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Efrem Yildiz

Recensión del libro: Yildiz, Efrem, Bravo, Nuria [2017]. El Icono: Historia, simbología y técnica, Akkad Book.
... It is useful to bear in mind that from Sargon of Akkad until Nabonidus (Nabu-na'id), the Assyrian and Babylonian empires exercised the height of their power and influence whilst experiencing their moments of greatest... more
... It is useful to bear in mind that from Sargon of Akkad until Nabonidus (Nabu-na'id), the Assyrian and Babylonian empires exercised the height of their power and influence whilst experiencing their moments of greatest splendor during the reigns of: - Hammurabi 1750-1792 ...
The article deals with the critical situation of Assyrian Christians in Mesopotamia. It describes the details of a persecution that has become one of the biggest concern in Middle East and it gradually is moving to the western countries... more
The article deals with the critical situation of Assyrian Christians in Mesopotamia. It describes the details of a persecution that has become one of the biggest concern in Middle East and it gradually is moving to the western countries that until recent attempts have not considered it in a serious way. Moreover, the work informs about the real history of the original inhabitants of Mesopotamia, who have never been called according their ethnical origin but rather they are known according their religious belonging.
En este articulo, el lector encontrara una exposicion detallada de la historia de los arameos y de su lengua. El autor trata acerca de la diversidad de asentamientos arameos, asi como de las variedades de su lengua, que, no obstante, ha... more
En este articulo, el lector encontrara una exposicion detallada de la historia de los arameos y de su lengua. El autor trata acerca de la diversidad de asentamientos arameos, asi como de las variedades de su lengua, que, no obstante, ha sido un elemento de identidad cultural dentro de la multiplicidad desde los comienzos hasta nuestros dias
The article deals with the critical situation of Assyrian Christians in Mesopotamia. It describes the details of a persecution that has become one of the biggest concern in Middle East and it gradually is moving to the western countries... more
The article deals with the critical situation of Assyrian Christians in Mesopotamia. It describes the details of a persecution that has become one of the biggest concern in Middle East and it gradually is moving to the western countries that until recent attempts have not considered it in a serious way. Moreover, the work informs about the real history of the original inhabitants of Mesopotamia, who have never been called according their ethnical origin but rather they are known according their religious belonging.
Research Interests:
“The Assyrian Linguistic Heritage and its Survival in Diaspora” is a chapter of the Book: The Assyrian Heritage. Threads of Continuity and Influence. This research deals with the topic upon bilingualism applied to the Assyrians from the... more
“The Assyrian Linguistic Heritage and its Survival in Diaspora” is a chapter of the Book: The Assyrian Heritage. Threads of Continuity and Influence. This research deals with the topic upon bilingualism applied to the Assyrians from the ancient time until today. The author tries to enlightening how the Assyrian communities in diaspora can become bilingual in a balanced way. The work is based upon the experiences used by the Assyrian communities settled in Western world.
Research Interests:
of Antioch, notes that the Interpreter composed ten thousand volumes1. The titles of his works have come down to us thanks to two catalogues: the Chronicle of Seert2 and the catalogue of Abd'isho. The latter gathered together at... more
of Antioch, notes that the Interpreter composed ten thousand volumes1. The titles of his works have come down to us thanks to two catalogues: the Chronicle of Seert2 and the catalogue of Abd'isho. The latter gathered together at the end of the thirteenth century the exegetical works of Theodore. After his death they were translated into Syriac because of his allegedly Nestorian leanings3. The Bishop of Mopsuestia has handed down to us texts which are enriching from several points of view. They illustrate his profound theological, biblical and spiritual knowledge. It is striking that his works circulated in practically all the centers and theological schools of both East and West. The author's vast literary production attests to the zeal with which he defended and proclaimed the divine word. In the East he is called Mpashqana (dčäčÔ'đÐß), that is, the Interpreter par excellence. If we go back to the period in which he lived (5th century), then we can readily identify the reason for the disappearance of almost all his works. Before moving on to the subdivision of Theodore's works, we shall present a list of them using the two above-mentioned catalogues, that of Abd'isho translated by Assemani from Syriac into Latin, and the Chronicle of Seert translated by P. Dib from Arabic to French. It should be stressed that these works reflect a typically Antiochene form of theology and exegesis.
Research Interests:
San Efrén de Nísibis: Himnos de Navidad y Epifanía. Introducción, traducción y notas a cargo de Efrem YILDIZ SADAK. La traducción de los himnos de Navidad y Epifanía de San Efrén de Nisibis introducen al lector en el mundo semítico... more
San Efrén de Nísibis: Himnos de Navidad y Epifanía.
Introducción, traducción y notas a cargo de Efrem YILDIZ SADAK.
La traducción de los himnos de Navidad y Epifanía de San Efrén de Nisibis introducen al lector en el mundo semítico bíblico mediante dos géneros poéticos: homilías métricas mēmrē e himnos madrāšē.
A través de la homilía métrica, mēmrā, el autor de los himnos nos presenta una composición versificada estructurada con un número indeterminado de parejas de versos de igual número de sílabas. San Efrén es conocido por sus mēmrē heptasílabos.
Los himnos madrāšē constituyen el cuerpo más importante de la producción literaria de este doctor de la Iglesia universal. Dichos himnos servían como composición poética para fines litúrgicos que se cantaban durante la celebración litúrgica, formando dos coros llamados si‘yātā. El himno, madrāšā se caracteriza por el empleo de un determinado número de estrofas que utilizan la misma estructura métrica, acompañada de un responsorio, ‘unāyā que se repite al concluir la estrofa cantada.
A través de estos himnos y homilías, San Efrén muestra un profundo conocimiento del texto bíblico del que se sirve para introducir al lector en un mundo simbólico, además de maravilloso, único.
Research Interests:
Modern Aramaic Grammar: Suret This modern Aramaic Grammar of 230 pages is a complete and practical mean for those who are willing to learn modern Aramaic language in a progressive way. It includes Scripture, Phonetics, Morphology and... more
Modern Aramaic Grammar: Suret
This modern Aramaic Grammar of 230 pages is a complete and practical mean for those who are willing to learn modern Aramaic language in a progressive way. It includes Scripture, Phonetics, Morphology and Syntax. Each part is accompanied by practical exercises that are useful for a better understanding of the given definitions.

Grámatica del Arameo moderno: Suret
Se trata de una gramática completa y de un medio práctico para los que desean aprender el arameo moderno de una forma gradual y progresiva. Es un libro de 230 páginas que incluye la escritura, la fonética, la morfología y sintaxis. Cada apartado está acompañado por ejercicios prácticos que ayudan a una mejor comprensión de las definiciones proporcionadas.
Research Interests: