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Healthy Happy Habits

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isn’t selfish

Take stock of your self care!

If some of your habits are harmful, or leaving you in a cycle of hurt, talk to your doctor so you can find ways to flourish mentally and physically

Self care includes:

● Taking care of your body and mind

● Getting at least 8 hours of sleep

● Doing something physical you love

● Eating foods that are good for you

● Recognizing your feelings

Benefits of Vitamin D:

● Helps you absorb calcium & phosphorus, for healthy bones

● Facilitates immune system function

● May fight off flu and heart disease

● Helps with weight regulation

● Regulates your mood to combat depression and anxiety

*Ask your doctor for a blood test if you think you have vitamin D deficiency

Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency:

● Feeling tired and achy

● General malaise

● Bone or muscle pain

● Having a hard time getting out of bed

● Stress fractures

Be Kind to Others:

● Give compliments

● Express gratitude

● Be generous and helpful

Be Kind to yourself: *

● Practice positive self talk

● Give yourself time to rest

*When you are kind to yourself you have to foundation and fullness to be kind to others!

Studies find that there is a connection between smiling and health. Smiling can help with stress, lower your heart rate and blood pressure, and may even lead to a longer life!

Breathing exercises can help decrease your heart rate!

Taking deep breaths:

● Gives you a moment to pause

● Helps your parasympathetic nervous system kick in

● Calms you down

● Helps you think better

Your family may be genetic or a family of choice


a place of respect, support and love for all

should be
You deserve love, respect and supportjust as every other person on this planet does
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