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Elena Rossoni-Notter, Olivier Notter, Suzanne Simone, Patrick Simon Balzi Rossi (Ventimiglia, Imperia): researches of the Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology of Monaco on the technical behaviour of the Acheulean... more
"This dissertation presents results from four recently discovered archeological sites in southcentral Alaska. The sites range from the Younger Dryas to middle Holocene in age and provide valuable contextual information for the human... more
The debate about past human use of forest environments in Patagonia has been usually based on information from stratigraphic contexts. Data derived from the study of surface materials are scarce probably due to low archaeological... more
Although it is now commonplace for archaeologists to study use-alteration patterns on ceramics, the same cannot be said of one of the most ubiquitous classes of hunter-gatherer artifacts, fire-cracked rocks (FCR). It can be shown,... more
ROSSONI-NOTTER E., NOTTER O., SIMONP. et SIMONE S. The assemblages of the Observatory (Monaco) and Prince (Balzi Rossi, Liguria, Italy) Caves.New studies and regional issues”. International conference National Museum of Natural History,... more
Ce travail de recherche vise la compréhension de l’origine du Dorsétien et l’éclaircissement de sa définition du point de vue de la technologie lithique en s’appuyant sur l’étude des deux plus anciens sites dorsétiens du Nunavik (GhGk-63... more
En los últimos cuarenta años, el conocimiento sobre el Epipaleolítico y el Mesolítico en la cuenca del Ebro ha aumentado considerablemente, constituyendo en la actualidad, una de las áreas peninsulares con mayor información sobre el... more
SUMMARY: Chapter 8, in Renfrew & Bahn's textbook (Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice), covers what typically survives, what constitutes an "artifact", interpreting usage, obtaining materials (e.g., quarrying; mining),... more
In this paper, we introduce a recently initiated research project conducted at Bushman Rock Shelter, on the northeastern edge of the Highveld plateau in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Previous excavations carried out at the site during... more
Durante el último trimestre de 2003 y el primer trimestre de 2004 se han realizado los trabajos de prospección arqueológica y el estudio geomorfológico del área comprendida en el proyecto constructivo de la “Actuación Urbanística Mixta de... more
El propósito de este trabajo es discutir la intensidad y redundancia de la ocupación humana en el sitio El Tigre durante el Holoceno tardío final a partir del estudio de los procesos de formación del sitio. En un trabajo anterior... more
Documental sobre la evolución de las técnicas de fabricación de los útiles más representativos del Paleolítico y para qué se empleaban.
The Hellenistic, Parthian, and Roman site of Dura–Europos (or simply “Dura”), dubbed the “Pompeii of the Syrian Desert” by Yale historian and archaeologist Michael Rostovtzeff, was jointly excavated by Yale University and the French... more
During the Late Archaic to Early Woodland transition, caches of blue gray chert bifaces were deposited throughout the Midwest, often in association with burials. The types of analyses that can be conducted on these bifaces are restricted... more
"The paper reports the results of technological analyses on flint assemblages found in 1996–2002 in the Pärnu Bay area, Estonia. The assemblages and their find contexts are described and the basic flaking methods and their products are... more
This short note from "Contexts: the Annual Report of the Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology" explores the potential implications of changes in the selection of lithic raw materials across the Narragansett Basin at the start of the Late... more
Several lithic artefacts that belong to hunter-gatherer's occupations from Quebrada Seca 3 site during the Middle Holocene (Southern Puna of Argentina, between ca. 5000-4700 years BP), are analyzed (Southern Puna of Argentina, between ca.... more
Vladislav N. Gladilin (1935-2015) - an informal leader of Paleolithic research in Ukraine in 1970-1980s. To the memory of the Professor and Scientist.
There has been a tendency to ignore disturbed prehistoric flint scatters in Britain. Consequently, there is a loss of potential information. Even with disturbance, some awareness of the spatial ordering of scatters can be determined,... more
Several types of smoking pipes have been manufactured and used by native North American peoples throughout later prehistoric and historic times. Although substantial information exists on the styles of these pipes, very little is known... more
Locality X is a diffuse scatter which consists primarily of more than 1,000 tiny lithic artifacts distributed throughout a massive stratum of eolian sand adjacent to a lunette southeast of Blackwater Draw Locality 1. The discovery of a... more
ABSTRACT Loteshwar (23º 36ʹ 1.8ʺ N; 71º 50ʹ 11.8ʺ E) is situated in the Sami Taluka of Patan District in North Gujarat, Western India. First excavated in 1990’s the site was re-excavated by the North Gujarat Archaeological Project during... more
I am a guest editor (along with Alan McMillan) of an upcoming special Issue of the journal 'BC Studies' which will feature nine papers about the archaeology of the outer Coast of British Columbia. This special issue will be published in... more
In the history of research into the Hamburgian in Poland two periods can be distinguished. The first, longer period, began in the 1930s with the discovery at Rogów Opolski of the first Hamburgian campsite on the territory of Poland... more
Os estudos de sambaquis estão entre os mais recorrentes na Arqueologia Brasileira. Entretanto, poucos se dedicaram a uma abordagem sistemática das indústrias líticas destes sítios. A presente pesquisa tem como objeto o Sítio do Mar... more
In this paper, we discuss about when the first occupation of Europe took place. According to the present-day data, the South of Europe was occupied before the northern latitudes. The first evidences have an age of around 1.3–1.4 Ma. The... more
Seventeen flakes and 1 unifacial scraper have been recovered from submerged archaeological sites on the Alpena-Amberley Ridge, a landform across the Lake Huron basin that was dry land 7500–9500 years ago. These lithic artifacts—recovered... more
During the Late Archaic to Early Woodland transition, caches of blue gray chert bifaces were deposited throughout the Midwest, often in association with burials. Their utility between manufacture and deposition has long been the subject... more
The risk to surface archaeological sites posed by heavy machinery has grown significantly, and stone-tool assemblages are particularly susceptible to alteration that may be difficult to recognise. Indeed, the impact of industrial... more
Abstract The archaeological excavation of the Puente de los Tres Ojos site, next to Cerro Negro Street (Madrid), has provided new data that has allowed us to go in depth into the human settlement and the palaeoenvironmental... more
Now is a good time for a volume like Strangers in a New Land—a time in which the specific details of the much-maligned “Clovis-first” model appear to fit less satisfactorily with emerging archaeological information, and yet no specific... more
Resumo: O alto rio Uruguai é uma área importante para compreender o povoamento pré-histórico da bacia do rio da Prata. Nela foram localizados sítios de caçadores-coletores, referentes ao passado mais antigo da região, e de grupos... more
Potential variables that underlie variation in flake size, and in some instances shape, are investigated in a newly designed experiment. This new design, which utilizes glass cores molded to a specific shape, results in flakes that are... more