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Meaning of "llevar" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra llevar procede del latín levāre, levantar.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


lle · var play


Llevar is a verb.
The verb is the part of the sentence that is conjugated and expresses action and state of being.

See the conjugation of the verb llevar in Spanish.


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Definition of llevar in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of carrying in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is to conduct something from one place to another away from that in which the person who uses this verb is spoken or mentally placed. Another meaning of carrying in the dictionary is to charge, demand, perceive the price or the rights of something. Carrying is also said of a land or a plant: Produce fruit. La primera definición de llevar en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es conducir algo desde un lugar a otro alejado de aquel en que se habla o se sitúa mentalmente la persona que emplea este verbo. Otro significado de llevar en el diccionario es cobrar, exigir, percibir el precio o los derechos de algo. Llevar es también dicho de un terreno o de una planta: Producir fruto.

Click to see the original definition of «llevar» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.



yo llevo
llevas / llevás
él lleva
nos. llevamos
vos. lleváis / llevan
ellos llevan
Pretérito imperfecto
yo llevaba
él llevaba
nos. llevábamos
vos. llevabais / llevaban
ellos llevaban
Pret. perfecto simple
yo llevé
él llevó
nos. llevamos
vos. llevasteis / llevaron
ellos llevaron
Futuro simple
yo llevaré
él llevará
nos. llevaremos
vos. llevaréis / llevarán
ellos llevarán
Condicional simple
yo llevaría
él llevaría
nos. llevaríamos
vos. llevaríais / llevarían
ellos llevarían
Pret. Perf. Compuesto
yo he llevado
has llevado
él ha llevado
nos. hemos llevado
vos. habéis llevado
ellos han llevado
Pret. Pluscuamperfecto
yo había llevado
habías llevado
él había llevado
nos. habíamos llevado
vos. habíais llevado
ellos habían llevado
Pretérito Anterior
yo hube llevado
hubiste llevado
él hubo llevado
nos. hubimos llevado
vos. hubisteis llevado
ellos hubieron llevado
Futuro perfecto
yo habré llevado
habrás llevado
él habrá llevado
nos. habremos llevado
vos. habréis llevado
ellos habrán llevado
Condicional Perfecto
yo habría llevado
habrías llevado
él habría llevado
nos. habríamos llevado
vos. habríais llevado
ellos habrían llevado


yo lleve
él lleve
nos. llevemos
vos. llevéis / lleven
ellos lleven
Pretérito imperfecto
yo llevara o llevase
llevaras o llevases
él llevara o llevase
nos. lleváramos o llevásemos
vos. llevarais o llevaseis / llevaran o llevasen
ellos llevaran o llevasen
Futuro simple
yo llevare
él llevare
nos. lleváremos
vos. llevareis / llevaren
ellos llevaren
Pret. Perf. Compuesto
yo hube llevado
hubiste llevado
él hubo llevado
nos. hubimos llevado
vos. hubisteis llevado
ellos hubieron llevado
Futuro Perfecto
yo habré llevado
habrás llevado
él habrá llevado
nos. habremos llevado
vos. habréis llevado
ellos habrán llevado
Condicional perfecto
yo habría llevado
habrías llevado
él habría llevado
nos. habríamos llevado
vos. habríais llevado
ellos habrían llevado
lleva (tú) / llevá (vos)
llevad (vosotros) / lleven (ustedes)







Synonyms and antonyms of llevar in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms


Translation of «llevar» into 25 languages

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Find out the translation of llevar to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.
The translations of llevar from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «llevar» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of llevar in the Spanish-English dictionary.

Translator Spanish - Chinese

1,325 millions of speakers


570 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - English

510 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Hindi

380 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Arabic

280 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Russian

278 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Portuguese

270 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Bengali

গ্রহণ করা
260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

220 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Malay

190 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - German

180 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Japanese

130 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Korean

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Javanese

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Vietnamese

80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  bear ; bring ; carry ; lead ; lug off ; steer ; engage ; escort ; lead + Pronombre + down the road to ; take along ; tote ; carry away ; carry along ; ferry.
 Examples of homographs are: bear (to carry, or an animal) and score (music, football or to cut).
 Subject experts may bring a more informed and critical eye to document analysis.
 Cable TV systems have now been introduced in the United States that have the technical ability to carry two-way signals.
 A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific topics are considered, or on which specific names appear.
 The whole affair, assembled and compressed, could be lugged off in a moving van.
 They decided that they had to set up information and referral services to steer people to the correct agency.
 And literature is part of that essential human behavior; it engages us in pre-enactments and re-enactments.
 Their work included escorting clients to other agencies.
 The catalog's deterioration is leading us down the road to lesser quality library service.
 When you're crunched for time, take along snacks that pack a wallop, nutritionally speaking.
 These bags are the best way to tote around your books, groceries, beach stuff, or even your puppy.
 When the cells use the oxygen, they make carbon dioxide and other stuff that gets carried away by the blood.
 Therefore, it's vital to always carry along an eczema emergency kit for those times a flare-up does occur.
 Celebrities will even hire chauffeured cars to ferry their children to school because they feel this is a safer option.
agua + llevar 
wash away
 Then it gets progressively worse as walls are washed away and vehicles plastered against houses and trees.
Algo que lleva mucho tiempo de hacer 
time-consuming [time consuming]
 International consultation is bulky and time-consuming, and this makes revision a slow process.
comida para llevar   
takeaway meal
take-out meal
 Food ranges from takeaway meals costing a few pounds sterling per meal to upmarket restaurants.
 Five options of help with housework are investigated: domestic help, take-out meals, the microwave, the dishwasher, & the dryer.
 Serious couch potatoes may soon have sofas that order take-out and tune the TV to their favorite programs, without them ever having to lift a finger.
como alma que lleva el diablo 
hell (bent) for leather
 Unlike the previous rider, this competitor was hell bent for leather as he attacked the mud ponds at full throttle.
correr como alma que lleva el diablo    
run for + Posesivo + life
run like + hell
run like + the devil
run + hell for leather
 We stood in our driveway looking daggers at each other - the tension was like the air before lightning, even the cat ran for her life.
 He set explosives around where he thought the entrance to the cave would be, lit the match, and then ran like hell!.
 We took some photos (from a considerable distance) and then ran like the devil before the fire started to grow and block the road.
 Rugby is not just a game of two teams running hell for leather into each other; the game we coach is more like a physical game of chess.
cuando el río suena, agua lleva 
there's no smoke without fire
 Most people will be thinking 'there's no smoke without fire' which is one reason why reporting on crimes should be banned until after a verdict is delivered.
dejarse llevar                  
become + carried away by
drift along
coast along
go with + the flow
let + go
go along with + the flow
follow + the crowd
carry away
be carried along
swim with + the current
swim with + the flow
swim with + the tide
go with + the current
go with + the tide
go with + the stream
swim with + the stream
be just along for the ride
 It is easy to become carried away by the sheer size of the so-called 'information explosion' and to regard the growth of literature as a phenomenon as threatening to civilization as a virulent epidemic or the 'population explosion' in the third world.
 The group of employees seems to 'drift along'.
 Now that libraries have been catapulted out of the ice age by the online catalogue, they cannot afford to drift through the strong, variable winds of technological change.
 Unless more of us refuse to be content to coast along, living off the fat of the land and leaving others to pay the tab, there is no guarantee that America will be a better place for our children than it was for us.
 The author takes this case as a model to illustrate how academic libraries can go with the flow instead of being swept upstream.
 To be the life and soul of a party or social gathering requires you to come out of your shell and let go.
 Finally, we have someone who is not just folding his arms and going along with the flow.
 Humans tend to follow the crowd because of an innate mechanism inside their brains, which triggers an alert signal when an individual's opinion diverges from the general one.
 These cautionary tales suggest that investors should not be carried away by the euphoria accompanying headline-grabbing announcements of yet more orders won.
 We are carried along in a stream - some are aware of the invisible forces pulling them, others float without a thought as to where the current is taking them.
 It was Thomas Jefferson who said: 'On matters of style, swim with the current; on matters of principle, stand like a rock'.
 The only way to keep from drowning is to ride the currents - the ocean will support us as long as we swim with the flow.
 A person has two choices in life: You can swim against the tide and get exhausted, or you can swim with the tide and let it take you where it wants you to go.
 Business owners need to understand the currents of the market and decide when it is good to go with the current and when it is better to head into the current.
 There are those that are going with the tide that is globalisation and those that are going against with it.
 Are you aware of the fact that it is far easier to go with the stream than against it?.
 It reminds me of one of my favourite quotes: 'Only dead fish swim with the stream!'.
 Accept who you are and the role you play and that 'Like that flea on the elephant' you are just along for the ride = Acepta quien eres y el papel que desempeñas y que "al igual que la pulga sobre el elefante" déjate llevar.
dejarse llevar fácilmente 
be easily led
 His characters are gullible and easily led, dependent on the kindness of strangers and vulnerable to parasites and touts who hang around train stations and hotels.
dejarse llevar por 
fall + victim to
 But once the Community becomes an object of ridicule in the minds of the public, truth falls victim to ignorance and prejudice.
dejarse llevar (por) 
give + way (to)
 But since to have chosen to use the alternative rule would have committed us to extensive and expensive recataloging of LC copy, service considerations gave way to economic considerations.
dejarse llevar por el instinto    
fly by + the seat of + Posesivo + pants
follow + Posesivo + instincts
follow + Posesivo + nose
follow + Posesivo + (own) inclination(s)
 One of the persistent arguments about Mr. Gorbachev is whether he ever had a clear strategic vision, or was flying by the seat of his pants.
 But the struggle to leave conventionality behind and to follow her instincts was not an easy one for Edna.
 Cruising the streets of Strasbourg on foot we followed our noses and found ourselves bumping into awesome buildings left, right and centre.
 She had a strong will, independent views, some contempt for the world, and followed her own inclinations without servitude to the opinion of others.
dejarse llevar por el olfato 
follow + Posesivo + nose
 When her owners turned her loose, she followed her nose straight for the good stuff.
dejarse llevar por el pánico  [Participio de presente panicking, de pasado panicked]  
grow + panicky
get + panicky
 For crying out loud, would everyone please stop panicking - Don't you realize that this would be a good thing in the long run?.
 Still, people who are trying to sell their homes are growing panicky as they see their properties up for sale much longer than they expected.
 In most of the cases, people get panicky in situations which are beyond their control.
dejarse llevar por el viento 
ride + the wind
 She was riding the wind and making the wind do the work.
dejarse llevar por la corriente          
go with + the flow
go along with + the flow
follow + the crowd
swim with + the current
swim with + the flow
ride + the current
go with + the current
go with + the tide
go with + the stream
swim with + the stream
 The author takes this case as a model to illustrate how academic libraries can go with the flow instead of being swept upstream.
 Finally, we have someone who is not just folding his arms and going along with the flow.
 Humans tend to follow the crowd because of an innate mechanism inside their brains, which triggers an alert signal when an individual's opinion diverges from the general one.
 It was Thomas Jefferson who said: 'On matters of style, swim with the current; on matters of principle, stand like a rock'.
 The only way to keep from drowning is to ride the currents - the ocean will support us as long as we swim with the flow.
 The only way to keep from drowning is to ride the currents - the ocean will support us as long as we swim with the flow.
 Business owners need to understand the currents of the market and decide when it is good to go with the current and when it is better to head into the current.
 There are those that are going with the tide that is globalisation and those that are going against with it.
 Are you aware of the fact that it is far easier to go with the stream than against it?.
 It reminds me of one of my favourite quotes: 'Only dead fish swim with the stream!'.
dejarse llevar por las olas 
ride + the waves
 Enjoy this article by Takara about how to deal with what life hands you like riding the waves on a surfboard.
dejarse llevar por los demás 
follow + the crowd
 Humans tend to follow the crowd because of an innate mechanism inside their brains, which triggers an alert signal when an individual's opinion diverges from the general one.
el camino que lleva a 
a/the doorway to
 Users today expect the library to be a doorway to content that can be found in online databases, through institutional repositories, and beyond.
el llevar 
 This article gives instructions for installing an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) in a mobile library van (bookmobile) thus enabling the carrying of a computer on board.
el sendero que lleva a 
a/the doorway to
 Users today expect the library to be a doorway to content that can be found in online databases, through institutional repositories, and beyond.
encargado de llevar a cabo 
implementor [implementer]
 This could only be discovered by talking to the principal policy implementors and resource gatherers.
encargado de llevar el marcador 
 The league president shall appoint an official scorer who shall observe the game from a position in the press box.
establecimiento de comida para llevar 
 Lenton has lots of takeaways, off-licenses, pubs, a cinema, video shop, florist and a number of locally owned businesses.
flor para llevar en el ojal  [Palabra americana cuyo equivalente en inglés británico es buttonhole]
 He was to be picked up by the secretary of the board of trustees, who would be wearing a blue blazer and a red carnation boutonniere.
forma de llevar a cabo  
way of going about
way to go about
 There are many ways of promoting anti-discriminatory practice and many ways of going about it.
 I think he outlined the feasible way to go about meeting our needs without doing in anybody else in the process.
la edad se lleva en el alma 
you are as old as you feel
 They say you are as old as you feel but most often than not you are as old as you look.
la senda que lleva a 
a/the doorway to
 Users today expect the library to be a doorway to content that can be found in online databases, through institutional repositories, and beyond.
llevando sobrepelliz 
 Women and children wept as the vast cortege, headed by 150 surpliced clergymen wound its way from the church through the streets in which every shop was shuttered.
llevar a     [Referido al pasado]   
lead on to
lead up to
result (in)
take + Nombre + back to
usher into
put + Nombre + on the (right) path to
put + Nombre + on the (right) road to
 A critical view taken of library consultants in general leads on to the identification of factors that will assist libraries in selecting consultants.
 The preliminary discussions and proposals which led up to the AACR, did start out with an attempt to fashion an ideology, a philosophical context, for those rules.
 Objective 1 results in what is known as a direct catalogue, because it gives direct access to a specific document.
 Becker takes the topic all the way back to the Coonskin Library and frontier days.
 After a quick tour of the facilities and after meeting a few staff members, Bibeau was ushered into the 'Board Room,' where he was introduced to the other remaining trustees.
 Playing sports can help you through tough periods and put you on the path to a healthy adult life.
 This book is a virtual encyclopaedia of information on success that will put you on the right road to a bright future.
llevar a Algo a una nueva dimensión 
take + Nombre + into a new dimension
 But the advent of blocking in gold and blind with brass dies (1832) took cloth binding into a new dimension.
llevar a Alguien a juicio   
bring + lawsuit against + Alguien
take + legal action
take + legal proceedings
 Given the increasing frequency frequency of lawsuits brought against all kinds of institutions and individuals, libraries and librarians should not assume that they are immune against being sued.
 If the law is not complied with the individual could take legal action.
 The article 'Publishers go for the jugular over copyright' examines the activities of the American Association of Publishers (AAP) in taking legal proceedings against libraries on copyright grounds and in enforcing payment for photocopying periodical articles.
llevar a Alguien al límite  
push + Nombre + over the edge
drive + Alguien + over the edge
 It was the drugs that made me mad: Jane was anorexic, but the treatment prescribed pushed her over the edge for 22 nightmarish years.
 Her husband Mickey drove her over the edge after years of physical and emotional abuse.
llevar a buen fin 
lead + Nombre + to (a) safe harbour
 It is my people who elected me in a referendum and who trusted me to lead them to safe harbour.
llevar a buen puerto    
bear + fruit
come to + fruition
lead + Nombre + to (a) safe harbour
have + a successful ending
 It was apparent that the responders to the investigation were basically satisfied that the efforts they were making were bearing fruit = Era claro que los entrevistados en la investigación se sentían básicamente satisfechos de que los esfuerzos que estaban haciendo estaban dando fruto.
 Menu-based information retrieval could be the area in which the extensive experiencia with enumerative classification may come to fruition.
 It is my people who elected me in a referendum and who trusted me to lead them to safe harbour.
 Every painful story have a successful ending, so bear the pain and get ready for success.
llevar a buen término 
bring to + a close
 2006 was brought to a close with a flurry of acquisitions.
llevar a cabo             
carry out
go about
realise [realize, -USA]
carry through
press forward (with)
bring to + pass
 If a library prefers to simplify records in particular areas, this can usually be accomplished by not entering particular types of information.
 The search will be carried out in Dialog's file 13, INSPEC 1977-84 (issue 6) at the time of searching.
 Obviously, this tagging must be conducted manually.
 Some cataloguing may be conducted by a technical services department, whilst other cataloguing may be executed in the local studies department, or the children's library.
 From then on I decided to go about it a different way.
 Without AACR is doubtful whether computerised cataloguing would have been implemented so relatively painlessly and successfully = Sin las RCAA es dudoso que la catalogación automatizada se hubiera implementado tan fácilmente y con tanto éxito, relativamente hablando.
 A command language is the language with which the search proceeds; the commands are instructions that the searcher can issue to the computer.
 Historically, the main reasons for unionization have been to effect better wages, fringe benefits, and working conditions.
 Librarians, information scientists, and keepers of the archives have to realise the meaning of the so-called electronic library (e-library).
 The model includes provisions for circulation policy analysis and management and for the recording and controlling of activities transacted at the circulation desk.
 However, all attempts at moral regulation carried through by the state and philanthropic agencies either failed or had completely the opposite effect.
 The company is pressing forward with the construction of an environment and a system that permit all employees to demonstrate their full capabilities.
 We should have a long-term vision set before us, but we need short-term steps to bring it to pass.
llevar a cabo una acción 
effect + an execution
 Further, menu screens will be necessary until the user has specified the task that he wishes executed or the information that he wishes to retrieve sufficiently for execution or retrieval to be effected.
llevar a cabo una actividad   [Normalmente relacionadas con el desempeño de una profesión o un negocio]
conduct + an activity
conduct + business
 In areas of chronic illiteracy this activity may need to be conducted with as much energy as is given to in-school work.
 It is not a counselling but an information and referral service, with most business conducted via the telephone, although the office is open to personal callers.
llevar a cabo una actuación común 
make + a concerted effort
 This is the first time that a concerted effort was made to accommodate library education to university standards.
llevar a cabo una iniciativa 
take + initiative
 The Library will continue to take initiative in providing packaged data such as the book forms of the National Union Catalog, Films and Other Materials for Projection, Chinese Cooperative Catalog, and Monographic Series.
llevar a cabo una misión 
accomplish + mission
 The library emerged as the vehicle to accomplish this mission.
llevar a cabo una orden 
execute + command
 Some commands are executed immediately.
llevar a cabo una redada 
 Six people were arrested for possession of cannabis as police swooped on a number of homes.
llevar a cabo una serie de pasos anteriormente realizados 
execute + steps
 The steps from your previous search will be automatically executed in the new database.
llevar a cabo un atraco 
pull off + heist
 To pull off the heist, the thief stole a swipe card for the complex before using the wheelchair to make off.
llevar a cabo un proyecto   
carry out + project
undertake + project
develop + project
 After choosing a method of recon, it is time to get down to the details of how to carry out the project.
 The project is being undertaken with caution.
 To accommodate growth in the vertical file collection the library developed a project to convert hardcopy materials to jacketed microfiche.
llevar a cabo un robo  
execute + theft
pull off + heist
 In 1962, 2 people executed a large theft of documents from the National Archives in Washington.
 To pull off the heist, the thief stole a swipe card for the complex before using the wheelchair to make off.
llevar a casa 
bring + home
 What he actually brings home from his shopping spree is dependent on further factors, such as the actual availability of the goods or his resources.
llevar a cenar 
take + Nombre + to dinner
 She's all you'll ever want, she's the type you'd like to flaunt and take to dinner.
llevar a conclusiones erróneas  [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio mislead]
 Nevertheless it could be misleading to leave this topic without two further comments.
llevar a confusión 
lead to + confusion
 In particular, when one command means one thing in one system and something else in another system this is likely to lead to confusion.
llevar a cotas más altas  
raise to + greater heights
take + Nombre + to greater heights
 Data storage for microcomputers will be raised to greater heights by the development of the video disc, and particularly the digital optical disc, which can store up to 2 Gigabytes, or 2 thousand million characters.
 He headed one of the largest accounting firms in the country and took it to greater heights.
llevar adelante    
go ahead with
carry on
carry out
keep on with
 The ADONIS project has had a long history and a practical trial has now taken place as a result of which publishers have decided to go ahead with a commercial service.
 If a child detects that no very strong value is placed on reading then he feels no compulsion to develop his own reading skill beyond the minimal, functional level we all need simply to carry on our daily lives in our print-dominated society.
 The search will be carried out in Dialog's file 13, INSPEC 1977-84 (issue 6) at the time of searching.
 There are some senators who want to keep on with the war at any cost .
llevar adelanto   
run + early
run + ahead of schedule
be ahead of schedule
 Occasionally bus services may run early or behind schedule due to traffic congestion.
 What with planting running ahead of schedule, we will have a very good idea about the size of the crop by the second half of January.
 The bank's recovery is ahead of schedule as it slashed annual losses by more than half in 2010.
llevar a engaño  
be misleading
be deceiving
 At its very worst writing for a market can be pure 'hack' writing for money only, but in the world of books such an over-simplification can be misleading.
 The intuitive simplicity of probability can be deceiving.
llevar a + Estado Emocional 
send into + Estado Emocional
 The letter sent Tomas Hernandez into a frenzy of conflicting reactions: ecstatic jubilation and ego-tripping, wild speculation and outrageous fantasy, compounded by confusion and indirection.
llevar a hablar de una cuestión 
bring up + an issue
 This brings up the issue of training and motivation.
llevar a hombros 
carry + Nombre + shoulder-high
 On his homecoming, he arrived at the train station to be met by hundreds of people who carried him shoulder-high to a taxi.
llevar a juicio           
file + suit against
bring + a suit against
bring + criminal charges against
file + lawsuit against
take + Nombre + to court
bring + Nombre + to justice
put on + trial
 Enter the official proceedings and records of criminal trial, impeachment, courts-martial, etc., under the heading for the person or body prosecuted.
 Given the increasing frequency frequency of lawsuits brought against all kinds of institutions and individuals, libraries and librarians should not assume that they are immune against being sued.
 In June '90, DIALOG Information services filed an antitrust suit against the American Chemical Society (ACS) charging that the Society had damaged the company.
 How does one bring a harassment suit against one's employer?.
 The resources provided are to assist the personal injury attorneys litigating medical malpractice claims.
 Criminal charges are to be brought against 3 people after the seizure of counterfeit copies of British Telecom's PhoneDisc, a CD-ROM database containing the company's 100 or so telephone directories.
 This paper details the attempt by Boston University to strike back at such agencies by filing a lawsuit against Internet term paper companies in the USA.
 Many school districts have adopted a hard-line approach to reducing unexcused absenteeism; in one such district, truancy rates were reduced 45 percent when truants and their parents were taken to court.
 He was an Israeli undercover agent who captured and brought to justice many Nazi war criminals.
 Socrates was put on trial for corrupting the youth of Athens and condemned to death by drinking the poision hemlock.
 The Government is now trying him on criminal charges for allegedly misleading officials early in the investigation.
llevar a la bancarrota 
 As a writer on the publishing of scholarly books in the USA once put it, 'A book that would bankrupt a scholarly publisher does not fall within the proper domain of scholarly publishing'.
llevar a la conclusión 
lead to + the conclusion
 The miniature catalog concept, therefore, leads to the conclusion that mechanized descriptive cataloging will be possible employing only the string of text on a title page.
llevar a la destrucción 
spell + disaster
 Trying to reach every market can spell disaster for small businesses, who cannot afford to spread themselves too thin.
llevar a la ficción 
fictionalise [fictionalize, -USA]
 In the novel the murders have been committed by counterfeiters, not by Lizzie, and Lizzie herself is fictionalized in terms of prevailing Victorian stereotypes of womanhood.
llevar a la práctica       
practise [practice, -USA]
put into + practice
put into + practical effect
carry out
put into + effect
put into + operation
put into + service
 Analytical cataloguing is practised to varying extents in libraries.
 The objective here is to illustrate how some of the techniques introduced in other parts of this book may be put into practice.
 Two other possibilities have been floated but not yet put into practical effect.
 The search will be carried out in Dialog's file 13, INSPEC 1977-84 (issue 6) at the time of searching.
 In other words, they should be encouraged to put their decisions into effect to demonstrate how they would actually proceed.
 None of them were put into operation in a significant manner because of the economics.
 Shortly after being put into service, some buses have developed cracks on the underside of the main frame.
llevar a la práctica una decisión 
implement + decision
 In the second case, we are studying the structure and mechanics of politics: how decisions are reached and implemented.
llevar a la quiebra 
 As a writer on the publishing of scholarly books in the USA once put it, 'A book that would bankrupt a scholarly publisher does not fall within the proper domain of scholarly publishing'.
llevar a la ruina 
spell + disaster
 Trying to reach every market can spell disaster for small businesses, who cannot afford to spread themselves too thin.
llevar al desastre 
spell + disaster
 Trying to reach every market can spell disaster for small businesses, who cannot afford to spread themselves too thin.
llevar Algo/Alguien a 
usher + Nombre + into
 Library employees can transform their organisations into dynamic entities capable of ushering society into the Information Age.
llevar Algo a sus últimas consecuencias 
take + Nombre + to its ultimate conclusion
 Maoism takes the egalitarian principle to its ultimate conclusion: not only are all men considered equal, but they must act equal.
llevar Algo demasiado lejos 
push + Nombre + too far
 I think that we must not push the progressive nature of computer work too far.
llevar Algo hasta el final 
carry + Nombre + to the end
 One significant difference between a piece of fiction and a case, however, is that cases are written in the form of problems without solutions, rather than as complete narratives which carry a story to the end.
llevar al hospital con toda urgencia  
rush + Nombre + to hospital
race + Nombre + to the hospital
 Sarah was rushed to the hospital early this morning with a ruptured appendix and peritonitis.
 We raced her to the hospital, where she received anti-venom, morphine and fluids.
llevar al hospital de bulla y corriendo  
rush + Nombre + to hospital
race + Nombre + to the hospital
 Sarah was rushed to the hospital early this morning with a ruptured appendix and peritonitis.
 We raced her to the hospital, where she received anti-venom, morphine and fluids.
llevar al hospital de prisa y corriendo  
race + Nombre + to the hospital
rush + Nombre + to hospital
 We raced her to the hospital, where she received anti-venom, morphine and fluids.
 Sarah was rushed to the hospital early this morning with a ruptured appendix and peritonitis.
llevar al hospital urgentemente  
rush + Nombre + to hospital
race + Nombre + to the hospital
 Sarah was rushed to the hospital early this morning with a ruptured appendix and peritonitis.
 We raced her to the hospital, where she received anti-venom, morphine and fluids.
llevar al juzgado  
take + Nombre + to court
take + Nombre + before a court
 Many school districts have adopted a hard-line approach to reducing unexcused absenteeism; in one such district, truancy rates were reduced 45 percent when truants and their parents were taken to court.
 Legislation dating back almost 300 years declares gambling debts are classed as a debt of honour and cannot be taken before a court.
llevar al límite 
 Written in a telegram style, telegraphic abstracts stretch the skills of the abstractor in writing in an abbreviated yet unambiguous style.
llevar a los tribunales 
take + Nombre + to court
 Many school districts have adopted a hard-line approach to reducing unexcused absenteeism; in one such district, truancy rates were reduced 45 percent when truants and their parents were taken to court.
llevar al poder 
bring + Nombre + to power
 This campaign was pursued for more than 30 years since the 1965 putsch in Indonesia that eventually brought Suharto to power.
llevar ante/a los tribunales 
take + Nombre + before a court
 Legislation dating back almost 300 years declares gambling debts are classed as a debt of honour and cannot be taken before a court.
llevar aquí + Expresión Temporal 
have been around + Expresión Temporal
 Those of us who have been around longer know that you can only increase your budget by about the same percent as previous years.
llevar a remolque 
take in + tow
 If the water be tolerably smooth, and the wind moderate, a vessel may be taken in tow without shortening sail or altering the course.
llevar a toda prisa 
race + Nombre + to
 They raced him to a police van and drove away.
llevar a tomar una decisión 
lead (up) to + decision
 A description of this process, including the background leading up to the decision to acquire an automated system and the selection process itself are reported.
llevar aún más lejos        
take + one stage further
progress + one stage further
carry + one stage further
develop + one stage further
take + a step further
extend + one step further
carry + one step further
take + one step further
 The special auxiliaries allow the process of synthesis to be taken one stage further.
 Progressing a stage further, it would be economically short-sighted, to say the least, for a large co-operative network such as OCLC in the United States or BLCMP in the UK, not to take advantage of the MARC service.
 The problem arises from the fact that it is very difficult to fix an absolute level of analysis; there is nearly always the possibility of carrying our analysis one stage further.
 So we can develop our significance order one stage further, to give us Thing-Material-Action.
 This has been taken a step further by using a screen editor to 'prevent the human indexer or coder from making syntactic errors in the first place'.
 We can extend these two concepts one step further, and use them to guarantee the integrity of the authority file itself.
 The concept of policy may, therefore, be carried one step further.
 One should take this mission one step further by defining the overlap between the needs of the user and the capabilities of the library or information center.
llevar camino de enfrentamiento con 
be on a collision course with
 Is the library without walls on a collision course with the 1976 copyright act?.
llevar cerca del corazón 
be (very) close to + Posesivo + heart
 Angelina found herself shocked at the images coming from New Orleans, a city she has often referred to as being very close to her heart.
llevar consigo  
carry around
carry along
 When every student is carrying around a briefcase-sized microform reader, then we won't need to postulate or to argue for microform catalogs in libraries.
 Therefore, it's vital to always carry along an eczema emergency kit for those times a flare-up does occur.
llevar de la correa  [Generalmente cuando se saca a los animales domésticos de paseo]
 I agree with you and i think your auntie was 100% wrong since the other dogs were leashed and her unleashed dog was the one that confronted them.
llevar de la traílla  [Generalmente cuando se saca a los animales domésticos de paseo]
 I agree with you and i think your auntie was 100% wrong since the other dogs were leashed and her unleashed dog was the one that confronted them.
llevar el coche a la revisión 
take cars to be serviced
 I heard the other day about a lady in her late seventies who religiously took her car to be serviced at a local dealership.
llevar el coche a que le hagan la revisión 
take cars to be serviced
 I heard the other day about a lady in her late seventies who religiously took her car to be serviced at a local dealership.
llevar el compás 
beat + time
 The atmosphere is more relaxed than in school; children can hum quietly or beat time while listening.
llevar el mando 
rule + the roost
 Just as the 19th century belonged to England and the 20th century to America, so the 21st century will be China's turn to set the agenda and rule the roost.
llevar el peso 
undertake + burden
 This may result in the burden of the search being undertaken by the reader after the index language had done its work.
llevar el sello de     
bear + the imprint of
bear + the mark(s) of
bear + the stamp of
bear + the hallmarks of
have + the hallmarks of
 All of us bear the imprint of the culture and the time we are born into as much as we do the imprint of our genes.
 His bespectacled face bears the marks of decades of administrative decisions and manipulating markets.
 In the UK, colleges of further education and their libraries are highly individual institutions bearing the stamp of the educational entrepreneur.
 One analyst said the killings bore the hallmarks of al Qaeda but no claim of responsibility has been made.
 Michael Jackson's corpse had the hallmarks of longtime intravenous drug use.
llevar el sello distintivo de  
bear + the hallmarks of
have + the hallmarks of
 One analyst said the killings bore the hallmarks of al Qaeda but no claim of responsibility has been made.
 Michael Jackson's corpse had the hallmarks of longtime intravenous drug use.
llevar en autobús  [Pasado y Participio bussed/bused, participio presente bussing/busing]
 He informed me last spring that he was dedicating 30% of his budget to bussing all his staff back and forth each day.
llevar en camión 
 The houses are built, then taken apart and trucked to where they are needed and then re-assembled.
llevar encima  [Referido a prendas de vestir Verbo irregular: pasado wore, participio worn] 
 The camera hound of the future wears on his forehead a lump a little larger than a walnut.
 Cable TV systems have now been introduced in the United States that have the technical ability to carry two-way signals.
llevar en coche 
 Royalty have always been chauffeured to public functions and events and quite often make use of this facility in their private lives too.
llevar en el corazón 
be (very) close to + Posesivo + heart
 Angelina found herself shocked at the images coming from New Orleans, a city she has often referred to as being very close to her heart.
llevar en volandas 
carry + Nombre + shoulder-high
 On his homecoming, he arrived at the train station to be met by hundreds of people who carried him shoulder-high to a taxi.
llevar escrito en la cara 
be written (on/all over) + (Posesivo + face/Pronombre)
 She's got trouble written all over her face, she's a disaster waiting to happen.
llevar escrito en la frente 
be written (on/all over) + (Posesivo + face/Pronombre)
 She's got trouble written all over her face, she's a disaster waiting to happen.
llevar + Expresión Temporal 
take + Expresión Temporal
 For example, it took ten years to produce a schedule for Space science and Astronautics.
llevar la antorcha 
carry + the torch
 This book maintains that the church in Africa carries the torch of hope for many Africans today in the midst of political and economic insecurity and social disorder.
llevar la antorcha de 
bear + the torch of
 It is almost impossible to bear the torch of truth through a crowd without singeing somebody's beard.
llevar la batuta       
call + the shots
be the boss
call + the tune
rule + the roost
set + the agenda
be in command
run + the show
 The article is entitled 'Who's calling the shots in the semiconductor industry'.
 One of the hardest things about being the boss is that no one tells you what you're doing wrong.
 As long as we allow other people to pay the piper, they will continue calling the tune in Africa.
 Just as the 19th century belonged to England and the 20th century to America, so the 21st century will be China's turn to set the agenda and rule the roost.
 Just as the 19th century belonged to England and the 20th century to America, so the 21st century will be China's turn to set the agenda and rule the roost.
 Being in command means making tough decisions.
 This might happen organically as a younger cohort replaces the boomers currently running the show.
llevar la batuta en la política 
set + the political agenda
 In America, grey power is setting the political agenda.
llevar la contraria 
antagonise [antagonize, -USA]
 Researchers expect librarians to be factually knowledgeable, welcoming, helpful and supportive rather than 'weird', 'snooty' or 'easily antagonized'.
llevar la cuenta 
 The statistic programs have been designed to make it possible to extract, tally, and print statistical information from the journal.
llevar la cuenta de  
keep + track of
keep + tabs on
 The functions described in this chapter are used to keep track of and control the library's subscriptions to periodicals and serials.
 The physical effort of keeping tabs on people as well as the distasteful practice of checking up on staff output achieves nothing and may do considerable damage.
llevar la delantera  
be ahead of the game
get + the upper hand
 The article is entitled 'Ahead of the game: developing academic library staff for the 21st century'.
 Can we get the upper hand on viral diseases in aquaculture of Atlantic salmon?.
llevar la impronta de     
bear + the imprint of
bear + the mark(s) of
bear + the stamp of
bear + the hallmarks of
have + the hallmarks of
 All of us bear the imprint of the culture and the time we are born into as much as we do the imprint of our genes.
 His bespectacled face bears the marks of decades of administrative decisions and manipulating markets.
 In the UK, colleges of further education and their libraries are highly individual institutions bearing the stamp of the educational entrepreneur.
 One analyst said the killings bore the hallmarks of al Qaeda but no claim of responsibility has been made.
 Michael Jackson's corpse had the hallmarks of longtime intravenous drug use.
llevar la marca de     
bear + the mark(s) of
bear + the stamp of
bear + the imprint of
bear + the hallmarks of
have + the hallmarks of
 His bespectacled face bears the marks of decades of administrative decisions and manipulating markets.
 In the UK, colleges of further education and their libraries are highly individual institutions bearing the stamp of the educational entrepreneur.
 All of us bear the imprint of the culture and the time we are born into as much as we do the imprint of our genes.
 One analyst said the killings bore the hallmarks of al Qaeda but no claim of responsibility has been made.
 Michael Jackson's corpse had the hallmarks of longtime intravenous drug use.
llevar la marca distintiva de  
bear + the hallmarks of
have + the hallmarks of
 One analyst said the killings bore the hallmarks of al Qaeda but no claim of responsibility has been made.
 Michael Jackson's corpse had the hallmarks of longtime intravenous drug use.
llevar la montaña a Mahoma 
bring + the mountain to Mohammed
 The article has the title 'Bringing the mountain to Mohammed without falling off the cliff of unmanageable technology'.
llevar la responsabilidad de Algo 
carry + the burden
 In information retrieval applications it was more usual for one organisation to carry most of the burden of development of the system, and then to market it to others.
llevar las de ganar      
have + the upper hand
win + the high ground
gain + the upper hand
get + a head start
get + a jump start
get + the upper hand
 They may have the upper hand but will one slip-up lead to a reversal of fortune?.
 If I am to win the high ground in this battle then I absolutely must look the part.
 And at the moment, many experts believe China may have gained the upper hand.
 Just a little bus on wheels but preschoolers get a head start.
 Emergency crews got a jump start evacuating residents because two officers driving by saw the smoke and called for more help.
 Can we get the upper hand on viral diseases in aquaculture of Atlantic salmon?.
llevar la ventaja    
have + the upper hand
win + the high ground
gain + the upper hand
get + the upper hand
 They may have the upper hand but will one slip-up lead to a reversal of fortune?.
 If I am to win the high ground in this battle then I absolutely must look the part.
 And at the moment, many experts believe China may have gained the upper hand.
 Can we get the upper hand on viral diseases in aquaculture of Atlantic salmon?.
llevar la vida cotidiana 
manage + Posesivo + daily life
 The discussion takes a special look at how music was used in battle calls, military maneuvers and managing daily life in the military.
llevar la vida diaria 
manage + Posesivo + daily life
 The discussion takes a special look at how music was used in battle calls, military maneuvers and managing daily life in the military.
llevar la voz cantante      
call + the shots
be the boss
call + the tune
rule + the roost
set + the agenda
run + the show
 The article is entitled 'Who's calling the shots in the semiconductor industry'.
 One of the hardest things about being the boss is that no one tells you what you're doing wrong.
 As long as we allow other people to pay the piper, they will continue calling the tune in Africa.
 Just as the 19th century belonged to England and the 20th century to America, so the 21st century will be China's turn to set the agenda and rule the roost.
 Just as the 19th century belonged to England and the 20th century to America, so the 21st century will be China's turn to set the agenda and rule the roost.
 This might happen organically as a younger cohort replaces the boomers currently running the show.
llevar la voz cantante en la política 
set + the political agenda
 In America, grey power is setting the political agenda.
llevarle la corriente a Alguien  
play along with
string + Nombre + along
 Political parties happily play along with this charade because it enables them to look like they care about the planet.
 As soon as I realized it was a scam I decided to string along the scammer to see if they would send me something for proof.
llevarlo bien 
take it in + Posesivo + stride
 William was disappointed with the news but took it in stride and followed his doctors' orders.
llevar los pantalones 
wear + the breeches
 You will be a good husband to a professional career-minded woman - but be prepared that she'll wear the breeches in your relationship.
llevar los pantalones (en + Posesivo + casa) 
wear + the trousers (in + Posesivo + house)
 It appears that she wears the trousers in their house and he does as he is told!.
llevar maquillaje 
wear + make-up
 I feel out of place because I don't drink, do drugs, smoke or wear make-up.
llevar muy dentro de + Pronombre 
be (very) close to + Posesivo + heart
 Angelina found herself shocked at the images coming from New Orleans, a city she has often referred to as being very close to her heart.
llevar + Nombre + al siguiente nivel 
take + Nombre + to the next level
 We are a five-star gentlemen's club that is looking for amazing dancers and cocktail waitresses that will take us to the next level.
llevar + Nombre + aún más lejos 
take + Nombre + a/one step further/farther
 Taking this argument a step further, it is the mind of the librarian that makes the inicial screening assessment.
llevar pistola 
carry + a gun
 Each air marshal is authorized to carry a gun and make arrests.
llevar por el aire 
 If we have carrels constructed in the library, they would have to be enclosed, since smoke has a habit of wafting into other areas.
llevar por el camino de 
lead + Pronombre + down the road to
 The catalog's deterioration is leading us down the road to lesser quality library service.
llevar por el mal camino 
lead + astray
 Ticknor's belief in the library's potential as one means of inhibiting the chances of unscrupulous politicians who would lead the ignorant astray explains his insistence that the public library be as popular in appeal as possible.
llevar por mal camino  [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio mislead]
 Furthermore, children can be misled by group influences into reading truly pernicious material (hard core ponography, for example) and when this happens adults have a clear responsibility to step in and do something about it.
llevar por todo el mundo 
take + Nombre + across the world
 After witnessing her parents being murdered by the Mob, she set off on a journey for revenge that took her across the world.
llevar práctica 
take + practice
 Like any skill, becoming a good kisser takes practice.
llevar (puesto)  [Referido a prendas de vestir Verbo irregular: pasado wore, participio worn]
 The camera hound of the future wears on his forehead a lump a little larger than a walnut.
llevar puesto  [Referido a prendas de vestir Verbo irregular: pasado wore, participio worn]
 The camera hound of the future wears on his forehead a lump a little larger than a walnut.
llevar puesto el cinturón de seguridad 
wear + a seat belt
 Wearing plain clothes and standing on a street corner, the trooper radioed fellow troopers parked nearby who pulled over drivers not wearing a seat belt.
llevar razón  
be right
be in the right
 Publishers are right to be concerned about uncontrolled republication.
 She thinks she's always in the right and there is nothing wrong with how she's acting.
llevar retraso     
be late (for)
run + late
run behind + schedule
fall behind + schedule
lag behind + schedule
 Dexter Rundle went on: 'As I said I'm late for an appointment and have to go, but tell Ms. Lachaise that I'll be in touch with her'.
 Unfortunately, no one has ever done a study on just how much we Indonesians lose by consistently running late and performing inefficiently.
 The government's own data shows that around 50% of projects in the sector are running behind schedule.
 A project to build a critical oil pipeline in northern Iraq has fallen more than two years behind schedule.
 It's no secret that all Commonwealth Games sites are lagging behind schedule but the organisers are putting on a brave face.
llevar ropa puesta 
wear + clothing
 News of boundless timber reserves spread, and before long lumberjacks from the thinning hardwood forests of New England swarmed into the uncharted area with no other possessions than their axes and brawn and the clothing they wore.
llevar rumbo de colisión con 
be on a collision course with
 Is the library without walls on a collision course with the 1976 copyright act?.
llevarse  [Verbo irregular: pasado took, participio taken]     [Generalmente en carro o carreta]     
take away
cream off
haul away
make off with
take + Nombre + away
be in
get away with
walk off with
 If we take Cindi, Albert will almost surely grieve.
 For example, books close to the door and the circulation desk may be intended for the user who merely wishes to make a swift selection of items to take away and read elsewhere.
 Commercial vendors are completely outside conventional library systems, and might cream off the profitable end of the document supply market.
 City workers carried out orders to burn some of the library books, while others were buried with the aid of a bulldozer; the remaining books were loaded on trucks and hauled away to trash dumps on the outskirts of the city.
 In England, this job fell to the nightmen, who came after dark to cart the city waste into the countryside for fertilizer.
 A thief has evaded one of the world's most expensive hi-tech security systems, and made off with £14.5m worth of diamonds.
 The wizard then took him away hypnotized, so that he wouldn't put up resistance, to a nearby city where he made him into his servant = Entonces, el hechicero se lo llevó hipnotizado, para que no opusiera resistencia, a una ciudad cercana donde lo convirtió en su criado.
 Like them or not, plaits are still in.
 A jeweler says thieves who smashed their way into his store and got away with rings are in for a surprise when they find out they are made of brass.
 Police caught three drunken house burglars walking off with their loot in carrier-bags, a court was told.
llevarse a Alguien al huerto  [Expresión usada con menos frecuencia que lead + Nombre + up the garden path]  [Expresión usada con más frecuencia que lead + Nombre + down the garden path]
lead + Nombre + down the garden path
lead + Nombre + up the garden path
 Intelligent individuals often think that they cannot behave stupidly, but that is precisely what leads them down the garden path.
 Very often, he simply followed his nose to see where it led; sometimes leading him up the garden path, and sometimes bringing really useful results.
llevarse a casa 
take + Nombre + home
 She has no faith in doctors, blames his paralysis on black magic and wishes to take him home so the curse can be lifted by faqirs.
llevarse a las mil maravillas con + Nombre 
get on with + Nombre + swimmingly
 She had counseled kindness and understanding (coupled with a little divination!), and got on with him swimmingly.
llevarse a las mis maravillas 
get along/on + like a house on fire
 But Salman and I got along like a house on fire from day one.
llevarse a matar   
be at each other's throats
be at one another's throats
be at daggers drawn (with)
 What keeps you riveted to the action of his plays or movies is the certain knowledge that sooner or later these characters will be at each other's throats.
 But as tension mounts, the president and prime minister are at one another's throats.
 Throughout Mr Blair's time in office Mr Mandelson and Mr Brown were at daggers drawn.
llevarse bien     
hit it off
be on good terms
be on friendly terms
be on close terms
have + a good relationship with
 As the two began to connect well and hit it off, the contact between the two increased to a rate of at least once a week.
 Tulisa was happy to get the call and they made up and were on good terms by the end of the call.
 But reducing a small workplace entails the excruciating task of laying off people you know well and are on friendly terms with.
 There's always a way out if you move with times and are on close terms with the computer technologies.
 This tends to work best if both persons have similar convictions of faith and have a good relationship with the spiritual advisor.
llevarse bien con   
get along with
get along + well with
get on with
 In spite of their protestations to the contrary, most bosses prefer subordinates whom they get along with, who cause them no anxiety, who quietly accept their decisions, who praise them.
 I don't get along well with people in general, but some of the ones I do get along with are of the opposite sex.
 Maria is having great difficulty getting on with her parents because of their blind, consumerist approach to life.
llevarse bien con Alguien 
get on with + Pronombre Personal
 She had counseled kindness and understanding (coupled with a little divination!), and got on with him swimmingly.
llevarse como el perro y el gato  
be at each other's throats
be at one another's throats
 What keeps you riveted to the action of his plays or movies is the certain knowledge that sooner or later these characters will be at each other's throats.
 But as tension mounts, the president and prime minister are at one another's throats.
llevarse el gato al agua   [De manera inesperada, sin ser lo previsto]     [De manera inesperada, sin ser lo previsto]
steal + Posesivo + show
steal + the limelight
the nod + go to
steal + Posesivo + thunder
steal + Posesivo + scene
steal + the spotlight
 The article is entitled 'Did Paris Steal the Show for American Library Innovations?'.
 Little in general is said about the retrieval side of the systems: document analysis has stolen the limelight.
 In a tie, the data suggests the nod would go to search engines = En igualdad de condiciones, los datos nos dan a entender que serían los buscadores los que ganarían el pulso, en última instancia.
 She said some of the most hurtful things a person could say and it was all because she was afraid I was going to steal her thunder.
 But once again her little sister, famous as Kate if not more, is stealing her scene.
 It is her big screen debut tonight, so Katy Perry would have wanted to ensure nobody stole the spotlight.
llevarse el mérito 
take + the credit (for)
 And he isn't one to squander an opportunity to take credit for an operation that will piss off Washington.
llevarse el susto de + Posesivo + vida 
have + the scare of + Posesivo + life
 A teacher had the scare of her life yesterday when a man walked into the staff-room, held a knife at her and then demanded money.
llevarse la fama 
take + the credit (for)
 And he isn't one to squander an opportunity to take credit for an operation that will piss off Washington.
llevarse la palma   [De manera inesperada, sin ser lo previsto]        [De manera inesperada, sin ser lo previsto]
sweep + the board
steal + the limelight
steal + Posesivo + show
take + the biscuit
take + the cake
come out on + top
steal + Posesivo + thunder
steal + Posesivo + scene
steal + the spotlight
 It has obtained a quota of twelve awards in an area where purely technologically-based programmes are used to sweeping the board.
 Little in general is said about the retrieval side of the systems: document analysis has stolen the limelight.
 The article is entitled 'Did Paris Steal the Show for American Library Innovations?'.
 The one thing which takes the biscuit is the fact they use a cardboard cutout which is strapped upon another actor's body.
 Health care workers take the cake for high absenteeism.
 The real story here is that no matter which format ultimately comes out on top, the battle will be long and protracted, with both formats existing side by side for some time.
 She said some of the most hurtful things a person could say and it was all because she was afraid I was going to steal her thunder.
 But once again her little sister, famous as Kate if not more, is stealing her scene.
 It is her big screen debut tonight, so Katy Perry would have wanted to ensure nobody stole the spotlight.
llevárselo el viento 
blow away
 Over time, much of the original grassland was either plowed and planted or trampled to dust, causing the topsoil to dry up and blow away.
llevarse los problemas a casa 
bring + problems home
 'I'm getting tired of it, really, and my bringing these problems home to my husband every night is not at all helpful, you know what I mean?' She lowered her voice.
llevarse mal 
be on bad terms
 He thinks her mother used witchcraft against him and they are on bad terms.
llevarse por delante  
be carried along
sweep away
 We are carried along in a stream - some are aware of the invisible forces pulling them, others float without a thought as to where the current is taking them.
 Librarians should ensure that the principles they stand for are not swept away on a tide of technological jingoism.
llevarse una desilusión  
be gutted
feel + gutted
 Makosi admitted she was gutted to lose the contest.
 I can't help but feel gutted that people who would give their right arm to be there probably won't get tickets.
llevarse una (gran) sorpresa 
be in for a (big) surprise
 A jeweler says thieves who smashed their way into his store and got away with rings are in for a surprise when they find out they are made of brass.
llevarse un chasco    
be gutted
feel + gutted
be disappointed
get + disappointed
 Makosi admitted she was gutted to lose the contest.
 I can't help but feel gutted that people who would give their right arm to be there probably won't get tickets.
 'I'd be disappointed to learn that my boss or subordinates - or peers for that matter - told tales out of school about me to others'.
 Its not that he fails to deliver his promises, people just take them and blow them out of proportion, and then get disappointed.
llevarse un golpe 
cop + a whack
 There was a time when copping a whack on the bottom was part and parcel of growing up as a child.
llevarse un palo  
be gutted
feel + gutted
 Makosi admitted she was gutted to lose the contest.
 I can't help but feel gutted that people who would give their right arm to be there probably won't get tickets.
llevarse un susto de muerte 
have + the scare of + Posesivo + life
 A teacher had the scare of her life yesterday when a man walked into the staff-room, held a knife at her and then demanded money.
llevar sobre la espalda 
carry on + Posesivo + shoulders
 But we cannot carry the world on our shoulders and change the whole world.
llevar sobre los hombros 
carry on + Posesivo + shoulders
 But we cannot carry the world on our shoulders and change the whole world.
llevar tiempo    
take + time
take + a while
take + long
absorb + time
 The drawbacks of this form are its limited flexibility, and the time taken in maintenance.
 I will agree that it takes quite a while to sensitize yourself to the implications of the use of chairman.
 A longer abstract can help in the finer points of selection, but will take longer to write and also longer to scan.
 While staff should be able to perform some routine tasks, such as the replacement of bulbs in microfilm readers, the maintenance and adjustment of equipment should not be allowed to absorb staff time.
llevar tiempo y esfuerzo 
take + time and effort
 The transition will take considerable time and effort.
llevar (todas) las de perder 
odds + be stacked against
 The important moral crux at the heart of the novel 'The debt collector' is that the odds are stacked against the rehabilitation of violent criminals.
llevar todas las de perder 
not have a leg to stand on
 Some lightbulb companies are still dragging their heels on the energy-saving lightbulb issue, but they haven't a leg to stand on.
llevar una cruz 
suffer from + a curse
 Watt suffered in generous measure from that curse which descends upon all bibliographers who are not severely self disciplined.
llevar una empresa 
run + a business
 It was also a demonstration that the people running the business have absolutely no idea what they are doing when it comes to security.
llevar una eternidad 
take + ages (and ages)
 The shop assistant would take ages to find the right shoes.
llevar una vida + Ajetivo 
lead + an + Adjetivo + existence
 And so, from its hardscrabble beginnings to immediate time, Wexler has lead a varied existence, changing from shipping point for fruit to resting place for travelers = Y por lo tanto, desde sus comienzos difíciles hasta el presente, Wexler ha llevado una vida variada, pasando de ser un centro de recepción y envío de fruta a un lugar de descanso para los viajeros.
llevar una vida arriesgada  
live + dangerously
live + dangerously close to the edge
 Life is to be lived dangerously and to the full.
 He was a caustic yet perceptive actor-comedian who lived dangerously close to the edge both on stage and off.
llevar una vida de perros 
lead + a dog's life
 Leading 'a dog's life' has taken on an entirely new meaning for some of today's lucky canines who live in the lap of luxury.
llevar una vida miserable 
live + wretched existence
 In this sense the book resembles one of Solzhenitsyn's novels about one good day in the life of one of Stalin's victims living out a wretched existence in a Siberian prison camp.
llevar un diario de trabajo 
keep + diary
 Sometimes it is wise for the rater to base judgment on written notes or a diary kept over a period of time.
llevar un minuto 
take + minute
 With this size of file, the compilation of the hash table takes several minutes, but once built, it can produce very rapid results.
llevar un negocio  
conduct + a business
run + a business
 It is essential to remember that acquisitions librarianship like bookselling is a business and should be conducted as such.
 It was also a demonstration that the people running the business have absolutely no idea what they are doing when it comes to security.
manera de llevar a cabo  
way of going about
way to go about
 There are many ways of promoting anti-discriminatory practice and many ways of going about it.
 I think he outlined the feasible way to go about meeting our needs without doing in anybody else in the process.
modo de llevar cabo 
way to go about
 I think he outlined the feasible way to go about meeting our needs without doing in anybody else in the process.
no llevar a ninguna parte 
achieve + nothing
 The physical effort of keeping tabs on people as well as the distasteful practice of checking up on staff output achieves nothing and may do considerable damage.
no llevar a ningún fin   
beat + a dead horse
flog + a dead horse
fart in + the wind
 Despite all the written and spoken words, and the charge that to even raise the issue now is to beat a dead horse, there are, regrettably, a host of continuing problems in the area of fairness of headings.
 When Harries refuted the view that Africans were 'helpless cogs in the wheels of capitalist industrialization,' he was flogging a dead horse.
 Loving people is like farting in the wind; you don't actually accomplish anything, but you feel better.
no llevar a ningún sitio 
go + nowhere
 Sometimes the major threads of his argument get lost in blow-by-blow accounts of political debates that go nowhere.
pasar llevando 
take through
 Library security systems, it appears, do not affect disks that are taken through in the normal way, though the disks should not be placed in or near the checkout unit or left close to the exit barriers.
que se lleva gestando hace tiempo 
 The long-simmering row between Dialog Information Services and Chemical Abstracts Services has broken out into declared war.
restaurante de comida para llevar 
 Lenton has lots of takeaways, off-licenses, pubs, a cinema, video shop, florist and a number of locally owned businesses.
ser cómodo de llevar 
have + a cushy ride
 Because the boat is light for its size it may not have a cushy ride, but there is no doubt about its seaworthiness.
viajar llevando un mochila 
 Includes an annotated bibliography of books covering rock climbing, winter sports, water sports, backpacking and mountain biking.
llevar a
llevar a 
  lead on to ; lead up to ; result (in) ; take + Nombre + back to ; usher into ; put + Nombre + on the (right) path to ; put + Nombre + on the (right) road to.
 A critical view taken of library consultants in general leads on to the identification of factors that will assist libraries in selecting consultants.
 The preliminary discussions and proposals which led up to the AACR, did start out with an attempt to fashion an ideology, a philosophical context, for those rules.
 Objective 1 results in what is known as a direct catalogue, because it gives direct access to a specific document.
 Becker takes the topic all the way back to the Coonskin Library and frontier days.
 After a quick tour of the facilities and after meeting a few staff members, Bibeau was ushered into the 'Board Room,' where he was introduced to the other remaining trustees.
 Playing sports can help you through tough periods and put you on the path to a healthy adult life.
 This book is a virtual encyclopaedia of information on success that will put you on the right road to a bright future.
llevar a + Estado Emocional
llevar a + Estado Emocional 
  send into + Estado Emocional.
 The letter sent Tomas Hernandez into a frenzy of conflicting reactions: ecstatic jubilation and ego-tripping, wild speculation and outrageous fantasy, compounded by confusion and indirection.
llevar Algo/Alguien a
llevar Algo/Alguien a 
  usher + Nombre + into.
 Library employees can transform their organisations into dynamic entities capable of ushering society into the Information Age.

Trends of use of llevar



The term «llevar» is very widely used and occupies the 922 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «llevar» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of llevar
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «llevar».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «llevar» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «llevar» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about llevar



Famous quotes and sentences with the word llevar.
A. R. J. Turgot
La gente escrupulosa no es adecuada para llevar a cabo grandes negocios.
Alexis De Tocqueville
La vida no es placer ni dolor, sino un negocio muy serio que nos ha sido encomendado y que debemos llevar honrosamente hasta el fin.
Hay que ser remero antes de llevar el timón, haber estado en la proa y observado los vientos antes de gobernar la nave.
Georg C. Lichtenberg
Es casi imposible llevar la antorcha de la verdad a través de una multitud sin chamuscarle la barba a alguien.
Guy Mollet
La coalición es el arte de llevar el zapato derecho en el pie izquierdo sin que salgan callos.
Tu propio interés te sirve mejor no dejándote llevar por él.
Marqués De Vauvenargues
Para llevar a cabo grandes empresas hay que vivir como si nunca se hubiera de morir.
Pierre Marie Quitard
Para ir a un litigio hace falta llevar tres sacos: un saco de papeles, un saco de dinero y un saco de paciencia.
Viajero, no hagas larga la estancia en una ciudad donde las madres ofrezcan el escándalo de hacer llevar a sus niños sobre el seno de una esclava.
Proverbio Árabe
Un libro es como llevar un jardín en el bolsillo.


Bien vengáis, con tal que algo traigáis; y mal, si algo os queréis llevar.
Cada uno quiere llevar el agua a su molino y dejar en seco el de su vecino.
Casar, casar: bueno es de mentar y malo de llevar.
Chupar y figurar es fácil de llevar.
En casa del abad, comer y llevar.
Es llevar agua a la mar, adonde hay mucha más.
Llevar a Jerez vino es desatino.
Llevar adarga, para vivir vida larga.
Llevar agua a la mar y loco estar, son a la par.
Llevar agua a la mar, necio afanar.


Discover the use of llevar in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to llevar and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Dignidad para llevar
¿Qué pasa cuando ignoras todas las señales de advertencia de una relación imposible? ¿Cómo puedes vivir cuando tienes un terrible miedo a estar sola y por lo tanto la imperiosa necesidad de estar con quien sea? ¿Y cuando quieres ser ...
Rocío Hernández Gómez, 2011
177 maneras de llevar a una mujer al séptimo cielo
En amor basta con muy poco: mucha ternura, y un poquito de generosidad y fantasía. Cualidades que poseéis sin sospecharlo siquiera y que con este libro van a manifestarse. (Margot Saint-Loup)
Margot Saint-Loup, 2001
Cómo llevar al caballo
Cómo solventar dos de los problemas más habituales con que se encuentran los propietarios de caballos y ponis
Kelly Marks, 2009
Como Llevar Fruto en la Familia de Dios
"Firmemente arraigados y sobreedificados en el y confirmados por la fe, asi como habeis sido ensenados, abundando en acciones de gracias"Colosenses 2:7
Baptist Spanish Publishing House, 2001
Llevar la esperanza: Primeros escritos
Los escritos recogidos en este volumen pertenecen a un período de cerca de quince años, desde 1951 hasta 1964, y se sitúan, por tanto, en los comienzos de la obra de monseñor Luigi Giussani, fundador de Comunión y Liberación.
Luigi Giussani, 1998
¿Dónde me quieres llevar, Señor?: Reflexiones sobre el ...
¿Se puede saber realmente lo que Dios quiere de nosotros? ¿Cómo conseguirlo? ¿Creemos oír a Dios cuando somos nosotros mismos los que nos respondemos las preguntas que nos hemos planteado?
Jean-Guy Saint-Arnaud, 2006
La magia de los Ángeles: Cómo llevar la magia Angélica a tu vida
Todos podemos llevar la magia y el poder de los ángeles a nuestra vida.
Margaret Neylon, 2002
Un Lugar Celestial: Palabras de Amor Para Llevar Un Poco de ...
With her inspirational outlook on the issues facing young adults today, America's #1 Christian pop singer brings her message of morality, spirituality, and Christian values to America's Spanish-speaking community.
Jaci Velasquez, Thom Granger, 1998
Dejarse llevar
Se habían propuesto terminar con todas las inhibiciones que quedaban entre ellos... si Becky era capaz de aprender a dejarse llevar.
Sarah Mccarty, 2012
Manual práctico de usos y dudas del español II
5 llevar / traer llevar [transportar, conducir algo desde un lugar a otro distinto de aquel donde se está, o alejado de aquel al que se refiere el que habla,; tolerar, sufrir2; tener puesta alguna ropa3; con indicadores de tiempo, haberlo pasado en ...
Waldo Pérez Cino, 2002


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term llevar is used in the context of the following news items.
MINSAP recomienda a enfermeros llevar sus propios alimentos a ...
Los trabajadores de la salud enviados a Jamaica han recibido un memo que les indica llevar arroz, frijoles, café, cigarros, hornillas eléctricas, cubiertos y sus ... «Martí Noticias, Aug 16»
"¿Tendrías inconveniente en llevar escote?", la pregunta machista ...
La oferta era para un bar de Avilés, en Asturias, y el dueño le preguntó a la chica si habría algún inconveniente en llevar escote, la joven le espetó que eso no ... «LA SEXTA NOTICIAS, Aug 16»
Conoce los beneficios de S-Health para llevar una vida saludable
S-Health es la aplicación dedicada a la salud de los dispositivos Samsung. La idea es que lleves un registro preciso y ordenado de tu actividad física, tus ... «ENTER.CO, Jul 16»
Nueva lucha por llevar a Tony Blair ante la justicia
Esta semana, los familiares de los soldados fallecidos iniciaron una campaña para recoger los fondos mínimos, 196 mil dólares, para llevar el caso ante la corte ... «Hispan TV, Jul 16»
La Policía de Oklahoma City podrá llevar su fusil personal al trabajo
La Policía de Oklahoma City, la capital del estado de Oklahoma (EEUU), permitirá que sus agentes lleven sus fusiles personales al trabajo con el fin de que «se ... «ABC.es, Jul 16»
Llevar a los hijos al campamento ¿Sí o No?
Llevar, o no, a los niños a un campamento de verano puede no ser una decisión fácil debido a que muchos padres tienen miedo de que sus hijos lo pasen mal. «www.infosalus.com, Jul 16»
Si viajas con niños en verano, no te olvides de llevar esto en la maleta
Además, los niños no deben ocupar los asientos delanteros y si se marean es conveniente llevar bolsas de plástico y evitar comidas copiosas antes del viaje. «www.infosalus.com, Jul 16»
Esta es la carcasa para iPhone que jamás deberías llevar
Si tienes un mínimo de sentido común sabrás que hay cosas que no debes decir en el control de seguridad de un aeropuerto, ni siquiera como broma, ... «OKDIARIO, Jul 16»
Primeras multas de hasta 9.200 euros en Suiza por llevar burka
Una mujer suiza, que se ha convertido al Islam, y un hombre de negocios franco-argelino en la ciudad de Locarno, en el cantón del Tesino, fueron multados ... «ABC.es, Jul 16»
3 aplicaciones gratuitas para llevar un control de lo que comes
La aplicación nos permite llevar un registro de lo que comemos, de forma que podamos controlar las calorías ingeridas a lo largo del día. Y no solo eso, ya que ... «WWWhat's new?, Jun 16»



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