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CALPADS Upload Instructions

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CALPADS ODS Reports 1.18 and 8.1

Upload Instructions

Step 1

Visit mmars.multiplemeasures.com, and login to your District Admin Account.

(Administrator tools are only visible to accounts with District Admin Permission level)

Step 2

Click on the “Administrator Tools” button located on the MMARS Homepage.

Step 3

Under the “Upload” portion of the Administrator Tools page, locate and click on the “Demographics” button.

Step 4 Expand the box for 2020-21. Now expand the box for “As-of End of Year”, and either drag-n-drop, or browse to each of your files: 1. 1.18 FRPM End of Year 2. 8.1 Student Profile End of Year

(Note: Only one file can be uploaded at a time)

Step 5 Once your file is in the upload utility, it will ask you to verify that this is the file you wish to upload. (1.) Click on the check box to verify (2.) Click “Continue Uploading”

Step 6 The Upload Utility will now validate the file you uploaded, making sure it is a file we can use. If the validation tool returns a Failed message, it includes a brief description for why it failed to help you troubleshoot. If the issue is obvious, make the required changes and re-upload. If you’re stuck, please reach out to us for help. If the upload Succeeds, you’re good to go! We’ll be automatically notified and begin loading your data. You’ll be notified you when your reports are ready.

Got a question? To learn more about us, visit here.

Or contact a live representative below.






(530) 295-1262

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