local identity that was previously composed mainly of feudal merits. To mobilize the masses the participants published several articles o"ering a positive self-image and even the promises of an alternative Hungarian history. #e leading !gures were only partly native within the local society, so they made conscious choices to become devoted Jász patriots.  This is paper focuses on their lives and attempts in order to analyze how their messages interacted with local experiences.
Intensified anxiety responses and even symptoms of post-traumatic stress are commonly observed under quarantine conditions. In this study, the effects on fear, anxiety, and wellbeing of the recent pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 were... more
Intensified anxiety responses and even symptoms of post-traumatic stress are commonly observed under quarantine conditions. In this study, the effects on fear, anxiety, and wellbeing of the recent pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 were investigated in a sample of otherwise healthy Hungarians. Taking the family as a microsystem, differences in gender, age, family relationships, and time spent in isolation were the main focus of this investigation.
346 parent-child dyads were examined; the children were 11-17 years of age. Standard psychological questionnaires (Perceived Stress Scale, WHO Wellbeing Index), and open questions were used, and the results analyzed with the aid of basic statistical methods.  Stress levels and wellbeing displayed a significant negative correlation with each other in both parents and children. Parental stress and levels of wellbeing had a weak but significant impact on the wellbeing of their children. Among the demographic variables examined, none of them was found to explain the well-being or stress level of parents.  Natural catastrophes, such as pandemics, create a stressful social environment for parents, and therefore directly impact the psychological wellbeing of all family members.
Research Interests:
HUNGARIAN MIRACLE” OR “THE OLD SCHOOL”? Hungarian Collectivization in the Swedish Press (1948–1967) It was seldom mentioned that the collectivization of agriculture between 1948 and 1961 was the last collective trauma suffered by the... more
HUNGARIAN MIRACLE” OR “THE OLD SCHOOL”? Hungarian Collectivization in the Swedish Press (1948–1967)

It was seldom mentioned that the collectivization of agriculture between 1948 and 1961 was the last collective trauma suffered by the Hungarian society. Contemporary party press hindered the publicity for traumatic social experiences and promoted the modernization narrative with the highlight of communist merits in raising the standards of living for the masses. Articles in the Swedish press seem to be appropriate to illustrate the events of collectivization. Sweden was a neutral and democratic country with press pluralism that could share both pro and anti-communist narratives. Although the Hungarian government emphasized that violent agitation was characteristic only before 1956 – and it was frequently repeated by the Swedish leftist journals, several events presented in liberal and conservative journals contradict this sterile narrative.
Research Interests:
Aims. Even though child psychology researches related to a pandemic are extensive, the knowledge of practitioners about interventions and practices is still very limited. The complete novelty of such an epidemic situation in Europe, the... more
Aims. Even though child psychology researches related to a pandemic are extensive, the knowledge of practitioners about interventions and practices is still very limited. The complete novelty of such an epidemic situation in Europe, the diversity of terminology and methods are factors that make results hard to interpret. Therefore, the current study aims to give an overview of the psychological literature of the family aspects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Methods. A search was executed in four databases (Science Direct, Medline, Scopus, Google Scholar) using the following keywords: pandemic, Covid 19, family, children, adolescents, anxiety, depression. Our review focuses only on English language literature. Results. The majority of the articles focus on non-pathological phenomena and draws attention to the behavior of healthy populations (increase in internet use, the decline of concentration). Methods were dominated by online surveys. These surveys were mainly constructed ad-hoc and they preferred to address parents. Direct child investigations are underrepresented, but several suggestions were formulated for their optimal functioning. Conclusion:. Researches focusing on psychopathology emphasize the growth in the prevalence of disorders. However, other researches are needed to explore the psychodynamics of the pandemic on the family level. Our study aimed to contribute to the field by summarizing the main findings, suggestions, and interventions hoping that it might be a useful tool for practitioners and reduce the territory of the unknown.
A forradalom kitörésének 160. évfordulójára írt eseménytörténeti munka, személyi adattár a jászárokszállási vonatkozású honvédekről. Publikált források, sajtó felhasználásával. Részleteit tartalmazza: Csikós Gábor: Árokszállási... more
A forradalom kitörésének 160. évfordulójára írt eseménytörténeti munka, személyi adattár a jászárokszállási vonatkozású honvédekről. Publikált források, sajtó felhasználásával.
Részleteit tartalmazza: Csikós Gábor: Árokszállási szabadságharcos hősök in Redemptio 15. évf. 2. sz. (2008. április) 9. p
Research Interests:
The pivotal difficulty in learning history is the fact that this subject is mainly language based and therefore demands symbolic representation from students from the very beginning. In Bruner’s theory this is the highest level of... more
The pivotal difficulty in learning history is the fact that this subject is mainly language based and therefore demands symbolic representation from students from the very beginning. In Bruner’s theory this is the highest level of thinking after the action-based enactive representation and the so called iconic representation which one is image-based. But, despite these differences, Bruner also suggests that all children are capable of learn any material, the only question being the method of teaching.
Therefore this challenge mostly is addressed to the teachers and not to students. And of course the educational system is put to a test as well

In the Hungarian educational system children first encounter History in third grade; students are approximately eight years old at that time. It is still not a
regular, well – structured History learning at that time, but pupils work mostly with legends from different periods of the Hungarian History as a
prelude of curricular History classes. It is a major difference from the American practice because they start learning History already in nursery through the history of their town, institutions, family. This method seems to combine the different levels of thinking mentioned above with more efficiency than the Hungarian system. It was an interesting question whether
under such different circumstances, are the Hungarian children capable of
handling symbolic representations to understand cause and effect and to
exercise source critics. Can they reach the same level of historical
competencies found in American schools?
The diagnostic session is mainly based on CHATA (Concepts of History and Teaching Approaches) project established by Alaric Dickinson and Peter Lee
to measure the Historical knowledge of the students living in English speaking countries. Pupils were given discrimination tasks of cause and effect with English historical events exchanged for contextually equivalent

Results showed that despite the different teaching methods, the difference between the achievement level and the test standards are not significant therefore nine years old children demonstrate similar competency levels as the American contemporaries.

The thesis also gives a critical review of three well – known Hungarian History books used in primary schools. It seeks answers to questions like: What
reasons do they mention that make History worth learning? How do they attempt to involve different levels of thinking? To what extent do depict the complexity of life in past eras? Do they try to develop competencies like cause and effect, critical view or empathy?
No perfect book exists, but the qualities of Hungarian History books are good. Recently they gave priority to improvement of competencies rather than lexical knowledge. For further research it would be desirable to give a review for schoolbooks used in the last centuries and compare to those of today.
Research Interests:
A recenzeált kötet: Csíki Tamás: Eltűnt falusi világok. A 20. századi paraszti társadalom az egyéni emlékezetekben. L’Harmattan. Budapest, 2018. (276 oldal.)
Research Interests:
A recenzeált kötet: Kántás Balázs – Kunt Gergely – Szabó Piroska – Szerényi Ildikó (szerk.): „Belső várkastély” Bicskey Erzsébet, egy fiatal lány naplója 1940–1946. Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár SzabolcsSzatmár-Bereg Megyei Levéltára.... more
A recenzeált kötet: Kántás Balázs – Kunt Gergely – Szabó Piroska – Szerényi Ildikó (szerk.): „Belső várkastély” Bicskey Erzsébet, egy fiatal lány naplója 1940–1946. Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár SzabolcsSzatmár-Bereg Megyei Levéltára. Nyíregyháza, 2019. (276 oldal.)
Research Interests:
A kötet borítóján romos épület: a cserepek egymásnak szaladva, a falakat golyók szaggatták fel. A Zámolyhoz tartozó Lajamajor egyik épülete ez, a kép nem sokkal azután készült, hogy a 1945-ben a front keresztülvonult a környéken. Az... more
A kötet borítóján romos épület: a cserepek egymásnak szaladva, a falakat golyók szaggatták fel. A Zámolyhoz tartozó Lajamajor egyik épülete ez, a kép nem sokkal azután készült, hogy a 1945-ben a front keresztülvonult a környéken. Az elhagyatott, magában álló épület felett a cím – tompán árnyékolt, füstös betűkkel, melyek hangulatukban tovább erősítik a kép erejét: " Füstölgő romok között ".
Research Interests:
16-18 May 2024, Prague
ExpertTurn. Expertise in medicine and the human sciences during the 20th century in Europe and beyond 
Research Interests:
2021. október 12: Struktúrák és reprezentációk: elitek és területi egyenlőtlenségek Magyarországon a 18–20. században
Humán Tudományok Kutatóháza, Bp. 1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4., V. em., Tanácsterem
Research Interests:
29 – 30 September 2021, Bratislava
From destalinization to economic reforms
The third international scientific conference on the series Revolution accomplished. Communists in power.
Research Interests:
2019. november 28-30, Szeged: 1989 és a rendszerváltás:  a társadalmi cselekvés lehetőségei. Interdiszciplináris jelenkor-történeti és politológiai konferencia
Research Interests:
2019. november 7–8.BTK–NEB: A legvidámabb barakk?
Vidéki életképek Magyarországról és Erdélyből az 1960–70-es évekből
Sárospatak, Sárospataki Református Teológiai Akadémia
Research Interests:
12.09.2019: Rural History 2019 - 4th EURHO Conference, Paris Negotiating land reform programs 18th – 20th centuries. Local actors and social responses This study focuses on the 1945 land reform in Jász–Nagykun Szolnok county which is... more
12.09.2019: Rural History 2019 - 4th EURHO Conference, Paris
Negotiating land reform programs 18th – 20th centuries. Local actors and social responses

This study focuses on the 1945 land reform in Jász–Nagykun Szolnok county which is located in Central Hungary. The county was characterized by the dominance of agriculture and constituted of united territories with different historical backgrounds, including former free peasant societies (Jászság, Nagykunság) and the nobility’s large estates (right side of river Tisza).
The paper’s main aim is to explore the execution of the 1945 land reform through the lens of local actors. Recent studies challenged the purely positive image of land reform that was depicted by the Marxist historiography. Individual stories and regional differences show variety of opinions and experiences.
Were land reform committees more radical when they confiscated large estates? Did they follow the spirit of law or the influence of Red Army was more determinative? How could they collect lands for reform purposes in those villages that lacked large differences in social status? Who were the winners and the losers of these events? And finally, were there any county level regulations that influenced the local decisions (towns, villages)?
Research Interests:
2018. október 25-26 Apák és fiúk, anyák és lányok.
Szülői szerepek, gondoskodás és tekintély
a pre-modern családban (1500-1918), MTA-Lendület Családtörténeti Kutatócsoport konferenciája
Research Interests:

módszertani műhelykonferencia
Research Interests:
2018. március 23
Sorsfordítás. A paraszti társadalom felszámolása, 1945–1962 konferencia
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
2017. 05. 26-27
Middle-East Europe in historical research of PhD students
Research Interests:
In this book the experiential history of the Soviet-style social transformation projects between 1945 and 1980 is discussed through the example of rural Hungary. The book interprets state socialism as a (modernization) project. Existing... more
In this book the experiential history of the Soviet-style social transformation projects between 1945 and 1980 is discussed through the example of rural Hungary.
The book interprets state socialism as a (modernization) project. Existing socialism was a form of dictatorship in which authorities sought to transform the mentalities of their subjects from the individual level to the global scale. This project depended on socio-economic homogenization; one important method of asserting state power was the transformation of property rights (land redistribution, collectivization). Communist modernization discriminated against the inhabitants of rural areas, who were the primary victims of collectivization and the discriminatory effects of the rules implemented by policymakers. The resulting radical changes in peasant lifestyles would become a source of social pathologies. However, not the authorities but contemporary scholars considered the social costs of these actions. The book aims at Weberian disenchantment and contributes to the deconstruction of the common image of Hungarian socialism, "the happiest barrack."
It is hoped that the research questions inspire new research for exploring convergent and divergent elements in social transformation in former communist countries.
A kötetben olvasható interjúk, visszaemlékezések a vidék társadalmának nézőpontjából mutatják be Magyarország 20. századi történelmét. Hogyan tekintettek vissza az emberek a második világháború helyi eseményeire? Miként élték meg a... more
A kötetben olvasható interjúk, visszaemlékezések a vidék társadalmának nézőpontjából mutatják be Magyarország 20. századi történelmét. Hogyan tekintettek vissza az emberek a második világháború helyi eseményeire? Miként élték meg a kollektivizálást? Milyen boldogulási lehetőségek adódtak számukra a szocializmusban? Az elbeszélések különös értékét az adja, hogy a megszólalók egy olyan nemzedék utolsó élő képviselői, akik nagyrészt még a hagyományos paraszti kultúra értékrendjében szocializálódtak, így a társadalmi változásokat is ebből a nézőpontból szemlélték.

Csikós, Gábor (szerk.) ; Horváth, Gergely Krisztián (szerk.) Lefojtva: Uralom, alávetettség és autonómia a pártállamban (1957–1980) Budapest, Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont, Nemzeti Emlékezet Bizottsága (2021) , 580 p. Recenzió/... more
Horváth, Gergely Krisztián (főszerk.) ; Ö., Kovács József (szerk.) ; Hegedűs, István (szerk.) ; Csikós, Gábor (szerk.) Vidéktörténet 3: Fénytörésben. Struktúrák, lokalitások, mintázatok Budapest, Magyarország : MTA Bölcsészettudományi... more
Horváth, Gergely Krisztián (főszerk.) ; Ö., Kovács József (szerk.) ; Hegedűs, István (szerk.) ; Csikós, Gábor (szerk.)
Vidéktörténet 3: Fénytörésben. Struktúrák, lokalitások, mintázatok
Budapest, Magyarország : MTA Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont (2021) , 330 p.
ISBN: 9789634162605
Vidéktörténet 2 Csikós, Gábor (szerk.) ; Hegedűs, István (szerk.) ; Horváth, Gergely Krisztián (főszerk.) ; Ö., Kovács József (szerk.) Területi-társadalmi törésvonalak és a boldogulás útjai Budapest, Magyarország : MTA... more
Vidéktörténet 2
Csikós, Gábor (szerk.) ; Hegedűs, István (szerk.) ; Horváth, Gergely Krisztián (főszerk.) ; Ö., Kovács József (szerk.) Területi-társadalmi törésvonalak és a boldogulás útjai

Budapest, Magyarország : MTA Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont (2019) , 372 p. ISBN: 9789634161615
Több mint 500, Jászárokszálláshoz (illetve a tőle függetlenné vált községekhez) köthető személy életrajzi gyűjteménye.