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HAY Environmental Profile

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ENVIRONMENTAL PROFILE HAY was founded in 2002 with the ambition of creating quality products with an eye for modern living, based on technological advances and sophisticated industrial manufacturing. From our founding, we have worked with the world’s leading designers in a sustainable and democratic context, always seeking to ensure that our products are sustainable and that we contribute to a greener future. Today, we remain just as committed to the design and production of durable and long-lasting products. Through our in-house product development team and committed partnerships with carefully selected suppliers, we produce quality products in hard-wearing and sustainable materials. The majority of our furniture is tested by independent institutes to ensure they comply with the relevant standards for consumer safety and quality.



We strive to maintain a close and solid relatio

We recognise that our actions have an environmental

our suppliers, many who have worked with u

impact, and we take our responsibility to contribute to a

beginning. We frequently visit our suppliers’

greener environment seriously. With all of our products,

guiding them to comply with our rules and to

we focus on finding the balance between creating a

they undergo constant development. We exp

healthy working environment, striving to uphold social

and partners to show transparency and hone

responsibility, and pursuing environmentally friendly

aspects of our collaboration.

production methods. Above all, we seek to ensure sustainability in every step of our production processes, and are dedicated to complying with legal and social


demands, ethical standards, and international norms.

We also ensure our products are tested on a

with continuous adjustments and improveme


made to our products. Many of our products

HAY’s environmental and social commitments are an

accordance with international standards, and

integral part of our corporate values, and we make a

continuously and actively to improve produc

concerted effort to develop long-lasting products that use

quality/safety, whenever it is economically an

environmentally friendly materials. Our ongoing goal is to


reduce our environmental footprint, so we are constantly conducting research into the field of materials in hopes of creating sustainable products with a strong environmental


profile. That’s why every new design takes the well-being

HAY’s environmental and social commitment

of the environment into consideration at every stage of

integral part of our corporate values. By cons

a product’s life, from the methods and materials used to

aiming to develop and create products and s

produce it, to distribution, to disassembly and recycling at

last, we show that we take our responsibility

the end of its life.

ongoing goal is to reduce our environmental

further, and to sharpen our strategy for a mo


future. We aim to evaluate all areas of our su

At HAY, we set strict requirements for and limits on

identify how we can minimise our environme

chemicals used during production, as well as limiting


emissions from finished products. This benefits the environment, the health of the consumer, and the people who manufacture our products. We demand our suppliers meet the same high standards that we represent ourselves, in order to ensure all production is carried out by people under decent working conditions. To safeguard these principles, we aim to work with ISO-certified companies. The majority of our production of furniture is located in Europe. We aim to produce 2/3 of our products in the regions where they are sold.

onship with

us since the factories,

o make sure

pect suppliers

esty in all

a large scale,

ents being

s are tested in

d HAY works

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nd technically


ts are an


solutions that seriously. Our

l footprint even

ore sustainable

upply chain to

ental and social



The Nordic Swa

Nordics and the

Europe. They wo

impact from pro

maximum enviro

and the EU Eco and look at the

the ecolabels e

specific produc

stages of the pr

production and

Both the Nordic

promote circula

securing a sust

developing sust

to last. All const

and recycling o







extraction, to pr

products have a

furniture meet c

cork, bamboo a

sustainably man

substances is re

upholstery are l

formaldehyde e

and the VOC em

or entire furnitu criteria. The EU

to identify an en

NORDIC SWAN ECOLABEL The Nordic Swan Ecolabel is the official


oduction and consumption. To ensure


ork to reduce the overall environmental



e EU Ecolabel is the official ecolabel in


an Ecolabel is the official ecolabel in the

Nordic ecolabel – and among the world’s toughest environmental certifications. The Nordic Swan Ecolabel works to reduce the

onmental impact, the Nordic Swan Ecolabel

overall environmental impact from production and

olabel take an entire life cycle approach

consumption. Therefore, the Nordic Swan Ecolabel

full product journey. This means that

evaluates the entire product life cycle and the

evaluate the environmental impact of the

environmental problems that arise along the way – for the

ct type and set requirements in all relevant

benefit of the environment, climate, humans and the earth’s

roduct life cycle – from raw materials,

resources. Common to all products certified with the

d use, to waste, re-use and recycling.

Nordic Swan Ecolabel is that they meet strict

c Swan Ecolabel and the EU Ecolabel

environmental, health and quality requirements. Furniture

ar economy and are powerful tools for

with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel is tested to be durable, safe

tainable future. HAY supports this by

and good quality. Wooden furniture and wooden furniture

tainable, quality products that are designed

parts are made of traceable wood from legal forestry, and

tructed with the focus on the disassembly

a high percentage of the wood is from certified sustainable

of the product at the end of its life.

forestry. Textiles, filling, glue and paint live up to strict chemical requirements. Neither halogenated flame retardants, phthalates, heavy metals nor fluorinated


substances may be added. All relevant materials meet the

The EU Ecolabel is the official European

requirements for evaporation of harmful substances. The

ecolabel of environmental excellence that is

design makes it possible to remove and reuse or recycle

awarded to products and services meeting

metal parts when the furniture is worn out.

high environmental standards throughout

their life cycle – from raw material

roduction, distribution and disposal – the


a disassembly instruction. EU-Ecolabelled

HAY is FSC™ certified. FSC™ (Forest

criteria that guarantee that any virgin wood,

Stewardship Council) is an international

and rattan are sourced from legal and

non-profit organisation and a labelling

naged forests. The use of hazardous

system for wood and paper that originate

estricted, harmful residues in any

from sustainable forests. HAY has received

limited, and the products have low

the FSC™ certificate for a large number of

emissions. All products are free from PVC,

products. We are continually working on increasing the

missions from the final coated component

number of FSC™ certified products in our wooden-furniture

ure product meet defined VOC emission


Ecolabel offers the consumer an easy way

nvironmentally-friendly product.



HAY only uses European standard E1 in our c

We develop products of high quality that are long lasting

wood materials, which ensures a low release

and have a timeless design, made to be enjoyed for

formaldehyde. Some of our products live up

generations. When we develop products, our focus is on

is stricter than the European standard.

using environmentally friendly materials to ensure optimal durability and strength. The majority of our products are tested by the third-party institutes for durability, strength,


chemicals, and safety according to EU standards. Selected

The coating of our products is not heavy-me

products are tested according to US standards. We strive

and we set strict limits for VOC and formalde

to investigate, challenge and improve our knowledge about

emission. In May 2020, we launched our first

sustainability in order to make the right decisions, always

water-based lacquer. By 2022, the majority o

considering the complete lifecycles of our products. By

products will be made with water-based lac

doing so, and by creating valuable collaborations with our suppliers and manufacturers, going beyond compliance with regulations and other requirements, we aim to continuously


reduce the environmental impact of our products.

From 2022, we will only use water-based glu

We limit our environmental impact limits and requirements for the substances contained in our product materials.


Limitations include chemicals used during production,

Polypropylene is a very strong and durable m

emissions from finished products, quality and safety. This

ensuring a long life time.

benefits both the environment and the health of the end user.

In Hay’s furniture collection we use 100% rec

PP or a mix of recycled and virgin PP. Polypro

from the following 5 heavy metals: Cadmium


6 (CrVI), Lead (Pb), Tin (Sn) and Mercury (Hg)

In our chemical usage, we comply with the REACH regulation. We are in the process of phasing out all substances from the candidate list/SVHC substances for


all materials. We will only allow SVHC substances under the

All of our foam products live up to the requir

limit 0.1% based on weight in each component, which is

by Oeko-tex. We have strict limits on both th

much stricter than REACH requirements.

and chemical emissions that are in accordan

relevant international environmental guidelin

WOOD HAY aims to use sustainable/traceable wood, which is


certified with the FSC label. FSC is a global non-profit

Many of the HAY textiles are certified to mee

forest certification system promoting the responsible

requirements of all relevant international env

management of the world’s forests, protecting them

guidelines. We set strict limits on chemicals

for future generations. The organisation works against

production, the content of substances in the

deforestation, protects animals and plants, and ensures

and the quality of fabric by setting requireme

that foresters receive decent wages, proper training,

physical testing. Our textile suppliers are lea

and safety equipment. By the end of 2020, we will only

suppliers with whom we have a close relation

purchase FSC-certified wood for our furniture.

Our goal is that all our textiles live up to Oek the end of 2021.


e of to TSCA, which

etals based,


t product with

of our wood




cycled PP, virgin

opylene is free

m (Cr), Chrome


rements set

he content

nce with the


et the

vironmental used during

e end product,

ents for

ading European


ko-tex 100 by




We have strict limits for chemicals used during produc-

In our product development process, we foc

tion, the content of substances in the finished product,

entire life cycle of the product, from the raw

and emissions. We offer variants of chrome-free leather.

used to production, use, disposal, and recyc

as any detrimental environmental effects tha

during that process. To ensure maximum env


impact, we seek to participate in a circular e

From 2020, we will only use Chrome 3 when electroplating

which actions taken in one stage of a produc

steel for our furniture collection.

a positive environmental effect further down

avoid any detrimental environmental effect e of the product’s life cycle, so that our use of


materials enables the product to be disassem

We minimise the packaging material used for our products

and recycled.

to reduce our environmental impact and to lower the use of CO2. We mainly use cardboard as packaging material.

ECO DELIVERY Freight transportation plays a fundamental role in global sustainable development, which is why it has become a focus area for HAY. In our efforts to minimise our carbon footprint, we sought to find the most environmentallyfriendly solution for transporting our products worldwide. This has resulted in a new partnership with Maersk ECO Delivery, which replaces fossil fuels with sustainable, low-carbon fuel, ECO Delivery, and thus enables HAY to transport its cargo in a more sustainable way. ECO Delivery uses a low-carbon fuel certified by the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) body and manufactured from recycled sustainable biomass. Looking forward, HAY will use ECO Delivery for our Europe and APAC ocean transport, and we see this as an important step in our journey towards a more sustainable and responsible way of running our business.


cus on the materials

cling, as well

at may arise


economy, in

ct’s life have

n the line, and

even at the end sustainable

mbled, sorted,


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