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Meaning of "pasar" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra pasar procede del latín passāre, de passus, paso.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


pa · sar play


Pasar is a verb.
The verb is the part of the sentence that is conjugated and expresses action and state of being.

See the conjugation of the verb pasar in Spanish.


Click to see the original definition of «pasar» in the Spanish dictionary.
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Definition of pasar in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of passing in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is to lead, to drive from one place to another. Another meaning of passing in the dictionary is to move, move to another place, situation or class. To pass is also to cross from one part to another. Pass the mountain, a river. La primera definición de pasar en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es llevar, conducir de un lugar a otro. Otro significado de pasar en el diccionario es mudar, trasladar a otro lugar, situación o clase. Pasar es también cruzar de una parte a otra. Pasar la sierra, un río.

Click to see the original definition of «pasar» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.



yo paso
pasas / pasás
él pasa
nos. pasamos
vos. pasáis / pasan
ellos pasan
Pretérito imperfecto
yo pasaba
él pasaba
nos. pasábamos
vos. pasabais / pasaban
ellos pasaban
Pret. perfecto simple
yo pasé
él pasó
nos. pasamos
vos. pasasteis / pasaron
ellos pasaron
Futuro simple
yo pasaré
él pasará
nos. pasaremos
vos. pasaréis / pasarán
ellos pasarán
Condicional simple
yo pasaría
él pasaría
nos. pasaríamos
vos. pasaríais / pasarían
ellos pasarían
Pret. Perf. Compuesto
yo he pasado
has pasado
él ha pasado
nos. hemos pasado
vos. habéis pasado
ellos han pasado
Pret. Pluscuamperfecto
yo había pasado
habías pasado
él había pasado
nos. habíamos pasado
vos. habíais pasado
ellos habían pasado
Pretérito Anterior
yo hube pasado
hubiste pasado
él hubo pasado
nos. hubimos pasado
vos. hubisteis pasado
ellos hubieron pasado
Futuro perfecto
yo habré pasado
habrás pasado
él habrá pasado
nos. habremos pasado
vos. habréis pasado
ellos habrán pasado
Condicional Perfecto
yo habría pasado
habrías pasado
él habría pasado
nos. habríamos pasado
vos. habríais pasado
ellos habrían pasado


yo pase
él pase
nos. pasemos
vos. paséis / pasen
ellos pasen
Pretérito imperfecto
yo pasara o pasase
pasaras o pasases
él pasara o pasase
nos. pasáramos o pasásemos
vos. pasarais o pasaseis / pasaran o pasasen
ellos pasaran o pasasen
Futuro simple
yo pasare
él pasare
nos. pasáremos
vos. pasareis / pasaren
ellos pasaren
Pret. Perf. Compuesto
yo hube pasado
hubiste pasado
él hubo pasado
nos. hubimos pasado
vos. hubisteis pasado
ellos hubieron pasado
Futuro Perfecto
yo habré pasado
habrás pasado
él habrá pasado
nos. habremos pasado
vos. habréis pasado
ellos habrán pasado
Condicional perfecto
yo habría pasado
habrías pasado
él habría pasado
nos. habríamos pasado
vos. habríais pasado
ellos habrían pasado
pasa (tú) / pasá (vos)
pasad (vosotros) / pasen (ustedes)







Synonyms and antonyms of pasar in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «pasar» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish synonyms of pasar


The following Spanish words mean the opposite of «pasar» and also belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish antonyms of pasar

Translation of «pasar» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of pasar to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.
The translations of pasar from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «pasar» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of pasar in the Spanish-English dictionary.

Translator Spanish - Chinese

1,325 millions of speakers


570 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - English

510 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Hindi

380 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Arabic

280 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Russian

278 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Portuguese

270 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Bengali

ব্যয় করা
260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

220 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Malay

190 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - German

180 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Japanese

130 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Korean

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Javanese

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Vietnamese

80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  hand (over) ; pass ; pass by ; pass on ; transfer ; transmit ; turn over + the page ; hand on ; spend ; transpire ; pass out ; turn over ; slide over ; pass along ; get through ; can't/couldn't be bothered ; go + past ; pass down ; roll on ; pass out ; blow over ; make + the cut ; wear off ; hand down ; move ; give it + a miss ; transition ; swipe.
 Eventually, teachers should be able to 'hand the chalk over to the students' and take a back seat.
 Examination reveals positions on the cards where the light passes through all the cards in a stack.
 The days of needing to change into carpet slippers before going to such an area have thankfully passed by.
 If ignored, the problems are only passed on to all the users of the catalog: the public, the reference department, the acquisitions department, and naturally the cataloging department.
 Scope notes, on the order hand, may be present in a thesaurus but are unlikely to be transferred to an index.
 The system permits the requester to specify up to five potential lending libraries, and the system transmits the requests to these libraries one at a time.
 Turn over the page and you will find suggested analyses against which you can check your solution.
 Some experts have expressed grave doubts about the durability of contemporary literary and artistic works on paper and hence the possibility of handing on works of culture to future generations.
 Any funeral scene in a story inevitably conjures in myself memories of my childhood spent as the son of an undertaker.
 The 2nd is the fact that most information seeking transpires with little help from librarians, who have consistently failed to establish themselves as primary information professionals.
 At the Closing Session Danish flags were suddenly produced and passed out among the crowd who began waving them enthusiastically.
 Then he picked up about 2 cm. of type from the right-hand end of the uppermost line (i.e. the last word or two of the last line) with the thumb and forefinger of his right hand, read it, and dropped the pieces of type one by one into their proper boxes, turning over the old house.
 He had greeted her courteously, as was his wont, and had inquired if she minded his smoking; she told him to go ahead and slid over an ashtray.
 If the head of reference services does not pass along the information to the staff the reference librarians, by being uninformed, will undoubtedly not make as good an impression on the important city managers.
 I think that the so-called average person often exhibits a great deal of heroism in getting through an ordinary day.
 Consider for example, a teacher who doesn't change his password (ever!) or can't be bothered to log out, all the firewalls and antivirus programs in the world will not protect a school's network.
 Unfortunately, its conclusions are completely pedestrian, rarely going past the fact that there were old people in England in the late Middle Ages.
 The knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation by sentient beings on this planet for aeons and aeons is quite impossible to fully comprehend.
 But to make matters worse, and as the drought rolls on, it is very likely that it won't rain again until October or November.
 Put a set of premises into such a device and turn the crank, and it will readily pass out conclusion after conclusion.
 During the bulk of that time, your liberal leaders grandly sat, waiting for various things to blow over.
 Naturally, the recruiters whose people were not chosen for the job wanted feedback as to why their candidates did not make the cut.
 We're all familiar with the idea of novelty value and how it wears off with time.
 A hunting guide while still in his teens, he learned his woodcraft first hand, absorbing lore handed down to him from his father.
 This article describes a special dolly designed to move stack ranges easily and quickly using a minimum of labour.
 We did not find it of much interest and could have happily given it a miss.
 If we start the day in a grouchy mood, chances are those sentiments will transition into the workplace as well.
 Using razor strops is as important as knowing how to swipe the blade of your straight razor over your face.
a medida que pasaba el tiempo  [Expresión usada con una frase en el pasado] 
as time passed (by)
as time went by
 As time passed by, she realised that most South Africans preferred orange squash to the bitter tangy taste of lemon squash.
 As time went by, the colors started to fade and the paint began to flake from the heat and light of the sun.
a medida que pasa el tiempo 
as time goes by
 As time goes by, the modern inventive mind multiplies these media and the bibliographical picture becomes increasingly complicated.
a medida que pasa + Expresión Temporal 
as + Expresión Temporal + go by
 As months and years and generations go by, later printings will be based sometimes upon earlier printings.
a medida que + pasar + el año 
as the year + wear on
 He began his last year well enough, but as the year wore on and graduation day loomed up he became less interested than usual in anything to do with school.
a medida que + pasar + el día 
as the day + wear on
 The information desk, microfilm reader, photocopier, and reference shelves became more heavily used as the day wore on = El mostrador de información, el lector de microfilm, la fotocopiadores y la sección de referencia se utilizaban más conforme avanzaba el día.
ayudar a pasar  
help + Nombre + through
help + Nombre + through
 Playing sports can help you through tough periods and put you on the path to a healthy adult life.
 Playing sports can help you through tough periods and put you on the path to a healthy adult life.
ayudar a pasar por 
get + Nombre + through
 Americans have stopped saving for a rainy day, living paycheck to paycheck and depending on credit cards to get them through emergencies = Los americanos han dejado de ahorrar para cuando lleguen tiempos difíciles, viviendo al día y dependiendo de las tarjetas de crédito para ayudarles a superar las emergencias.
cada día que pasa 
each passing day
 With each passing day, it becomes more evident that the main purpose behind Bush's illegal, warrantless spying program is not collecting intelligence on terrorists.
con cada momento que + pasar 
with every passing moment
 The reunion between siblings was prickly and the tension grew with every passing moment.
conforme + pasar + el año 
as the year + wear on
 He began his last year well enough, but as the year wore on and graduation day loomed up he became less interested than usual in anything to do with school.
conforme + pasar + el día 
as the day + wear on
 The information desk, microfilm reader, photocopier, and reference shelves became more heavily used as the day wore on = El mostrador de información, el lector de microfilm, la fotocopiadores y la sección de referencia se utilizaban más conforme avanzaba el día.
conseguir pasar 
make it through
 He figures if he made it through WWII he can make it through anything, that's a great attitude.
conseguir pasar a 
make it through to
 16 songs have made it through to final night.
dejar pasar   [Verbo irregular: pasado forwent, participio forgone]  
pass up
forego [forgo]
let through
let + pass
 However, I feel that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity which you cannot afford to pass up, and I'm sure he would not hesitate to let you go to further a promising career.
 I cannot forgo commenting first on Mr Gorman's presentation because I think that it characterizes best the spirit of the present revision.
 Three half-soaked security guards sat around a desk at the main entrance letting through more than they checked.
 At some point in the race's history, since the first running in 1839, it became an event we couldn't let pass without having a flutter.
dejar pasar a Alguien 
let + Alguien + by
 'Let these people by!' shouted the young man with angry, exasperated brusqueness.
dejar pasar Algo 
put + Nombre + behind
 And then the young librarian, as in a dream, heard from the lips of her supervisor the words, 'Jeanne, please let bygones be bygones and put this year's evaluation behind you. I'll try to make it up to you next year'.
dejar pasar una oportunidad      
forego + an opportunity
miss + an opportunity
pass up + an opportunity
miss + a chance
pass up + a chance
turn down + an opportunity
 Or will LC, in order to continue in its role, be forced to forego the opportunities presented to it by this new technology?.
 It is argued that the research community is missing an opportunity to design systems that are in better harmony with the actual preferences of many users.
 However, I feel that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity which you cannot afford to pass up, and I'm sure he would not hesitate to let you go to further a promising career.
 The government has missed the chance to make new homes environmental trailblazers, says Jo Williams.
 Convicts pass up the chance to escape because conditions are too cushy, experts say.
 Who would turn down the opportunity to befriend such a foxy chick?.
desde , pasando por , hasta  
from ..., through ..., to ...
 The article entitled 'the (British) Society of Archivists' describes the development of the Society of Archivists from the founding of a Society of Local Archivists in 1946, through its change into the Society of Archivists in 1955, to the present.
día que pasa 
passing day
 The work load seemed to compound geometrically with each passing day.
el tiempo vuela cuando te lo pasas bien 
time flies when you're having fun
 'A watched pot never boils' and, conversely, 'time flies when you're having fun' nicely capture the observation that the degree of attention paid to the passing of time contributes to its subjective duration = "El que espera desespera" y, lo opuesto, "el tiempo vuela cuando te diviertes" refleja bien la idea de que el grado de atención que se presta al paso del tiempo contribuye a su duración subjetiva.
esa época ya pasó hace tiempo 
that time is long past
 There was a time, in US academia, when this was not possible, but that time is long past.
haber pasado por aquí antes 
have been down this road before
 Because your uterus has already been down this road before, and your abdominal muscles might not be as taut as they were the first time around, your second pregnancy will start showing sooner.
hacer a Alguien pasar por el rodillo  
put + Nombre + through the wringer
run + Nombre + through the wringer
 Laurel is through with love; the last boyfriend put her through the wringer and she's got the police report to prove it.
 By the time that he woke, Sarine felt as if someone had mopped the floor with him and run him through the wringer for good measure.
hacer a Alguien pasar vergüenza 
 Native American children should have books that do not demean or embarrass them or their heritage nor put them on a pedestal.
hacerle a Alguien pasar apuros  
give + Nombre + a hard time
give + Nombre + a hard ride
 When she rejected him everyone around the table gave him a hard time and called him a loser.
 It took me years to work out a relationship with him and trust me I gave him a hard ride along the way - I was suspiscious, untrusting.
hacerle a Alguien pasarlo mal  
give + Nombre + a hard time
give + Nombre + a hard ride
 When she rejected him everyone around the table gave him a hard time and called him a loser.
 It took me years to work out a relationship with him and trust me I gave him a hard ride along the way - I was suspiscious, untrusting.
hacerle a Alguien pasar un mal rato  
give + Nombre + a hard time
give + Nombre + a hard ride
 When she rejected him everyone around the table gave him a hard time and called him a loser.
 It took me years to work out a relationship with him and trust me I gave him a hard ride along the way - I was suspiscious, untrusting.
hacer que Alguien las pase canutas      
have + Nombre + jump through the hoops
give + Nombre + a (real) run for + Posesivo + money
push + Nombre + to the edge
put + Nombre + through the wringer
run + Nombre + through the wringer
drive + Nombre + to the edge
 Dell had me jumping through hoops for two and a half days to no avail and ultimately sent a human tech here to fix my system.
 Oracle and Sun yesterday renewed their vows of collaboration and detailed their plans to give Microsoft a run for its money.
 But he was proved wrong as India pushed England to the edge and beat them hollow the following day.
 Laurel is through with love; the last boyfriend put her through the wringer and she's got the police report to prove it.
 By the time that he woke, Sarine felt as if someone had mopped the floor with him and run him through the wringer for good measure.
 In fact, very soon the people will show that when they are driven to the edge, they are as sharp as a razor.
hacer que Alguien las pase negras      
have + Nombre + jump through the hoops
push + Nombre + to the edge
give + Nombre + a (real) run for + Posesivo + money
put + Nombre + through the wringer
run + Nombre + through the wringer
drive + Nombre + to the edge
 Dell had me jumping through hoops for two and a half days to no avail and ultimately sent a human tech here to fix my system.
 But he was proved wrong as India pushed England to the edge and beat them hollow the following day.
 Oracle and Sun yesterday renewed their vows of collaboration and detailed their plans to give Microsoft a run for its money.
 Laurel is through with love; the last boyfriend put her through the wringer and she's got the police report to prove it.
 By the time that he woke, Sarine felt as if someone had mopped the floor with him and run him through the wringer for good measure.
 In fact, very soon the people will show that when they are driven to the edge, they are as sharp as a razor.
hacerse pasar por  
masquerade as
 Problems with selecting popular science books are discussed including: bias; conflicting viewpoints; and the problem of bogus science masquerading as respectable science.
 According to the analysis, intruders cannot obtain any secret information from transmitted messages and impersonate another legal user = Según el análisis, los intrusos no pueden obtener ninguna información secreta de los mensages transmitidos y hacerse pasar por otros usuarios legales.
hasta pasar a una nueva situación 
 These payments cover the following: tide-over allowances for workers, including redundancy payments, resettlement allowances, and vocational training for those having to change their employment.
las cosas no pasan así como así 
everything happens for a reason (and a purpose)
 'Everything happens for a reason,' several of them told me last fall, when I was suffering through a string of losses = "Las cosas no pasan así porque sí," algunos de ellos me dijeron el otoño pasado, cuando atravesaba por una serie de pérdidas.
las cosas no pasan así porque sí 
everything happens for a reason (and a purpose)
 'Everything happens for a reason,' several of them told me last fall, when I was suffering through a string of losses = "Las cosas no pasan así porque sí," algunos de ellos me dijeron el otoño pasado, cuando atravesaba por una serie de pérdidas.
las cosas pasan para bien 
everything happens for the best
 'Everything happens for the best,' my mother said whenever I faced disappointment = "Las cosas pasan para bien," decía mi madre siempre que me sentía decepcionado.
las cosas sólo pasan una vez 
lightning never strikes twice
 Tall television towers and large skyscrapers blow the 'lightning never strikes twice' myth out of the water.
lo peor ya ha pasado 
the worst is over now
 The worst is over now and I wish you all the luck in the world.
lo que pasa con 
the thing with
 The thing with football hooliganism is that, especially in countries like ours, it is a bigger issue than bad manners.
lo que tenga que pasar, que pase   
que sera sera
what's meant to be, will be
whatever will be, will be
 If you do this it should balance out some of the negative thoughts you're having and know that in the end que sera sera, what's meant to be will be .
 If you do this it should balance out some of the negative thoughts you're having and know that in the end que sera sera, what's meant to be will be .
 Needless to say, 'whatever will be, will be' is not adequate for most of us as an answer to that question.
lugar donde pasar el rato 
hang out
 During its existence the facility became a popular 'hang out' for the youth population.
mirar a la gente que pasa 
street watch
 Other than sleeping, I enjoy wandering around aimlessly, street watching, and staring vacantly into space.
no dejar pasar la oportunidad      
ride + the wave(s)
jump at + the chance
leap at + the chance
jump at + the opportunity
jump on + opportunity
leap at + the opportunity
 The global economy is at high tide and Canada is expected to ride the wave with six per cent export growth this year.
 We were invited to share a country farmhouse with a couple of other families over a long weekend and jumped at the chance to escape the city.
 She leapt at the chance as she was keen to share her passion with a larger audience.
 I jumped at the opportunity to voice my ideas and opinions and more importantly have them listened to.
 Louis jumped on this opportunity and journeyed to England to press his claim to the throne.
 So as a sophomore in college, I leapt at the opportunity to study abroad in Italy.
no dejar pasar 
keep out
 The loaded wagons were then covered with tarpaulins to keep out rain and atmospheric moisture which would have slaked the lime.
no dejar pasar la ocasión     
jump at + the chance
leap at + the chance
jump at + the opportunity
jump on + opportunity
leap at + the opportunity
 We were invited to share a country farmhouse with a couple of other families over a long weekend and jumped at the chance to escape the city.
 She leapt at the chance as she was keen to share her passion with a larger audience.
 I jumped at the opportunity to voice my ideas and opinions and more importantly have them listened to.
 Louis jumped on this opportunity and journeyed to England to press his claim to the throne.
 So as a sophomore in college, I leapt at the opportunity to study abroad in Italy.
no pasar mucho tiempo antes de que + Subjuntivo 
be not long before + Indicativo
 The noting of similarities and differences becomes almost automatic so that there is instantaneous recognition, and it is not long before the child identifies a Pekinese as a dog and an Alsatian as a dog.
no pasa un día sin que 
not a day goes by that
 Not a day goes by that I don't recieve tons of e-mail from Germany asking me to run for the position of chancillor.
pasando a 
moving on to
 Moving on to our second issue, we have identified three key barriers that continue to undermine the progress being made.
pasar a        
go on to
move on to
proceed to
shunt into
switch over
switch to
step onto
spill over into
 This chapter now goes on to introduce some of the more basic tools used in the organisation knowledge.
 We move on to consider the process by which indexing is accomplished.
 A summary at the beginning of a document serves to prepare the reader to proceed to the remainder of the text.
 In successive index entries the previous lead term is shunted into the Qualifier position, and the first term in the Display moves into the lead position.
 Not finding a particular item in the region, the search would be switched over to the national data base, and the record could be supplied.
 The cataloger can switch to entering records in the local catalog with the code 'p'.
 As he stepped onto the porch on his way to the garage, he stumbled over a chair, upsetting a vase of flowers and soaking his trousers.
 The artificiality of institutional concepts has spilled over into the structure of the publishing services on which the user depends for Community information.
pasar a Alguien lo mismo que a 
suffer + the fate of
 Attempts to examine the likely future prospects for secondary services in an industry where the secondary services are increasingly seen as middlemen and may suffer the fate of many middlemen by being cut out of the loop.
pasar a Alguien lo que a 
suffer + the fate of
 Attempts to examine the likely future prospects for secondary services in an industry where the secondary services are increasingly seen as middlemen and may suffer the fate of many middlemen by being cut out of the loop.
pasar a cosas más agradables 
on a happier note
 On a happier note, I was chewing the cud in a taxi cab on the way to work this morning when suddently a well-dressed old man wiggled his hand at me.
pasar a la clandestinidad  
go into + hiding
go + underground
 The three have been jailed for more than two weeks while a fourth journalist went into hiding after receiving a judicial summons.
 In all social movements across the world, you see that when a movement goes underground the activists become slower.
pasar a la era de 
move into + the age of
 One of the options open to developing countries wishing to move into the age of microcomputer automation is that of using general purpose software.
pasar a la historia  
be history in the making
go down in + history
 We ask you to support what is by far the most important women's rights case in the country and be a witness to women's history in the making.
 The only thing he should go down in history for is for being the biggest idiot that ever lived.
pasar a la historia como    
go down as
go down in + history as
go down in + the history books as
go down in + the annals of history as
 This year will go down as the most depressing doleful Christmas I've ever had.
 This will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.
 2009 will go down in the history books as a year in which securities markets sank to unimaginable levels.
 July 20th and 21st 1919 will go down in the annals of history as a red-letter day of the highest significance.
pasar a la página + Número 
turn to + page + Número
 Indeed, thinking back over the first page, as I turned to page two, Slake seemed perhaps a shade too afflicted, an antihero with everything loaded against him.
pasar a la posteridad 
go down to + posterity
 He will go down to posterity inseparably connected with the discovery of laryngoscopy.
pasar a la posteridad como 
go down to + posterity as
 My reputation is entirely ruined; and I shall go down to posterity as a teacher of false doctrines, and a bad reasoner.
pasar Algo a Alguien 
turn + Algo + over to + Alguien
 'Now, you know, I could merely turn this over to the two division or all the department heads and let them decide,' reflected Bough.
pasar algo inesperado 
things + take a turn for the unexpected
 Things take a turn for the unexpected, however, when Herman suggests that the three of them head off for a beano by the sea.
pasar algún tiempo en 
have + a turn at
 Seven of the compositors, moreover, did short stints at press, and one of the pressmen had a turn at composition.
pasar al olvido 
blow over
 During the bulk of that time, your liberal leaders grandly sat, waiting for various things to blow over.
pasar a los anales de la historia 
go down in + history
 The only thing he should go down in history for is for being the biggest idiot that ever lived.
pasar a los anales de la historia como   
go down in + history as
go down in + the history books as
go down in + the annals of history as
 This will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.
 2009 will go down in the history books as a year in which securities markets sank to unimaginable levels.
 July 20th and 21st 1919 will go down in the annals of history as a red-letter day of the highest significance.
pasar al primer plano 
take + centre stage
 Two major and apparently contradictory themes have emerged and taken centre stage in the management literature in the last several years.
pasar al siguiente año fiscal 
roll over
 Basketing, in a publishing context, is the practice whereby there is agreement between publisher and author that unearned royalty balances from previous contracts are rolled over and accounted jointly with the royalties to be earned by that author's new book.
pasar al siguiente nivel  [Generalmente referido a intensidad, volumen, presión, esfuerzo, etc]  [Generalmente referido a intensidad, volumen, presión, esfuerzo, etc]  [Generalmente referido a intensidad, volumen, presión, esfuerzo, etc]    
move it up + a gear
take it up + a gear
notch it up + a gear
take it up + a notch
crank it up + a notch
crank it up + a gear
move it up + a notch
 Liverpool and Chelsea are grabbing all the headlines, but Arsenal have quietly moved it up a gear scoring 10 goals in their last three league games.
 There was not much to separate the sides in the first ten minutes however Arsenal took it up a gear and got the goal but not without a bit of luck.
 Start gently, ease yourself in by breaking the workout down into three one minute sessions until you are ready to notch it up a gear and join them together.
 We have a good time together and we're good friends.. but I'd like to take it up a notch.
 David quickly comprehended our project needs and then cranked it up a notch with impactful design.
 Went for a bike ride with a mate last week, no problems so will crank it up a gear and tackle some hills in the next few weeks.
 After a regular walking routine is established, why not move it up a notch and start jogging, if you haven't already.
pasar a mejor vida  
bite + the dust
give up + the ghost
 The article 'Interchange bites the dust' comments on the decision by AT&T to abandon the Interchange online service technology.
 This article examines one such example, Cherrie Moraga's 'Giving Up the Ghost' where, for the first time, the issue of Chicana lesbian sexuality is addressed on the stage.
pasar año(s) antes de que 
be year(s) before
 In conclusion, in terms of the future of automated catalogs, the Wright brothers have just flown and it will be many years before the supersonic transport catalog is generally available for the majority of libraries.
pasar a ocupar el puesto de Alguien  
step into + Posesivo + shoes
stand in + Posesivo + shoes
 If students find it impossible to step into the shoes of any character in the case, thereby becoming that person, they are advised to select a character for whom they would be willing to serve as a 'consultant'.
 Making a positive effort now and then to stand in the enquirer's shoes is very good for a reference librarian's soul.
pasar aprietos 
feel + the pinch
 Not unlike many municipalities in these inflationary times, Earnscliffe is feeling the pinch of a severely high general property tax - i.e., the tax on real estate and personal property, both tangible and intangible.
pasar apuros          
pass through + adversity
have + a thin time
be under strain
bear + hardship
be hard pressed
feel + the pinch
have + a hard time
the wolves + be + at the door
have + a tough time
 The chemist, struggling with the synthesis of an organic compound, has all the chemical literature before him in his laboratory.
 The personnel officer could see that the director was passing through adversity.
 But the week by week publication of details of companies' accounts in the Bookseller cannot but show that many publishing houses have been having a very thin time indeed.
 Sources of domestic supply of periodicals in the socialist countries are also under strain or have collapsed.
 So we see extraordinary hardships cheerfully borne (indeed, apparently enjoyed) by zealous mountaineers, earnest single-handed yachtsmen floating round the world, and all-weather fishing-hobbyists sit patiently at the side of, and sometimes in, rivers, undeterred by the paucity of their catches.
 Patent lawyers would be hard pressed if they had to operate without abstracts to the millions upon millions of patents issued for centuries all around the world.
 Not unlike many municipalities in these inflationary times, Earnscliffe is feeling the pinch of a severely high general property tax - i.e., the tax on real estate and personal property, both tangible and intangible.
 Scholars are going to have a hard time finding that reference.
 Yes, I know it's late, but there has been 'trouble at mill' - the wolves have been at the doors, and the natives are nervous.
 He had a tough time lugging his lumpy, oversized travelbag onto the plane and stuffing it in the overhead bin.
pasar apuros económicos 
lead + a precarious existence
 Neighbourhood advice centres lead a precarious existence.
pasar a ser  [Verbo irregular: pasado became, participio become] 
develop into
 Some degree of ignorance of this kind is not unusual since the usual objective in consulting an information source is to become better informed.
 A method has been devised to induce embryonic stem cells to develop into bone marrow and blood cells.
pasar a ser el centro de atención  
come into + focus
take + centre stage
 Once the library's mission has been developed into a working philosophy of service, then the operational functions of management come into serious focus.
 Two major and apparently contradictory themes have emerged and taken centre stage in the management literature in the last several years.
pasar a ser inconcebible 
render + inconceivable
 Next came the good news that war between member states had been rendered inconceivable, even though the prospect of war was on nobody's mind at the time.
pasar a toda pastilla 
zip + past
 She abruptly jumped back as a car zipped past.
pasar a toda velocidad   
zip + past
 Scientist say that the mystery object from space that whizzed close by Earth yesterday was quite possibly an alien probe sent from another planet to study Earth.
 The shouts and the fires grew dimmer behind them as they streaked down the valley at a suicidal pace, rattling and crashing over the bumps.
 She abruptly jumped back as a car zipped past.
pasar a una situación económica más confortable 
improve + Posesivo + lot
 In comparison with the rest of the world they are in no hurry to improve their lot.
pasar a vida mejor  [Morir]
lay + Nombre + low
 All three were published posthumously, for her lifelong illness finally laid her low in 1894; she was only 32.
pasar casi rozando 
 The birds were again skimming the water or were seen poised high above the tops of the tallest pines ready to make their swoops.
pasar como una bala   
zip + past
 Scientist say that the mystery object from space that whizzed close by Earth yesterday was quite possibly an alien probe sent from another planet to study Earth.
 The shouts and the fires grew dimmer behind them as they streaked down the valley at a suicidal pace, rattling and crashing over the bumps.
 She abruptly jumped back as a car zipped past.
pasar como un cohete   
zip + past
 Scientist say that the mystery object from space that whizzed close by Earth yesterday was quite possibly an alien probe sent from another planet to study Earth.
 The shouts and the fires grew dimmer behind them as they streaked down the valley at a suicidal pace, rattling and crashing over the bumps.
 She abruptly jumped back as a car zipped past.
pasar como un rayo   
zip + past
 Scientist say that the mystery object from space that whizzed close by Earth yesterday was quite possibly an alien probe sent from another planet to study Earth.
 The shouts and the fires grew dimmer behind them as they streaked down the valley at a suicidal pace, rattling and crashing over the bumps.
 She abruptly jumped back as a car zipped past.
pasar corriendo 
rush through
 When the car ahead of hers chose to stop at the yellow light rather than rush through, she came unstitched.
pasar corriendo al lado de 
run + past
 I hate it when I run past a door and the handle decides to grab my jumper.
pasar corriendo delante de 
run + past
 I hate it when I run past a door and the handle decides to grab my jumper.
pasar de 
get beyond
 Whoever cataloged it at LC, and I'm willing to bet it happened elsewhere too, probably didn't get much beyond the dust jacket where there was a big clue about something special to the book.
pasar de a 
proceed from... to...
 Goethe too hovers between the ideas of acquiring knowledge by proceeding from the whole to the parts or vice versa.
pasar de a     
switch from ... to ...
go from ... to ...
swing between ... and ...
move from... to...
 The XCHANGE command enables you to switch from one compact disc to another.
 Basic search principles are occasionally encountered in the literature: `move from the general to the specific', `go from the known to the unknown'.
 It is entirely normal for the leader to swing between highly directive and highly participatory approaches.
 By the early seventeenth century the centre of type production was moving from Paris to the Lower Rhine area.
pasar de a 
grow from ... into/to
 Slowly - but not without sustained and unconscionable injustices to Native and African Americans - the United States grew from a republic into a more inclusive democracy.
pasar de contrabando 
 Terrorists have been known to use the underside of vehicles to plant explosives and for smuggling objects across security checkpoints.
pasar de generación en generación 
pass down from + generation to generation
 These stories are as old as the hills and have been passed down from generation to generation.
pasar de largo 
bypass [by-pass]
 She repeatedly bypassed the catalog because she was an inveterate fiction reader and approached the A section of the fiction shelf expecting to find Sholom Aleichem under ALEICHEM.
pasar de largo rápidamente 
race + past
 Again and again, the author races past important events in Evans' life in order to dwell on all his bedroom conquests and juvenile hijinks.
pasar de moda               
drop out of + vogue
go out of + fashion
go out of + favour
go out of + date
become + obsolete
go out of + vogue
fall out of + vogue
go out of + style
pass away
drop out of + circulation
fall out of + fashion
fall into + disuse
fall out of + favour
become + redundant
 As a word drops out of vogue, the concept that it represents will, with time, gradually be described by a new term.
 Sawn-in cords, giving flat spines, were common in the mid seventeenth century, but then went out of fashion until they were reintroduced in about 1760.
 The author follows the history through to the point, in the latter part of the nineteenth century, when mirror-image monograms went out of favour and were replaced by straightforward monograms.
 Information in the humanities does not readily go out of date.
 Academic libraries may become obsolete as the commercial market takes over control of information.
 The name 'Canaan', never very popular, went out of vogue with the collapse of the Egyptian empire.
 He points out that these metaphors fell out of vogue in the early 1980s.
 While Gothic never went out of style in Britain, the Baroque came to be associated with the classical debased by the Industrial Revolution.
 These tools are useable for analytical studies of how technologies emerge, mature and pass away.
 The entire hardware of Western industrialism has been obsolesced and 'etherealized' by the new surround of electronic information services.
 Many songs that were once well-known but dropped out of circulation during the mid-20th century have become well known again in recent years.
 Rotundas were widely used for all but the most formal texts in the fifteenth century, but fell out of fashion during the sixteenth century, surviving longest in Spain.
 However, from the sixties, competition for the railway worker's leisure time from public libraries, service clubs and the humble television meant that many branch libraries fell into disuse.
 At first he was a close political advisor to Charles II, although he later fell out of favour and was forced into exile.
 I don't think that post boxes will become redundant.
pasar desapercibido             
be unnoticeable
go + unnoticed
lie + unnoticed
remain + unnoticed
slip by + unnoticed
become + unnoticeable
go + unrecognised
be an invisible fly on the wall
go + unnoted
lie + forgotten
sneak under + Posesivo + radar
go under + Posesivo + radar
go + undetected
 In the long run, electronic uinformation technology will very likely have important effects, but many of the changes will be so gradual as to be unnoticeable to those experiencing them until they look back.
 For some years this work went largely unnoticed in the West, until after the Second World War it was discovered by a new generation of librarians.
 There are a number of examples of what ultimately appear as highly significant discoveries lying unnoticed for years in the literature.
 Often a library will compile its own book list on a topical theme, thus highlighting books that otherwise might remain unnoticed.
 However, despite the availability of these catalogues, it is still all too easy for recent publications to slip by unnoticed.
 The initial strangeness of the synthesized speech is said to become unnoticeable to listeners after a short time.
 Serials published by American Indians have tended to go unrecognised for several reasons.
 The fieldworker can learn more from perturbing the system than from pretending to be an invisible fly on the wall.
 These activities & approaches that often go unnoted.
 The 18th-century Philadelphia house of James Dexter will not lie forgotten beneath a planned tour bus depot.
 'What I'm trying to get across is that chocolate is sneaking under the radar of unhealthy foods,' said the doctor from Airdrie Health Centre = "Lo que estoy tratando de hacer entender es que el chocolate pasa inadvertido como alimento poco saludable," dijo el médico del centro de salud Airdrie.
 I can't believe I let this song go under my radar for so long.
 Heart defects in young people can go undetected until serious trouble begins.
pasar de una persona a otra 
pass around
 Pdf is good for where we think users might want to read in paper format or have something to archive or pass around, but it takes longer to download.
pasar de un millón 
break + the six figures
 Less than 20 percent of American households even break the six figures.
pasar de uno a otro 
change back and forth
 To change back and forth, or 'toggle' between the insert and overwrite modes, press the <Ins> key successively.
pasar de un sitio a otro  [Tiempo pasado travelled-UK/traveled-USA, participio presente travelling-UK/traveling-US]
 This, incidentally, is one area where North American software does not travel well: UK post-codes will not fit into fields designed for US zip codes.
pasar dificultades       
be under strain
bear + hardship
have + a difficult time
experience + difficult times
pass through + difficult times
face + difficult times
 The chemist, struggling with the synthesis of an organic compound, has all the chemical literature before him in his laboratory.
 Sources of domestic supply of periodicals in the socialist countries are also under strain or have collapsed.
 So we see extraordinary hardships cheerfully borne (indeed, apparently enjoyed) by zealous mountaineers, earnest single-handed yachtsmen floating round the world, and all-weather fishing-hobbyists sit patiently at the side of, and sometimes in, rivers, undeterred by the paucity of their catches.
 Videotext services have had a notoriously difficult time becoming accepted in the US marketplace.
 Consumer publishing is experiencing difficult times and there are specific developments which are influencing the market for children's books.
 The author discusses the history of and services offered by the Folger Shakespeare Library which has passed through difficult times and emerged with a new building and a new personality.
 This may be a reason why the publishing industry is facing such difficult times.
pasar el invierno  
 Hoopoes breed across most of Europe, except Scandinavia, and almost all migrate in autumn - usually at night - to winter in Africa.
 Wagtail overwinters in areas of Southeast Asia and Indonesia where outbreaks of avian flu have occurred.
pasar el mochuelo 
pass + the bucket
 With ownership also comes responsibility - when you find bugs, you fix them, instead of passing the bucket to someone else.
pasar el muerto 
pass + the bucket
 With ownership also comes responsibility - when you find bugs, you fix them, instead of passing the bucket to someone else.
pasar el platillo 
pass + the bucket (around)
 During the fall, it was not unusual to find members of the band on the streets 'passing the bucket' in an effort to raise necessary funds for the band.
pasar el rato   
hang out
pass + the time of day
say + hi
 Bigfoot or Sasquatch is generally depicted as a night creature but at times he will come out at daylight and likes to hang out in the woods.
 And while I ate, waited on by the rosy-cheeked chambermaid, in came my host to pass the time of day.
 But if you're out and about like I am, here's where I'll be over the next few nights, and feel free to say hi if you're going to be in the same area.
pasar el rato con 
kick + it with
 Come share a beverage, listen to some good tunes and kick it with us.
pasar el rato con los amigos 
hang out with + Posesivo + friends
 By serving teens in this way, libraries not only give young adults a safe place to hang out with their friends, they also encourage teens to identify themselves as library users.
pasar el relevo a 
hand + the reins over to
 Yesterday, lame duck legislators returned for their final week before handing the reins over to the 110th Congress next month.
pasar el testigo  
pass (on) + the torch
pass (on) + the baton
 The burning question is how to pass the torch to a new generation of leaders.
 In a direct reference to Africa's undemocratic leaders, he urged them to pass the baton to the next generation.
pasar el tiempo     
pass + the time
hang around
spend + Posesivo + days
hang about
hang out
 At other times they may be doing nothing else but relax: passing the time in a pleasant if untaxing recreation.
 His characters are gullible and easily led, dependent on the kindness of strangers and vulnerable to parasites and touts who hang around train stations and hotels.
 He now spends his days drawing, painting and counting himself lucky that he actually gets paid for doing what he loves.
 A new report says that we waste three hours a day faffing around, doing nothing in particular, pootling, dawdling, pottering, hanging about.
 Bigfoot or Sasquatch is generally depicted as a night creature but at times he will come out at daylight and likes to hang out in the woods.
pasar el tiempo libre  
spend + Posesivo + leisure
spend + Posesivo + leisure time
 By contrast, other quite literate people prefer to spend their leisure watching television, listening to the radio, going to the cinema or any of a hundred other forms of recreation.
 All the glamour, prestige and indeed wealth make the capital of Britain a hugely attractive place to visit, spend leisure time and do business.
pasar + Expresión Temporal  
elapse + Expresión Temporal
go by + Expresión Temporal
 Connect time is the amount of time that elapses whilst a user is connected online to a computer system.
 Hardly a day goes by that librarians do not see an advertisement for a new software upgrade promising increases in productivity = Apenas pasa un día sin que los bibliotecarios vean un anuncio de una nueva actualización de un software que promete el aumento de la productividad.
pasar hambre   
suffer from + hunger
go + hungry
 Their aims is to reduce by half the proportion of people who suffer from hunger.
 Millions may go hungry and thirsty, warns climate report.
 Spain's vultures are starving because of regulations that aim to stop the spread of mad-cow disease.
pasar hojas   
page (through)
turn + pages
flip + pages
 The system displays the records in brief format and the user can 'page' through the matches until the required record is found.
 For users unable to read Braille or who cannot turn pages, the system incorporates a voice synthesizer.
 This is something that doesn't work well in a book, where you have to flip pages.
pasar hojas hacia atrás 
page + backward
 The borrower can page forward and backward, enter a new search term, switch to another file, do a truncated search, or end.
pasar hojas hacia delante 
page + forward
 If there are too many borrower and/or material types to be displayed on one screen, the system automatically pages forward each time the ENTER key is pressed.
pasar inadvertidamente   
creep + past
sneak + past
 Lines printed on the stationery may cause eyestrain and line length for text may be longer than the eye can easily follow, without slipping to the next line.
 Too frequently absurd errors creep past the abstractor who does not know the field.
 The more expensive media such as kits, models, and games are too large for someone to sneak past a vigilant charge out system = Los conjuntos documentales multimedia, las maquetas y los juegos son demasiado grandes para que alguien los pase sin ser visto por el sistema de préstamo.
pasar inadvertido            
be unnoticeable
escape + notice
go + unnoticed
lie + unnoticed
remain + unnoticed
slip by + unnoticed
become + unnoticeable
go + unrecognised
go + unnoted
sneak under + Posesivo + radar
go under + Posesivo + radar
go + undetected
 In the long run, electronic uinformation technology will very likely have important effects, but many of the changes will be so gradual as to be unnoticeable to those experiencing them until they look back.
 Finally, a few copies of an edition seem generally to have slipped through with their cancellanda uncancelled, so that examples of the original settings may sometimes be found (occasionally slashed by the warehouse keeper's shears, deliberate defacement which escaped notice).
 For some years this work went largely unnoticed in the West, until after the Second World War it was discovered by a new generation of librarians.
 There are a number of examples of what ultimately appear as highly significant discoveries lying unnoticed for years in the literature.
 Often a library will compile its own book list on a topical theme, thus highlighting books that otherwise might remain unnoticed.
 However, despite the availability of these catalogues, it is still all too easy for recent publications to slip by unnoticed.
 The initial strangeness of the synthesized speech is said to become unnoticeable to listeners after a short time.
 Serials published by American Indians have tended to go unrecognised for several reasons.
 These activities & approaches that often go unnoted.
 'What I'm trying to get across is that chocolate is sneaking under the radar of unhealthy foods,' said the doctor from Airdrie Health Centre = "Lo que estoy tratando de hacer entender es que el chocolate pasa inadvertido como alimento poco saludable," dijo el médico del centro de salud Airdrie.
 I can't believe I let this song go under my radar for so long.
 Heart defects in young people can go undetected until serious trouble begins.
pasar la antorcha 
hand over + the torch
 The Freedom of Information torch will be handed over to Joel Campbell during the national convention in October 1998.
pasar la aspiradora  
 I have always heard that one must dust before hoovering but if you hoover after dusting the dust will fly back up on the knickknacks!.
 The hall must be swept, vacuumed and mopped after the function.
pasar la borrachera 
sober up
 He was pissed to the gills, and when he got to the door the bus driver wouldn't let him on and told him to come back when he'd sobered up.
pasar la fregona al suelo  
mop (up) + the floor
 The bathroom is very cramped, and there is even a mop & bucket so you can mop the floor after taking a shower.
 The hall must be swept, vacuumed and mopped after the function.
pasar la luna de miel 
 We will visit the house where Nathaniel and Sophia Hawthorne honeymooned.
pasar la noche     
spend + the night
stay overnight
put + Nombre + up for the night
crash at
overnight stay
 Dinner will be served in the boma at the Lodge, where you will again spend the night.
 This is a guide to haunted places you can visit or stay overnight in.
 A very special thanks to Mary Miracle for putting me up for the night, thus saving me from the wet and wild wilderness.
 My friend's boyfriend picked me up at the airport and he let me crashed at his place until I can find my own roof.
 Accommodation must be arranged should the visit require an overnight stay = Si la visita requiere pasar la noche, se debe reservar el alojamiento de antemano.
pasar la noche en blanco 
not sleep a wink (all night long)
 I'm so excited I bet I won't sleep a wink all night.
pasar la noche fuera 
stay out + all night
 It wasn't like him to stay out all night, and I was worried sick that he'd been in an accident.
pasar la página 
turn over + the page
 Turn over the page and you will find suggested analyses against which you can check your solution.
pasar la pantalla  [Acción por la cual en una pantalla de ordenador la información ya vista desaparece y aparece una nueva]
 In this case when the <Page Down> key was pressed the display scrolled till the cursor reached the end of the record.
pasar la pelota 
pass + the buck
 The article 'Is everyone passing the buck?' concludes that the best way forward is to establish a legal deposit framework for electronic materials.
pasar la prueba 
pass + muster
 The one treaty that failed to pass muster concerned the protection of databases.
pasar la prueba de fuego 
pass + the acid test
 Over the years, herbal medicine has passed the acid test with its satisfactory results, and no one today can question its effectiveness.
pasar la prueba del algodón 
pass + the white-glove test
 The service was incredible and it definitely passed the white-glove test with flying colours.
pasarlas canutas           
jump through + hoops
have + a devil of a time
be to hell and back
have + a hard time
go through + (sheer) hell
be to hell and back
go through + a (real) ordeal
go through + a lot
be through a lot
have + a shitty time
have + a rotten time
 The article is entitled 'Jumping through Hoops, Walking on Eggshells: The Experiences of Library Students with Disabilities'.
 As for poor Marilyn, she is the black sheep of the family, who has a devil of a time holding onto a boyfriend.
 These wrinklies are the wise men who have been to hell and back.
 Scholars are going to have a hard time finding that reference.
 Ours is a world where people don't know what they want and are willing to go through hell to get it.
 These wrinklies are the wise men who have been to hell and back.
 My second delivery was an emergency C-section to a ten pound baby who went through a real ordeal as I waited for the doctor to arrive.
 These people may go through a lot but they keep smiling and are grateful for what they do have.
 We've been through a lot together and most of it was your fault.
 You sound like someone who has had a shitty time growing up, and I suspect that your problems lie in other realms of the mind.
 I am still married to Judy who has had a rotten time being my wife.
pasar las de Caín        
go through + (sheer) hell
have + a devil of a time
be to hell and back
go through + a (real) ordeal
go through + a lot
be through a lot
have + a shitty time
have + a rotten time
 Ours is a world where people don't know what they want and are willing to go through hell to get it.
 As for poor Marilyn, she is the black sheep of the family, who has a devil of a time holding onto a boyfriend.
 These wrinklies are the wise men who have been to hell and back.
 My second delivery was an emergency C-section to a ten pound baby who went through a real ordeal as I waited for the doctor to arrive.
 These people may go through a lot but they keep smiling and are grateful for what they do have.
 We've been through a lot together and most of it was your fault.
 You sound like someone who has had a shitty time growing up, and I suspect that your problems lie in other realms of the mind.
 I am still married to Judy who has had a rotten time being my wife.
pasarlas moradas        
go through + (sheer) hell
have + a devil of a time
be to hell and back
go through + a (real) ordeal
go through + a lot
be through a lot
have + a shitty time
have + a rotten time
 Ours is a world where people don't know what they want and are willing to go through hell to get it.
 As for poor Marilyn, she is the black sheep of the family, who has a devil of a time holding onto a boyfriend.
 These wrinklies are the wise men who have been to hell and back.
 My second delivery was an emergency C-section to a ten pound baby who went through a real ordeal as I waited for the doctor to arrive.
 These people may go through a lot but they keep smiling and are grateful for what they do have.
 We've been through a lot together and most of it was your fault.
 You sound like someone who has had a shitty time growing up, and I suspect that your problems lie in other realms of the mind.
 I am still married to Judy who has had a rotten time being my wife.
pasarlas negras         
jump through + hoops
have + a devil of a time
go through + (sheer) hell
be to hell and back
go through + a (real) ordeal
go through + a lot
be through a lot
have + a shitty time
have + a rotten time
 The article is entitled 'Jumping through Hoops, Walking on Eggshells: The Experiences of Library Students with Disabilities'.
 As for poor Marilyn, she is the black sheep of the family, who has a devil of a time holding onto a boyfriend.
 Ours is a world where people don't know what they want and are willing to go through hell to get it.
 These wrinklies are the wise men who have been to hell and back.
 My second delivery was an emergency C-section to a ten pound baby who went through a real ordeal as I waited for the doctor to arrive.
 These people may go through a lot but they keep smiling and are grateful for what they do have.
 We've been through a lot together and most of it was your fault.
 You sound like someone who has had a shitty time growing up, and I suspect that your problems lie in other realms of the mind.
 I am still married to Judy who has had a rotten time being my wife.
pasarlas putas         
jump through + hoops
be to hell and back
have + a devil of a time
go through + (sheer) hell
go through + a (real) ordeal
go through + a lot
be through a lot
have + a shitty time
have + a rotten time
 The article is entitled 'Jumping through Hoops, Walking on Eggshells: The Experiences of Library Students with Disabilities'.
 These wrinklies are the wise men who have been to hell and back.
 As for poor Marilyn, she is the black sheep of the family, who has a devil of a time holding onto a boyfriend.
 Ours is a world where people don't know what they want and are willing to go through hell to get it.
 My second delivery was an emergency C-section to a ten pound baby who went through a real ordeal as I waited for the doctor to arrive.
 These people may go through a lot but they keep smiling and are grateful for what they do have.
 We've been through a lot together and most of it was your fault.
 You sound like someone who has had a shitty time growing up, and I suspect that your problems lie in other realms of the mind.
 I am still married to Judy who has had a rotten time being my wife.
pasar las riendas del poder a 
hand + the reins over to
 Yesterday, lame duck legislators returned for their final week before handing the reins over to the 110th Congress next month.
pasar las vacaciones  
spend + the holidays
 They have waged campaigns aimed at discouraging Europeans from vacationing in Cuba.
 A Manlius man died in a car crash early Sunday while driving back to college in Florida after spending the holidays with family, a close friend said.
pasar llevando 
take through
 Library security systems, it appears, do not affect disks that are taken through in the normal way, though the disks should not be placed in or near the checkout unit or left close to the exit barriers.
pasarlo a lo grande  
have + the time of + Posesivo + life
live it up
 We had her out with 2 other dogs and she had the time of her life playing.
 She's traveled the world, from helping orphans in Hawaii to living it up in Nepal.
pasarlo bien  
have + fun
be merry
 But for now, having fun and feeling famous will do quite well enough.
 Christmas is the time to be merry and it definitely gives us many reasons to celebrate with all our near and dear ones.
pasarlo bomba 
be a great time
 That was also the conference where we presented her with a leather jacket ... it was a great time.
pasarlo canutas intentando Hacer Algo 
have + a heck of a time + trying
 This topic is certainly of interest - we have a heck of a time trying to hire people with the right background.
pasarlo difícil  
find + times hard
have + a hard time
 The same applies to our farmers who also are finding times hard, despite many people thinking they are made of money and having it easy.
 Scholars are going to have a hard time finding that reference.
pasarlo en grande  
have + the time of + Posesivo + life
live it up
 We had her out with 2 other dogs and she had the time of her life playing.
 She's traveled the world, from helping orphans in Hawaii to living it up in Nepal.
pasarlo mal      
have + a thin time
have + a difficult time
experience + difficult times
pass through + difficult times
face + difficult times
have + a bad time
 But the week by week publication of details of companies' accounts in the Bookseller cannot but show that many publishing houses have been having a very thin time indeed.
 Videotext services have had a notoriously difficult time becoming accepted in the US marketplace.
 Consumer publishing is experiencing difficult times and there are specific developments which are influencing the market for children's books.
 The author discusses the history of and services offered by the Folger Shakespeare Library which has passed through difficult times and emerged with a new building and a new personality.
 This may be a reason why the publishing industry is facing such difficult times.
 Be nice because we've been through a lot and are having a bad time and think this is the last straw of bad luck.
pasarlo muy bien  
have + great fun
have + good fun
 We work hard, but have great fun in the process, and you will get great satisfaction seeing the results of your efforts.
 We guarantee that you'll have good fun, and enjoy plenty of marvellous Irish traditional music.
pasarlo muy difícil 
have + a tough time
 He had a tough time lugging his lumpy, oversized travelbag onto the plane and stuffing it in the overhead bin.
pasarlo muy mal  
have + a tough time
have + a hard time
 He had a tough time lugging his lumpy, oversized travelbag onto the plane and stuffing it in the overhead bin.
 Scholars are going to have a hard time finding that reference.
pasar los días 
spend + Posesivo + days
 He now spends his days drawing, painting and counting himself lucky that he actually gets paid for doing what he loves.
pasar mediante engaño 
bluff + Posesivo + way through
 I told you he was bluffing his way through and now here is some more proof - he has no idea about anything.
pasar miseria 
the wolves + be + at the door
 Yes, I know it's late, but there has been 'trouble at mill' - the wolves have been at the doors, and the natives are nervous.
pasar mucho tiempo antes de que 
be a long time before
 It will be a long time before all documents are available in machine-readable form.
pasar + Nombre + a 
turn + Nombre + over to
 Studies are currently underway concerning the feasibility of turning the mapmaking function of the US Geological Survey (USGS) over to the private sector.
pasar penurias 
suffer from + deprivation
 A converted mobile library vehicle is used to deliver tutor supported training to local communities suffering from economic deprivation and social exclusion.
pasar poco a poco 
slide into
 I surmise that Slake will start in the hard-edged reality of modern urban life before sliding ineluctably into the darkling land of Hereafter.
pasar por           
pass through
reach down
step through
go by
go through
pass for
pass across
run + Nombre + through + Nombre
make + Posesivo + way through
run through
 Some of the cases presented in this book are concerned with broad policy issues, while others are less encompassing and present some of the narrower problems that cross the library manager's desk.
 The scheme has passed through nineteen editions.
 The cord which trips its shutter may reach down a man's sleeve within easy reach of his fingers.
 If he deflects the lever further to the right, he steps through the book 10 pages at a time.
 She started to turn back, but realized she did not want to go by Bernice Washington's door.
 A shock of resistance and antagonism went through Zachary Ponder.
 All these passages are raked together into a kind of anthological ragbag which passes for 'research,' for a 'child-centered learning situation'.
 The reader is like her: he sits watching the diverse pageant of human thought and human feeling passing across the gleaming mirror of literature.
 Thus, after we run our cards through the format recognition programs, there will still be many corrections to make at immense cost.
 By the time the Invincible Armada had made its way through the Channel it was dispersed and shattered and broken.
 The water is turquoise due to high concentrations of dissolved lime picked up as it runs through sedimentary rock.
pasar por alto    [Tercera persona singular misses]         
bypass [by-pass]
gloss over
short-circuit [shortcircuit]
skip over
pass + Nombre/Pronombre + by
close + the door on
 She repeatedly bypassed the catalog because she was an inveterate fiction reader and approached the A section of the fiction shelf expecting to find Sholom Aleichem under ALEICHEM.
 To some extent this worked - haphazardly perhaps, but in a cheerful atmosphere that, though he did not realize it then, glossed over the inadequacies of his approach.
 Thus the browser may miss valuable items, although some browsers will find browsing a perfectly adequate method of gauging the extent of a library collection.
 The intercalation of (41-4) after 329 obviates this function.
 This can only achieved by examining the literature of the subject area thoroughly for any isolates that might possibly have been overlooked.
 There is little modulation, whole steps of division being short-circuited and an odd assembly of terms being frequently found: e.g.: LAW see also JURY, JUDGES.
 If this is the first time you are using DOBIS/LIBIS the field for your password is empty and you should skip over it by pressing the tabulator key once again.
 India, which has had to leapfrog to Industrial Revolution, now finds itself in the midst of the Information Revolution.
 The revolution of information technology is passing many developing countries by and the information gap between haves and have-nots is widening.
 To find the 'real' identity of documents, one must flout conventions of rationality including the axioms of singularity and actuality.
 Librarians cannot afford to close the door on current issues.
 The search engines skips sites with no scientific content.
pasar por alto la autoridad de Alguien 
go over + Posesivo + head
 He responded with a vicious verbal assault and told me in no uncertain terms that if I ever went over his head I'd be fired on the spot.
pasar por alto rápidamente 
race + past
 Again and again, the author races past important events in Evans' life in order to dwell on all his bedroom conquests and juvenile hijinks.
pasar por aquí 
come by
 She came by to see me yesterday and I told her not to hold out any hope.
pasar por delante de   
make + Posesivo + way past
walk + past
come + past
 Since he had not borrowed anything, he made his way past them - to find himself accosted by a young man in casual clothes entrenched behind a desk.
 She is one of those ultra sexy, smoking hot women who turn heads when they walk past anyone.
 Came past this place with a group of friends and decided to pop in quickly - we ended up staying pretty much all night and had a great time.
pasar por el acoso de 
run + the gauntlet of
 Sometimes running the gauntlet of criticism and ridicule allows an opportunity for defending oneself.
pasar por el aro   
give in
cave in (to)
knuckle under (to)
 At first he tried self-treatment by rubbing it with the tail of a cat, but eventually gave in and consulted a local physician.
 It takes more courage to say no and stand up for what's right and is best for them, than it does to cave in to knuckleheads like you two.
 This is what decadence looks like: a frantic coarseness that trashes its own values and then knuckles under swiftly to totalitarianism and brute force.
pasar por el infierno 
be to hell and back
 These wrinklies are the wise men who have been to hell and back.
pasar por el lado de  
make + Posesivo + way past
come + past
 Since he had not borrowed anything, he made his way past them - to find himself accosted by a young man in casual clothes entrenched behind a desk.
 Came past this place with a group of friends and decided to pop in quickly - we ended up staying pretty much all night and had a great time.
pasar por encima   
pass over
step over
roll over
 The system hardly differs from existing bar-code readers operating on minicomputers and mainframes: the 'pen' is passed over the labels on the reader's card and on the book, thus recording a loan.
 In one scene the dog starts mimicking Jack Nicholson by stepping over the cracks in the sidewalk.
 Thus the paper, which was fed sheet by sheet into grippers on the cylinder by an operator, was printed as the cylinder rolled over the forme.
pasar por encima de la cabeza 
go over + Posesivo + head
 The waves went over his head again and again, the whirlpools caught him and flung him on the cruel rocks.
pasar por la cabeza   
come to + Posesivo + mind
come into + Posesivo + mind
cross + Posesivo + mind
 Other questions come to mind: Will there still be paper books printed? Will libraries still carry these.
 According to Coates, this results in headings whose first component is the most likely to come into the mind of the searcher.
 While he supports the fight for gay marriage, the 70-year-old star recently confessed tying the knot never crossed his mind.
pasar por la imaginación   
come to + Posesivo + mind
come into + Posesivo + mind
cross + Posesivo + mind
 Other questions come to mind: Will there still be paper books printed? Will libraries still carry these.
 According to Coates, this results in headings whose first component is the most likely to come into the mind of the searcher.
 While he supports the fight for gay marriage, the 70-year-old star recently confessed tying the knot never crossed his mind.
pasar por la mitad de 
cut through
 The author discusses the controversy over the construction of a bypass which cuts through a national park in Devon.
pasar por momentos difíciles 
have + a hard time
 Scholars are going to have a hard time finding that reference.
pasar por muchas dificultades 
be to hell and back
 These wrinklies are the wise men who have been to hell and back.
pasar (por) un auténtico calvario  
go through + (sheer) hell
go through + a (real) ordeal
 Ours is a world where people don't know what they want and are willing to go through hell to get it.
 My second delivery was an emergency C-section to a ten pound baby who went through a real ordeal as I waited for the doctor to arrive.
pasar (por) un auténtico infierno  
go through + (sheer) hell
go through + a (real) ordeal
 Ours is a world where people don't know what they want and are willing to go through hell to get it.
 My second delivery was an emergency C-section to a ten pound baby who went through a real ordeal as I waited for the doctor to arrive.
pasar por un buen momento 
go through + a good patch
 Everyone goes through good and bad patches but Kenwyne is riding on the crest of a wave at the moment.
pasar por un mal momento 
go through + a bad patch
 Everyone goes through good and bad patches but Kenwyne is riding on the crest of a wave at the moment.
pasar por un período de 
go through + a period of
 I wonder if this is not altogether unrelated to the fact that this stage immediately precedes puberty, during the last flush of childhood, after which young people commonly go through a period of disenchantment with adults.
pasar por un proceso de 
go through + a process of
 Some children go through a process of silencing their inner voice and projecting an outward self that conforms to society's expectations.
pasar (por) un verdadero calvario  
go through + (sheer) hell
go through + a (real) ordeal
 Ours is a world where people don't know what they want and are willing to go through hell to get it.
 My second delivery was an emergency C-section to a ten pound baby who went through a real ordeal as I waited for the doctor to arrive.
pasar (por) un verdadero infierno  
go through + (sheer) hell
go through + a (real) ordeal
 Ours is a world where people don't know what they want and are willing to go through hell to get it.
 My second delivery was an emergency C-section to a ten pound baby who went through a real ordeal as I waited for the doctor to arrive.
pasar privaciones 
suffer from + deprivation
 A converted mobile library vehicle is used to deliver tutor supported training to local communities suffering from economic deprivation and social exclusion.
pasar rápidamente    [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio swept]   
run through
sweep by
flash across
zap through
tear through
 On deflecting one of these levers to the right he runs through the book before him, each page in turn being projected at a speed which just allows a recognizing glance at each.
 As Feng swept by with an almost inaudible 'Good morning, Jeanne' escaping from her lips, Leforte thought she detected the tell-tale indications of crying on her face - the red, swollen eyes, the puffiness.
 Her eyes swept the room and then enveloped him in an icy glare.
 The narrative shows clearly how a computer virus can literally flash across a local area network, efficiently doing its dirty work.
 I stumbled across it while zapping through the channels and it seemed like a 'real' documentary.
 Investigators are trying to determine the cause of an unwieldy blaze that tore through a lumber mill in southern British Columbia.
pasar rápidamente a 
snap to
 When an item is in its grasp, it snaps instantly to the next that is suggested by the association of thoughts, in accordance with some intricate web of trails carried by the cells of the brain.
pasar rápidamente arrasando 
tear through
 Investigators are trying to determine the cause of an unwieldy blaze that tore through a lumber mill in southern British Columbia.
pasar rápidamente por encima de  
sweep across
swing over
 For one, the record is made by a moving beam of electrons rather than a moving pointer, for the reason that an electron beam can sweep across the picture very rapidly indeed.
 A ridge of low pressure swung over Wisconsin a day prior to the national meet.
pasar registros a disco 
transfer + records + to disc
 You can use the F7 key to mark specific records for display, printing or transferring to disk.
pasar revista 
 There is only space to review briefly the special problems associated with the descriptive cataloguing of nonbook materials.
come by
drop in
step over + the edge
go + overboard
go + too far
go over + the top
go + way too far
step over + the line
overstep + the mark
pop by
pop in
nip in
cross over + the line
be way out of line
 She came by to see me yesterday and I told her not to hold out any hope.
 The library needs to be developed as the focal point of the community, a place where the public can drop in for all kinds of activities, not necessarily book-related or 'cultural'.
 The importance of exchange rates on prices paid for imported periodicals is noted, particularly when these exchange rates overshoot relative inflation.
 In fact, many would say he has already stepped over the edge: the received wisdom in the world of reference is 'Never offer a personal opinion'.
 The article 'Going overboard with micros in the small library' offers guidelines for the small library on approaching the subject of microcomputers.
 He argues that some of the laws being proposed go too far in restricting rights.
 It is just sometimes the case that going over the top is a lot more fun than being sensible or reasonable about anything.
 If you overdo the exercises there are consequence that can occur including muscle damage, heart problems, and osteoarthritis.
 I think this plastic surgery fad has gone way too far.
 By stepping over the line, you're looking into the face of fear, the dangers that threaten to destroy you, the giant issues you face.
 Calm down mate, I think your post is closer to overstepping the mark - a forum is just regular people talking.
 My wife's nephew popped by yesterday and drank us out of apple juice.
 Came past this place with a group of friends and decided to pop in quickly - we ended up staying pretty much all night and had a great time.
 We were on our way to the market and decided to nip in here for a quick late lunch.
 But he knew that if he crossed over the line, he would get it in the teeth but good.
 If debt collectors are pursuing you for an old debt, read up on your rights - they may be way out of line.
pasarse al (campo) enemigo 
go over to + the enemy camp
 We all agreed that he was a spy and a deserter, who had gone over to the enemy camp and sold himself for gold.
pasarse Algo por el culo 
not give a shit
 She's totally burned-out after the first year and now doesn't give a shit.
pasarse Algo por el forro 
 To find the 'real' identity of documents, one must flout conventions of rationality including the axioms of singularity and actuality.
pasarse Algo por la entrepierna 
not give a shit
 She's totally burned-out after the first year and now doesn't give a shit.
pasarse con 
act + fresh with
 Sometime back a heroine created a ruckus by saying that the actor acted fresh with her by biting her lips in a smooching scene.
pasar sed 
go + thirsty
 Millions may go hungry and thirsty, warns climate report.
pasarse de 
 Permission is not sought when purchasing other categories of materials and so the board is overstepping its policy and fiscal authority and assuming management responsibilities.
pasarse de + Adjetivo 
be too + Adjetivo + by half
 Bold, ambitious and in-your-face I've always considered them to be just too cocky by half.
pasarse de la raya          
cross + the line
go + overboard
go far too far
go over + the top
go + way too far
step over + the edge
step over + the line
overstep + the mark
cross over + the line
cross over + the line
 The article is entitled 'Crossing the line: the development of archival standards'.
 The article 'Going overboard with micros in the small library' offers guidelines for the small library on approaching the subject of microcomputers.
 He went far too far for the seasoned and experienced diplomat that he is.
 It is just sometimes the case that going over the top is a lot more fun than being sensible or reasonable about anything.
 I think this plastic surgery fad has gone way too far.
 In fact, many would say he has already stepped over the edge: the received wisdom in the world of reference is 'Never offer a personal opinion'.
 By stepping over the line, you're looking into the face of fear, the dangers that threaten to destroy you, the giant issues you face.
 Calm down mate, I think your post is closer to overstepping the mark - a forum is just regular people talking.
 But he knew that if he crossed over the line, he would get it in the teeth but good.
 But he knew that if he crossed over the line, he would get it in the teeth but good.
pasarse de listo  
be (far) too smart for + Posesivo + own good
be (far) too clever for + Posesivo + own good
 Alec Hoag was then given the nickname 'Smart Alec' by the police for being too smart for his own good.
 And he's ended up being far too clever for his own good and has presented a budget that does not make sense politically.
pasarse del límite 
overrun [over-run]
 The frequency of telephone reference enquiries has overrun the ability of the reference staff to respond.
pasársele a Uno Algo 
come (a)round
 She was very shy and timid when we first got her but she soon came around and is now acting like a typical pup.
pasárselo a lo grande   
have + a ball
have + a whale of a time
have + a field day
 We had a ball at the weekend event, especially while hanging out with friends such as Willis.
 She was having a whale of a time, spoilt rotten by her friends, and so enamoured of the beach that she wanted to stay there for ever.
 We had a field day buying all sorts of nice things for her and came out with some very heavy bags.
pasárselo bien   
have + a good time
be a great time
have + a great time
 And no matter how set everyone is to have a good time, it is difficult to do more than make the cheerful best of things if the picnic is held, for some crazy reason, on a stinking garbage dump in pouring rain.
 That was also the conference where we presented her with a leather jacket ... it was a great time.
 The author describes a three-day outing to Wales in which he hiked, camped, participated in rock climbing and abseiling, and had a great time.
pasárselo bomba     
have + a whale of a time
have + a ball
have + the time of + Posesivo + life
live it up
have + a field day
 She was having a whale of a time, spoilt rotten by her friends, and so enamoured of the beach that she wanted to stay there for ever.
 We had a ball at the weekend event, especially while hanging out with friends such as Willis.
 We had her out with 2 other dogs and she had the time of her life playing.
 She's traveled the world, from helping orphans in Hawaii to living it up in Nepal.
 We had a field day buying all sorts of nice things for her and came out with some very heavy bags.
pasárselo cañón      
have + a whale of a time
have + a great time
have + the time of + Posesivo + life
have + a ball
live it up
have + a field day
 She was having a whale of a time, spoilt rotten by her friends, and so enamoured of the beach that she wanted to stay there for ever.
 The author describes a three-day outing to Wales in which he hiked, camped, participated in rock climbing and abseiling, and had a great time.
 We had her out with 2 other dogs and she had the time of her life playing.
 We had a ball at the weekend event, especially while hanging out with friends such as Willis.
 She's traveled the world, from helping orphans in Hawaii to living it up in Nepal.
 We had a field day buying all sorts of nice things for her and came out with some very heavy bags.
pasárselo como nunca    
have + a ball
have + the time of + Posesivo + life
live it up
have + a field day
 We had a ball at the weekend event, especially while hanging out with friends such as Willis.
 We had her out with 2 other dogs and she had the time of her life playing.
 She's traveled the world, from helping orphans in Hawaii to living it up in Nepal.
 We had a field day buying all sorts of nice things for her and came out with some very heavy bags.
pasárselo de lo lindo    
have + a ball
have + the time of + Posesivo + life
live it up
have + a field day
 We had a ball at the weekend event, especially while hanging out with friends such as Willis.
 We had her out with 2 other dogs and she had the time of her life playing.
 She's traveled the world, from helping orphans in Hawaii to living it up in Nepal.
 We had a field day buying all sorts of nice things for her and came out with some very heavy bags.
pasárselo en grande      
have + a ball
have + a whale of a time
enjoy + every minute of
love + every minute of it
kick + Posesivo + heels up
have + a field day
 We had a ball at the weekend event, especially while hanging out with friends such as Willis.
 She was having a whale of a time, spoilt rotten by her friends, and so enamoured of the beach that she wanted to stay there for ever.
 Many had never even been to Stratford before so they enjoyed every minute of that trip!.
 I loved every minute of it and it made me see just how poverty stricken Jamaica really is!.
 Here they are kicking their heels up at a square dance in Texas.
 We had a field day buying all sorts of nice things for her and came out with some very heavy bags.
pasárselo fabuloso   
have + a good time
have + a great time
have + a whale of a time
 And no matter how set everyone is to have a good time, it is difficult to do more than make the cheerful best of things if the picnic is held, for some crazy reason, on a stinking garbage dump in pouring rain.
 The author describes a three-day outing to Wales in which he hiked, camped, participated in rock climbing and abseiling, and had a great time.
 She was having a whale of a time, spoilt rotten by her friends, and so enamoured of the beach that she wanted to stay there for ever.
pasárselo genial 
have + a whale of a time
 She was having a whale of a time, spoilt rotten by her friends, and so enamoured of the beach that she wanted to stay there for ever.
pasárselo la mar de bien  
have + a whale of a time
have + a great time
 She was having a whale of a time, spoilt rotten by her friends, and so enamoured of the beach that she wanted to stay there for ever.
 The author describes a three-day outing to Wales in which he hiked, camped, participated in rock climbing and abseiling, and had a great time.
pasárselo pipa      
have + a whale of a time
have + a great time
have + the time of + Posesivo + life
have + a ball
live it up
have + a field day
 She was having a whale of a time, spoilt rotten by her friends, and so enamoured of the beach that she wanted to stay there for ever.
 The author describes a three-day outing to Wales in which he hiked, camped, participated in rock climbing and abseiling, and had a great time.
 We had her out with 2 other dogs and she had the time of her life playing.
 We had a ball at the weekend event, especially while hanging out with friends such as Willis.
 She's traveled the world, from helping orphans in Hawaii to living it up in Nepal.
 We had a field day buying all sorts of nice things for her and came out with some very heavy bags.
pasárselo pipa juntos 
have + the craziest time together
 I love her to death and don't know what I would do without her - we have the craziest times together!.
pasarse por     [También escrito reckie]
drop by
stop by
go for/on + a recce
 'Now, whenever you want to see me about anything between these get-togethers,' she resumed, 'don't hesitate to drop by anytime'.
 A few days later, they were out running errands when they stopped by the post office to pick up the envelope.
 It's quite amusing to watch her mosey around in what appear to be over-sized clown shoes.
 If you are in doubt, you can always go for a recce on the road bike and design yourself a route with manageable hills.
pasarse por casa     
drop in
pop by
pop in
nip in
come (a)round
 The library needs to be developed as the focal point of the community, a place where the public can drop in for all kinds of activities, not necessarily book-related or 'cultural'.
 My wife's nephew popped by yesterday and drank us out of apple juice.
 Came past this place with a group of friends and decided to pop in quickly - we ended up staying pretty much all night and had a great time.
 We were on our way to the market and decided to nip in here for a quick late lunch.
 When she came around she came into my room where I stood on my matress on the floor.
pasarse veinte pueblos    
go far too far
go + overboard
go over + the top
go + way too far
 He went far too far for the seasoned and experienced diplomat that he is.
 The article 'Going overboard with micros in the small library' offers guidelines for the small library on approaching the subject of microcomputers.
 It is just sometimes the case that going over the top is a lot more fun than being sensible or reasonable about anything.
 I think this plastic surgery fad has gone way too far.
pasar sin   [Verbo irregular: pasado forwent, participio forgone]  
get along without
forego [forgo]
do without
live without
 It is thus that the library makes itself almost impossible to get along without.
 I cannot forgo commenting first on Mr Gorman's presentation because I think that it characterizes best the spirit of the present revision.
 Serials management is one application that a majority of the public libraries have opted to do without.
 The article is entitled 'I cannot live without books': Thomas Jefferson, bibliophile'.
pasar sin Alguien 
spare + Nombre Personal
 Since a freeze on all hiring was in effect, taking on new people was out of the question; but borrowing someone from another department loomed up a possibility - if anyone could be spared.
pasar sin comodidades 
rough it
 That's truely roughing it and you won't catch me doing it anytime soon.
pasar sin ser visto      
sneak + past
sneak through
sneak under + Posesivo + radar
go + unnoticed
go under + Posesivo + radar
go + undetected
 The more expensive media such as kits, models, and games are too large for someone to sneak past a vigilant charge out system = Los conjuntos documentales multimedia, las maquetas y los juegos son demasiado grandes para que alguien los pase sin ser visto por el sistema de préstamo.
 I think I am probably 99.9% effective at catching these spams but this was one of the .1% that snuck through.
 'What I'm trying to get across is that chocolate is sneaking under the radar of unhealthy foods,' said the doctor from Airdrie Health Centre = "Lo que estoy tratando de hacer entender es que el chocolate pasa inadvertido como alimento poco saludable," dijo el médico del centro de salud Airdrie.
 For some years this work went largely unnoticed in the West, until after the Second World War it was discovered by a new generation of librarians.
 I can't believe I let this song go under my radar for so long.
 Heart defects in young people can go undetected until serious trouble begins.
pasar tiempo 
spend + time
 Superior cataloguing may result, since more consistency and closer adherence to standard codes are likely to emerge with cataloguers who spend all of their time cataloguing, than with a librarian who tackles cataloguing as one of various professional tasks.
pasar + Tiempo 
spend + Tiempo
 Since he had already spent 4 days in prison, the judge decided further punishment would be wrong and that sentence would be suspended.
pasar tiempo haciendo Algo 
do + a stint at
 Seven of the compositors, moreover, did short stints at press, and one of the pressmen had a turn at composition.
pasar una crisis 
face + a crisis
 Calculated, moderate risk-taking in search of improvement and change must be the strategy of the dynamic librarian of the 1980s in the light of the crisis to be faced.
pasar una prueba   
endure + ordeal
pass + a test
stand up
 Thesis writing is on the whole an ordeal a student must endure to receive a degree.
 Inmate library workers often test a new librarian, but once he or she has passed the test, they usually become very protective and staunch promoters of the library.
 The vocabulary stood up well when used by persons whose mother tongue was not Italian.
pasar una prueba de sobra 
pass with + flying colours
 There's nothing flimsy about these leather boots, put them to the test this season - they'll pass with flying colours.
pasar una tarjeta por un lector electrónico 
 California, which has magstripes on the backs of driver's licenses, has introduced a bill to stop retailers from swiping customers' licenses and storing the information collected.
pasar un buen día  
have + a great day
have + a good day
 My group had a really great day - it was a real laugh.
 But the old printers were men, not abstractions, who had good days and bad ones and who improvised and botched without hesitation whenever their tools or materials did not precisely meet the needs of the moment.
pasar un buen rato 
disport + Reflexivo
 In all three novels, a lovestricken swain believes that he is disporting himself with the handsome object of his affections, when actually he lies abed with the grotesquely ugly maidservant of his mistress.
pasar un cuestionario  
administer + questionnaire
carry out + questionnaire
 Librarians must assess community needs by compiling a community profile based upon sources of local statistical data and administering questionnaires to community workers and those people living in the community.
 In order to find out the needs of users the librarian must carry out questionnaires and surveys and study demographic composition so as to be able to formulate a library profile.
pasar un mal rato 
have + a hard time
 Scholars are going to have a hard time finding that reference.
pasar un momento bueno 
go through + a good patch
 Everyone goes through good and bad patches but Kenwyne is riding on the crest of a wave at the moment.
pasar un momento malo 
go through + a bad patch
 Everyone goes through good and bad patches but Kenwyne is riding on the crest of a wave at the moment.
pasar un rato   
say + hi
hang out
pass + the time of day
 But if you're out and about like I am, here's where I'll be over the next few nights, and feel free to say hi if you're going to be in the same area.
 Bigfoot or Sasquatch is generally depicted as a night creature but at times he will come out at daylight and likes to hang out in the woods.
 And while I ate, waited on by the rosy-cheeked chambermaid, in came my host to pass the time of day.
pasar zumbando  
zip + past
 Scientist say that the mystery object from space that whizzed close by Earth yesterday was quite possibly an alien probe sent from another planet to study Earth.
 She abruptly jumped back as a car zipped past.
pase lo que pase    
come what may
come rain or shine
rain or shine
come + hell or high water
 He has promised to bring Sam back, and will do so come what may, even if it involves a trudge across the country in snowshoes.
 Come rain or shine, mail gets delivered to hospitalized patients, thanks to dependable volunteers.
 The daily star watch will begin with a planetarium show (held rain or shine) to be followed (weather permitting) by viewing with a telescope.
 Come hell or high water, I'm going to stick to my guns and make this happen.
por pasar el rato   
(just) for the fun of (doing) it
(just) for the hell of (doing) it
(just) for the sake of it
 Last week, I decided to collect as many sarcastic and funny remarks as I could, just for the fun of it.
 The article is entitled 'A Marshland index - or ìndexing for the hell of it'.
 When they started to eff and blind just for the sake of it, I felt they lost the plot a bit.
¿Qué pasa? 
What's up?
 Leforte glanced at her with interest and asked: 'What's up?'.
que pasaba 
 He was left without a scratch and pursued the shooter on foot until the gunman commandeered a passing car.
que pasa desapercibido 
 Her diversified and highly committed authorship is characterized by disrespectful humour, clear-sighted solemnity and inconspicuous warmth.
¿qué pasa si ? 
what if... ?
 One of the most frequently asked questions is 'What if I need to cancel my registration?'.
que pase lo que tenga que pasar   
que sera sera
whatever will be, will be
what's meant to be, will be
 If you do this it should balance out some of the negative thoughts you're having and know that in the end que sera sera, what's meant to be will be .
 Needless to say, 'whatever will be, will be' is not adequate for most of us as an answer to that question.
 If you do this it should balance out some of the negative thoughts you're having and know that in the end que sera sera, what's meant to be will be .
quien no malgasta no pasa necesidades 
waste not, want not
 There is a way that we can all reduce the cost of our food bill and it involves adopting the 'waste not, want not' attitudes of our grandparents and great grandparents.
ser algo que pasa todos los días 
be an everyday occurrence
 People gawp at anything that is not an everyday occurence.
sin haber pasado por la calandria 
 Cloth styles began to change in the 1920s with the introduction of plain uncalendered materials that made a virtue of showing the pattern of the weave.
¡tener + que pasar por encima de + Posesivo + cadáver! 
over + Posesivo + dead body
 'Over my dead body' was his response to proposals to scale back the $1.35 trillion in tax cuts planned for the next ten years = "Por encima de mi cadáver" fue su respuesta a los propuestas de recortar los 1.35 trillones de dólares en los presupuestos planeados para los próximos diez años.
tiempo + pasar 
time + march on
 For some people class reunions act as a ritual of passage, while for others it may seems like a painful reminder of time marching on.
todavía no ha pasado lo mejor 
the best is yet to come
 As always appears to be the case, the best is yet to come.
tratar de pasar desapercibido   [Algunos hablantes utilizan lay/laid low en su lugar]
keep + a low profile
lie + low
 The author outlines reasons why librarians have in the past kept a low profile in similar situations.
 Whilst they grumbled about it in internal memos they decided to lie low and let the matter cool down.
tratar de pasar inadvertido   [Algunos hablantes utilizan lay/laid low en su lugar]
keep + a low profile
lie + low
 The author outlines reasons why librarians have in the past kept a low profile in similar situations.
 Whilst they grumbled about it in internal memos they decided to lie low and let the matter cool down.
ver lo que pasa 
take it from there/here
 I'm looking for someone to meet online, have a chat with and if we connect take it from there.
pasar a
pasar a 
  go on to ; move on to ; proceed to ; shunt into ; switch over ; switch to ; step onto ; spill over into.
 This chapter now goes on to introduce some of the more basic tools used in the organisation knowledge.
 We move on to consider the process by which indexing is accomplished.
 A summary at the beginning of a document serves to prepare the reader to proceed to the remainder of the text.
 In successive index entries the previous lead term is shunted into the Qualifier position, and the first term in the Display moves into the lead position.
 Not finding a particular item in the region, the search would be switched over to the national data base, and the record could be supplied.
 The cataloger can switch to entering records in the local catalog with the code 'p'.
 As he stepped onto the porch on his way to the garage, he stumbled over a chair, upsetting a vase of flowers and soaking his trousers.
 The artificiality of institutional concepts has spilled over into the structure of the publishing services on which the user depends for Community information.
pasar Algo a Alguien
pasar Algo a Alguien 
  turn + Algo + over to + Alguien.
 'Now, you know, I could merely turn this over to the two division or all the department heads and let them decide,' reflected Bough.
pasar + Nombre + a
pasar + Nombre + a 
  turn + Nombre + over to.
 Studies are currently underway concerning the feasibility of turning the mapmaking function of the US Geological Survey (USGS) over to the private sector.
pasar tiempo
pasar tiempo 
  spend + time ; spend + Tiempo.
 Superior cataloguing may result, since more consistency and closer adherence to standard codes are likely to emerge with cataloguers who spend all of their time cataloguing, than with a librarian who tackles cataloguing as one of various professional tasks.
 Since he had already spent 4 days in prison, the judge decided further punishment would be wrong and that sentence would be suspended.
pasar tiempo haciendo Algo
pasar tiempo haciendo Algo 
  do + a stint at.
 Seven of the compositors, moreover, did short stints at press, and one of the pressmen had a turn at composition.

Trends of use of pasar



The term «pasar» is very widely used and occupies the 524 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «pasar» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of pasar
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «pasar».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «pasar» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «pasar» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about pasar



Famous quotes and sentences with the word pasar.
Alphonse Karr
El mar sólo tiene un defecto, y es que, cuando se le conoce, no se puede pasar ya sin él.
Antonio Machado
Vivir es desatinar: tener para destejer: aprender para olvidar; amar para recordar amor que no puede ser o la alegría de ayer que nunca vuelve a pasar.
Arthur Schopenhauer
La gente vulgar sólo piensa en pasar el tiempo; el que tiene talento... en aprovecharlo.
Gustave Flaubert
Al fin y al cabo, el trabajo es el mejor medio de pasar la vida sin ser visto.
Miguel De Cervantes
El que larga vida vive, mucho mal ha de pasar.
Proverbio Árabe
Siéntate a la puerta de tu casa y verás pasar el cadáver de tu enemigo.
El que pretende pasar por sabio entre los necios, pasa por necio entre los sabios.
Tomás De Iriarte
¡Cuántos pasar por sabios han querido con citar a los muertos que lo han sido!
William Rogers
No todos podemos ser héroes. Alguien tiene que quedarse a un lado aclamándolos al pasar.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
El mundo entero se aparta cuando ve pasar a un hombre que sabe adónde va.


A gran arroyo, pasar postrero.
A mal paso, pasar postrero.
No me veas mal pasar, que no me verás pelear.
Para pasar el agua y dar dinero, nunca seas el primero.
Pasar amargura por ganar hermosura.
No entres donde no puedas pasar fácilmente la cabeza.
Al pasar el río, vale más la cuerda que el trigo.
Al pasar San Antón, sastres al sol.
Al puente o al vado, si no hemos de pasar a nado.
Busca una mujer que sepa guisar y coser; y si bien lo quieres pasar, que más que coser sepa guisar.


Discover the use of pasar in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to pasar and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
LA CULTURA DEL VINO: Una guía amena para pasar de iniciado a ...
La cultura del vino es el libro idóneo para cualquier aficionado al vino, con más o menos conocimientos, que quiera iniciarse en su fabuloso mundo y en su cultura de una forma profunda, rigurosa y extensa, pero desde un punto de vista ...
REUNIONES EFICACES: 25 claves para pasar de reunirse a REUNIRSE
Demasiadas reuniones provocan insatisfacción.
Eva Cantavella, Antonio Valls Roig, 2009
Cómo programar en C++
a. funciones. Para pasar un arreglo como argumento a una función, especifique el nombre del arreglo sin corchetes. Por ejemplo, si el arreglo tempCadaHora se declara como: int tempCadaHora [ 24 ]; la llamada de función: modif icaArreglo( ...
Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, 2003
BALONCESTO. Aprender y progresar
Pasar y coger bien es la esencia del trabajo en grupo, las dos técnicas que hacen del baloncesto un deporte de equipo tan maravilloso. El pase es el fundamento más descuidado de este juego, pues los jugadores no suelen practicarlo ...
Hal Wissel, 2008
Pasar De Plano/ Traveling to Another Dimension
Araceli Egea, 2006
Toda la noche oyeron pasar pájaros
Toda la noche oyeron pasar pájaros es una inquietante historia de desintegración social que demuestra el excelente dominio del lenguaje y de la técnica narrativa de unos de los mayores escritores contemporáneos.
J. M. Caballero Bonald, 2011
Siempre es posible verlos al pasar
This book delves into the history of a family caught between the spirit of revolution and the pressure of convention.
Leonardo Peña Calderón, 2001
Diccionario Universal Español-Latino y Latino Español
|j Esceder, aventajar, pasar. || Tac. at^ Pasar por alto, en silencio, en blanco. || Huir, evitar. j| •*j Esrluir, no admitir, echar fuera. Praetcrire aetate ali- l!f'-¡ qutm. Cic. Ser de mas edad que otro. __ Fratris Jtlium. ** Cié. Escluir de la herencia á su ...
Manuel de Valbuena, 1826
Física preuniversitaria
Saber qué son los factores de conversión y poder utilizarlos para pasar de unidades de un sistema a unidades de otro. 4. Saber qué significan las dimensiones de una magnitud. B. Definir, explicar o identificar de otra manera lo siguiente: ...
Paul Allen Tipler, 1991
Armas de varón: mujeres que se hicieron pasar por hombres
Armas de varón relata casos y circunstancias de mujeres que en algún momento tomaron la decisión de hacerse pasar por hombres y vivir y actuar dentro de los parámetros socialmente asignados a los varones.
Miguel Ángel Almodóvar, 2004


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term pasar is used in the context of the following news items.
Chantajista conseguía videos eróticos haciéndose pasar por Neymar
Un brasileño se hacía pasar por Neymar y luego extorsionadaba a mujeres que le ... de enviar videos eróticos de un personaje que se hacía pasar por Neymar. «Diez.hn, Sep 16»
El primer tanquero en pasar por las nuevas esclusas del Canal de ...
El Suezmax ha sido el primer tanquero por transitar por las nuevas esclusas del Canal de Panamá, informó la mañana de hoy domingo el administrador del ... «La Estrella de Panamá, Aug 16»
M. Á. López: "Toca pasar página de esta semana tan horrible"
"Ahora toca pasar página de esta semana tan horrible que me ha tocado vivir aquí", dijo López al final de la carrera en la que tuvo que abandonar cuando ... «Mundo Deportivo, Aug 16»
Migrantes piden a Daniel Ortega los deje pasar
“Estamos sufriendo mucho, queremos pasar a Honduras, estuvimos mucho tiempo (dos meses y medio) en Costa Rica, y ya llevamos 15 días escondidos en ... «La Prensa, Aug 16»
Cómo pasar tu cuenta de Pokémon GO de un móvil a otro
Evidentemente, no querrás perder todo el proceso y todos los pokémons que tanto te ha costado capturar, así que vamos a enseñarte a pasar tu cuenta de ... «Andro4all, Aug 16»
Detenidos dos jóvenes en Fuengirola que se hacían pasar por ...
Dos jóvenes de 17 y 18 años han sido detenidos por la Policía en Fuengirola después de que presuntamente se hicieran pasar por policías de paisano para ... «Sur Digital, Aug 16»
Jaume Costa: "Nos tenemos que poner pilas para pasar la previa"
Villarreal (Castellón), 19 jul (EFE).- Jaume Costa, defensa del Villarreal, subrayó hoy que su equipo debe "ponerse las pilas" para pasar la eliminatoria de ... «La Vanguardia, Jul 16»
Se hacía pasar por médico laboral, pero era un abusador
Detienen a un hombre que se hacía pasar por médico laboral para abusar de mujeres. (Online 911). Tags; La Paternal,; Delitos sexuales. opiná. 0. shares ... «Clarín.com, Jun 16»
Los candidatos optan por la familia y el deporte para pasar la ...
Por su parte, el candidato del PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, comenzará el día haciendo running y aprovechará la jornada para pasar tiempo con su mujer y sus hijas. «La Voz de Galicia, Jun 16»
Detenido un presunto estafador que se hacía pasar por promotor de ...
El hombre se identificaba con documentación falsa y se hacía pasar por promotor de conciertos por toda Andalucía y contactaba con grupos de música ... «20minutos.es, Jun 16»



« EDUCALINGO. Pasar [online]. Available <https://educalingo.com/en/dic-es/pasar>. Jul 2024 ».
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