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Children's Mindfulness Handbook gives simple lessons for teaching children mindfulness.

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Children’s Mindfulness Handbook

7 Simple Practices for teaching your child mindfulness

How To Be Happy lessons from the Happiness Alliance happycounts.org

Simple practices for teaching your child mindfulness

Never force mindfulness practice on your child.

Invite you child to practice mindfulness, and if they do not want to to, allow them to make their decision without judgment or punnishment.

Practice yourself.

The most powerful way you can teach is by example. Take a few minutes a day in the presence of your child, grandchild, niece or nephew’s presence to meditate. Invite them to meditate with you.

You may follow your breath by noting each inhale and exhale. When you do this verbally, your child can follow along with you.

Eating Mindfully

Share your experience for one bite. Take your time. Tell the child you are going to, then explain the smell, taste, feeling and texture. Invite your child to tell you their experience. One bite may be enough!

Share dessert time or a favorite food with your eyes closed, savoring each bite. Ask your child to do the same. Share your experiences.

Feelings & Thoughts

Share your observation of how you are feeling. Do this in a calm and slow manner. Invite your child to share how they are feeling. Share your observation of what thoughts arise and disappear in the moments.

Talk about how feelings and thought appear and disappear. You can say things like “Even though you may feel angry sometimes, I am not angry person. It is a feeling you have sometimes.” or “Sometimes I feel sad, and then later, I feel okay. It helps when I talk about my feelings, but sometimes the sadness comes back.”


Take time to do nothing! Invite your child to day dream with you. After, talk about what thoughts, feelings, urges and ideas that arose. Say in simple terms, “I noticed…” Include that you noticed a sound or other occurrence that arose and then disappeared (like a bell that chimed, a car that passed).

Invite your child to share what thoughts, feeling, urges, idea or other things they noticed, but do not expect them to share. If they do not want to share, accept their decision with equanimity.

Self Talk

Teach your child to speak kindly to themself. Tell them often they are a good person and other positive statements. Invite them to tell themselves they are a good person and other positive statements. Exemplify this with your own description of yourself in front of your child. Calmly notice when you speak poorly of yourself and state so. Replace these with positive statements saying them out loud.


Help your child through difficult times by guiding them in focusing on the breathe.

When your child is having a hard time sleeping, upset or during a time out, help them to focus on one breath at a time. You can breath in and breath out with them. You can suggest they count one, two for each breath: one - breathing in, two - breathing out, one – breathing in, etc.

Mindfulness for Children is a tool from Happiness Alliance’s How to Be Happy © 2015 Laura Musikanski Images from cromaconceptovisual from Pixabay

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