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Hudson news summer 2015

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ince the Institute was

Ron Firestein has come all the

Hudson’s Board of Governance

renamed ‘Hudson Institute

way from San Francisco with his

has received a major boost

of Medical Research’ in

young family to take up the role.

with the appointment of two

May, we have had many major

We feel extremely privileged to

extremely high calibre individuals.

developments, starting with

have Associate Professor Firestein

Distinguished scientist, Professor

the implementation of our new

join the Institute, as he is a highly

Warwick Anderson AM and Ms

strategic plan, which outlines

esteemed researcher and physician

Maria Trinci bring to the Institute

our priorities for the next three

who will provide significant clinical

their vital insights into how the

years. Key to this plan will be

insight into Hudson’s cancer

Hudson Institute can generate

addressing Australia’s financially

research. He will undertake clinical

new funding and ensure its

uncertain research environment,

hours as a consultant molecular

financial sustainability. Read

providing outstanding support

pathologist for Monash Health,

more in this newsletter.

to our researchers to ensure

our partnering hospital. Read more

As we look towards the end

they continue to deliver world-

about why Associate Professor

of the year there are still many

class research and ensuring our

Firestein has chosen to undertake

exciting developments to come,

discoveries have a direct impact on

his research at the Hudson

as we have just completed

the community.

Institute in this edition of Hudson

the construction of our new

The last few months have


Translational Research Facility

brought some outstanding

Last year we announced the $1

which we share with our partners

successes for the Institute. In

million commitment made by the

Monash Health and Monash

July, Dr Claudia Nold’s innovative

Fielding Foundation to support

University. Hudson’s cancer, baby

research into the dangerous

our bright young researchers

and women’s health researchers

diseases associated with

and research innovation for the

will begin moving into the

premature birth was recognised

next five years. The first round of

building in November ready for

with a prestigious Paul Korner

Fielding funding has now been

its opening in early 2016. The

Innovation Award from the Heart

awarded to Dr Rebecca Lim and

facility sits side by side with the

Foundation. Dr Nold’s research

Associate Professor Marcel Nold.

Institute and will enhance our

©2015 Hudson News.

is world class and she is highly

Read more about the outstanding

ability to turn our discoveries into

Complete articles may be

deserving of this honour.

research these scientists are

improved prevention, diagnosis

reproduced, acknowledging

Hudson’s Associate Director,

conducting in this newsletter.

and treatments for the world’s

Dellora and Kristy Sheridan;

Professor Peter Fuller, has been

In August, one of our most

most pressing diseases.

Design: Sue Panckridge

appointed to the important role

eminent Institute leaders,

of Chair of the Victorian Cancer

Professor Euan Wallace, was

Agency Consultative Council. In

honoured for his outstanding

27 - 31 Wright Street,

addition to providing independent

record in clinical research and

Clayton, 3168

strategic advice to the State

research training in perinatal

Professor Bryan Williams

Victoria, Australia

Minister for Health and the

medicine with a Career Recognition

Director, Hudson Institute of

Department of Health and Human

Award by the Victorian Clinician

Medical Research

email: info@hudson.org.au

Services’ Executive on matters

Researcher Network (VCRN).

web: www.hudson.org.au

relating to cancer research, the

Professor Wallace has dedicated

Council also funds translational

his career to translational research

cancer research.

excellence as Director of Obstetric

In August, Hudson gained a

Services at Monash Health, Head

world-renowned researcher who

of Department of Obstetrics and

will head our Centre for Cancer

Gynaecology, Monash University,

Research. Associate Professor

and Co-Head of The Ritchie Centre

...in Australia’s financially uncertain research environment, providing outstanding support to our researchers to ensure they continue to deliver world-class research and ensuring our discoveries have a direct impact on the community.

the source. Editors: Claire

Hudson Institute of Medical Research

tel: +61 3 8572 2700 fax: +61 3 9594 7114

https://www.facebook.com/ hudson.org.au https://twitter.com/ Hudson_Research

at the Hudson Institute.

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Single cell genomics medicine taken to a new level

(L-R): The honourable Frank McGuire MP, Professor Bryan Williams

“Single cell genomics technology enables scientists to analyse an individual cell from a diseased organ or tumour to establish which cells are actually causing disease”


(L-R): A/Prof Jose Polo, Fluidigm Representative Hana Gage, Prof Martin Pera, Prof Bryan Williams, Prof Ian Smith, Prof Paul Hertzog, The Hon. Frank McGuire MP, A/Prof Phil Hansbro

diseases, such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s.

magine the human body is like a galaxy,

encompassing billions of cells that, to

Genomics Centre opened at the Medical

In future, single cell technology will prove

the untrained eye, appear like stars from

Genomics Facility, part of the Monash Health

crucial to research in areas like infection and

thousands of kilometres away – just tiny

Translation Precinct (MHTP), in 2014. Its

immunity, regenerative medicine and drug

specks. Now, imagine being able to hone

technology is already enabling researchers


in and analyse just one of these ‘stars’

from the Hudson and its partners to analyse

in isolation, to determine its make-up,

cells that cause inflammation, cancer and

was recently named the first Fluidigm Single

environment and whether it poses a threat

chronic autoimmune diseases, such as lupus.

Cell Genomics Centre of Excellence in the

to its surroundings. Welcome to the world

southern hemisphere. As part of this award,

of single cell genomics technology, which is

Polo is using single cell technology in his quest

the Institute entered into an agreement with

revolutionising cell analysis.

to discover how adult stem cells work.

biotechnology company Fluidigm, giving it

“Single cell technology is revolutionising

first access to new technologies and providing

of cells, they did so assuming that all cells

genomic medicine and allowing us to discover

opportunities for Hudson scientists to present

that appear the same must be similar in their

different cell types that have remained elusive

their findings at global conferences.

make-up. However, new data are revealing

until now.

that individual cells that appear similar may in

Medical Research, Frank McGuire MP, officially

fact differ significantly in their genetic make-

cell technology at the Hudson Institute, my

opened the centre in early September, praising

up, with this difference driving the health and

current research was not possible as it would

the work of both the facility and the MHTP.

function of the entire cell population.

have been too costly and taken time I don’t

Previously, when scientists analysed groups

The Hudson Institute’s Single Cell

Monash University Associate Professor Jose

“Before having access to Fluidigm’s single

The MHTP’s Single Cell Genomics Centre

Victorian Parliamentary Secretary for

The centre is the result of an Australian

have. Profiling the appropriate cells now takes

Research Council grant, through a partnership

scientists to analyse an individual cell from a

me just one day using single cell technology

between the Hudson Institute, Monash

diseased organ or tumour to establish which

whereas it would have taken 22 using the old

University, the University of Melbourne and

cells are actually causing the disease, or

system. That’s the equivalent of six months

the University of Newcastle. With the help of

responding to a treatment. In short, it allows

versus 12 years.”

the technology, researchers from the Hudson

researchers to further unravel the human

Institute are shining a light on the furthest

genome by analysing one cell at a time.

advancing research into stem cell immune

corners of the ‘galaxy’ of the human genome

responses to cancer and neurodegenerative

to tackle disease.

Single cell genomics technology enables

Characterising these cellular variations is

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A MESSAGE FROM PETER FIELDING – A GIFT FOR GENERATIONS Inaugural recipient of the Fielding Fellowship, Dr Rebecca Lim, is leading a research group that is pioneering a world-first treatment employing stem-cell-like therapy to treat lung damage in premature babies. A/Prof Marcel Nold is the first Fielding Innovation award recipient, researching small proteins called cytokines, their signalling and role in suppressing inflammation.


he Fielding Foundation

this flow, by addressing these gaps

has supported the Hudson

to support young scientists when

Institute and its work

they need it most and put them

for many years, but in 2014,

on the path towards a quest for

we decided to cement that

knowledge and making discoveries

commitment by making a real

that help to improve and save lives.

and lasting contribution.

Innovation Award supports the

To this end, the Foundation

Meanwhile, the Fielding

has pledged $1 million over five

commercialisation of medical

years to support the Institute’s

research, to help ensure

areas of greatest need – research

discoveries are translated from the

innovation and assisting its bright lab into patient treatments. young researchers, through the

establishment of the Fielding

in business, I recognise the

Coming from a background (L-R): Peter Fielding, Professor Bryan Williams

Foundation Innovation Award and importance of commercialising Fielding Fellowship.

research and agree that the

success of the Hudson Institute will

Due to critical funding gaps,

many young medical researchers

depend on how well its researchers

will take their vital intellect

can connect their innovative ideas

offshore to conduct research

with companies. This will generate

overseas or exit the profession

additional funding for their

altogether, often leaving their

research and provide an avenue for

research projects, and potentially

scientists to turn their discoveries

countless vital discoveries,

into new therapies to improve


the health and quality of life of

patients in need.

The Fielding Foundation

Fellowship was created to stem

As a donor, I see no greater

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cause to direct funds to than

outstanding organisation and

improving the health and

one with which the Fielding

wellbeing of the community.

Foundation feels honoured and

Health affects us all. It is the

proud to be associated.”

one critical need we all share, and sadly, disease and injury will

Peter Fielding,

affect either us or someone we

Fielding Foundation

love in our lifetime.

We are very proud to have our

contribution reflect areas we feel passionate about. The Hudson Institute is an

From the study they discovered

those suffering dangerous and

during pregnancy. These cells

the mechanisms by which

debilitating inflammation.”

then attach themselves to the

interleukin 37 (IL-37), a cytokine

baby’s damaged lungs, kick-

of the IL-1 family, acts to

supports the Hudson

starting the repair process.

regulate immune responses

scientist who is producing

Like stem cells, these cells can

and control inflammation in the

major advancements in the

grow into any type of cell in


commercialisation of their

the body, but because they

research. Next, Associate


are discarded as part of the

to translate the powerful

Professor Nold’s team will begin

afterbirth, they lack the same

functions of this small protein

experiments to test modulators

ethical dilemmas.

Dr Rebecca Lim

which surrounds the baby

The team is now looking

The Innovation Award

of the protein’s function,

used to control or unleash the

accelerating the research

Hudson’s Dr Rebecca Lim, is

immune system. This could have

and strengthening the team’s

leading a research group that

wide-reaching implications for


is pioneering a world-first

treating strokes, heart attacks

treatment employing stem-

and auto-immune diseases such

cell-like therapy to treat lung

as lupus.

The inaugural recipient

A/Prof Marcel Nold

into new drugs that could be

of the Fielding Fellowship,

damage in premature babies.

Dr Lim’s research group

has commenced clinical trials involving premature babies from the Monash Children’s Hospital here on the Monash Medical Centre site. The babies are administered the stem cell treatment in the days after their birth.

If it proves successful,

this technique could be used in hospitals to improve survival rates and quality of life of babies suffering from conditions like lung respiratory distress syndrome and bronchopulmonary dysplasia.

Preterm babies are often

born with immature lungs,

completed, the team envisages

“The Fielding

this research program will arouse

Innovation Award

the interest of pharmaceutical


Once further testing is


Associate Professor Marcel

“Now that we’ve discovered

amount of work done

controlling inflammation, we are

Nold has been awarded the

over the next 12

looking into how to make that

inaugural $50,000 Fielding

research medically useful,” Dr

months and beyond

Innovation Award to help develop

Nold said.

his work on small proteins called

“The Fielding Innovation

findings through to a

cytokines, their signalling and

Award will greatly help us to

role in suppressing inflammation.

commercial stage of

get the extensive amount of

developing drugs to

work done over the next 12

improve life for those

Associate Professor Nold and

months and beyond in order to

international study which was

take our findings through to a

suffering dangerous

published earlier this year in the

commercial stage of developing

and debilitating

highly regarded journal Nature

drugs to improve life for



- Associate Professor Marcell Nold

that around 50 per cent will experience lung damage, for


This is where Dr Lim’s


amnion epithelial cell

Inflamation mTOR NF-κB TAK1


effective treatment.



TLR agonist eg. LPS

treatment could have lifesaving effects. As part of the treatment, amniotic epithetical cells are extracted from the amniotic membrane,

in order to take our

his wife Dr Claudia Nold led an

support. The side effect is

to get the extensive

the mechanisms of IL-37 in

requiring life-saving respiratory

which there is currently no

will greatly help us


IL-37 ne oki r Cyt cepto e r



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FORMER NHMRC BOSS JOINS HUDSON BOARD The Hudson Institute is pleased

is privileged to welcome a board

Professor Anderson completed

announce the appointment of

member of Professor Anderson’s

research fellowships at the

distinguished scientist Professor


University of Sydney and Harvard

Warwick Anderson AM to its board of governance.

Professor Anderson led

the NHMRC, Australia’s major governmental funding body for health and medical research, for almost nine years until March this year.

He is also the former Head of

Monash University’s School of Biomedical Sciences and former Deputy Director of the Baker Medical Research Institute.

Hudson Director, Professor

Bryan Williams, says the Institute

Medical School.

“Professor Anderson brings varied experience as a medical researcher, and at the helm of Australia’s foremost funding body,” Professor Williams said.

“Professor Anderson’s

knowledge will be invaluable as we work to galvanise our research strengths, particularly in Australia’s shifting medical research funding landscape.”

His research has focused on

renal causes of hypertension, including the roles of renal vascular remodeling, renal innervation and the reninangiotensin system.

long and celebrated history in

He has a history of serving

“The Hudson Institute has a

on medical and scientific boards

medical research and discovery.

and committees, and currently

I look forward to playing a role

serves on the International

in these transformative years

Advisory Committee on

for the Hudson Institute and

Biomedical Science for Singapore eagerly await the real and lasting and the Dana-Farber Cancer

impact the Institute will make

Institute’s Presidential Visiting

on human health,” Professor


Anderson said.


the right place at the right time.

found non-avian Australians to

and perspectives of clinician-

Two key Institute strengths that

be very welcoming and friendly.

scientists who go back and forth

led me to come here were the

The girls have settled in to their

between the lab and the clinic

strong culture of collaboration

new school and already have

and can serve as ‘translators’ of

and multi-disciplinary research

many friends. At this point, they

medical research.

and the clinical and translational

have both started to sing the

strength on the Monash Health

Australian national anthem and

campus. It’s exciting to see

declared that they are never

how ‘out of the box’ thinking

leaving Australia.

Tell us about some of your most notable discoveries so far? Associate Professor Ron Firestein

One of the major projects I led

talks about why he moved from

at Genentech involved finding

the US (where he worked for

biomarkers that can predict

biotech company Genentech

which patients will respond

in San Francisco) to become

to epigenetic therapies. I’m

the Hudson Institute’s new

particularly excited about this

Director of the Centre for Cancer

work because of its potential to


directly impact patient care in the next 3 years.

Why did you decide to go into medical research after becoming

You have just moved to Australia

a doctor? Why is medical

to begin working at the Hudson

research so important?

Institute. Why did you choose

My own path started in the

the Hudson over other medical

laboratory and led me to the

research institutes?

clinic. As an undergraduate

Joining the Hudson Institute is

student, I instantly was drawn

a fantastic opportunity to be in

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can come together as project ideas are spawned between our scientists and other Hudson Centres that focus on orthogonal questions in immunity, endocrinology, and reproductive health.

What do you hope to achieve as head of Hudson’s Centre for Cancer Research? The Cancer Centre is an exciting and growing theme area at the Hudson Institute. Many of our members are early career

How is your family settling into

scientists and I am particularly

Australian life?

looking forward to mentoring

I came here with my wife, Naama, and working collaboratively with and two daughters Eliana (age

them to cultivate and promote

6) and Emily (age 3). My family

the Centre’s unique strengths

loves Australia! Aside from

and attributes.

being attacked by a grumpy neighbourhood magpie we’ve


Hudson researchers are leading an international study that has identified a new intersex syndrome, Craniosynostosis with Sex Reversal (CSR).


udson Institute sex genetics experts

undiagnosed, leading to health and social

Professor Vincent Harley and Dr

impacts later in life,” Professor Harley said.

Stefan Bagheri-Fam have led an

Researchers analysed genetic data

international study which identifies a new

from a German patient who, as a teenager,

rare disorder that forms another piece of

was diagnosed with the form of intersex

the puzzle in understanding why some

called XY gonadal dysgenesis. Genetic

people are born intersex.

sequencing by Dr Makoto Ono, visiting

pediatrician at the Hudson, revealed

People who are intersex have

reproductive organs, sexual anatomy or

that the patient carried the mutated

chromosome patterns that do not fit the

FGFR2 gene, already a known cause of

typical definition of male (XY) or female



the FGFR2 mutation was also responsible

conditions like gonadal cancer.

Human Molecular Genetics, shows how a

for the XY male-to-female sex reversal.

mutated form of the FGFR2 gene, already

The breakthrough came when Hudson

clinicians are better equipped to

known to cause craniosynostosis (where

scientist and lead author of the paper, Dr

diagnose the condition, and precisely

the joints between the bones of a baby’s

Bagheri-Fam, working with Yale University

treat and manage the health risks

skull close before it is fully formed), can

researchers, demonstrated that mice with

associated with specific genetic intersex

also cause XY sex reversal. The team has

a very similar mutation also showed XY

conditions,” Professor Harley said.

identified a new intersex syndrome, called

male-to-female sex reversal.

Craniosynostosis with Sex Reversal (CSR).

National Health and Medical Research

two per cent of live births are intersex,

Council (NHMRC) Australia, and the

which can result in psychological trauma,

US National Institute of Dental and

infertility, lifelong endocrine care,

Craniofacial Research.

The study, published in the journal

“The umbrella term ‘intersex’ has many

genetic causes, the majority of which go

The question remained as to whether

Professor Harley says that one to

(L-R): Professor Vincent Harley, Dr Stefan Bagheri-fam

multiple surgeries and increased risk of “By identifying the genetic causes,

The work is supported by the

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COMMUNITY SUPPORT COMMUNITY SUPPORTS NEW CEREBRAL PALSY THERAPIES FOR BABIES Hudson Institute’s Ritchie Centre enjoys a strong relationship with Inner Wheel Australia (IWA), which supports researchers through its annual appeal, Coin for a Cord Day. To date, IWA funding for the Hudson Institute has enabled preclinical studies in premature birth and birth asphyxia, two of the major causes of cerebral palsy, whilst supporting key women in science.

Earlier this year, Victorian

Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) students from The Centre for Continuing Education in Wangaratta put their money where their mouth is in support of IWA and the Hudson Institute. The students, aged 16 to 18, have been raising funds for IWA through merchandising and cake stalls in Wangaratta.

A group of 25 students toured

the Institute, where researchers are investigating the use of stem cells from babies’ umbilical cords to improve brain function after severe birth asphyxia and to

treat and prevent cerebral palsy. The students participated in a Q&A session Professor Graham Jenkin’s and Dr Suzie Miller’s group. Director, Professor Bryan Williams, says Hudson researchers are deeply committed to sharing discoveries with the community and rewarding their commitment to science.

“The community is essential

to our ability to make vital discoveries. Research such as this is not possible with government funding alone.”

Through grants from IWA,

the results obtained by Professor Jenkin’s and Dr Miller’s research group have supported the establishment of a world-first clinical trial to test the use of cord blood before it can be used to treat the damaged brains of babies who have suffered a loss of oxygen at birth.

VCAL teacher, Rebecca

Higginson, said opportunities like the visit to the Hudson Institute build self-confidence and belief in the students.

“The students thoroughly

enjoyed seeing first-hand how the funds they raise really make a difference,” said Ms Higginson.

Dr Kevin Knower (‘Dr Kev’)

SCIENTISTS IN SCHOOLS Hudson Institute researchers have participated in the CSIRO ‘Scientists in Schools’ program for many years, forging long-lasting partnerships between scientists, school students and teachers.

Our researchers find the

Above: Mossgiel Park Primary School students work on one of Dr Kev’s assignments

program highly rewarding, as

the interaction with enthusiastic

student, Aina, says,“Dr Kev is

students gives them a fresh

interesting to listen to and is

perspective on science.

a very good scientist”, while

12-year-olds Chelsea and Zhenni

Dr Kevin Knower has taken

Mossgiel Park Primary School

part in the program for four years.

say, “Dr Kev’s experiments are

He recently visited Mossgiel Park

fun, interesting and unique.”

Primary School in Endeavour Hills to conduct practical science lessons with the students. melting points and freezing by


using dry ice, bacterial hygiene

Including a gift to the Hudson

by growing bugs in petri dishes

Institute in your Will supports our

and how to isolate DNA from

scientists and students to work


side by side with clinicians to solve

The students learnt about

Year six teacher, Cathy

Cavedon, said, “It’s been wonderful to be involved in the Scientists in Schools program with Doctor Kev. The students have embraced the program and always

some of our most challenging contemporary health problems. Your bequest will help our researchers to unravel the mysteries of nature to cure disease and improve healthcare now and for future generations.

look forward to doing activities

For a confidential conversation

that are engaging and outside the

about including a gift to the Hudson

normal classroom parameters.”

Institute in your Will, or to receive further information, please contact Stuart Lowe our Fundraising Manager, on 03 8572 2701.

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